Mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy for process and emission control in the glass melting industry : Part 2. Difference frequency generation based MIR laser spectrometer for glass melting furnaces


Emerging techniques of mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy offer potentially great sensitivity and selectivity for combustion control and emission monitoring. Beeause of that, a differenee frequency based mid-infrared absorption spectrometer has been considered for application in the glass industry. Based on preliminary tests within laboratory conditions, a spectrometer which operates at wavelengths around 5 μm was applied to online monitoring of the atmosphere of a gas fired glass melting furnace. The CO concentration was measured in order to demonstrate the feasibility of a mid-infrared absorption spectrometer for process control in the glass industry. Α series of measurements was performed in situ as well as crossing the recuperator entry, resulting in general advice on the construction of a prototype device

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