75 research outputs found

    Pyrolysis of Waste Biomass: Technical and Process Achievements, and Future Development—A Review

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    Pyrolysis has been applied in the human economy for many years, and it has become a significant alternative to the production of chemical compounds, including biofuels. The article focuses mostly on recent achievements in the technical and processing aspects of pyrolysis. The aim of the review is to present the latest research on the process of waste biomass pyrolysis to fuel production. The paper describes the mechanisms of the pyrolysis process, composition, and properties of the obtained fractions, namely pyrolysis gas, bio-oil, and biochar. Additionally, the technical aspects of the pyrolysis process are mentioned, with particular attention to the construction of the reactors. The process of waste biomass pyrolysis allows for obtaining many chemical compounds (second-generation biofuels). Optimization of the pyrolysis process allows obtaining the desired products that are applied in the chemical industry, energy, and transport. The application of pyrolysis gas, oil, and biochar as valuable chemical compounds are related to the intensifying effects of climate change, biofuel production, and waste management in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. In recent years, there has been large-scale research into the use of renewable energy sources through pyrolysis. This will make it possible to significantly reduce the carbon footprint and produce second-generation biofuels in a sustainable manner. Current research into the mechanisms of pyrolysis processes is promising, and will therefore provide access to clean and low-cost compounds that will have broad applications in the energy, chemical, agricultural, and transportation industries

    Report on the 2014 Proficiency Test of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Mycotoxins, for the Network of National Reference Laboratories - Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Copra (Coconut powder)

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    This report presents the results of the PT of the EURL for Mycotoxins which focused on the determination of aflatoxin B1 (Afla B1) in coconut powder samples. Sixty-one participants from 31 countries registered for the exercise and fifty-eight sets of results were reported. Only z-scores were used for an evaluation of performance. In total 91 % of the attributed z scores were below an absolute value of two, which indicated that most of the participants performed satisfactorily.JRC.D.5-Standards for Food Bioscienc

    Energy Transition in Poland—Assessment of the Renewable Energy Sector

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    The topic of the article considers the functioning of the renewable energy (RE) sector in Poland. This is really important in the context of the energy transition of the national economy because it influences the creation of modern technologies and increases the competitiveness and innovation of the country. Poland is in a process of energy transition where the RE sector has been developing for two decades. The authors aimed to research the RE sector improvement possibilities in Poland, including the influence of this sector on chosen social and economic aspects. Because of this research’s aim a critical situation assessment of RE in Poland was conducted and a survey of a group of experts in this field was also involved. Legal, physical and mental determinants and their influence on RE sector were looked into. In the legal determinant context a necessity to simplify relevant legislation acts in Poland was found. Undoubtedly there is a need to improve several legal acts, including the Distance Act. In physical determinants it was found that solar, wind and biomass energy have the biggest chances for development. In the case of mental determinants the authors paid attention to the need of educating the public about using and obtaining energy. It is also important to make people aware how the RE sector influences the low emission economy positively. This will improve the creation of new jobs and reduce the emissions of harmful substances to the environment

    SWOT analysis of renewable energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland): current progress, prospects and policy implications

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    Renewable energy (RE) plays an increasingly important role in the economy of almost every country in the world. In order to examine the state of renewable energy (RE) in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland), a literature review was carried out, anonymous sur-veys were conducted, a SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and TOWS analysis were carried out and the potential of RE in Mazowieckie voivodship was estimated. The total capacity of all installations is equal to 712 MW. In recent months, number of prosumers have increased to 11,742 in the Voivodeship, and the capacity of their installations is estimated at 66 MW. Simplification of legal regulations and educating society is strongly recommended. Respondents in the survey and SWOT analysis on the future of the energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship show that solar energy (35.5% of respondents) and wind energy (24.5% of respondents) have the greatest chances for the development. Development of the RE sector in the Voivodeship means new jobs, both in this sector and around it. Significant RE potential together with large project financing pos-sibilities may cause Mazowieckie Voivodeship to be a leader in RE production in Poland. It is this Voivodeship (with its capital Warsaw) that can serve as an example of the energy transformation towards 100% RE


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    The growing interest in new under-water pipe lines for the delivery of natural gas (in Baltic Sea, Mediterranean region, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, etc.) needs a new instruments for the monitoring of leakage and/or possible destruction of the pipes, which could not only disturb fragile ecological systems of Baltic and other seas, but also can lead to the technological catastrophes. We plan to develop a prototype of the system consisting of pervaporation membrane and gas sensors. Overall system will be immersed into water and will be fabricated in two versions: as a stationary instrument dipped into sea water and as an instrument towed along the pipe line. Micromachined metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors used for the detection of methane concentrations is designed and fabricated using “nano-on-micro” approach. Overall system is optimized from the point of view of minimum power consumption, which is necessary to assure its long term operation under autonomous conditions

    The assessment of solar photovoltaic in Poland: the photovoltaics potential, perspectives and development

