33000 Photons per MeV from Mixed (Lu0.75Y0.25)3Al5O12:Pr Scintillator Crystals


(LuxY1-x)3Al5O12:Pr (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) crystals have been grown by the Czochralski method and their scintillation properties have been examined. Compared to the well-respected LuAG:Pr scintillator, which has so extensively been studied in the recent years, the new mixed LuYAG:Pr crystals display markedly higher light yields, regardless of the value of x. In particular, (Lu0.75Y0.25)3Al5O12:0.2%Pr characterized by a yield of 33000 ph/MeV, an energy resolution of 4.4% (at 662 keV), and a density of 6.2 g/cm3, seems to be an ideal candidate to supercede Lu3Al5O12:0.2%Pr (19000 ph/MeV, 4.6%, 6.7 g/cm3) in various applications. The observed enhancement of light output following the partial substitution of lutetium by yttrium is most probably related to some specific differences in distributions of shallow traps in particular materials

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