1,580 research outputs found

    Identifying effective workplace basic skills strategies for enhancing employee productivity and development: scoping and pilot study report

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    Evaluation of Two Commercially Available Cannabidiol Formulations for Use in Electronic Cigarettes

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    Since 24 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana in some form, suppliers of legal marijuana have developed Cannabis sativa products for use in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). Personal battery powered vaporizers, or e-cigarettes, were developed to deliver a nicotine vapor such that smokers could simulate smoking tobacco without the inherent pathology of inhaled tobacco smoke. The liquid formulations used in these devices are comprised of an active ingredient such as nicotine mixed with vegetable glycerin (VG) and/or propylene glycol (PG) and flavorings. A significant active ingredient of C. sativa, cannabidiol (CBD), has been purported to have anti-convulsant, anti-nociceptive, and anti-psychotic properties. These properties have potential medical therapies such as intervention of addictive behaviors, treatments for epilepsy, management of pain for cancer patients, and treatments for schizophrenia. However, CBD extracted from C. sativa remains a DEA Schedule I drug since it has not been approved by the FDA for medical purposes. Two commercially available e-cigarette liquid formulations reported to contain 3.3 mg/mL of CBD as the active ingredient were evaluated. These products are not regulated by the FDA in manufacturing or in labeling of the products and were found to contain 6.5 and 7.6 mg/mL of CBD in VG and PG with a variety of flavoring agents. Presently, while labeled as to content, the quality control of manufacturers and the relative safety of these products is uncertain

    Do antibiotics interfere with the efficacy of oral contraceptives?

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    Among antibiotics, only rifampin has been demonstrated to interfere with the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (OCs) (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, limited case series). There is little convincing evidence to show a systematic interaction between other antibiotics and oral contraceptive steroids (SOR: B, based on systematic reviews, case reports, and pharmacologic studies). However, current studies may not have separately evaluated the minority of women whose metabolism of contraceptive steroids makes them more vulnerable to OC failure. Given the significant consequences of unintended pregnancy, some experts recommend a conservative approach, including patient education and backup forms of birth control (SOR: C, expert opinion)


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    The variously motivated requests of biomechanics regarding the simulation and analysis of the human movement and the associated better understanding of mechanisms of the human neuromuscular skeleton system has led to the development of realistic 3D-man models. Biomechanical multibody systems as models for moving biological systems (humans, animals) have to incorporate more difficult system components than technical systems. Among others, the flexibility of the individual body segments due to muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs and body fluids has significant influence. The objective of this work is the parameter identification of these so-called wobbling masses

    Blood, Mud, and Money: Place and Public Land Conflicts in the Shawnee Hills

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    This dissertation examines conflicts involving the use of public land for both extractive resources and recreational purposes in Southern Illinois from an anthropological perspective. These conflicts are examined in terms of place, western ideas of nature and culture, and the debate concerning conservation versus preservation. The beginning point for this work was the question of whether or not place building influences conflicts over public land. The conflicts that this work encompasses are logging, hunting, use of off-road vehicles, equestrian, and hydraulic fracturing. My goal was to look at different recreational conflicts of Southern Illinois and determine how issues of place, nature and culture, and conservation versus preservation ethics play into those conflicts. What I found is that all of these factors are inextricably intertwined and that both sides of these conflicts are informed by the identities and place-making of those involved and the perception of those identities and places

    Revisiting convergence and divergence: support for older people in Europe

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    Recent commentators have distinguished ‘weak’ from ‘strong’ family societies, arguing that older people in less family-oriented societies receive less support from family members than those in countries with strong family ties (e.g. Southern Europe). This study explored the north-south divide in various dimensions associated with support for older people among selected European countries participating in a European Scientific Foundation network, ‘Family Support for Older People: Determinants and Consequences’ (FAMSUP). Employing data from a wide variety of sources (e.g. nationally representative surveys, censuses, and official publications) we used principal components and cluster analysis to investigate patterns across countries in four dimensions designed to be indicative of the balance between family and formally provided resources for older people and the socio-economic, demographic and policy contexts in which these are provided. Rather than a clear-cut north-south division European countries reflect a more complex classification in terms of support for older individuals when a wide range of measures associated with different dimensions of support for older people are used. Future research requires comparable cross-national data on key indicators of family support

    Addressing the Eviction Crisis and Housing Instability Through Mediation

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    The United States faces a staggering eviction crisis. St. Louis City and St. Louis County illustrate the numbers found in major cities throughout the country. The high number of eviction lawsuits filed in these areas present opportunities to address evictions outside of litigation, specifically through housing court mediation. The Mediation Project provides free mediation services for the pro se housing dockets in both St. Louis City and St. Louis County Circuit Courts. Using the Mediation Project as an example, this Article proposes that mediation is one of the cheapest, easiest, and most effective ways to intervene to decrease housing evictions and promote housing stability
