655 research outputs found

    The effect of grading the atomic number at resistive guide element interface on magnetic collimation

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    Using 3 dimensional numerical simulations, this paper shows that grading the atomic number and thus the resistivity at the interface between an embedded high atomic number guide element and a lower atomic number substrate enhances the growth of a resistive magnetic field. This can lead to a large integrated magnetic flux density, which is fundamental to confining higher energy fast electrons. This results in significant improvements in both magnetic collimation and fast-electron-temperature uniformity across the guiding. The graded interface target provides a method for resistive guiding that is tolerant to laser pointing

    Calibrating the relation of low-frequency radio continuum to star formation rate at 1 kpc scale with LOFAR

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    9 figures, 6 tables and 17 pages. This paper is part of the LOFAR surveys data release 1 and has been accepted for publication in a special edition of A&A that will appear in Feb 2019, volume 622. The catalogues and images from the data release will be publicly available on lofar-surveys.org upon publication of the journal. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2018 ESO.Radio continuum (RC) emission in galaxies allows us to measure star formation rates (SFRs) unaffected by extinction due to dust, of which the low-frequency part is uncontaminated from thermal (free-free) emission. We calibrate the conversion from the spatially resolved 140 MHz RC emission to the SFR surface density (ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR}) at 1 kpc scale. We used recent observations of three galaxies (NGC 3184, 4736, and 5055) from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS), and archival LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) data of NGC 5194. Maps were created with the facet calibration technique and converted to radio ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} maps using the Condon relation. We compared these maps with hybrid ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} maps from a combination of GALEX far-ultraviolet and Spitzer 24 μm\mu\rm m data using plots tracing the relation at 1.2×1.21.2\times 1.2-kpc2^2 resolution. The RC emission is smoothed with respect to the hybrid ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} owing to the transport of cosmic-ray electrons (CREs). This results in a sublinear relation (ΣSFR)RC[(ΣSFR)hyb]a(\Sigma_{\rm SFR})_{\rm RC} \propto [(\Sigma_{\rm SFR})_{\rm hyb}]^{a}, where a=0.59±0.13a=0.59\pm 0.13 (140 MHz) and a=0.75±0.10a=0.75\pm 0.10 (1365 MHz). Both relations have a scatter of σ=0.3 dex\sigma = 0.3~\rm dex. If we restrict ourselves to areas of young CREs (α>0.65\alpha > -0.65; IνναI_\nu \propto \nu^\alpha), the relation becomes almost linear at both frequencies with a0.9a\approx 0.9 and a reduced scatter of σ=0.2 dex\sigma = 0.2~\rm dex. We then simulate the effect of CRE transport by convolving the hybrid ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} maps with a Gaussian kernel until the RC-SFR relation is linearised; CRE transport lengths are l=1l=1-5 kpc. Solving the CRE diffusion equation, we find diffusion coefficients of D=(0.13D=(0.13-1.5)×1028cm2s11.5) \times 10^{28} \rm cm^2\,s^{-1} at 1 GeV. A RC-SFR relation at 1.41.4 GHz can be exploited to measure SFRs at redshift z10z \approx 10 using 140140 MHz observations.Peer reviewe

    ACBAR: The Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver

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    We describe the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR); a multifrequency millimeter-wave receiver designed for observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in clusters of galaxies. The ACBAR focal plane consists of a 16-pixel, background-limited, 240 mK bolometer array that can be configured to observe simultaneously at 150, 220, 280, and 350 GHz. With 4-5' FWHM Gaussian beam sizes and a 3 degree azimuth chop, ACBAR is sensitive to a wide range of angular scales. ACBAR was installed on the 2 m Viper telescope at the South Pole in January 2001. We describe the design of the instrument and its performance during the 2001 and 2002 observing seasons.Comment: 59 pages, 16 figures -- updated to reflect version published in ApJ

    The Robinson Gravitational Wave Background Telescope (BICEP): a bolometric large angular scale CMB polarimeter

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    The Robinson Telescope (BICEP) is a ground-based millimeter-wave bolometric array designed to study the polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) and galactic foreground emission. Such measurements probe the energy scale of the inflationary epoch, tighten constraints on cosmological parameters, and verify our current understanding of CMB physics. Robinson consists of a 250-mm aperture refractive telescope that provides an instantaneous field-of-view of 17 degrees with angular resolution of 55 and 37 arcminutes at 100 GHz and 150 GHz, respectively. Forty-nine pair of polarization-sensitive bolometers are cooled to 250 mK using a 4He/3He/3He sorption fridge system, and coupled to incoming radiation via corrugated feed horns. The all-refractive optics is cooled to 4 K to minimize polarization systematics and instrument loading. The fully steerable 3-axis mount is capable of continuous boresight rotation or azimuth scanning at speeds up to 5 deg/s. Robinson has begun its first season of observation at the South Pole. Given the measured performance of the instrument along with the excellent observing environment, Robinson will measure the E-mode polarization with high sensitivity, and probe for the B-modes to unprecedented depths. In this paper we discuss aspects of the instrument design and their scientific motivations, scanning and operational strategies, and the results of initial testing and observations.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III, Proceedings of SPIE, 6275, 200

    Reflection of intense laser light from microstructured targets as a potential diagnostic of laser focus and plasma temperature

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    The spatial-intensity profile of light reflected during the interaction of an intense laser pulse with a microstructured target is investigated experimentally and the potential to apply this as a diagnostic of the interaction physics is explored numerically. Diffraction and speckle patterns are measured in the specularly reflected light in the cases of targets with regular groove and needle-like structures, respectively, highlighting the potential to use this as a diagnostic of the evolving plasma surface. It is shown, via ray-tracing and numerical modelling, that for a laser focal spot diameter smaller than the periodicity of the target structure, the reflected light patterns can potentially be used to diagnose the degree of plasma expansion, and by extension the local plasma temperature, at the focus of the intense laser light. The reflected patterns could also be used to diagnose the size of the laser focal spot during a high-intensity interaction when using a regular structure with known spacing

    Enhancing relativistic electron beam propagation through the use of graded resistivity guides

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    We show, using three dimensional hybrid particle-in-cell simulations, that fast electron transport is improved in a resistive guide when using a linear decreasing gradient in the resistivity between the guide and substrate. We observe increased heating-at-depth along the guide and significantly reduced heating inhomogeneity. These improvements result from an increase in the width of the collimating magnetic field, improving fast electron confinement and limiting the growth of magnetic fields in the interior of the guide