38 research outputs found

    Potential CSA and CIS options for scaling in Senegal

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    This is a presentation by AICCRA Senegal on the occasion of the Marché des Innovations et des Technologies Agricoles (MITA) 2023, a CORAF initiative. An opportunity for the AICCRA Coordinator to present the best gender- and nutrition-sensitive agricultural innovations promoted by the project in Senegal

    Climate information services in Africa: Experience from AICCRA Project in Senegal

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    This document is a presentation on climate information services in Africa: Experience of the AICCRA project in Senegal. It provides a summary of the AICCRA Senegal project, its intended impacts, the services provided and the decision support tools such as iSTA and Agdatahub developed within the AICCRA framework

    Building resilient crop-livestock farming systems in Senegal

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    The Senegalese agricultural and livestock sector is the main economic activity representing approximately 17% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and employing 70% of the population. Around 350,000 families nationwide carry out livestock breeding activities, representing nearly 30% of Senegalese farmers. Limited agricultural production conditions, characterized by poor soils and weather conditions, limited access to advisory services, and poor-quality agricultural inputs and insufficient infrastructure contribute to Senegal’s inability to satisfy its food needs. Consequently, the country depends on food imports

    Rapport d'atelier de diffusion et de partage de la prévision saisonnière des précipitations de 2023

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    Le Mardi 09 mai 2023, s’est tenu à l’hôtel ONOMO de Dakar, l’atelier de présentation des résultats de la prévision saisonnière des précipitations et des écoulements des cours d’eau au Sénégal pour l’hivernage 2023. Cet atelier, organisé par le Cadre National des Service Climatologiques (CNSC), piloté par l’Agence nationale de l’Aviation civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM), a vu la participation des membres des différents sectoriels du CNSC, de la presse et des organisations faîtières

    Atelier de formation des agents de vulgarisation et d’appui conseils (ANCAR et services techniques vétérinaires) sur les techniques de conduite alimentaire des exploitations d’élevage et la formulation des rations

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    Le projet "Accélérer les impacts de la recherche climatique du CGIAR pour l'Afrique (AICCRA)" est une initiative de 3 ans (2021 _2023) financée par la Banque mondiale et actuellement coordonnée par l'ILRI. Le projet AICCRA s'articule autour de trois composantes principales, à savoir : (1) le développement d'une base de données agricoles et d'un outil d'aide à la décision ; (2) le renforcement des capacités des acteurs pour une production durable à travers l'application d'informations basées sur le climat au Sénégal et ; (3) la promotion, la validation et l'adoption de techniques d'Agriculture Intelligente face au Climat (AIC) en Afrique. Au Sénégal, l'ISRA, l'ANACIM et l'ANCAR sont les principaux partenaires de mise en œuvre en collaboration avec les centres du CGIAR, notamment l'ICRISAT, l'ILRI et le CIAT, et doivent travailler en étroite collaboration avec les différents acteurs des chaînes de valeur agricoles sélectionnées (producteurs, fournisseurs d'intrants, entreprises de TIC, transformateurs et médias). Suite à l’identification et à la priorisation des chaines de valeur, cinq prioritaires à savoir l’Arachide, le Mil, le Niébé, la Viande bovine et Lait sur lesquels le projet doit faire focus ont été retenues en 2021. Les activités de mise en œuvre ont commencé pleinement en 2022 avec trois clusters (Thiel, Daga Birame, et Meouane respectivement) à travers 20 villages dans trois zones agro-écologiques

    Responses of Upland NERICA Rice to Fertiliser Application and Fallow Management in Different Agro-Ecological Zones of Benin Republic

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    Recent findings reported that introduction of legumes as an intercrop or in rotation to minimize external inputs can reverse the declining of soil fertility in upland rice agrosystem and so improve the productive capacity of farms. The objectives of the study were to assess (1) the effects of rotation of upland rice with other crops, of fertiliser application and of rice varieties on rice yield and (2) the interaction effects of rotation, fertiliser application and variety on rice production. An experiment was carried out from 2011 to 2012 in 2 zones in Benin Republic, West Africa. Three rice rotation treatments were established where in the year preceding rice cropping the following pre-crops were grown: (1) natural fallow regrowth (2) sole cowpea crop and (3) cowpea/maize intercrop. The following year, 3 NERICA varieties were cultivated in the three pre-crop treatments with and without fertiliser application. With respect to combined effect of NP mineral fertiliser and rotation, a consistent increase in rice yield over all varieties was only observed with maize-cowpea intercrop preceding rice in the Guinean zone. Improved fallow with cowpea combined with fertiliser was beneficial for NERICA 2 and NERICA 4 in the Sudano –Guinean zone and with NERICA 1 and NERICA 4 in the Guinean zone. Rice in rotation with maize-cowpea intercrop and in combination with NP mineral fertiliser can easily fit into the current smallholder farming systems under rain-fed conditions in the Guinean zone, but is not recommendable for the Sudano- Guinean zone

    AICCRA Country Scaling Vision: Senegal

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    By the end of 2023, AICCRA Senegal aims to reach and have positive impacts on over 300k farmers and value chain players through the delivery of climate informed agro-advisories, building on enhanced climate information services (CIS), and new/improved climate smart agricultural (CSA) packages and technologies. The strategy for this scaling vision uses multiple pathways and is achieved through partnerships with the National Agricultural, Research and Extension Services (NARES) and private sector in Senegal. A conceptual framework for this vision is adapted from the Scan tool following Jacobs et al. (2018)

    Risk, behavior asymmetries and willingness to adopt co-produced climate-informed advisory for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in Senegal

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    This study aims to develop tailored and context specific climate advisories that engage community perceptions, local knowledge and livelihood patterns for climate risk and uncertainty management in livestock farming

    Optimizing the performance of cattle fattening to rescue drought-hit farmers in Senegal

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    Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) helps deliver a climate smart African future driven by science and innovation in agriculture. The initiative works to make climate information services and climate smart agriculture more accessible to millions of smallholder farmers across Africa. With better access to technology and advisory services, farmers can better anticipate climate-related events to take preventative action that helps their communities safeguard livelihoods and the environment. AICCRA has teams in six countries: Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia, who work in four key areas – knowledge, partnerships, innovation and gender and social inclusion

    National action plan on gender, climate change and agriculture in Senegal

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    The main objective of this report is to support the development of a national action plan on gender and climate change for Senegal. It examines gender inequalities and will assess the status, gaps and opportunities for women to advocate for gender equality in Senegal. In doing so, the action plan demonstrates the value of a gender-sensitive approach in the various sectors of the fight against climate change, and the alignment with the policies of Senegal and Africa in terms of gender and climate chang