118 research outputs found

    Thermal strengthening of low‐expansion glasses and thin‐walled glass products by ultra‐fast heat extraction

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    Thermal strengthening remains the primary method for enhancing the practical strength of commodity glass products, however, the process is limited in terms of applicable glass thickness and coefficient of thermal expansion. The primary reasons for this limitation are the achievable heat transfer coefficient when using conventional gas cooling, and the occurrence of transient surface tension in the early stages of rapid quenching. We revisit this problem for the case of thin borosilicate glass sheet. Using liquid gallium as the cooling medium, ultra‐fast heat extraction is achieved, with a heat transfer coefficient exceeding 5000 Wm −2 K −1 . The low vapor pressure of gallium even at high temperatures enables preheating to a wide range of sheet entrant temperatures. We demonstrate thermal strengthening of low‐expansion borosilicate glass with persistent surface compression of up to 85 MPa, and quenching to a fictive temperature of ~190 K above the glass transition temperature. Glass sheet obtained in this way exhibits notably enhanced surface defect resistance to sharp indentation. In addition to thermal strengthening, the extraordinarily high heat extraction rates achieved by liquid metal immersion enable exploitation of high‐ T f glass properties beyond small and thin sample geometry

    Strain-rate sensitivity of glasses

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    AbstractWe report on the loading-rate dependence of localized plastic deformation in inorganic covalent, metallic, ionic and superionic glasses. For this, the strain-rate sensitivity is determined through instrumented nanoindentation in a load-controlled strain-rate jump test. Through relating the strain-rate sensitivity to the reduced temperature, the packing density, the network dimensionality and the average single bond strength of the system, a qualitative mechanistic description of the strain-mediating process is possible. A strong variability of strain-rate sensitivity is obtained only at intermediate values of packing density, network connectivity or bond strength, when other parameters such as chemical composition and specific structural arrangement are dominating the deformation process. On the other side, for high bond strength and connectivity or for high packing density, the strain-rate sensitivity of the considered glasses is always low, which is also confirmed through the dependence of strain-rate sensitivity on Poisson ratio. Here, only for glasses with a Poisson ratio of ~0.3–0.4 we observe a wide variability of the loading-rate dependence of local deformation. For higher or lower Poisson ratio, the observed dependence is always low: when the limiting factor in deformation is primarily network connectivity and bond strength or packing density, respectively, once an activation barrier is overcome, deformation is only weakly loading-rate-dependent. This is regardless of the height of the activation barrier. When approaching the glass transition temperature, high strain-rate sensitivity is observed only in glasses where non-Newtonian flow is expected also in the corresponding liquid

    Angular scattering pattern of femtosecond laser‐induced refractive index modifications in optical fibers

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    Abstract Focused femtosecond laser irradiation is used to induce light scattering modifications in the core of an optical fiber. This turns the fiber into a diffuse, line‐shaped light source. The scattering is investigated by imaging almost the full solid angle far‐field pattern for the first time. Additionally, an electromagnetic scattering model is developed to explain the observations. The findings herein change how the relationship between light scattering and the refractive index fluctuations is perceived by showing that the far‐field scattering pattern is the power spectral density of the polarization current inside the scattering center. Further, the authors contribute to a better estimation of the scattering process by showing that the total scattering power scales quadratically with the laser‐induced refractive index change and its volume

    Controlled formation of gold nanoparticles with tunable plasmonic properties in tellurite glass

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    Silicate glasses with metallic nanoparticles (NPs) have been of intense interest in art, science and technology as the plasmonic properties of these NPs equip glass with light modulation capability. The so-called striking technique has enabled precise control of the in situ formation of metallic NPs in silicate glasses for applications from coloured glasses to photonic devices. Since tellurite glasses exhibit the unique combination of comparably easy fabrication, low phonon energy, wide transmission window and high solubility of luminescent rare earth ions, there has been a significant amount of work over the past two decades to adapt the striking technique to form gold or silver NPs in tellurite glasses. Despite this effort, the striking technique has remained insufficient for tellurite glasses to form metal NPs suitable for photonic applications. Here, we first uncover the challenges of the traditional striking technique to create gold NPs in tellurite glass. Then, we demonstrate precise control of the size and concentration of gold NPs in tellurite glass by developing new approaches to both steps of the striking technique: a controlled gold crucible corrosion technique to incorporate gold ions in tellurite glass and a glass powder reheating technique to subsequently transform the gold ions to gold NPs. Using the Mie theory, the size, size distribution and concentration of the gold NPs formed in tellurite glass are determined from the plasmonic properties of the NPs. This fundamental research provides guidance for designing and manipulating the plasmonic properties in tellurite glass for photonics research and applications

    Lateral deformation and defect resistance of compacted silica glass: Quantification of the scratching hardness of brittle glasses

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    Human interaction with multimedia devices occurs predominantly over inorganic glass surfaces. Scratch-induced damage is a primary limitation in the suitability of brittle glasses for this purpose. However, neither truly quantitative data nor a topo-chemical understanding of the underlying deformation process which would allow for the development of improved materials is presently available. Here, we present lateral nano-indentation experiments for determining the work of deformation which is involved in the process of glass scratching. Using a series of hot-compressed vitreous silica with mild degrees of structural densification, we derive relations between quantitative scratch hardness and the underlying glass structure. We show that Young's modulus provides a clear rational for the observed variations in scratching hardness. In the specific case of silica, the energy needed to generate a certain scratch volume corresponds to roughly one tenth of Young's modulus. This relationship formally indicates that only about one tenth of the bonds which are involved in the deformation process are broken in its course. However, comparison with a more complex glass material with a certain fraction of two dimensional structural units and a strong ability for topological adaption to local stress clearly indicates a deviation from this behavior. This opens a pathway to topo-chemical engineering of scratch-resistant glasses
