699 research outputs found

    Chern-Simons Solitons, Chiral Model, and (affine) Toda Model on Noncommutative Space

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    We consider the Dunne-Jackiw-Pi-Trugenberger model of a U(N) Chern-Simons gauge theory coupled to a nonrelativistic complex adjoint matter on noncommutative space. Soliton configurations of this model are related the solutions of the chiral model on noncommutative plane. A generalized Uhlenbeck's uniton method for the chiral model on noncommutative space provides explicit Chern-Simons solitons. Fundamental solitons in the U(1) gauge theory are shaped as rings of charge `n' and spin `n' where the Chern-Simons level `n' should be an integer upon quantization. Toda and Liouville models are generalized to noncommutative plane and the solutions are provided by the uniton method. We also define affine Toda and sine-Gordon models on noncommutative plane. Finally the first order moduli space dynamics of Chern-Simons solitons is shown to be trivial.Comment: latex, JHEP style, 23 pages, no figur

    Scattering of Noncommutative Waves and Solitons in a Supersymmetric Chiral Model in 2+1 Dimensions

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    Interactions of noncommutative waves and solitons in 2+1 dimensions can be analyzed exactly for a supersymmetric and integrable U(n) chiral model extending the Ward model. Using the Moyal-deformed dressing method in an antichiral superspace, we construct explicit time-dependent solutions of its noncommutative field equations by iteratively solving linear equations. The approach is illustrated by presenting scattering configurations for two noncommutative U(2) plane waves and for two noncommutative U(2) solitons as well as by producing a noncommutative U(1) two-soliton bound state.Comment: 1+13 pages; v2: reference added, version published in JHE

    The emerging spectrum of cardiopulmonary pathology of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Report of three autopsies from Houston, Texas and review of autopsy findings from other United States cities

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    This paper collates the pathological findings from initial published autopsy reports on 23 patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from 5 centers in the United States of America, including 3 cases from Houston, Texas. Findings confirm that COVID-19 is a systemic disease with major involvement of the lungs and heart. Acute COVID-19 pneumonia has features of a distinctive acute interstitial pneumonia with a diffuse alveolar damage component, coupled with microvascular involvement with intra- and extravascular fibrin deposition and intravascular trapping of neutrophils, and, frequently, with formation of microthombi in arterioles. Major pulmonary thromboemboli with pulmonary infarcts and/or hemorrhage occurred in 5 of the 23 patients. Two of the Houston cases had interstitial pneumonia with diffuse alveolar damage pattern. One of the Houston cases had multiple bilateral segmental pulmonary thromboemboli with infarcts and hemorrhages coupled with, in nonhemorrhagic areas, a distinctive interstitial lymphocytic pneumonitis with intra-alveolar fibrin deposits and no hyaline membranes, possibly representing a transition form to acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia. Multifocal acute injury of cardiac myocytes was frequently observed. Lymphocytic myocarditis was reported in 1 case. In addition to major pulmonary pathology, the 3 Houston cases had evidence of lymphocytic pericarditis, multifocal acute injury of cardiomyocytes without inflammatory cellular infiltrates, depletion of splenic white pulp, focal hepatocellular degeneration and rare glomerular capillary thrombosis. Each had evidence of chronic cardiac disease: hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy (420 g heart), dilated cardiomyopathy (1070 g heart), and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (670 g heart). All 3 subjects were obese (BMIs of 33.8, 51.65, and 35.2 Kg/m2). Overall, the autopsy findings support the concept that the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 disease involves direct viral-induced injury of multiple organs, including heart and lungs, coupled with the consequences of a procoagulant state with coagulopathy

    Matrix Models and D-branes in Twistor String Theory

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    We construct two matrix models from twistor string theory: one by dimensional reduction onto a rational curve and another one by introducing noncommutative coordinates on the fibres of the supertwistor space P^(3|4)->CP^1. We comment on the interpretation of our matrix models in terms of topological D-branes and relate them to a recently proposed string field theory. By extending one of the models, we can carry over all the ingredients of the super ADHM construction to a D-brane configuration in the supertwistor space P^(3|4). Eventually, we present the analogue picture for the (super) Nahm construction.Comment: 1+37 pages, reference added, JHEP style, published versio

    Bailing Out the Milky Way: Variation in the Properties of Massive Dwarfs Among Galaxy-Sized Systems

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    Recent kinematical constraints on the internal densities of the Milky Way's dwarf satellites have revealed a discrepancy with the subhalo populations of simulated Galaxy-scale halos in the standard CDM model of hierarchical structure formation. This has been dubbed the "too big to fail" problem, with reference to the improbability of large and invisible companions existing in the Galactic environment. In this paper, we argue that both the Milky Way observations and simulated subhalos are consistent with the predictions of the standard model for structure formation. Specifically, we show that there is significant variation in the properties of subhalos among distinct host halos of fixed mass and suggest that this can reasonably account for the deficit of dense satellites in the Milky Way. We exploit well-tested analytic techniques to predict the properties in a large sample of distinct host halos with a variety of masses spanning the range expected of the Galactic halo. The analytic model produces subhalo populations consistent with both Via Lactea II and Aquarius, and our results suggest that natural variation in subhalo properties suffices to explain the discrepancy between Milky Way satellite kinematics and these numerical simulations. At least ~10% of Milky Way-sized halos host subhalo populations for which there is no "too big to fail" problem, even when the host halo mass is as large as M_host = 10^12.2 h^-1 M_sun. Follow-up studies consisting of high-resolution simulations of a large number of Milky Way-sized hosts are necessary to confirm our predictions. In the absence of such efforts, the "too big to fail" problem does not appear to be a significant challenge to the standard model of hierarchical formation. [abridged]Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; accepted by JCAP. Replaced with published versio

