69 research outputs found

    Selected methods for the early diagnostics of oral malignant lesions – a literature review

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    Early diagnostics of oral cancerous lesions plays a crucial role in the process of treatment and evaluation of the patient's chances for recovery. The article presents new techniques of identifying and detecting abnormal lesions within oral mucosa, such as oral lumenoscopy (ViziLite), TBlue (toluidine blue marking system), VELscope screening system, OralCDx and the brush biopsy. Their application does not allow a definite diagnosis, nor does it replace biopsy or histopathologic assessment, but it permits a more accurate examination of the oral cavity, as well as oral lesion detection at the early stage of progression

    Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. A review of the literature

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    Osteonecrosis generally occurs due to cardiac insufficiency which leads to an interruption of the nutrient supply. Recently, osteonecrosis affecting only the jaw bones has been described as a unique complication connected to bisphosphonate therapy: Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ). There are still a lot of unknown factors involved in the management and treatment of patients taking bisphosphonates. Since 2003 reports of BRONJ were associated with intravenous and oral BP therapy for Paget’s disease and osteoporosis. BRONJ can occur spontaneously, due to dental disease or as a consequence of dental therapy. Old age, periodontitis, chronic corticosteroid therapy, prolonged use of bisphosphonates, smoking, and diabetes mellitus all may increase the risk of osteonecrosis. Expert panel recommendations for clinical decision making should also be balanced with the practitioner’s professional judgement and the individual patient’s needs

    Recent Progress in the Development of β-Ga2O3 Scintillator Crystals Grown by the Czochralski Method

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    A high-quality bulk single crystal of β-Ga2O3 has been grown by the Czochralski method and its basic scintillation characteristics (light yield, energy resolution, proportionality, and scintillation decay times) have been investigated. All the samples cut from the crystal show promising scintillation yields between 8400 and 8920 ph/MeV, which is a noticeable step forward compared to previous studies. The remaining parameters, i.e. the energy resolution slightly above 10% (at 662 keV) and the scintillation mean decay time just under 1 μs, are at the same level as we have formerly recognized for β-Ga2O3. The proportionality of yield seems not to deviate from standards determined by other commercial scintillators

    Tailoring the Scintillation Properties of β-Ga2O3 by Doping with Ce and Codoping with Si

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    Measurements of pulse height spectra and scintillation time profiles performed on Czochralski-grown β-Ga2O3, β-Ga2O3:Ce, and β-Ga2O3:Ce,Si crystals are reported. The highest value of scintillation yield, 7040 ph/MeV, was achieved for pure β-Ga2O3 at a low free electron concentration, nevertheless Ce-doped crystals could also approach high values thereof. Si-codoping, however, decreases the scintillation yield. The presence of Ce, and the more of Ce and Si, in β-Ga2O3 significantly increases the contribution of the fastest components in scintillation time profiles, which makes β-Ga2O3 a very fast scintillator under γ-excitation

    Expression of yeast deubiquitination enzyme UBP1 analogues in E. coli

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    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that proteins fused to ubiquitin undergo greater expression in E. coli and are easier to purify and renaturate than nonhybrid foreign proteins. However, there is no commercial source of large quantities of specific deubiquitinating proteases. This is the reason why hybrid proteins containing ubiquitin at their N-end cannot be used in large scale biotechnological processes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: We have described the synthesis of the yeast deubiquination enzyme UBP1 muteins in E. coli. We have shown that an efficient overproduction of the enzyme in E. coli may be achieved after the introduction of several changes in the nucleotide sequence encoding UBP1. One of the conditions of an effective synthesis of the UBP1 muteins is the removal of the 5'-end sequence encoding the transmembrane region of the enzyme. The obtained variants of the enzyme may be successfully used for processing large amounts of hybrid proteins comprising ubiquitin or tagged ubiquitin at their N-ends

    Charge traps in Ce-doped CaF2 and BaF2

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    Thermoluminescence of CaF2:Ce, BaF2, and BaF2:Ce irradiated at room temperature is reported. X-ray induced emission spectra of the samples show that both excitonic (due to e- + VK recombination) and Ce3+ d-f luminescence may contribute to thermoluminescence signal. The simple Randall-Wilkins model is used to deconvolute glow curves into seven to eight first-order peaks. Parameters of all traps are calculated and correlations between peaks in the curves of the examined materials are discussed

    Status menopauzalny – główny czynnik determinujący dokładność prognostyczną modeli diagnostyki różnicowej guzów przydatków

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to externally validate the diagnostic performance of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis logistic regression models (LR1 and LR2, 2005) and other popular prognostic models including the Timmerman logistic regression model (1999), the Alcazar model (2003), the risk of malignancy index (RMI, 1990), and the risk of malignancy algorithm (ROMA, 2009). We compared these models to subjective ultrasonographic assessment performed by an experienced ultrasonography specialist, and with our previously developed scales: the sonomorphologic index and the vascularization index. Furthermore, we evaluated diagnostic tests with regard to the menopausal status of patients. Materials and methods: This study included 268 patients with adnexal masses; 167 patients with benign ovarian tumors and 101 patients with malignant ovarian tumors were enrolled. All tumors were evaluated by using transvaginal ultrasonography according to the diagnostic criteria of the nalyzed models. Materials and methods: This study included 268 patients with adnexal asses; 167 patients with benign ovarian tumors and 101 patients with malignant ovarian tumors were enrolled. All tumors were evaluated by using transvaginal ultrasonography according to the diagnostic criteria of the analyzed models. Results: The subjective ultrasonographic sessment and all of the studied predictive models achieved similar diagnostic performance in the whole study population. However, significant differences were observed when preand postmenopausal patients were analyzed separately. In the subgroup of premenopausal atients, the highest area under the curve (AUC) was achieved by subjective ultrasonographic assessment (0.931), the Alcazar model (0.912), and LR1 (0.909). Alternatively, in the group of postmenopausal patients, the highest AUC was noted for the Timmerman model (0.973), ROMA (0.951), and RMI (0.938). Conclusions: Menopausal status is a key factor that affects the utility of prognostic models for differential diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Diagnostic models of ovarian tumors are reasonable tools for predicting tumor malignancy.Cel: Celem pracy była zewnętrzna walidacja wybranych modeli prognostycznych: autorstwa grupy International Ovarian Tumor Analysis opartych na regresji logistycznej (LR1 i LR2, 2005) oraz innych popularnych modeli przeznaczonych do diagnostyki różnicowej guzów jajnika takich jak: model zaproponowany przez Timmerman’a i wsp. (1999), Alcazar’a i wsp., (2003), indeks ryzyka nowotworu (RMI – risk of malignancy index, 1990) oraz testu ROMA (risk of malignancy algorithm, 2009). Modele zostały porównane z subiektywną oceną ultrasonograficzną rzeprowadzoną przez doświadczonego specjalistę oraz skalami diagnostycznymi utworzonymi w naszym ośrodku: indeksem sonomorfologicznym (SM, 2004) i indeksem waskularyzacji (SD, 2004). Użyteczność analizowanych modeli została oceniona w zależności od różnych cech kliniczno-patologicznych, między innymi w zależności od statusu menopauzalnego pacjentki. Metodyka: W badaniu poddano analizie 268 guzów przydatków, w tym 167 guzów niezłośliwych i 101 nowotworów złośliwych jajnika. Każdy z guzów został oceniony w odniesieniu do kryteriów diagnostycznych analizowanych testów. Przed operacją oznaczono również poziom markerów CA125 i HE4. Wyniki: W całej badanej populacji wszystkie modele predykcyjne wykazały podobną wartość diagnostyczną. Natomiast, stwierdzono istotne różnice pomiędzy testami w sytuacji gdy analizowano osobno pacjentki przed i po menopauzie. Największe pole pod krzywą ROC (AU-ROC - area under the ROC curve) w grupie pacjentek przed menopauzą uzyskały: subiektywna ocena ultrasonograficzna (0,931), model Alcazar’a (0,912) oraz LR1 (0,909). Natomiast w grupie kobiet po menopauzie największy AU-ROC uzyskały: model Timmerman’a (0,973), ROMA (0,951) i RMI (0,938). Wnioski : Status menopauzalny jest podstawowym czynnikiem determinującym użyteczność modelu predykcyjnego w diagnostyce różnicowej guzów przydatków. Wszystkie z badanych modeli uzyskały wartość diagnostyczną umożliwiającą stosunkowo dokładną diagnostykę przedoperacyjną guzów przydatków

    33000 Photons per MeV from Mixed (Lu0.75Y0.25)3Al5O12:Pr Scintillator Crystals

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    (LuxY1-x)3Al5O12:Pr (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) crystals have been grown by the Czochralski method and their scintillation properties have been examined. Compared to the well-respected LuAG:Pr scintillator, which has so extensively been studied in the recent years, the new mixed LuYAG:Pr crystals display markedly higher light yields, regardless of the value of x. In particular, (Lu0.75Y0.25)3Al5O12:0.2%Pr characterized by a yield of 33000 ph/MeV, an energy resolution of 4.4% (at 662 keV), and a density of 6.2 g/cm3, seems to be an ideal candidate to supercede Lu3Al5O12:0.2%Pr (19000 ph/MeV, 4.6%, 6.7 g/cm3) in various applications. The observed enhancement of light output following the partial substitution of lutetium by yttrium is most probably related to some specific differences in distributions of shallow traps in particular materials