5,985 research outputs found

    An optical clock with neutral atoms confined in a shallow trap

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    We study the trap depth requirement for the realization of an optical clock using atoms confined in a lattice. We show that site-to-site tunnelling leads to a residual sensitivity to the atom dynamics hence requiring large depths (50 to 100E_r100 E\_r for Sr) to avoid any frequency shift or line broadening of the atomic transition at the 1017101810^{-17}-10^{-18} level. Such large depths and the corresponding laser power may, however, lead to difficulties (e.g. higher order light shifts, two-photon ionization, technical difficulties) and therefore one would like to operate the clock in much shallower traps. To circumvent this problem we propose the use of an accelerated lattice. Acceleration lifts the degeneracy between adjacents potential wells which strongly inhibits tunnelling. We show that using the Earth's gravity, much shallower traps (down to 5E_r5 E\_r for Sr) can be used for the same accuracy goal

    Spin-Glass Model Governs Laser Multiple Filamentation

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    We show that multiple filamentation patterns in high-power laser beams, can be described by means of two statistical physics concepts, namely self-similarity of the patterns over two nested scales, and nearest-neighbor interactions of classical rotators. The resulting lattice spin model perfectly reproduces the evolution of intense laser pulses as simulated by the Non-Linear Schr\"odinger Equation, shedding a new light on multiple filamentation. As a side benefit, this approach drastically reduces the computing time by two orders of magnitude as compared to the standard simulation methods of laser filamentation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Laser filamentation as a new phase transition universality class

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    We show that the onset of laser multiple filamentation can be described as a critical phenomenon that we characterize both experimentally and numerically by measuring a set of seven critical exponents. This phase transition deviates from any existing universality class, and offers a unique perspective of conducting two-dimensional experiments of statistical physics at a human scale.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Transition from plasma- to Kerr-driven laser filamentation

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    While filaments are generally interpreted as a dynamic balance between Kerr focusing and plasma defocusing, the role of the higher-order Kerr effect (HOKE) is actively debated as a potentially dominant defocusing contribution to filament stabilization. In a pump-probe experiment supported by numerical simulations, we demonstrate the transition between two distinct filamentation regimes at 800\,nm. For long pulses (1.2 ps), the plasma substantially contributes to filamentation, while this contribution vanishes for short pulses (70 fs). These results confirm the occurrence, in adequate conditions, of filamentation driven by the HOKE rather than by plasma.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Reversibility of laser filamentation

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    We investigate the reversibility of laser filamentation, a self-sustained, non-linear propagation regime including dissipation and time-retarded effects. We show that even losses related to ionization marginally affect the possibility of reverse propagating ultrashort pulses back to the initial conditions, although they make it prone to finite-distance blow-up susceptible to prevent backward propagation.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Direct Numerical Simulation of structural vacillation in the transition to geostrophic turbulence

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    The onset of small-scale fluctuations around a steady convection pattern in a rotating baroclinic annulus filled with air is investigated using Direct Numerical Simulation. In previous laboratory experiments of baroclinic waves, such fluctuations have been associated with a flow regime termed Structural Vacillation which is regarded as the first step in the transition to fully-developed geostrophic turbulence.Comment: 6 page

    DNS of bifurcations in an air-filled rotating baroclinic annulus

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    Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) on the nonlinear dynamics and a route to chaos in a rotating fluid subjected to lateral heating is presented here and discussed in the context of laboratory experiments in the baroclinic annulus. Following two previous preliminary studies by Maubert and Randriamampianina, the fluid used is air rather than a liquid as used in all other previous work. This study investigated a bifurcation sequence from the axisymmetric flow to a number of complex flows. The transition sequence, on increase of the rotation rate, from the axisymmetric solution via a steady, fully-developed baroclinic wave to chaotic flow followed a variant of the classical quasi-periodic bifurcation route, starting with a subcritical Hopf and associated saddle-node bifurcation. This was followed by a sequence of two supercritical Hopf-type bifurcations, first to an amplitude vacillation, then to a three-frequency quasi-periodic modulated amplitude vacillation (MAV), and finally to a chaotic MAV\@. In the context of the baroclinic annulus this sequence is unusual as the vacillation is usually found on decrease of the rotation rate from the steady wave flow. Further transitions of a steady wave with a higher wave number pointed to the possibility that a barotropic instability of the side wall boundary layers and the subsequent breakdown of these barotropic vortices may play a role in the transition to structural vacillation and, ultimately, geostrophic turbulence.Comment: 31 page

    Free space laser telecommunication through fog

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    Atmospheric clearness is a key issue for free space optical communications (FSO). We present the first active method to achieve FSO through clouds and fog, using ultrashort high intensity laser filaments. The laser filaments opto-mechanically expel the droplets out of the beam and create a cleared channel for transmitting high bit rate telecom data at 1.55 microns. The low energy required for the process allows considering applications to Earth-satellite FSO and secure ground based optical communication, with classical or quantum protocols.Comment: 4 pages + 2 pages supplementary text and movie

    Non-linear Synthesis of Complex Laser Waveforms at Remote Distances

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    Strong deformation of ultrashort laser pulse shapes is unavoidable when delivering high intensities at remote distances due to non-linear effects taking place while propagating. Relying on the reversibility of laser filamentation, we propose to explicitly design laser pulse shapes so that propagation serves as a non-linear field synthesizer at a remote target location. Such an approach allows, for instance, coherent control of molecules at a remote distance, in the context of standoff detection of pathogens or explosives.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure