4,937 research outputs found

    Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of Allen Carr's Easyway programme versus Lambeth and Southwark NHS for smoking cessation.

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    INTRODUCTION: Smoking is a major cause of ill health and is associated with several diseases including cancer, coronary heart disease and stroke. Many psychological and pharmacological smoking cessation treatments are available and although they are undoubtedly the most cost-effective health interventions available, many people still fail to maintain cessation in the longer term. Recently, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence called for comparative studies to determine the short-term and long-term effectiveness of Allen Carr's Easyway (ACE) method of stopping smoking. This study will compare the efficacy of the ACE programme and a 1-1 counselling service available via the National Health Service. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A two-arm, parallel-group, blinded, randomised controlled trial will be conducted with people who smoke tobacco cigarettes, are aged ≥18 years and are motivated to quit. Exclusion criteria comprise self-reported mental health condition, pregnancy or respiratory disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema. The primary treatment outcome is smoking cessation 26 weeks after treatment. Participants will be analysed on an intention to treat basis at the point of randomisation. Before being randomised, the research team will not inform participants which two treatments are being compared. Once randomised researchers will be blinded to participant condition, and participants will be blinded to the condition they are not assigned to. Logistic regression will be used to estimate the effectiveness of the treatment condition on smoking cessation at 26 weeks. The following covariates will be included: baseline quit efficacy (at inclusion), age (at inclusion), gender and baseline nicotine dependency. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Approval was granted by London-Fulham Research Ethics Committee (ref: 16/LO/1657). The study's findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at national and international conferences. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier number: NCT02855255. ISRCTN registration number: ISRCTN23584477; Pre-results

    Tropical belt width proportionately more sensitive to aerosols than greenhouse gases

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    The tropical belt has widened during the last several decades, and both internal variability and anthropogenic forcings have contributed. Although greenhouse gases and stratospheric ozone depletion have been implicated as primary anthropogenic drivers of tropical expansion, the possible role of other drivers remains uncertain. Here, we analyze the tropical belt width response to idealized perturbations in multiple models. Our results show that absorbing black carbon (BC) aerosol drives tropical expansion, and scattering sulfate aerosol drives contraction. BC, especially from Asia, is more efficient per unit radiative forcing than greenhouse gases in driving tropical expansion, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Tropical belt expansion (contraction) is associated with an increase (decrease) in extratropical static stability induced by absorbing (scattering) aerosol. Although a formal attribution is difficult, scaling the normalized expansion rates to the historical time period suggests that BC is the largest driver of the Northern Hemisphere tropical widening but with relatively large uncertainty

    Use of Desulfovibrio and Escherichia coli Pd-nanocatalysts in reduction of Cr(VI) and hydrogenolytic dehalogenation of polychlorinated biphenyls and used transformer oil

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    BACKGROUND Desulfovibrio spp. biofabricate metallic nanoparticles (e.g. ‘Bio-Pd’) which catalyse the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and dehalogenate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Desulfovibrio spp. are anaerobic and produce H2S, a potent catalyst poison, whereas Escherichia coli can be pre-grown aerobically to high density, has well defined molecular tools, and also makes catalytically-active ‘Bio-Pd’. The first aim was to compare ‘Bio-Pd’ catalysts made by Desulfovibrio spp. and E. coli using suspended and immobilised catalysts. The second aim was to evaluate the potential for Bio-Pd-mediated dehalogenation of PCBs in used transformer oils, which preclude recovery and re-use.\ud RESULTS Catalysis via Bio-PdD. desulfuricans and Bio-PdE. coli was compared at a mass loading of Pd:biomass of 1:3 via reduction of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution (immobilised catalyst) and hydrogenolytic release of Cl- from PCBs and used transformer oil (catalyst suspensions). In both cases Bio-PdD. desulfuricans outperformed Bio-Pd E. coli by ~3.5-fold, attributable to a ~3.5-fold difference in their Pd-nanoparticle surface areas determined by magnetic measurements (Bio-PdD. desulfuricans) and by chemisorption analysis (Bio-PdE. coli). Small Pd particles were confirmed on D. desulfuricans and fewer, larger ones on E. coli via electron microscopy. Bio-PdD. desulfuricans-mediated chloride release from used transformer oil (5.6 ±\pm 0.8 μ\mug mL-1 ) was comparable to that observed using several PCB reference materials. \ud CONCLUSIONS At a loading of 1:3 Pd: biomass Bio-PdD. desulfuricans is 3.5-fold more active than Bio-PdE. coli, attributable to the relative catalyst surface areas reflected in the smaller nanoparticle sizes of the former. This study also shows the potential of Bio-PdD. desulfuricans to remediate used transformer oil

