5,242 research outputs found

    Before and After Snowden

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    This editorial for the Surveillance and Security Intelligence After Snowden issue provides a very brief history of National Security Agency whistleblowers and investigations before Edward Snowden, and sets the current wave of NSA whistleblowing in the context of a growing demand for openness, transparency and accountability opposing the renewed closures and secrecy of the War on Terror. It also provides some links for further research and reading

    Protein kinase C is essential for viability of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Protein kinase C constitutes a family of serine-threonine kinases found in all eukaryotes and implicated in a wide range of cellular functions, including regulation of cell growth, cellular differentiation and immunity. Here, we present three independent lines of evidence which indicate that protein kinase C is essential for viability of Magnaporthe oryzae. First, all attempts to generate a target deletion of PKC1, the single copy protein kinase C-encoding gene, proved unsuccessful. Secondly, conditional gene silencing of PKC1 by RNA interference led to severely reduced growth of the fungus, which was reversed by targeted deletion of the Dicer2-encoding gene, MDL2. Finally, selective kinase inhibition of protein kinase C by targeted allelic replacement with an analogue-sensitive PKC1(AS) allele led to specific loss of fungal viability in the presence of the PP1 inhibitor. Global transcriptional profiling following selective PKC inhibition identified significant changes in gene expression associated with cell wall re-modelling, autophagy, signal transduction and secondary metabolism. When considered together, these results suggest protein kinase C is essential for growth and development of M. oryzae with extensive downstream targets in addition to the cell integrity pathway. Targeting protein kinase C signalling may therefore prove an effective means of controlling rice blast disease.This work was funded by a BBSRC CASE PhD studentship to TJP with support from Syngenta and a European Research Council, Advanced Investigator Award to NJT under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 294702 GENBLAST

    Using the UM dynamical cores to reproduce idealised 3-D flows

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences UnionWe demonstrate that both the current (New Dynamics), and next generation (ENDGame) dynamical cores of the UK Met Office global circulation model, the UM, reproduce consistently, the long-term, large-scale flows found in several published idealised tests. The cases presented are the Held-Suarez test, a simplified model of Earth (including a stratosphere), and a hypothetical tidally locked Earth. Furthermore, we show that using simplifications to the dynamical equations, which are expected to be justified for the physical domains and flow regimes we have studied, and which are supported by the ENDGame dynamical core, also produces matching long-term, large-scale flows. Finally, we present evidence for differences in the detail of the planetary flows and circulations resulting from improvements in the ENDGame formulation over New Dynamics.We would like to thank Paul Ullrich and Kevin Heng for their valuable comments, when reviewing this manuscript. We would also like to thank Tom Melvin for his expert advice, and both Charline Marzin and Douglas Boyd for technical help. This work is supported by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no. 247060) and by the Consolidated STFC grant ST/J001627/1. This work is also partly supported by the Royal Society award WM090065. The calculations for this paper were performed on the DiRAC Facility jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS, and the University of Exeter

    UK survey of non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMURx) as a valuable source of general population illicit drug use data.

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    PURPOSE OF STUDY: The aim of the study is to describe the prevalence of illicit drug use in England and Wales using data from the UK Survey of Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs (NMURx) programme and to compare against the well-established Crime Survey England and Wales (CSEW). The rationale is that recreational and illicit drug use is common, but the prevalence is difficult to estimate with personal interviewing methods. STUDY DESIGN: We compared two cross-sectional population surveys (NMURx, n=8903 and CSEW, n=20 685) with data regarding self-reported recreational drug use and demographics. NMURx is an online survey using non-probability sampling methodology with preset demographical quotas based on census data. CSEW surveys drug use via computer-assisted self-interviewing as part of a computer-assisted personal-interviewing crime survey. RESULTS: Cannabis was the most frequently used drug regardless of demographics. Prevalence of drug use for specific substances was generally higher for males, younger ages and students. The relationship between income and drug misuse is less clear. Self-reported prevalence of drug use in the NMURx survey is consistently higher than CSEW (absolute difference 1%-3 % across substances and timescales) and persists after stratification for gender, age, student status and household income. CONCLUSIONS: The NMURx survey has a broad reach of participants, and a sampling scheme that achieves external validity, compared with general population demographics. NMURx's online format allows flexibility in items surveyed and in response to emerging trends. The self-reported drug use in the NMURx cohort is comparable, although slightly higher, than the CSEW estimates

