141 research outputs found

    Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection

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    The excavated architecture of the exceptional prehistoric site of Akrotiri on the Greek island of Thera/Santorini is endangered by gradual decay, damage due to accidents, and seismic shocks, being located on an active volcano in an earthquake-prone area. Therefore, in 2013 and 2014 a digital documentation project has been conducted with support of the National Geographic Society in order to generate a detailed digital model of Akrotiri’s architecture using terrestrial laser scanning and image-based modeling. Additionally, non-invasive geophysical prospection has been tested in order to investigate its potential to explore and map yet buried archaeological remains. This article describes the project and the generated results


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    [EN] While traditionally archaeological research has mainly been focused on individual cultural heritage monuments or distinct archaeological sites, the Austrian based Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology goes beyond the limitations of discrete sites in order to understand their archaeological context. This is achieved by investigating the space in-between the sites, studying entire archaeological landscapes from the level of individual postholes to the mapping of numerous square kilometres. This large-scale, high-resolution, multi-method prospection approach leads to enormous digital datasets counting many terabytes of data that until recently were technically not manageable. Novel programs and methods of data management had to be developed for data acquisition, processing and archaeological interpretation, in order to permit the extraction of the desired information from the very big amount of data. The analysis of the generated datasets is conducted with the help of semi-automatic algorithms within complex three-, or even four-dimensional geographical information systems. The outcome of landscape archaeological prospection surveys is visually communicated to the scientific community as well as to the general public and stakeholders. In many cases, a visualization of the scientific result and archaeological interpretations can be a powerful and suitable tool to illustrate and communicate even complex contexts to a wide audience. This paper briefly presents the great potential offered by a combination of large-scale non-invasive archaeological prospection methods and standardized workflows for the integration of big data, its interpretation and visualization. The proposed approach provides a context for buried archaeology across entire archaeological landscapes, changing our understanding of known monuments. We address the overcome and remaining challenges with the help of examples taken from outstanding landscape archaeological prospection case studies.[ES] Aunque tradicionalmente la investigación arqueológica ha estado fundamentalmente centrada en monumentos y yacimientos arqueológicos de forma individual, el Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology (Austria) va más allá de los límites de yacimientos particulares con el objetivo de entender su contexto arqueológico. Esto es conseguido mediante la investigación del espacio entre yacimientos y estudiando paisajes arqueológicos completos yendo desde un hoyo de poste hasta el mapeado de varios kilómetros cuadrados. El enfoque de prospección multi-metodológico a gran escala y de alta resolución conduce hacia un enorme conjunto de datos digital que incluye varios Terabytes de información los cuales no habían podido ser manipulados hasta hace poco debido a limitaciones tecnológicas. Por consiguiente, nuevos programas y métodos de gestión de datos han sido diseñados para la adquisición y procesado de datos así como interpretación arqueológica para así permitir la extracción de la información deseada desde estos enormes bancos de datos. El análisis de estos conjuntos de datos generados es llevado a cabo a través de análisis de sistemas de información geográfica tridimensionales e incluso cuatridimensionales. El resultado de la prospección de paisajes arqueológicos es transferido de forma visual a la comunididad científica así como al gran público e interesados en la materia. En muchos casos una visualización de los resultados científicos e interpretaciones arqueológicas puede ser una herramienta más poderosa y adecuada para ilustrar y comunicar contextos arqueológicos complejos a un público mayor. Este artículo presenta de forma breve el gran potencial ofrecido por la combinación de métodos de prospección arqueológica de gran resolución a gran escala y unos flujos de trabajo estandarizados para integración, interpretación y visualización de datos. La estrategía propuesta proporciona un contexto para restos arqueológicos enmarcados en paisajes arqueológicos que viene a cambiar nuestra forma de entender monumentos ya conocidos. Pretendemos también superar los desafios que quedan con la ayuda de ejemplos sacados de excepcionales paisajes arqueológicos que son nuestros estudios de caso a prospectar.Torrejón Valdelomar, J.; Wallner, M.; Trinks, I.; Kucera, M.; Luznik, N.; Löcker, K.; Neubauer, W. (2016). BIG DATA IN LANDSCAPE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROSPECTION. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 238-246. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.4200OCS23824

    A Measure of Obesity: BMI versus Subcutaneous Fat Patterns in Young Athletes and Nonathletes

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    Although the body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) is widely used as a surrogate measure of adiposity, it is a measure of excess weight, rather than excess body fat, relative to height. The BMI classification system is derived from cut points obtained from the general population. The influence of large muscle mass on BMI in athletes and young adults may misclassify these individuals as overweight and obese. Therefore, the use of subcutaneous adipose tissue topography (SAT-Top) may be more effective than BMI in assessing obesity in physically active people and young adults. The purposes of this study were 1) to describe the relationship between the BMI and SAT-Top of young athletes and nonathletes, and 2) to determine the accuracy of the BMI as a measure of overweight. Height, weight, BMI and SAT-Top were determined in 64 males (25.0±6.7) and 42 females (24.8±7.0), who were subsequently separated into two even groups (athletes and nonathletes). The optical Lipometer device was applied to measure the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT).While BMI was similar, male athletes showed a 50.3% lower total SAT thickness compared to their male nonathlete controls. Even though female athletes had significantly higher BMI and weight scores, their total SAT thickness was 34.9% lower than their nonathlete controls. These results suggest subcutaneous fat patterns are a better screening tool to characterize fatness in physically active young people

    Subcutaneous Fat Patterns in Type-2 Diabetic Men and Healthy Controls

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    The optical device LIPOMETER enables the non-invasive, quick, and save determination of the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue layers at any given site of the human body. The specification of 15 evenly distributed body sites allows the precise measurement of subcutaneous body fat distribution, so-called subcutaneous adipose tissue topography (SAT-Top). In the present paper we focus on SAT-Top of male type-2 diabetes patients (N=21), describing very precisely their special SAT development and their SAT-Top deviation from a healthy control group (N=111), applying factor analysis and ROC curves. Factor analysis revealed three independent subcutaneous body fat compartments, which can be summarised as »upper body«, »lower trunk« and »legs«. The upper body SAT-Top is much more pronounced in diabetic men compared to their healthy controls (p<0.001). Furthermore, high diagnostic power by ROC curve analysis was achieved by different measurement sites of the upper body and summary measures of upper body obesity (sum2, which is the sum of neck and biceps, provides: area index = 0.86, sensitivity = 81 %, specificity = 90.1 %, at an optimal cutoff value of 18.8 mm), ascribing a higher diabetes probability to subjects with a more upper body SAT-Top pattern. Calculating new ROC curves for diabetic patients with HBA1C values >8 (N=17) and their healthy controls (N=111) we received improved discrimination power for several SAT-Top body sites, especially for sum2, showing an area index of 0.91, a sensitivity of 94.1 %, and a specificity of 90.1 % at the optimal cutoff value of 18.8 mm. Concluding, the exact and complete description of the especial type 2 diabetic SAT pattern, which differs strongly from the SAT-Top of healthy controls, suggests the LIPOMETER technique combined with advanced statistical methods such as factor analysis and ROC curve analysis as a possible detecting tool for this disease

    Multidisciplinary investigation of the pit circuit at Durrington Walls, UK

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    ISBN: 9782753585874.– Comprehensive geophysical assessment of huge pits; ERT, GPR, mag and EM. – Novel approach to testing and interpreting pits via coring. – Largest pit circuit confirmed in both the Stonehenge landscape and the UK.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe