30 research outputs found

    Age and Skeletal Sites Affect BMP-2 Responsiveness of Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells

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    Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) contain osteoprogenitors responsive to stimulation by osteogenic growth factors like bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). When used as grafts, BMSCs can be harvested from different skeletal sites such as axial, appendicular and orofacial bones, but the lower therapeutic efficacy of BMPs on BMSCs-responsiveness in humans compared to animal models may be partly due to effects of skeletal site and age of donor. We previously reported superior differentiation capacity and osteogenic properties of orofacial BMSCs relative to iliac crest BMSCs in same individuals. This study tested the hypothesis that recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) stimulates human BMSCs differently based on age and skeletal site of harvest. Adult maxilla, mandible and iliac crest BMSCs from same individuals and pediatric iliac crest BMSCs were comparatively assessed for BMP-2 responsiveness under serum-containing and serum-free insulin-supplemented culture conditions. Adult orofacial BMSCs were more BMP-2-responsive than iliac crest BMSCs based on higher gene transcripts of alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin and osteogenic transcription factors MSX-2 and Osterix in serum-free insulin-containing medium. Pediatric iliac crest BMSCs were more responsive to rhBMP-2 than adult iliac crest BMSCs based on higher expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteopontin in serum-containing medium. Unlike orofacial BMSCs, MSX-2 and Osterix transcripts were similarly expressed by adult and pediatric iliac crest BMSCs in response to rhBMP-2. These data demonstrate that age and skeletal site-specific differences exist in BMSC osteogenic responsiveness to BMP-2 stimulation and suggest that MSX-2 and Osterix may be potential regulatory transcription factors in BMP-mediated osteogenesis of adult orofacial cells

    Predictors of completing a primary health care diabetes prevention intervention programme in people at high risk of type 2 diabetes Experiences of the DE-PLAN project

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    It has been shown that real-life implementation studies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes (DM2) performed in different settings and populations can be effective. However, not enough information is available on factors influencing the reach of DM2 prevention programmes. This study examines the predictors of completing an intervention programme targeted at people at high risk of DM2 in Krakow, Poland as part of the DE-PLAN project. A total of 262 middle-aged people, everyday patients of 9 general practitioners' (GP) practices, at high risk of DM2 (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISK)>14) agreed to participate in the lifestyle intervention to prevent DM2. Intervention consisted of 11 lifestyle counseling sessions, organized physical activity sessions followed by motivational phone calls and letters. Measurements were performed at baseline and 1 year after the initiation of the intervention. Seventy percent of the study participants enrolled completed the core curriculum (n=184), 22% were men. When compared to noncompleters, completers had a healthier baseline diabetes risk profile (P In multiple logistic regression model, employment reduced the likelihood of completing the intervention 2 times (odds ratio [OR] 0.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.81). Higher glucose 2 hours after glucose load and hypertension were the independent factors decreasing the chance to participate in the intervention (OR 0.79, 95% 0.69-0.92 and OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.27-0.99, respectively). Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits increased the likelihood of completing the intervention (OR 1.86, 95% 1.01-3.41). In conclusion, people with healthier behavior and risk profile are more predisposed to complete diabetes prevention interventions. Male, those who work and those with a worse health profile, are less likely to participate and complete interventions. Targeted strategies are needed in real-life diabetes prevention interventions to improve male participation and to reach those who are working as well as people with a higher risk profile.Peer reviewe

    Predictors of long term weight loss maintenance in patients at high risk of type 2 diabetes participating in a lifestyle intervention program in primary health care: The DE-PLAN study