    The formation and function of the neutrophil phagosome.

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    Neutrophils are the most abundant circulating leukocyte and are crucial to the initial innate immune response to infection. One of their key pathogen-eliminating mechanisms is phagocytosis, the process of particle engulfment into a vacuole-like structure called the phagosome. The antimicrobial activity of the phagocytic process results from a collaboration of multiple systems and mechanisms within this organelle, where a complex interplay of ion fluxes, pH, reactive oxygen species, and antimicrobial proteins creates a dynamic antimicrobial environment. This complexity, combined with the difficulties of studying neutrophils ex vivo, has led to gaps in our knowledge of how the neutrophil phagosome optimizes pathogen killing. In particular, controversy has arisen regarding the relative contribution and integration of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase-derived antimicrobial agents and granule-delivered antimicrobial proteins. Clinical syndromes arising from dysfunction in these systems in humans allow useful insight into these mechanisms, but their redundancy and synergy add to the complexity. In this article, we review the current knowledge regarding the formation and function of the neutrophil phagosome, examine new insights into the phagosomal environment that have been permitted by technological advances in recent years, and discuss aspects of the phagocytic process that are still under debate

    The inhibition of plant and animal adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate phosphodiesterases by a cell-division-promoting substance from tissues of higher plant species.

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    One member of a new class of cell-division-promoting factors, that has been given the trivial name of cytokinesin I, is a potent inhibitor of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate phosphodiesterases of both plant and animal origin. Since an adenylate cyclase has been demonstrated in this study to be present in plant cells, the results suggest that cytokinesin I may be exerting its biological effects in promoting division in cells of higher plant species as a regulator of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate.published_or_final_versio

    Novel Host-Related Virulence Factors Are Encoded by Squirrelpox Virus, the Main Causative Agent of Epidemic Disease in Red Squirrels in the UK

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    Squirrelpox virus (SQPV) shows little evidence for morbidity or mortality in North American grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), in which the virus is endemic. However, more recently the virus has emerged to cause epidemics with high mortality in Eurasian red squirrels (S. vulgaris) in Great Britain, which are now threatened. Here we report the genome sequence of SQPV. Comparison with other Poxviridae revealed a core set of poxvirus genes, the phylogeny of which showed SQPV to be in a new Chordopoxvirus subfamily between the Molluscipoxviruses and Parapoxviruses. A number of SQPV genes were related to virulence, including three major histocomaptibility class I homologs, and one CD47 homolog. In addition, a novel potential virulence factor showing homology to mammalian oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) was identified. This family of proteins normally causes activation of an endoribonuclease (RNaseL) within infected cells. The putative function of this novel SQPV protein was predicted in silico

    A theory for the impact of a wave breaking onto a permeable barrier with jet generation

