12 research outputs found

    Entropy Stable Finite Volume Approximations for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics

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    This article serves as a summary outlining the mathematical entropy analysis of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. We select the ideal MHD equations as they are particularly useful for mathematically modeling a wide variety of magnetized fluids. In order to be self-contained we first motivate the physical properties of a magnetic fluid and how it should behave under the laws of thermodynamics. Next, we introduce a mathematical model built from hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) that translate physical laws into mathematical equations. After an overview of the continuous analysis, we thoroughly describe the derivation of a numerical approximation of the ideal MHD system that remains consistent to the continuous thermodynamic principles. The derivation of the method and the theorems contained within serve as the bulk of the review article. We demonstrate that the derived numerical approximation retains the correct entropic properties of the continuous model and show its applicability to a variety of standard numerical test cases for MHD schemes. We close with our conclusions and a brief discussion on future work in the area of entropy consistent numerical methods and the modeling of plasmas

    Contrasting meta-learning and hyper-heuristic research: the role of evolutionary algorithms

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    The fields of machine meta-learning and hyper-heuristic optimisation have developed mostly independently of each other, although evolutionary algorithms (particularly genetic programming) have recently played an important role in the development of both fields. Recent work in both fields shares a common goal, that of automating as much of the algorithm design process as possible. In this paper we first provide a historical perspective on automated algorithm design, and then we discuss similarities and differences between meta-learning in the field of supervised machine learning (classification) and hyper-heuristics in the field of optimisation. This discussion focuses on the dimensions of the problem space, the algorithm space and the performance measure, as well as clarifying important issues related to different levels of automation and generality in both fields. We also discuss important research directions, challenges and foundational issues in meta-learning and hyper-heuristic research. It is important to emphasize that this paper is not a survey, as several surveys on the areas of meta-learning and hyper-heuristics (separately) have been previously published. The main contribution of the paper is to contrast meta-learning and hyper-heuristics methods and concepts, in order to promote awareness and cross-fertilisation of ideas across the (by and large, non-overlapping) different communities of meta-learning and hyper-heuristic researchers. We hope that this cross-fertilisation of ideas can inspire interesting new research in both fields and in the new emerging research area which consists of integrating those fields

    Zitatenanalyse mit den Journal Citation Reports des Institute for Scientific Information.

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