576 research outputs found

    The assessment of microcirculation architecture in keloids and hypertrophic scars : videocapillaroscopy

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    The aim of the study was the evaluation in vivo of the differences between the microcirculatory characteristics of the scars (keloids and hypertrophic scars) and healthy skin. Twenty three patients with keloids and twenty with hypertrophic scars were included in the study, evaluating fifty six scar areas and twenty healthy skin areas by means of contact optical probe videocapillaroscopy. Capillary density, length and capillary distribution pattern (punctiform, reticular, directional) together with the presence of microhemorrhages and neoangiogenesis were studied. Capillary length, capillary distribution pattern and presence of neoangiogenesis were found to be significantly increased in keloids and hypertrophic scars compared with controls. There were also significant differences between scars at the active stage and the ones in the atrophic phase as regards capillary length and the degree of neoangiogenesis. Patients with keloids and hypertrophic scars showed in videocapillaroscopy a variety of microcirculatory changes, often clustered in a characteristic pattern of abnormally oriented, dilated capillaries and neoangiogenesis phenomena. This methodology is highly likely to be of value in the assessment and prognostication of keloids and hypertrophic scars outcome

    Current standards for diagnosis and treatment of syphilis : selection of some practical issues, based on the European (IUSTI) and U.S. (CDC) guidelines

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    Syphilis continues to be an important epidemiologic problem. For a few years a steady increase in the incidence of this sexually transmitted disease has been observed. Advances in medical science obligate the doctor to use only such diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that are scientifically proven. Based on the European (IUSTI) and U.S. (CDC) guidelines, in this manuscript, we present some selected practical issues concerning diagnosis and treatment of syphilis. We truly hope that the present review will help all doctors taking care of syphilitic patients to systematize the current knowledge

    Zagadnienie ekstrakcji profilaktycznych dolnych trzecich trzonowców : przegląd wytycznych wybranych państw

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    Obecność i wyrzynanie trzecich zębów mądrości wiąże się niejednokrotnie z wystąpieniem różnych powikłań w najmniej oczekiwanym dla pacjenta momencie. Z drugiej strony zabieg chirurgicznej ekstrakcji również nie stroni od licznych komplikacji. Kwalifikacja pacjentów do zabiegu profilaktycznego usunięcia trzeciego dolnego zęba mądrości powinna być oparta na faktach. W ostatnim czasie zostało przeprowadzanych wiele badań naukowych, jednak wciąż bardzo często spotyka się sprzeczne stanowiska dotyczące tego tematu. Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie ogólnokrajowych wytycznych określających wskazania lub przeciwwskazania do profilaktycznych ekstrakcji dolnych zębów mądrości w wybranych państwach. Chcąc przedstawić jak największy przekrój danych zostały uwzględnione wytyczne państw zarówno zachodnioeuropejskich, jak i Ameryki oraz Azji. Uwzględniono osiem państw, w tym Polskę. Porównując zalecenia z poszczególnych krajów stwierdzono liczne rozbieżności. W niektórych państwach powołane komisje jednoznacznie sprzeciwiają się ekstrakcjom profilaktycznym, w innych zaś zostały stworzone dokładne schematy postępowania w konkretnych sytuacjach klinicznych. W algorytmach tych uwzględniono m. in. dokładny wiek pacjentów, stadium rozwoju korzenia, położenie zęba oraz czynniki związane z sytuacją życiową pacjenta.The presence and eruption of wisdom teeth is often associated with the appearance of various complications when they are least expected by the patient. On the other hand, surgical extraction is also associated with numerous complications. The qualification of patients for the prophylactic removal of the lower wisdom tooth should be based on evidence. Recently, a lot of scientific research has been done, but there are still many different opinions about this topic. The purpose of this article is to trace the national guidelines defining indications or contraindications for the prophylactic extractions of lower wisdom teeth in selected countries. In order to present the largest cross-section of data, the guidelines of countries from Western Europe, America and Asia have been taken into account. Eight countries are presented, including Poland. Comparing the recommendations from each country numerous discrepancies were found. In some countries, expert committees clearly oppose prophylactic extractions, while others have developed appropriate treatment guidelines for specific clinical situations. These algorithms have taken into account age of the patients, the root development stage, the position of the tooth, and the factors related to the patient’s life situation

    Dendritic cells in cancer immunotherapy - a short review

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are rare leukocytes that are uniquely potent in their recent application to therapeutic cancer vaccines. Isolated DCs loaded with tumour antigen ex vivo and administered as a cellular vaccine have been found to induce protective and therapeutic anti-tumour immunity. In the present report we describe the most common methods of culturing DCs and delivering tumour antigens and we summarise clinical trials of cancer immunotherapy using DCs-based vaccines

    Contact eczema of hands caused by contact with potato protein

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    Introduction. Protein contact dermatitis (PCD) is an IgE-dependent allergic reaction which, despite enormous progress in knowledge, remains a ‘non-diagnosed’ nosologic unit in contemporary medicine. Skin lesion, with a chronic and recurring course, are analogous with the clinical picture in allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) and irritant contact dermatitis (ICD); skin patch tests, however, are usually negative. This makes the diagnostics difficult, prevents a correct diagnosis and treatment based on the avoidance of allergen. Case description. A 48-year-old woman presented with erythemato-squamous skin lesions, accompanied by a strong itching, occurring on hands for about 6 months. The patient attributed the occurrence of skin lesions to household chores, above all – cooking and contact with food. The contact allergy was not confirmed. Positive results of the prick-by-prick test were observed for potato. Based on the above results, contact eczema induced by potato protein was diagnosed. Allergen elimination and use of emolients were prescribed. A complete remission of skin lesions was obtained. Discussion. PCD is rarely diagnosed, which is why there is no substantial epidemiologic data. It is estimated that about 50% of cases are related to atopy. This occurs more often in patients with a damaged dermal-epidermal barrier. Most often, the same products eaten by subjects do not produce any effects. A correct assessment of the substance provoking the occurrence of skin lesions is very important, as most often the products concerned are those commonly used in the household. A detailed PCD diagnostics is very important for obtaining the optimal treatment results

    Air-borne dermatitis from "Chrysanthemum" : case report with a discussion of diagnostic procedures and therapy

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    Airborne dermatitis belongs to a heterogeneous group of dermatoses of various etiopathology and clinical characteristics. This disease is characterized by acute or chronic inflammation of the uncovered skin exposed to irritants or allergens. Initially skin lesions are transient. The paper presents a description of chrysanthemum growers diagnosed with air-borne dermatitis from chrysanthemum. Etiology, pathomechanism, clinical course, diagnostics and therapeutical methods are described

    Dendritic cells in peripheral blood of patients with breast and lung cancer--a pilot study.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are regarded as the most potent antigen presenting cells that are well suited to activate T cells toward various antigens, such as tumor-associated antigens, due to their costimulatory activity. There is evidence that DCs are of diverse origin, with at least two types of myeloid and lymphoid precursors implicated in their generation. The recent reports demonstrated that the number and function of dendritic cells might change dramatically in cancer patients. In the present study we evaluated the percentage of myeloid and lymphoid DCs in patients with breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and in the healthy donors. The percentage of both DC populations was significantly lower in patients with NSCLC than in the control group. In patients with breast cancer, the number of lymphoid DCs was significantly higher than in NSCLC patients. The obtained results suggest influence of pathological states on host immune system. The decrease in the number of DCs in the peripheral blood from cancer patients may be closely correlated with the type of tumour