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    Lifestyle interventions in type 2 diabetes (DM2) prevention implementation studies can be effective and lasting. Long-term weight loss maintenance enhances the intervention effect through a significant decrease in diabetes incidence over time. Our objective was to identify factors predicting long-term successful weight reduction maintenance achieved during a DM2 prevention program in patients with high DM2 risk in primary health care. Study participants (n = 263), middle-aged, slightly obese with baseline increased DM2 risk (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC)\u3e14), but no diabetes were invited to receive 11 lifestyle counselling sessions, guided physical activity sessions and motivational support during 10- months. The study participants had three clinical examinations during the study (baseline, one and three years). Stepwise regression analysis was used to determine demographic, clinical, and lifestyle predictors of weight reduction maintenance two years after the discontinuation of the intervention. Out of 105 patients who completed all three examinations (baseline age 56.6 (standard deviation (SD) = 10.7), body mass index 31.1 kg/m2 (SD = 4.9), FINDRISC 18.6 (SD = 3.1)), 73 patients (70%) showed weight loss during the intervention (mean weight loss 4.2 kg, SD = 5.1). The total weight loss achieved in the maintainers (27 of 73 study participants) two years after the intervention had finished was 6.54 kg (4.47 kg+2.0 kg). The non-maintainers, on the other hand, returned to their initial weight at the start of the intervention (+0.21 kg). In multivariable analysis baseline history of increased glucose (odds ratio (OR) = 3.7; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.0–13.6) and reduction of total fat in diet during follow-up (OR = 4.3; 95% CI 1.5–12.2) were independent predictors of successful weight loss. Further studies exploring predictors of weight loss maintenance in diabetes prevention are needed to help health care providers to redesign interventions and improve long-term outcomes of real life interventions

    Intrauterine deaths — an unsolved problem in Polish perinatology

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    Objectives: The Polish criteria for “intrauterine death” include fetal demise after 22 weeks of gestation, weighing > 500 g and body length at least 25 cm, when the gestational age is unknown. The rate of fetal death in Poland in 2015 is 3:10,000. In 2020, 1,231 stillbirths were registered. Material and methods: An analysis using 142,662 births in the period between 2015–2020 in 11 living in Poland. The first subgroup was admitted as patients > 22 to the beginning of the 30th week of pregnancy (n = 229), and the second from the 30th week of pregnancy inclusively (n = 179). In the case of women from both subgroups, there was a risk of preterm delivery close to hospitalization. Results: It was found that stillbirth in 41% of women in the first pregnancy. For the patient, stillbirth was also the first in his life. The average stillbirth weight was 1487 g, the average body length was 40 cm. Among fetuses up to 30 weeks, male fetuses are born more often, in subgroup II, the sex of the child was usually female. Most fetal deaths occur in mothers < 15 and > 45 years of age. Conclusions: According to the Polish results of the origin of full-term fetuses > 30 weeks of gestation for death in the concomitant antenatal, such as placental-umbilical and fetal hypoxia, acute intrapartum effects rarely, and moreover < 30 Hbd fetal growth restriction (FGR), occurring placental-umbilical, acute intrapartum often

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    The role of academic entrepreneurship incubators in startup business ecosystem.

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    Problematyka niniejszej pracy skupia się wokół obszaru działań akademickich inkubatorów przedsiębiorczości w ekosystemie biznesowym organizacji we wczesnych fazach rozwoju, nazywanych startupami. W celu przeanalizowania oferty wspomnianych ośrodków, przeprowadzono badania oparte o analizę danych zastanych na próbie 38 akademickich inkubatorów przedsiębiorczości działających na terenie Polski. 22 analizowane podmioty należały do sieci Fundacji Akademickie Inkubatory Przedsiębiorczości, natomiast pozostałych 16 funkcjonowało jako osobne podmioty działające przy uczelniach wyższych lub parkach naukowo-technologicznych. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że najbardziej powszechnymi formami wsparcia organizacji typu startup przez instytucje jakimi są akademickie inkubatory przedsiębiorczości są: udostępnianie inkubowanym podmiotom infrastruktury oraz organizowanie dla nich specjalistycznych szkoleń i doradztwa w zakresie szeroko rozumianego prowadzenia firmy. Natomiast obszarami wymagającymi poprawy są: usługi wsparcia w dostępie do finansowania działalności startupów oraz tworzenie i udostępnianie młodym przedsiębiorstwom baz wiedzy generowanych na podstawie ogromnego zaplecza instytucji naukowych przy których funkcjonują akademickie inkubatory przedsiębiorczości.The main issue of the study is focused upon the area of academic entrepreneurship incubators activities in the organization's business ecosystem in the early stages of development, called startups. In order to analyze the offer of these centers, research was conducted based on the desk research on a sample of 38 academic business incubators operating in Poland. 22 analyzed entities belonged to the network of the Akademickie Inkubatory Przedsiębiorczości Foundation, while the remaining 16 functioned as separate entities operating at universities or science and technology parks. The analysis showed that the most common forms of support for startups by institutions such as academic entrepreneurship incubators are: providing infrastructure to incubated entities and organizing specialized training and consulting for them in the field of broadly understood business management. On the other hand, the areas requiring improvement are: support services in accessing finance for startups and creating and providing knowledge bases for young enterprises generated on the basis of a huge base of scientific institutions at which academic entrepreneurship incubators operate

    Emotional intelligence and burnout on the example of special needs teachers.

