58 research outputs found

    Charge transport through bio-molecular wires in a solvent: Bridging molecular dynamics and model Hamiltonian approaches

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    We present a hybrid method based on a combination of quantum/classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and a mod el Hamiltonian approach to describe charge transport through bio-molecular wires with variable lengths in presence o f a solvent. The core of our approach consists in a mapping of the bio-molecular electronic structure, as obtained f rom density-functional based tight-binding calculations of molecular structures along MD trajectories, onto a low di mensional model Hamiltonian including the coupling to a dissipative bosonic environment. The latter encodes fluctuat ion effects arising from the solvent and from the molecular conformational dynamics. We apply this approach to the c ase of pG-pC and pA-pT DNA oligomers as paradigmatic cases and show that the DNA conformational fluctuations are essential in determining and supporting charge transport

    Structural fluctuations and quantum transport through DNA molecular wires: a combined molecular dynamics and model Hamiltonian approach

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    Charge transport through a short DNA oligomer (Dickerson dodecamer) in presence of structural fluctuations is investigated using a hybrid computational methodology based on a combination of quantum mechanical electronic structure calculations and classical molecular dynamics simulations with a model Hamiltonian approach. Based on a fragment orbital description, the DNA electronic structure can be coarse-grained in a very efficient way. The influence of dynamical fluctuations arising either from the solvent fluctuations or from base-pair vibrational modes can be taken into account in a straightforward way through time series of the effective DNA electronic parameters, evaluated at snapshots along the MD trajectory. We show that charge transport can be promoted through the coupling to solvent fluctuations, which gate the onsite energies along the DNA wire

    Tight-binding parameters for charge transfer along DNA

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    We systematically examine all the tight-binding parameters pertinent to charge transfer along DNA. The π\pi molecular structure of the four DNA bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) is investigated by using the linear combination of atomic orbitals method with a recently introduced parametrization. The HOMO and LUMO wavefunctions and energies of DNA bases are discussed and then used for calculating the corresponding wavefunctions of the two B-DNA base-pairs (adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine). The obtained HOMO and LUMO energies of the bases are in good agreement with available experimental values. Our results are then used for estimating the complete set of charge transfer parameters between neighboring bases and also between successive base-pairs, considering all possible combinations between them, for both electrons and holes. The calculated microscopic quantities can be used in mesoscopic theoretical models of electron or hole transfer along the DNA double helix, as they provide the necessary parameters for a tight-binding phenomenological description based on the π\pi molecular overlap. We find that usually the hopping parameters for holes are higher in magnitude compared to the ones for electrons, which probably indicates that hole transport along DNA is more favorable than electron transport. Our findings are also compared with existing calculations from first principles.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 7 table

    Charge Transfer in Model Peptides: Obtaining Marcus Parameters from Molecular Simulation

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    Charge transfer in model peptides: obtaining Marcus parameters from molecular simulation

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    Charge transfer within and between biomolecules remains a highly active field of biophysics. Due to the complexities of real systems, model compounds are a useful alternative to study the mechanistic fundamentals of charge transfer. In recent years, such model experiments have been underpinned by molecular simulation methods as well. In this work, we study electron hole transfer in helical model peptides by means of molecular dynamics simulations. A theoretical framework to extract Marcus parameters of charge transfer from simulations is presented. We find that the peptides form stable helical structures with sequence dependent small deviations from ideal PPII helices. We identify direct exposure of charged side chains to solvent as a cause of high reorganization energies, significantly larger than typical for electron transfer in proteins. This, together with small direct couplings, makes long-range superexchange electron transport in this system very slow. In good agreement with experiment, direct transfer between the terminal amino acid side chains can be dicounted in favor of a two-step hopping process if appropriate bridging groups exist

    Charge Transfer in E. coli DNA Photolyase: Understanding Polarization and Stabilization Effects via QM/MM Simulations

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    We study fast hole transfer events in E. coli DNA photolyase, a key step in the photoactivation process, using a multiscale computational method that combines nonadiabatic propagation schemes and linear-scaling quantum chemical methods with molecular mechanics force fields. This scheme allows us to follow the time-dependent evolution of the electron hole in an unbiased fashion; that is, no assumptions about hole wave function localization, time scale separation, or adiabaticity of the process have to be made beforehand. DNA photolyase facilitates an efficient long-range charge transport between its flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor and the protein surface via a chain of evolutionary conserved Trp residues on the sub-nanosecond time scale despite the existence of multiple potential trap states. By including a large number of aromatic residues along the charge transfer pathway into the quantum description, we are able to identify the main pathway among alternative possible routes. The simulations show that charge transfer, which is extremely fast in this protein, occurs on the same time scale as the protein response to the electrostatic changes; that is, time-scale separation as often presupposed in charge transfer studies seems to be inappropriate for this system. Therefore, coupled equations of motion, which propagate electrons and nuclei simultaneously, appear to be necessary. The applied computational model is shown to capture the essentials of the reaction kinetics and thermodynamics while allowing direct simulations of charge transfer events on their natural time scale