220 research outputs found

    The seed of goal-related doubts : a longitudinal investigation of the roles of failure and expectation of success among police trainee applicants

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    Various theories on personal goal striving rely on the assumption that failure raises doubts about the goal. Yet, empirical evidence for an association between objective failure experiences and doubts about personal long-term goals is still missing. In a longitudinal field study, applicants for a job as a police trainee (n = 172, Mage = 25.15; 55 females and 117 males) were accompanied across three measurement times over a period of five months. We investigated the effects of failure and initial expectation of success (in the standardized selection process) on doubts regarding the superordinate goal of becoming a police officer. As hypothesized, both failure and low initial expectation of success as well as their interaction led to increased goal-related doubts over time. The findings provide first empirical evidence for the role of failure in the emergence of goal-related doubts in personal long-term goals and, therefore, the disengagement process as it is hypothesized in various theories on goal striving and life-span development

    Konservative Therapie der Stressharninkontinenz: Sieben Jahre Pelvic-Floor-Reeducation-Programm an der Universitätsfrauenklinik München-Großhadern Eine retrospektive Studie mit Follow-up-Fragebogen bei 390 Patientinnen

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    The aim of this study is, besides the elaborate documentation of the Pelvic-Floor- Reeducation-Concept, to illustrate and discuss the short and long term efficacy of the conservative incontinence therapy that has been applied at the University Clinic Grosshadern for the last seven years. In addition, predictable factors will be discussed, which serve as a foundation to better judge the therapeutic outcome. In the objectives of research section, the short and long term effectiveness of an intensive EMG-Biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training for the treatment of female stress or mixed urinary incontinence is examined. The other purpose is the comparison of two different groups of patients (successfully completed treatment versus not completed therapy). Another question that was examined is, can factors for a successful therapy be predicted? Materials and Methods: The patients examined for this study, were all of the women that were treated for stress-urinary incontinence or mixed urinary incontinence between September 1996 and March 2003 in our clinic in the urogynecology department within the Pelvic-Floor-Reeducation-Program (PFR). For methodical reasons, the patients were divided in to three separate groups. Group 1 consisted of the patients that completed the program successfully. Group 2 consisted of the patients that had started the program, but had not completed it. Group 3 consisted of patients that did not participate in the program, but instead just had a counseling interview. The diagnostics involved: an urodynamic measurement, the stress provocation test (cough test), the determination of maximum pelvic floor muscle strength, with the help of palpatoric diagnostic (Oxford-Score, Scale 0–5), and an EMG (Maximum contraction; PERFECT-Measurement). According to the PFR concept, the patients received an extensive incontinence counseling session, instructions for individual pelvic floor exercises, and copingstrategies for dealing with incontinence in every day situations. The biofeedback therapy was done with the use of PC-controlled electromyography (ST2001, Haynl Elektronik). The follow-up consisted of 92 a standardized questionnaire. In the analysis of potential predictable factors, the following parameters were used: Age > 65, BMI ≥ 30, Parity, duration of incontinence > 5 years, SIK III,, Hypotony Urethra (≤ 25 cm H²O), weak pelvis floor contraction (Oxford < 2) and motivation for the training. Results: During the period of seven years, a total of 434 women were treated with the Pelvic-Floor-Reeducation-Program. For this study, a total of 390 of the 434 women, who suffered from either stress-urinary incontinence (79.7 %) or mixed urinary incontinence (20.3 %), were evaluated. Average age: 52, mean incontinence duration: 6.7 years. 60.4 % of the women suffered from a SIK III. 67.4 % of the women successfully completed the training, while 25.1 % did not. 82.0 % of the patients improved on the stress test. The average time for follow-up was 2.9 years. The questionnaire return was 80.0 % (N = 312). 71.0 % of the patients reported that their problems with incontinence had improved after the training, and only 13.5 % chose to have surgery for the incontinence. Therefore, the long term success rate for the treatment is 61.2 % (N = 191). In comparison to the patients that did not complete treatment, there are noticeable differences, including the number of operations, as well as the quality of life. In view of the therapeutic outcome, the following factors showed a statistically significant association, which is associated with a more negative prognosis: Age > 65 (only 50.0 % improvement) and duration of incontinence > 5 years (54.4 % improvement). Interestingly, the study showed that women who had given birth, in comparison to woman with nulliparity and women who initially had weak pelvic floor contraction strength (Oxford < 2), had better therapeutic results. Conclusion: An intensive and controlled pelvic floor training is effective, and should be generally be used before an operation is considered. Both immediately after the therapy, as well as in the long-term, the patients profited from the Pelvic-Floor-Reeducation- Program. The program can often be avoided, even in severe cases of urinary incontinence. However, the motivation to successfully complete the PFR training is an essential factor for the long-term success of the therapy.Ziel dieser Studie ist neben der ausführlichen Dokumentation des verwendeten Pelvic- Floor-Reeducation-Konzepts die Darstellung und Diskussion der kurz- und langfristigen Erfolgsergebnisse aus sieben Jahren konservative Inkontinenztherapie im Universitätsklinikum Großhadern. Zusätzlich werden prädiktive Faktoren diskutiert, auf deren Grundlage der Therapieerfolg besser eingeschätzt werden kann. In der Fragestellung wird nach der kurz- und langfristigen Effektivität eines intensiven mit EMG-Biofeedback kontrollierten Beckenbodentrainings bei Stressharninkontinenz oder gemischter Harninkontinenz gesucht im Vergleich von zwei Patientengruppen (Erfolgreicher Therapieabschluss versus Therapieabbrecher). Weitere Frage: Lassen sich prädiktive Faktoren für einen Therapieerfolg definieren? Methoden: In die Studie wurden alle Frauen mit Stressharninkontinenz oder gemischter Harninkontinenz aufgenommen, welche zwischen September 1996 und März 2003 im Rahmen des Pelvic-Floor-Reeducation-Programms (PFR) der Fachabteilung Urogynäkologie behandelt wurden. Aus methodischen Gründen wurden die Frauen in drei Gruppen unterteilt: Gruppe 1: Patientinnen, die ein komplettes Training abgeschlossen haben; Gruppe 2: Patientinnen, die die Therapie vorzeitig abgebrochen haben und Gruppe 3: keine Therapie, nur Beratungsgespräch. Die Diagnostik umfasste u. a. eine urodynamische Messung, den klinischen Stresstest (Hustentest), die Bestimmung der maximalen Beckenbodenkontraktionskraft mittels palpatorischer Diagnostik (Oxford-Score, Skala 0–5) und EMG (Maximalkontraktion; PERFECT-Messsystem). Unserem PFR-Konzept folgend, erhielten die Patientinnen eine ausführliche Inkontinenzberatung, Anleitung zu individuellen Beckenbodenübungen und Bewältigungsstrategien für den Alltag. Die Biofeedbacktherapie wurde mit Hilfe PCKontrollierter Elektromyographie durchgeführt (ST2001, Haynl Elektronik). Das Follow-up erfolgte durch einen standardisierten Fragebogen. 90 In die Analyse potentieller prädiktiver Faktoren wurden folgende Parameter einbezogen: Alter > 65, BMI ≥ 30, Parität, Dauer der Inkontinenz > 5 Jahre, SIK III, hypotone Urethra (≤ 25 cm H²O), schwache Beckenbodenkontraktionskraft (Oxford < 2) und die Trainingsmotivation. Ergebnisse: Während der 7-Jahres-Periode wurden insgesamt 434 Frauen in unserem Beckenbodentrainingsprogramm behandelt. Davon wurden für diese Studie alle 390 Frauen mit Stressinkontinenz (79,7 %) oder gemischter Inkontinenz (20,3 %) evaluiert. Durchschnittsalter: 52 Jahre, mittlere Inkontinenzdauer: 6,7 Jahre. 60,4 % aller Frauen litten unter einer SIK III. 67,4 % erhielten ein komplettes Training, 25,1 % der Patientinnen brachen die Therapie vorzeitig ab, Verbesserung im Stresstest bei 82,0 % der Frauen. Die durchschnittliche Follow-up-Zeit betrug 2,9 Jahre. Der Fragebogenrücklauf belief sich auf 80,0 % (N = 312). 71 % aller Frauen berichteten über eine Besserung der Inkontinenzsymptome nach Abschluss des Beckenbodentrainings und nur 13,5 % unterzogen sich seit der Therapie einer Inkontinenzoperation. Die langfristige Erfolgsrate liegt somit bei 61,2 % (N = 191). Im Vergleich zwischen Abbrechern und Frauen mit vollständiger Therapie zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede, sowohl in der Operationsrate, wie auch in Lebensqualitätsmerkmalen. Hinsichtlich des therapeutischen Outcome waren von den genannten Parametern folgende Faktoren statistisch signifikant mit einer schlechteren Prognose assoziiert: Alter > 65 (nur 50,0 % Besserung) und Inkontinenzdauer > 5 Jahre (54,4 % Besserung). Erstaunlicherweise zeigten Frauen, die Kinder geboren hatten im Gegensatz zu Nulliparae und Frauen mit einer anfänglich schwachen Beckenbodenkontraktionskraft (Oxford < 2) ein besseres therapeutisches Outcome. Schlussfolgerung: Ein intensives und kontrolliertes Beckenbodentraining ist effektiv und sollte einer operativen Therapie in der Regel vorangehen. Sowohl direkt im Anschluss an die Therapie wie auch langfristig profitieren die Patientinnen sehr deutlich von diesem individuellen Pelvic-Floor-Reeducation-Programm. Eine Operation lässt sich dadurch, auch bei schwerwiegender Harninkontinenz, oft vermeiden. Die Motivation, am PFR Training bis zum Abschluss teilzunehmen und später im Alltag Beckenbodenübungen durch zu führen, sind entscheidende Kriterien für langfristigen Therapieerfolg

    Mobile Government, Quo Vadis? – Opportunities and Risks of Mobile E-Government Services

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    Over the recent years the development of mobile information and communication technologies (ICT) lead to an “always-on society” worldwide, people are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This social and economic progress also has a significant influence on government. The demand arises to have anytime, anywhere and from any mobile device access to government services. Governments already reacted on this demand, attempting to make public services and information accessible to their citizens and businesses through mobile and wireless technologies. This adaption became commonly known under the term mobile government. The purpose of this research is to outline the future development of mobile government considering opportunities and risks. Therefore a view on the state of mobile government research is done based on a literature review and a SWOT-analysis

    Neue Kompetenzen für E-Portfolio-Begleiter/innen? Der Kurs MOSEP – More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio

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    Die Arbeit mit E-Portfolios gewinnt in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Repertoires technologiegestützter offener Lern- und Lehrmethoden. Die Notwendigkeit, die Lernverantwortung stärker in die Hände der Lernenden zu legen, wird als eine Grundvoraussetzung für lebenslanges Lernen betrachtet. Um jedoch diese Lernverantwortung auch aktiv übernehmen zu können, ist es auf Seiten der Lernenden notwendig, sich über die individuellen Lernprozesse im Klaren zu sein. Auf Seite der Lehrenden ist es notwendig, diese Prozesse auch optimal begleiten zu können. Das Leonardo-da-Vinci-Projekt MOSEP (More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio, http://www.mosep.org) hat sich der Frage nach den notwendigen Kompetenzen der E-Portfolio-Begleiter/innen angenommen und einen Kurs für E-Portfolio-Begleiter/innen umgesetzt. (DIPF/ Orig.

    Phosphocholine-Modified Lipooligosaccharides of Haemophilus influenzae Inhibit ATP-Induced IL-1beta Release by Pulmonary Epithelial Cells

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    Phosphocholine-modified bacterial cell wall components are virulence factors enabling immune evasion and permanent colonization of the mammalian host, by mechanisms that are poorly understood. Recently, we demonstrated that free phosphocholine (PC) and PC-modified lipooligosaccharides (PC-LOS) from Haemophilus influenzae, an opportunistic pathogen of the upper and lower airways, function as unconventional nicotinic agonists and efficiently inhibit the ATP-induced release of monocytic IL-1beta. We hypothesize that H. influenzae PC-LOS exert similar effects on pulmonary epithelial cells and on the complex lung tissue. The human lung carcinoma-derived epithelial cell lines A549 and Calu-3 were primed with lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli followed by stimulation with ATP in the presence or absence of PC or PC-LOS or LOS devoid of PC. The involvement of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors was tested using specific antagonists. We demonstrate that PC and PC-LOS efficiently inhibit ATP-mediated IL-1beta release by A549 and Calu-3 cells via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors containing subunits alpha7, alpha9, and/or alpha10. Primed precision-cut lung slices behaved similarly. We conclude that H. influenzae hijacked an endogenous anti-inflammatory cholinergic control mechanism of the lung to evade innate immune responses of the host. These findings may pave the way towards a host-centered antibiotic treatment of chronic airway infections with H. influenzae

    How self-awareness is connected to less experience of action crises in personal goal pursuit

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    In this research, we applied a differential perspective to the study of action crises, i.e., being in an intra-psychic decisional conflict whether to pursue or abandon a goal once difficulties in its pursuit arise. In two studies, we investigated the role of individuals’ levels of self-awareness when experiencing such action crises. Both among professional ballet dancers (daily diary, Study 1) and university undergraduates (preregistered experience sampling, Study 2), individuals with greater levels of (dispositional and situational) self-awareness showed an adaptive, that is, problem-solving oriented way of dealing with difficulties in the pursuit of their (training or study) goals. As a consequence, self-awareness contributed to less experience of action crisis during goal pursuit and, as a result, led to better goal performance

    Age-related development of self-regulation : evidence on stability and change in action orientation

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    Action (vs. state) orientation describes the ability to modulate affect and is at the core of goal-directed self-regulation. However, evidence on stability and change over time is scarce. In Study 1 (N = 368 couples), we investigated measurement invariance of action orientation (measured with the ACS-90) as well as rank-order stability and mean-level change over a period of four years. We report results from three samples with young adults (Study 2). Measurement invariance was obtained for an adjusted ACS-90 scale after removing 4 items. Rank-order stability was high. In both studies, one of two subscales – prospective action orientation – increased over time. Positive change was most consistent for middle-aged adults, implying that self-regulatory abilities improve during middle adulthood

    Investigating the Unified Motive Scales : the predictive validity of the achievement motive subscale

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    Explicit motives are well-studied in the field of personality and motivation psychology. However, the statistical overlap of different explicit motive measures is only moderate. As a consequence, the Unified Motive Scales (UMS; Schönbrodt & Gerstenberg, 2012) were developed to improve the measurement of explicit motives. The present longitudinal field study examined the predictive validity of the UMS achievement motive subscale. Applicants of a police department (n = 168, Mage = 25.11, 53 females and 115 males) completed the UMS and their performance in the selection process was assessed. As expected, UMS achievement predicted success in the selection process. The findings provide first evidence for the predictive validity of UMS achievement in an applied setting

    Investigation of sCO2 Cycle Layouts for the Recovery of Low Temperature Heat Sources

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    editorial reviewedSince the development of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles, several different power cycle architectures have evolved. Additional components like reheaters, recuperators and intercoolers were added and split flow configurations were introduced. These specific configurations are typically tailor-made for an explicit application, mostly in the medium-temperature field ranging between 240-480 °C. In the waste heat recovery sector, low grade waste heat (< 240 °C) holds the biggest share of the waste heat worldwide. This work focuses on ultra low temperature heat sources as they face big challenges for cycle efficiency because of the low temperature difference of heat source and heat sink. Consequently, the power generation is on low efficiency and subject of improvement. This study therefore investigates different power cycle configurations for a given low temperature air as heat source and ambient air as a heat sink (20 °C). The main objective is to evaluate different cycles with standardized boundary conditions in order to have an equal base for their comparison. Heat source temperature ranges from 60 to 100 °C are considered. Firstly, sCO2 power cycles from literature are evaluated using the commercial solver EBSILON. This step is meant to validate the numerical set up and results by using a documented cycle configuration from literature with its original boundary conditions. In a second step, the specified low temperature heat source is applied. The configurations are evaluated in terms of mass flow, pressure and thermal performance. Finally, the cycles are classified according to their efficiencies in the low temperature regime. From the results, it is observed that a recuperator step is not feasible in very low temperatures because of the minor superheating in the supercritical region. For turbine inlet temperatures higher than 80 °C, a recuperator starts to be beneficial. Intercooled compression is not suitable for ultra-low waste heat temperatures. A basic 4-component configuration and split flow before heating perform best in the low temperature region of 60 °C. With increasing turbine inlet temperature, more complex cycle configurations such as reheated expansion and intercooled compression might be considered in order to enhance the system efficiency. This study provides a dataset of thermal efficiencies of sCO2 power cycle configurations in the low grade waste heat recovery until 100 °C
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