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    Problematyka niniejszej pracy skupia się na związku pomiędzy inteligencją emocjonalną a wypaleniem zawodowym pedagogów specjalnych, którzy są grupa zawodową wyjątkowo narażoną na wypalenie, w związku z ogromną ilością stresorów charakterystycznych dla wykonywania pracy nauczyciela w jednostkach kształcenia specjalnego. W celu zbadania owego związku przeprowadzono badania na grupie 100 pedagogów ze Specjalnego Ośrodka Szkolno – Wychowawczego nr 1 im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Przemyślu. W badaniu wykorzystano dwa narzędzia pomiaru: Kwestionariusz INTE oraz kwestionariusz Maslach Burnout Inventory — General Survey, oba zaadaptowane do warunków polskich. W badanej grupie poziom inteligencji emocjonalnej istotnie korelował z depersonalizacją (-0,344) oraz brakiem poczucia osiągnięć osobistych (-0,565). Na podstawie wyników można wysunąć wniosek, iż wysoki poziom inteligencji emocjonalnej wpływa na niższy poziom obu wyżej wymienionych wskaźników wypalenia zawodowego wśród badanych nauczycieli.The subject matter of this study concentrates on connection between emotional intelligence and burnout among special needs teachers, who are one of the most vulnerable on burnout occupational group because of a great many stressful situations peculiar to work in special educational care facilities. The research has been conducted with the group of 100 teachers from Maria Grzegorzewska Special Educational Center no 1 in Przemyśl to analyze the connection. Two research tools have been used in the survey: the Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence (INTE) and Maslach Burnout Inventory — General Survey questionnaire, both adapted to the Polish studies. The level of emotional intelligence in the test group relevantly correlates with depersonalization (-0,344) and reduced personal accomplishment (-0,565). On the basis of the research has been drawn the conclusion that the higher level of emotional intelligence the teachers have, the lower is level of the two aforementioned burnout dimensions

    Chemical hazards in construction industry

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    Rapid technological progress in construction requires that more and more attention should be paid to human security issues. Threats occur both at the stage of building facilities and during their use. Some impacts are easy to identify during construction stage like shocks and vibrations, others are hidden from sight and direct sensing like the harmful effect of chemicals. In addition to accidents that happen on construction sites, there are still objective threats, which may occur throughout the lifetime of the facility. In addition to clearly perceptible ones such as earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, there are hidden threats as well: bacteriological contamination, radiation or chemical interactions that occur in time. This article points to the most common chemical hazards. Examples of chemical threats occurring in construction at the stages of design, construction and use of buildings will be given below

    Expression and activity of multidrug resistance proteins in mature endothelial cells and their precursors: A challenging correlation.

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    Active cellular transporters of harmful agents-multidrug resistance (mdr) proteins-are present in tumor, stem and endothelial cells, among others. While mdr proteins are broadly studied in tumor cells, their role in non-tumor cells and the significance of their action not connected with removal of harmful xenobiotics is less extensively documented. Proper assessment of mdr proteins expression is difficult. Mdr mRNA presence is most often evaluated but that does not necessarily correlate with the protein level. The protein expression itself is difficult to determine; usually cells with mdr overexpression are studied, not cells under physiological conditions, in which a low expression level of mdr protein is often insufficient for detection in vitro. Various methods are used to identify mdr mRNA and protein expression, together with functional tests demonstrating their biological drug transporting activities. Data comparing different methods of investigating expression of mdr mRNAs and their corresponding proteins are still scarce. In this article we present the results of a study concerning mdr mRNA and protein expression. Our goal was to search for the best method to investigate the expression level and functional activity of five selected mdr proteins-MDR1, BCRP, MRP1, MRP4 and MRP5-in established in vitro cell lines of human endothelial cells (ECs) and their progenitors. Endothelial cells demonstrated mdr presence at the mRNA level, which was not always confirmed at the protein level or in functional tests. Therefore, several different assays had to be applied for evaluation of mdr proteins expression and functions in endothelial cells. Among them functional tests seemed to be the most conclusive, although not very specific