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    We model a water wave impact onto a porous breakwater. The breakwater surface is modelled as a thin barrier composed of solid matter pierced by channels through which water can flow freely. The water in the wave is modelled as a finite-length volume of inviscid, incompressible fluid in quasi-one-dimensional flow during its impact and flow through a typical hole in the barrier. The fluid volume moves at normal incidence to the barrier. After the initial impact the wave water starts to slow down as it passes through holes in the barrier. Each hole is the source of a free jet along whose length the fluid velocity and width vary in such a way as to conserve volume and momentum at zero pressure. We find there are two types of flow, depending on the porosity, ß , of the barrier. If ß : 0 = ß < 0.5774 then the barrier is a strong impediment to the flow, in that the fluid velocity tends to zero as time tends to infinity. But if ß : 0.5774 = ß = 1 then the barrier only temporarily holds up the flow, and the decelerating wave water passes through in a finite time. We report results for the velocity and impact pressure due to the incident wave water, and for the evolving shape of the jet, with examples from both types of impact. We account for the impulse on the barrier and the conserved kinetic energy of the flow. Consideration of small ß gives insight into the sudden changes in flow and the high pressures that occur when a wave impacts a nearly impermeable seawall

    The challenges and affordances of online participatory workshops in the context of young people's everyday climate crisis activism: insights from facilitators

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    Participatory workshops can provide an equitable way of working with diverse communities to co-produce new knowledge and understanding in the context of young people’s everyday climate crisis activism. Drawing on data from interviews with seven facilitators, we consider the specific affordances and challenges provided by participatory workshops that are held online with groups including young people and teachers. We highlight that the online format can provide a powerful methodological tool for co-production, community building and developing constructive intergenerational dialogue. Although online workshops can include diverse voices, barriers and challenges remain when seeking to reduce the persistent under-representation of some groups

    A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research

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    An understanding of animal behaviour is important if conservation initiatives are to be effective. However, quantifying the behaviour of wild animals presents significant challenges. Remote-sensing camera traps are becoming increasingly popular survey instruments that have been used to non-invasively study a variety of animal behaviours, yielding key insights into behavioural repertoires. They are well suited to ethological studies and provide considerable opportunities for generating conservation-relevant behavioural data if novel and robust methodological and analytical solutions can be developed. This paper reviews the current state of camera-trap-based ethological studies, describes new and emerging directions in camera-based conservation behaviour, and highlights a number of limitations and considerations of particular relevance for camera-based studies. Three promising areas of study are discussed: (1) documenting anthropogenic impacts on behaviour; (2) incorporating behavioural responses into management planning and (3) using behavioural indicators such as giving up densities and daily activity patterns. We emphasize the importance of reporting methodological details, utilizing emerging camera trap metadata standards and central data repositories for facilitating reproducibility, comparison and synthesis across studies. Behavioural studies using camera traps are in their infancy; the full potential of the technology is as yet unrealized. Researchers are encouraged to embrace conservation-driven hypotheses in order to meet future challenges and improve the efficacy of conservation and management processes

    Increased risk of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza infection in UK pig industry workers compared to a general population cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: Pigs are mixing vessels for influenza viral reassortment but the extent of influenza transmission between swine and humans is not well understood. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether occupational exposure to pigs is a risk factor for human infection with human and swine-adapted influenza viruses. METHODS: UK pig industry workers were frequency-matched on age, region, sampling month, and gender with a community-based comparison group from the Flu Watch study. HI assays quantified antibodies for swine and human A(H1) and A(H3) influenza viruses (titres≥40 considered seropositive and indicative of infection). Virus-specific associations between seropositivity and occupational pig exposure were examined using multivariable regression models adjusted for vaccination. Pigs on the same farms were also tested for seropositivity. RESULTS: 42% of pigs were seropositive to A(H1N1)pdm09. Pig industry workers showed evidence of increased odds of A(H1N1)pdm09 seropositivity compared to the comparison group, albeit with wide confidence intervals (CI), Adjusted Odds Ratio after accounting for possible cross reactivity with other swine A(H1) viruses (aOR) 25.3, 95% CI [1.4-536.3], p=0.028. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that A(H1N1)pdm09 virus was common in UK pigs during the pandemic and subsequent period of human A(H1N1)pdm09 circulation, and occupational exposure to pigs was a risk factor for human infection. Influenza immunization of pig industry workers may reduce transmission and the potential for virus reassortment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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