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    The following article explains the current condition of the photovoltaics sector both in Poland and worldwide. Recently, a rapid development of solar energy has been observed in Poland and is estimated that the country now has about 700,000 photovoltaics prosumers. In October 2021, the total photovoltaics power in Poland amounted to nearly 5.7 GW. The calculated technical potential of photovoltaics in Poland is 153.484 PJ (42.634 TWh). This would cover 26.04% of Poland’s electricity needs. The main aim of the article is to assess the level of development of the photovoltaic market in Poland, the genesis of its creation, description of the current situation and determination of the development opportunities. As part of the aim, programs supporting the development of solar energy in Poland have been described and the SWOT analysis has also been performed. The strengths of photovoltaics include high social acceptance and low costs of photovoltaics system operation, while opportunities include rapidly increasing technological efficiency and decreasing cost of solar systems. On the other hand, weaknesses include the high costs of photovoltaics systems and the disparities in the amount of solar energy reaching the market during the year, whereas climate change and the coronavirus pandemic are threats. In 2020, PV became an investment hit in the energy sector and an economic driver in Poland. In the difficult time of two lockdowns caused by the global pandemic, domestic PV made a significant contribution to the maintenance of investment processes in the amount of PLN 9.5 billion and provided Poland with 35 thousand jobs. In 2020, 1.5% of the country’s electricity came from PV sources. In 2021, it will be 3.5%, and by 2025, solar energy will provide approx. 10% of Poland’s electricity. It is worth examining the development of photovoltaics from a broad and long-term perspective. The spectacular development of photovoltaics in Poland is due to hitting the right time window and reducing technology costs, but most of all, it is based on the cooperation of stakeholders and trust in the regulatory environment

    Cognitive tests used in examining effects of physical training in elderly people

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    Introduction. Cognitive tests are a valuable, sensitive and useful tool for examining the effectiveness of physical training. Purpose. To show which studies are sensitive in examining cognitive changes induced by physical training. We explored meta-analysis with healthy participants and patients with MCI. Materials and methods. Analysis of meta-analysis in the EBSCO database using keywords: meta-analysis, cognitive tests, physical training, elderly. Results. 4 meta-analysis have 10 researches in common; however, diverse of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to inability in obtaining reliable results. Discussion and conclusion. Some cognitive tests seems to be more sensitive in examining results of physical training. Diversity of research methodology induces much difficulties in comparing of studies.Wstęp. Testy poznawcze są wrażliwym i użytecznym narzędziem w badaniu skuteczności treningu fizycznego. Cel. Sprawdzenie, które testy są wrażliwe na badania zmian poznawczych wywołanych przez trening fizyczny. Przeanalizowaliśmy metaanalizy ze zdrowymi uczestnikami i pacjentami z MCI. Materiał i metody. Analiza metaanaliz w bazie danych EBSCO za pomocą słów kluczowych: metaanaliza, testy poznawcze, ćwiczenia fizyczne, osoby starsze. Wyniki. 4 metaanalizy posiadają 10 wspólnych badań, jednakże zróżnicowanie kryteriów włączenia i wyłą-czenia doprowadziły do niemożności w uzyskaniu wiary-godnych wyników. Dyskusja i wnioski. Niektóre testy poznawcze wydają się być bardziej czułe w badaniu wyników treningu fizycznego. Różnorodność metodologii wywołuje wiele trudności w porównywaniu bada

    Testy poznawcze stosowane w badaniu efektów treningu fizycznego u osób starszych

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    Introduction. Cognitive tests are a valuable, sensitive and useful tool for examining the effectiveness of physical training.Purpose. To show which studies are sensitive in examining cognitive changes induced by physical training. We explored meta-analysis with healthy participants and patients with MCI.Materials and methods. Analysis of meta-analysis in the EBSCO database using keywords: meta-analysis, cognitive tests, physical training, elderly.Results. 4 meta-analysis have 10 researches in common; however, diverse of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to inability in obtaining reliable results.Discussion and conclusion. Some cognitive tests seems to be more sensitive in examining results of physical training. Diversity of research methodology induces much difficulties in comparing of studies.Wstęp. Testy poznawcze są wrażliwym i użytecznym narzędziem w badaniu skuteczności treningu fizycznego.Cel. Sprawdzenie, które testy są wrażliwe na badania zmian poznawczych wywołanych przez trening fizyczny. Przeanalizowaliśmy metaanalizy ze zdrowymi uczestnikami i pacjentami z MCI.Materiał i metody. Analiza metaanaliz w bazie danych EBSCO za pomocą słów kluczowych: metaanaliza, testy poznawcze, ćwiczenia fizyczne, osoby starsze.Wyniki. 4 metaanalizy posiadają 10 wspólnych badań, jednakże zróżnicowanie kryteriów włączenia i wyłą-czenia doprowadziły do niemożności w uzyskaniu wiary-godnych wyników.Dyskusja i wnioski. Niektóre testy poznawcze wydają się być bardziej czułe w badaniu wyników treningu fizycznego. Różnorodność metodologii wywołuje wiele trudności w porównywaniu bada

    Electro‐driven materials and processes for lithium recovery—A review

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    The mass production of lithium‐ion batteries and lithium‐rich e‐products that are required for electric vehicles, energy storage devices, and cloud‐connected electronics is driving an unprecedented demand for lithium resources. Current lithium production technologies, in which extraction and purification are typically achieved by hydrometallurgical routes, possess strong environmental impact but are also energy‐intensive and require extensive operational capabilities. The emergence of selective membrane materials and associated electro‐processes offers an avenue to reduce these energy and cost penalties and create more sustainable lithium production approaches. In this review, lithium recovery technologies are discussed considering the origin of the lithium, which can be primary sources such as minerals and brines or e‐waste sources generated from recycling of batteries and other e‐products. The relevance of electro‐membrane processes for selective lithium recovery is discussed as well as the potential and shortfalls of current electro-membrane methods