1,311 research outputs found

    ATOM: model-driven autoscaling for microservices

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    Microservices based architectures are increasinglywidespread in the cloud software industry. Still, there is ashortage of auto-scaling methods designed to leverage the uniquefeatures of these architectures, such as the ability to indepen-dently scale a subset of microservices, as well as the ease ofmonitoring their state and reciprocal calls.We propose to address this shortage with ATOM, a model-driven autoscaling controller for microservices. ATOM instanti-ates and solves at run-time a layered queueing network model ofthe application. Computational optimization is used to dynami-cally control the number of replicas for each microservice and itsassociated container CPU share, overall achieving a fine-grainedcontrol of the application capacity at run-time.Experimental results indicate that for heavy workloads ATOMoffers around 30%-37% higher throughput than baseline model-agnostic controllers based on simple static rules. We also find thatmodel-driven reasoning reduces the number of actions needed toscale the system as it reduces the number of bottleneck shiftsthat we observe with model-agnostic controllers

    Configurational theory and practices of firms employing multiple pricing policies: assessing effective and ineffective pricing recipes in multiple firm contexts

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    This study examines the presence and impact of complex alternative organizational configurations of pricing on firm performance. The dataset is from a survey of company owners and company CEOs, of which a subsample was used previously and analyzed with multiple regression analysis. Analyzing an enlarged dataset that includes new data using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) supports the perspective that multiple price policy paths are identifiable for indicating high performance for different firm operational contexts. By applying the perspective of complex interdependences of specific pricing activities and specific organizational configurations related to pricing, this study offers a nuanced contribution to marketing theory. To practicing managers, this study offers guidance for adopting specific configurations of pricing policies in specific contexts for achieving high firm performance as well as guidance on which configurations indicate negative firm performance outcomes

    Depression and mortality: Artifact of measurement and analysis?

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    Background Previous research demonstrates various associations between depression, cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence and mortality, possibly as a result of the different methodologies used to measure depression and analyse relationships. This analysis investigated the association between depression, CVD incidence (CVDI) and mortality from CVD (MCVD), smoking related conditions (MSRC), and all causes (MALL), in a sample data set, where depression was measured using items from a validated questionnaire and using items derived from the factor analysis of a larger questionnaire, and analyses were conducted based on continuous data and grouped data. Methods Data from the PRIME Study (N=9798 men) on depression and 10-year CVD incidence and mortality were analysed using Cox proportional hazards models. Results Using continuous data, both measures of depression resulted in the emergence of positive associations between depression and mortality (MCVD, MSRC, MALL). Using grouped data, however, associations between a validated measure of depression and MCVD, and between a measure of depression derived from factor analysis and all measures of mortality were lost. Limitations Low levels of depression, low numbers of individuals with high depression and low numbers of outcome events may limit these analyses, but levels are usual for the population studied. Conclusions These data demonstrate a possible association between depression and mortality but detecting this association is dependent on the measurement used and method of analysis. Different findings based on methodology present clear problems for the elucidation and determination of relationships. The differences here argue for the use of validated scales where possible and suggest against over-reduction via factor analysis and grouping. CrownCopyright © 2013PublishedbyElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved

    Methemoglobinemia: An unusual cause of postoperative cyanosis

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    AbstractMethemoglobinemia, although rare, must be considered in surgical patients presenting with acute respiratory distress and cyanosis. We report two cases of methemoglobinemia in patients undergoing aortic reconstruction. The first patient developed methemoglobinemia while on a nitroglycerin infusion, and the second after receiving benzocaine spray before intubation. Both patients were treated with methylene blue and ascorbic acid, with resolution of their hypoxia and cyanosis. The pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of methemoglobinemia are reviewed

    Strong coupling between single-electron tunneling and nano-mechanical motion

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    Nanoscale resonators that oscillate at high frequencies are useful in many measurement applications. We studied a high-quality mechanical resonator made from a suspended carbon nanotube driven into motion by applying a periodic radio frequency potential using a nearby antenna. Single-electron charge fluctuations created periodic modulations of the mechanical resonance frequency. A quality factor exceeding 10^5 allows the detection of a shift in resonance frequency caused by the addition of a single-electron charge on the nanotube. Additional evidence for the strong coupling of mechanical motion and electron tunneling is provided by an energy transfer to the electrons causing mechanical damping and unusual nonlinear behavior. We also discovered that a direct current through the nanotube spontaneously drives the mechanical resonator, exerting a force that is coherent with the high-frequency resonant mechanical motion.Comment: Main text 12 pages, 4 Figures, Supplement 13 pages, 6 Figure

    How mobile technologies support business models: Case study-based empirical analysis

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    [Otros] Les technologies mobiles ont poussĂ© la connectivitĂ© des systĂšmes informatiques Ă  la limite, permettant aux personnes et aux objets de se connecter les uns aux autres Ă  tout moment. La quantitĂ© d'informations dont disposent les entreprises a augmentĂ© de façon exponentielle, en grande partie grĂące Ă  la gĂ©olocalisation et Ă  la vaste gamme de capteurs intĂ©grĂ©s dans les appareils mobiles. Ces informations peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer les activitĂ©s et les processus mĂ©tier, mais Ă©galement pour crĂ©er de nouveaux modĂšles d'affaires. En nous concentrant sur les modĂšles d'affaires, nous analysons les technologies mobiles comme catalyseurs des changements d'activitĂ©. Nous examinons les caractĂ©ristiques distinctives des technologies mobiles et examinons comment cellesÂżci peuvent supporter diffĂ©rentes fonctions de l'entreprise. Une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur une analyse qualitative comparĂ©e d'ensemble floue (fsQCA) de 30 cas, de diffĂ©rents secteurs, a permis d'identifier les facteurs de succĂšs de la technologie mobile pour diffĂ©rentes activitĂ©s du cƓur de mĂ©tier des firmes. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que plusieurs combinaisons de technologie mobile procurent un avantage concurrentiel lorsqu'elles correspondent au modĂšle d'affaire.[EN] Mobile technologies have pushed the connectivity of IT systems to the limit, enabling people and things to connect to one another at all times. The amount of information companies have at their disposal has increased exponentially, thanks largely to geolocation and to the vast array of sensors that have been integrated into mobile devices. This information can be used to enhance business activities and processes, but it can also be used to create new business models. Focusing on business models, we analyze mobile technologies as enablers of activity changes. We consider the differentiating characteristics of mobile technologies and examine how these can support different business functions. A study based on fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of 30 cases across different industries allows us to identify mobile technology success factors for different core activities. The results show that several combinations of mobile technology initiatives provide a competitive advantage when these initiatives match the business model.Peris-Ortiz, M.; Devece Carañana, CA.; Hikkerova, L. (2020). How mobile technologies support business models: Case study-based empirical analysis. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Administration. 37(1):95-105. https://doi.org/10.1002/cjas.1550S95105371Al-Debei, M. M., & Avison, D. (2010). Developing a unified framework of the business model concept. European Journal of Information Systems, 19(3), 359-376. doi:10.1057/ejis.2010.21Arlotto, J., Sahut, J.-M., & Teulon, F. (2011). Le concept de Business Model au travers de la littĂ©rature. Gestion 2000, 28(4), 33. doi:10.3917/g2000.284.0033Clemons, E. K. (2009). Business Models for Monetizing Internet Applications and Web Sites: Experience, Theory, and Predictions. Journal of Management Information Systems, 26(2), 15-41. doi:10.2753/mis0742-1222260202Comberg, C., & Velamuri, V. K. (2017). The introduction of a competing business model: the case of eBay. International Journal of Technology Management, 73(1/2/3), 39. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2017.082356Coursaris C. Hassanein H. &Head M. (2006).Mobile technologies and the value chain: Participants activities and value creation(p. 8) sInternational Conference on Mobile Business Copenhagen Denmark.Ehrenhard, M., Wijnhoven, F., van den Broek, T., & Zinck Stagno, M. (2017). Unlocking how start-ups create business value with mobile applications: Development of an App-enabled Business Innovation Cycle. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 115, 26-36. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.09.011European Parliament(2015).The Internet of things: Opportunities and challenges. Retrieved fromwww.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2015/557012/EPRS_BRI(2015)557012_EN.pdfGurrin, C., Smeaton, A. F., & Doherty, A. R. (2014). LifeLogging: Personal Big Data. Foundations and TrendsÂź in Information Retrieval, 8(1), 1-125. doi:10.1561/1500000033HĂŒbner, A. H., Kuhn, H., & Wollenburg, J. (2016). Last mile fulfilment and distribution in omni-channel grocery retailing: a strategic planning framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44(3). doi:10.1108/ijrdm-11-2014-0154Kauffman, R. J., & Wang, B. (2008). Tuning into the digital channel: evaluating business model characteristics for Internet firm survival. Information Technology and Management, 9(3), 215-232. doi:10.1007/s10799-008-0040-3Liang, T., Huang, C., Yeh, Y., & Lin, B. (2007). Adoption of mobile technology in business: a fit‐viability model. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(8), 1154-1169. doi:10.1108/02635570710822796Martinez-Simarro, D., Devece, C., & Llopis-Albert, C. (2015). How information systems strategy moderates the relationship between business strategy and performance. Journal of Business Research, 68(7), 1592-1594. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.01.057Mello P.A.(2012).A critical review of applications in QCA and fuzzy‐set analysis and a ‘toolbox' of proven solutions to frequently encountered problems APSA Annual Meeting Paper. Retrieved fromhttps://ssrn.com/abstract=2105539Melville, Kraemer, & Gurbaxani. (2004). Review: Information Technology and Organizational Performance: An Integrative Model of IT Business Value. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 283. doi:10.2307/25148636Ngai, E. W. T., & Gunasekaran, A. (2007). Mobile commerce: Strategies, technologies, and applications. Decision Support Systems, 43(1), 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2005.05.002Palattella, M. R., Dohler, M., Grieco, A., Rizzo, G., Torsner, J., Engel, T., & Ladid, L. (2016). Internet of Things in the 5G Era: Enablers, Architecture, and Business Models. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(3), 510-527. doi:10.1109/jsac.2016.2525418Pateli, A. G., & Giaglis, G. M. (2005). Technology innovation‐induced business model change: a contingency approach. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18(2), 167-183. doi:10.1108/09534810510589589Piccoli, & Ives. (2005). Review: IT-Dependent Strategic Initiatives and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature. MIS Quarterly, 29(4), 747. doi:10.2307/25148708Porter M. E.(2001).Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review March 63–78.Ragin C. C.(2008).User's Guide to Fuzzy‐Set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Working Paper University of Arizona Arizona.Ray, G., Barney, J. B., & Muhanna, W. A. (2003). Capabilities, business processes, and competitive advantage: choosing the dependent variable in empirical tests of the resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 25(1), 23-37. doi:10.1002/smj.366Richter, C., Kraus, S., & SyrjĂ€, P. (2015). The shareconomy as a precursor for digital entrepreneurship business models. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25(1), 18. doi:10.1504/ijesb.2015.068773Schneider, M. R., Schulze-Bentrop, C., & Paunescu, M. (2009). Mapping the institutional capital of high-tech firms: A fuzzy-set analysis of capitalist variety and export performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(2), 246-266. doi:10.1057/jibs.2009.36Sheng, H., Nah, F. F.-H., & Siau, K. (2005). Strategic implications of mobile technology: A case study using Value-Focused Thinking. 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    Imaging Coulomb Islands in a Quantum Hall Interferometer

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    In the Quantum Hall regime, near integer filling factors, electrons should only be transmitted through spatially-separated edge states. However, in mesoscopic systems, electronic transmission turns out to be more complex, giving rise to a large spectrum of magnetoresistance oscillations. To explain these observations, recent models put forward that, as edge states come close to each other, electrons can hop between counterpropagating edge channels, or tunnel through Coulomb islands. Here, we use scanning gate microscopy to demonstrate the presence of quantum Hall Coulomb islands, and reveal the spatial structure of transport inside a quantum Hall interferometer. Electron islands locations are found by modulating the tunneling between edge states and confined electron orbits. Tuning the magnetic field, we unveil a continuous evolution of active electron islands. This allows to decrypt the complexity of high magnetic field magnetoresistance oscillations, and opens the way to further local scale manipulations of quantum Hall localized states

    Analysis of Geometric Accuracy and Thickness Reduction in Multistage Incremental Sheet Forming using Digital Image Correlation

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    Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is a freeform manufacturing method whereby a 3D geometry is created by progressively deforming a metal sheet with a single point tool following a defined trajectory. The thickness distribution of a formed part is a major consideration of the process and is believed to be improved by forming the geometry in multiple stages. This paper describes a series of experiments in which truncated cone geometries were formed using two multistage methods and compared to the same geometry formed using the traditional single stage method. The geometric accuracy and thickness distributions, including 3D thickness distribution plots, of each are examined using digital image correlation (DIC). The data collected indicate that multistage forming, compared to single stage forming, has a significant effect on the geometric accuracy of the processed sheets. Moreover, the results of the experiments conducted in this paper show that sheets processed with multistage forming do not have a uniform sheet thickness reduction, rather they have a parabolic-like thickness distribution in the processed region

    Iterative Learning Control of Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming Process using Digital Image Correlation

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    Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming (SPIF) is a versatile forming process that has gained significant traction over the past few decades. Its increased formability, quick part adaption, and reduced set-up costs make it an economical choice for small batch and rapid prototype forming applications when compared to traditional stamping processes. However, a common problem with the SPIF process is its tendency to produce high geometric error due to the lack of supporting dies and molds. While geometric error has been a primary focus of recent research, it is still significantly larger for SPIF than traditional forming processes. In this paper, the convergence behavior and the ability to reduce geometric error using a simple Iterative Learning Control (ILC) algorithm is studied with two different forming methods. For both methods a tool path for the desired reference geometry is generated and a part is formed. A Digital Image Correlation (DIC) system takes a measurement and the geometric error along the tool path is calculated. The ILC algorithm then uses the geometric error to alter the tool path for the next forming iteration. The first method, the Single Sheet Forming (SSF) method, performs each iteration on the same sheet. The second method, the Multi Sheet Forming (MSF) method, performs each iteration on a newly replaced sheet. Multiple experiments proved the capability of each method at reducing geometric error. It was concluded that using the MSF method allows for negative corrections to the forming part and, therefore, leads to better final part accuracy. However, this method is less cost effective and more time consuming than using the standard SSF methodology. In addition, it was found that in order to effectively correct a part with an ILC algorithm, steps must be taken to increase the controllability of the part geometry
