279 research outputs found

    Discriminative Transfer Learning for General Image Restoration

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    Recently, several discriminative learning approaches have been proposed for effective image restoration, achieving convincing trade-off between image quality and computational efficiency. However, these methods require separate training for each restoration task (e.g., denoising, deblurring, demosaicing) and problem condition (e.g., noise level of input images). This makes it time-consuming and difficult to encompass all tasks and conditions during training. In this paper, we propose a discriminative transfer learning method that incorporates formal proximal optimization and discriminative learning for general image restoration. The method requires a single-pass training and allows for reuse across various problems and conditions while achieving an efficiency comparable to previous discriminative approaches. Furthermore, after being trained, our model can be easily transferred to new likelihood terms to solve untrained tasks, or be combined with existing priors to further improve image restoration quality

    A Compressive Multi-Mode Superresolution Display

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    Compressive displays are an emerging technology exploring the co-design of new optical device configurations and compressive computation. Previously, research has shown how to improve the dynamic range of displays and facilitate high-quality light field or glasses-free 3D image synthesis. In this paper, we introduce a new multi-mode compressive display architecture that supports switching between 3D and high dynamic range (HDR) modes as well as a new super-resolution mode. The proposed hardware consists of readily-available components and is driven by a novel splitting algorithm that computes the pixel states from a target high-resolution image. In effect, the display pixels present a compressed representation of the target image that is perceived as a single, high resolution image.Comment: Technical repor

    Dynamics of Political Opinion Formation including Catastrophe Theory

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    After Nazism and Communism new forms of totalitarianism fostered by religious fundamentalism have arisen at the turn of the present century. In view of this fact we present a parsimonious quantitative model designed to shed some light on the dynamics of the formation of totalitarian systems. The model is constructed according to the principles of “sociodynamics” that belongs to the broad field of nonlinear dynamic systems theory (NDS). It comprises two order parameters and four trend parameters. All of them are socio-politically interpreted. Stationary, stagnant and revolutionary system-phases are exhibited in 10 scenarios. The relation to catastrophe theory is discussed

    Adaptive image synthesis for compressive displays

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    Recent years have seen proposals for exciting new computational display technologies that are compressive in the sense that they generate high resolution images or light fields with relatively few display parameters. Image synthesis for these types of displays involves two major tasks: sampling and rendering high-dimensional target imagery, such as light fields or time-varying light fields, as well as optimizing the display parameters to provide a good approximation of the target content. In this paper, we introduce an adaptive optimization framework for compressive displays that generates high quality images and light fields using only a fraction of the total plenoptic samples. We demonstrate the framework for a large set of display technologies, including several types of auto-stereoscopic displays, high dynamic range displays, and high-resolution displays. We achieve significant performance gains, and in some cases are able to process data that would be infeasible with existing methods.University of British Columbia (UBC Four Year Doctoral Fellowship)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Postdoctoral Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA SCENICC program)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Sloan Research Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA Young Faculty Award)University of British Columbia (Dolby Research Chair at UBC

    A large-deviations principle for all the components in a sparse inhomogeneous random graph

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    We study an inhomogeneous sparse random graph, GN, on [N] = { 1,...,N } as introduced in a seminal paper [BJR07] by Bollobás, Janson and Riordan (2007): vertices have a type (here in a compact metric space S), and edges between different vertices occur randomly and independently over all vertex pairs, with a probability depending on the two vertex types. In the limit N → ∞ , we consider the sparse regime, where the average degree is O(1). We prove a large-deviations principle with explicit rate function for the statistics of the collection of all the connected components, registered according to their vertex type sets, and distinguished according to being microscopic (of finite size) or macroscopic (of size ≈ N). In doing so, we derive explicit logarithmic asymptotics for the probability that GN is connected. We present a full analysis of the rate function including its minimizers. From this analysis we deduce a number of limit laws, conditional and unconditional, which provide comprehensive information about all the microscopic and macroscopic components of GN. In particular, we recover the criterion for the existence of the phase transition given in [BJR07]

    Truly efficient parallel algorithms: 1-optimal multisearch for an extension of the BSP model

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    AbstractIn this paper we design and analyse parallel algorithms with the goal to get exact bounds on their speed-ups on real machines. For this purpose we define an extension of Valiant's BSP model, BSP∗, that rewards blockwise communication, and use Valiant's notion of 1-optimality. Intuitively, a 1-optimal parallel algorithm for p processors achieves speed-up close to p. We consider the Multisearch Problem: Assume a strip in 2D to be partitioned into m segments. Given n query points in the strip, the task is to locate, for each query, its segment. For m ⩽n⩾ p we present a deterministic BSP∗ algorithm that is 1-optimal, if np⩾log2n. For m>n⩾p, we present a randomized BSP∗ algorithm that is l-optimal with high probability, if m⩽2p and n/p⩾log3n. Both results hold for a wide range of BSP∗ parameters where the range becomes larger with growing input size n. We further report on implementation work. Previous parallel algorithms for Multisearch were far away from being 1-optimal in our model and did not consider blockwise communication

    Lateral-torsional Buckling of Ferritic Stainless Steel Beams in Case of Fire

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    audience: researcherThis work presents a numerical study of the behaviour of ferritic stainless steel Ibeams subjected to lateral-torsional buckling and compares the obtained results with the beam design curves of Eurocode 3. New formulae, for the lateraltorsional buckling, that approximate better the real behaviour of ferritic stainless steel structural elements in case of fire are proposed. These new formulae were based on numerical simulations using the program SAFIR, which was modified to take into account the material properties of the stainless steel

    Bericht der Wissenschaftlergruppe der Arbeitsgruppe Benchmarking über Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Beschäftigungschancen gering qualifizierter Arbeitnehmer

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    Die Teilnehmer am Bündnis für Arbeit, Ausbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit haben der Arbeitsgruppe Benchmarking den Auftrag erteilt, Wege zur Erschließung neuer Beschäftigungsfelder und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für gering qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer unter Erprobung und Einsatz neuer Instrumente zu prüfen bzw. Optionen für eine Verbesserung der Erwerbschancen von Geringqualifizierten vorzulegen. "Die Wissenschaftlergruppe der Arbeitsgruppe Benchmarking ist einhellig zu der Auffassung gelangt, dass eine wirksame Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktchancen gering qualifizierter Arbeitnehmer nur von einer dynamischen Entwicklung der Beschäftigung im Dienstleistungssektor, insbesondere bei den einfachen, niedrigproduktiven und zumeist personenbezogenen Dienstleistungen, zu erwarten ist. Zur Freisetzung einer neuen, anderen Ländern vergleichbaren Beschäftigungsdynamik in diesen Bereichen, in denen Geringqualifizierte am ehesten Arbeit finden können, bedarf es nach Ansicht der Wissenschaftlergruppe einer nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Angebotsbedingungen für Unternehmen des Dienstleistungssektors und einer Beschleunigung des Strukturwandels zugunsten von Beschäftigung im Dienstleistungsbereich." (IAB2