    Nonlinear time-series analysis of Hyperion's lightcurves

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    Hyperion is a satellite of Saturn that was predicted to remain in a chaotic rotational state. This was confirmed to some extent by Voyager 2 and Cassini series of images and some ground-based photometric observations. The aim of this aticle is to explore conditions for potential observations to meet in order to estimate a maximal Lyapunov Exponent (mLE), which being positive is an indicator of chaos and allows to characterise it quantitatively. Lightcurves existing in literature as well as numerical simulations are examined using standard tools of theory of chaos. It is found that existing datasets are too short and undersampled to detect a positive mLE, although its presence is not rejected. Analysis of simulated lightcurves leads to an assertion that observations from one site should be performed over a year-long period to detect a positive mLE, if present, in a reliable way. Another approach would be to use 2---3 telescopes spread over the world to have observations distributed more uniformly. This may be achieved without disrupting other observational projects being conducted. The necessity of time-series to be stationary is highly stressed.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables; v2 after referee report; matches the version accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    (Sub)mm Interferometry Applications in Star Formation Research

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    This contribution gives an overview about various applications of (sub)mm interferometry in star formation research. The topics covered are molecular outflows, accretion disks, fragmentation and chemical properties of low- and high-mass star-forming regions. A short outlook on the capabilities of ALMA is given as well.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, in proceedings to "2nd European School on Jets from Young Star: High Angular Resolution Observations". A high-resolution version of the paper can be found at http://www.mpia.de/homes/beuther/papers.htm

    Magnetization steps in a diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain: Theory and experiments on TMMC:Cd

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    A theory for the equilibrium low-temperature magnetization M of a diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is presented. The magnetization curve, M versus B, is calculated using the exact contributions of finite chains with 1 to 5 spins, and the "rise and ramp approximation" for longer chains. Some non-equilibrium effects that occur in a rapidly changing B, are also considered. Specific non-equilibrium models based on earlier treatments of the phonon bottleneck, and of spin flips associated with cross relaxation and with level crossings, are discussed. Magnetization data on powders of TMMC diluted with cadmium [i.e., (CH_3)_4NMn_xCd_(1-x)Cl_3, with 0.16<=x<=0.50 were measured at 0.55 K in 18 T superconducting magnets. The field B_1 at the first MST from pairs is used to determine the NN exchange constant, J, which changes from -5.9 K to -6.5 K as x increases from 0.16 to 0.50. The magnetization curves obtained in the superconducting magnets are compared with simulations based on the equilibrium theory. Data for the differential susceptibility, dM/dB, were taken in pulsed magnetic fields (7.4 ms duration) up to 50 T, with the powder samples in a 1.5 K liquid-helium bath. Non-equilibrium effects, which became more severe as x decreased, were observed. The non-equilibrium effects are tentatively interpreted using the "Inadequate Heat Flow Scenario," or to cross-relaxation, and crossings of energy levels, including those of excited states.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Structural and doping effects in the half-metallic double perovskite A2A_2CrWO6_6

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    he structural, transport, magnetic and optical properties of the double perovskite A2A_2CrWO6_6 with A=Sr, Ba, CaA=\text{Sr, Ba, Ca} have been studied. By varying the alkaline earth ion on the AA site, the influence of steric effects on the Curie temperature TCT_C and the saturation magnetization has been determined. A maximum TC=458T_C=458 K was found for Sr2_2CrWO6_6 having an almost undistorted perovskite structure with a tolerance factor f1f\simeq 1. For Ca2_2CrWO6_6 and Ba2_2CrWO6_6 structural changes result in a strong reduction of TCT_C. Our study strongly suggests that for the double perovskites in general an optimum TCT_C is achieved only for f1f \simeq 1, that is, for an undistorted perovskite structure. Electron doping in Sr2_2CrWO6_6 by a partial substitution of Sr2+^{2+} by La3+^{3+} was found to reduce both TCT_C and the saturation magnetization MsM_s. The reduction of MsM_s could be attributed both to band structure effects and the Cr/W antisites induced by doping. Band structure calculations for Sr2_2CrWO6_6 predict an energy gap in the spin-up band, but a finite density of states for the spin-down band. The predictions of the band structure calculation are consistent with our optical measurements. Our experimental results support the presence of a kinetic energy driven mechanism in A2A_2CrWO6_6, where ferromagnetism is stabilized by a hybridization of states of the nonmagnetic W-site positioned in between the high spin Cr-sites.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Measurement of charged-particle multiplicity distributions and their H_q moments in hadronic Z decays at LEP

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    The charged-particle multiplicity distribution is measured for all hadronic events as well as for light-quark and b-quark events produced in e+e- collisions at the Z pole. Moments of the charged-particle multiplicity distributions are calculated. The H moments of the multiplicity distributions are studied, and their quasi-oscillations as a function of the rank of the moment are investigated.Comment: Matches published versio