    The molecular dimension of microbial species: 1. Ecological distinctions among, and homogeneity within, putative ecotypes of Synechococcus inhabiting the cyanobacterial mat of Mushroom Spring, Yellowstone National Park

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    © 2015 Becraft, Wood, Rusch, Kühl, Jensen, Bryant, Roberts, Cohan and Ward. Based on the Stable Ecotype Model, evolution leads to the divergence of ecologically distinct populations (e.g., with different niches and/or behaviors) of ecologically interchangeable membership. In this study, pyrosequencing was used to provide deep sequence coverage of Synechococcus psaA genes and transcripts over a large number of habitat types in the Mushroom Spring microbial mat. Putative ecological species (putative ecotypes), which were predicted by an evolutionary simulation based on the Stable Ecotype Model (Ecotype Simulation), exhibited distinct distributions relative to temperature-defined positions in the effluent channel and vertical position in the upper 1 mm-thick mat layer. Importantly, in most cases variants predicted to belong to the same putative ecotype formed unique clusters relative to temperature and depth in the mat in canonical correspondence analysis, supporting the hypothesis that while the putative ecotypes are ecologically distinct, the members of each ecotype are ecologically homogeneous. Putative ecotypes responded differently to experimental perturbations of temperature and light, but the genetic variation within each putative ecotype was maintained as the relative abundances of putative ecotypes changed, further indicating that each population responded as a set of ecologically interchangeable individuals. Compared to putative ecotypes that predominate deeper within the mat photic zone, the timing of transcript abundances for selected genes differed for putative ecotypes that predominate in microenvironments closer to upper surface of the mat with spatiotemporal differences in light and O2 concentration. All of these findings are consistent with the hypotheses that Synechococcus species in hot spring mats are sets of ecologically interchangeable individuals that are differently adapted, that these adaptations control their distributions, and that the resulting distributions constrain the activities of the species in space and time

    Assessment of the Variability in Influenza A(H1N1) Vaccine Effectiveness Estimates Dependent on Outcome and Methodological Approach

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    Estimation of Influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) varies with study design, clinical outcome 10 considered and statistical methodology used. By estimating VE using differing outcomes and 11 statistical methods on the same cohort of individuals the variability in the estimates produced can 12 be better understood. The Pandemic Influenza Primary Care Reporting (PIPeR) cohort of approximately 193,000 individuals 14 was used to estimate pandemic VE in Scotland during season 2009-10. VE results for three 15 outcomes; influenza related consultations, virological confirmed influenza and death were 16 considered. Use of individualised records allowed all models to be adjusted for age, sex, 17 deprivation, risk status relating to chronic illnesses, seasonal vaccination status and a marker of the 18 individual’s propensity to consult. For the consultation and death outcomes, VE was calculated by 19 comparing consultation rates in the unvaccinated and vaccinated groups, adjusted for the listed 20 factors, using both Cox and Poisson regression models. For the consultation outcome, the 21 unvaccinated group was split into individuals before vaccination and those never vaccinated to allow 22 for potential differences in the health seeking behaviour of these groups. For the virology outcome 23 estimates were calculated using a generalised additive logistic regression model. All models were 24 adjusted for time. Vaccine effect was demonstrated for the influenza-like illness consultation outcome using the Cox 26 model (VE=49% 95% CI (19%, 67%)) with lower estimates from the model splitting the before and 27 never vaccinated groups (VE=34.2% with 95% CI (-0.5%, 58.9%)). Vaccine effect was also illustrated 28 for overall mortality (VE=40% (95% CI 18%, 56%)) and a virological confirmed subset of symptomatic 29 individuals (VE=60% (95% CI -38%, 89%))

    Long-term effects of chronic light pollution on seasonal functions of European blackbirds (turdus merula)

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    Light pollution is known to affect important biological functions of wild animals, including daily and annual cycles. However, knowledge about long-term effects of chronic exposure to artificial light at night is still very limited. Here we present data on reproductive physiology, molt and locomotor activity during two-year cycles of European blackbirds (Turdus merula) exposed to either dark nights or 0.3 lux at night. As expected, control birds kept under dark nights exhibited two regular testicular and testosterone cycles during the two-year experiment. Control urban birds developed testes faster than their control rural conspecifics. Conversely, while in the first year blackbirds exposed to light at night showed a normal but earlier gonadal cycle compared to control birds, during the second year the reproductive system did not develop at all: both testicular size and testosterone concentration were at baseline levels in all birds. In addition, molt sequence in light-treated birds was more irregular than in control birds in both years. Analysis of locomotor activity showed that birds were still synchronized to the underlying light-dark cycle. We suggest that the lack of reproductive activity and irregular molt progression were possibly the results of i) birds being stuck in a photorefractory state and/or ii) chronic stress. Our data show that chronic low intensities of light at night can dramatically affect the reproductive system. Future studies are needed in order to investigate if and how urban animals avoid such negative impact and to elucidate the physiological mechanisms behind these profound long-term effects of artificial light at night. Finally we call for collaboration between scientists and policy makers to limit the impact of light pollution on animals and ecosystems

    Altered SMRT levels disrupt vitamin D3 receptor signalling in prostate cancer cells.

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    We hypothesized that key antiproliferative target genes for the vitamin D receptor (VDR) were repressed by an epigenetic mechanism in prostate cancer cells resulting in apparent hormonal insensitivity. To explore this possibility, we examined nuclear receptor corepressor expression in a panel of nonmalignant and malignant cell lines and primary cultures, and found frequently elevated SMRT corepressor mRNA expression often associated with reduced sensitivity to 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1alpha,25(OH)2D3). For example, PC-3 and DU-145 prostate cancer cell lines had 1.8-fold and twofold increases in SMRT mRNA relative to normal PrEC cells (P<0.05). Similarly, 10/15 primary tumour cultures (including three matched to normal cells from the same donors) had elevated SMRT mRNA levels; generally NCoR1 and Alien were not as commonly elevated. Corepressor proteins often have associated histone deacetylases (HDAC) and reflectively the antiproliferative action of 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 can be restored by cotreatment with low doses of HDAC inhibitors such as trichostatin A (TSA, 15 nM) to induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cell lines. To decipher the transcriptional events that lead to these cellular responses, we undertook gene expression studies in PC-3 cells after cotreatment of 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 plus TSA after 6 h. Examination of known VDR target genes and cDNA microarray analyses revealed cotreatment of 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 plus TSA cooperatively upregulated eight (out of 1176) genes, including MAPK-APK2 and GADD45alpha. MRNA and protein time courses and inhibitor studies confirmed these patterns of regulation. Subsequently, we knocked down SMRT levels in PC-3 cells using a small interfering RNA (siRNA) approach and found that GADD45alpha induction by 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 alone became very significantly enhanced. The same distortion of gene responsiveness, with repressed induction of GADD45alpha was found in primary tumour cultures compared and to matched peripheral zone (normal) cultures from the same donor. These data demonstrate that elevated SMRT levels are common in prostate cancer cells, resulting in suppression of target genes associated with antiproliferative action and apparent 1alpha,25(OH)2D3-insensitivity. This can be targeted therapeutically by combination treatments with HDAC inhibitors

    The Inadequate Treatment of Pain: Collateral Damage from the War on Drugs

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    Jason Nickerson and Amir Attaran examine the vast inequities in medical pain relief around the world and argue that the global control of licit narcotics be shifted from the International Narcotic Control Board to WHO