35 research outputs found

    Poglądy Ignacego Boczylińskiego na wychowanie i edukację kobiet

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    Poradnictwo rolnicze jako forma edukacji dorosłych w Polsce 1956–1970

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    The article presents issues relating to agricultural counselling as a form of out-of-school adult agricultural education in Poland in 1956–1970. In that time agricultural counselling was provided mainly by communal agronomists, instructors of National Councils and farmers’ associations. The press of that time informed about effects of farmers’ work, objectives and contents given to them, sometimes giving detailed information about agronomic services relating to counselling. Scientific monographs, textbooks and manuals developing the knowledge about counselling were also published. Some of those works were written by the best experts on agricultural andragogy of that time.W artykule przedstawiono problemy związane z poradnictwem rolniczym, jako jedną z form pozaszkolnej oświaty rolniczej dorosłych w Polsce w latach 1956–1970. W tym okresie doradztwo rolnicze było prowadzone przede wszystkim przez agronomów gromadzkich i instruktorów Rad Narodowych i kółek rolniczych. O efektach ich pracy, celach i treściach przekazywanych rolnikom informowała ówczesna prasa, przekazując niekiedy szczegółowe wiadomości o działalności służb agronomicznych w zakresie poradnictwa. Wydawano również monografie naukowe, podręczniki i instrukcje zgłębiające wiedzę o istocie poradnictwa. Część z tych prac została napisana przez najlepszych ówcześnie znawców andragogiki rolniczej

    Die Wahrnehmung der Pädagogik Johann Friedrich Herbart in Polen

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    The article shows the development of Polish interests in the pedagogical mind of J. F. Herbart. In this work we chronologically presented the most important Polish publications on Herbart we drew attention to the change of its perception in different historical periods. There is no doubt that a large part of Polish authors esteem the educational Herbart and tried to popularize his ideas among Polish teachers. It is understood that the greatest interest in ‘herbartyzmem’ was in the nineteenth century but it declined sharply in the next century. This was associated with the development of new educational systems. The article is an important contribution to a better understanding of the reception of the German educational thought in other countries

    Polskie publikacje religijne w opinii krytyki (1918-1939)

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    Il pensiero pedagogico italiano nei manuali polacchi di storia dell’educazione

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    This paper describes the popularization of the Italian pedagogical thought in Polish textbooks about the history of education in general. It has shown that the authors of the textbooks gave a lot of information about the Italian school system and education and presented profiles of outstanding Italian educationalists, e.g. St John Bosco or Maria Montessori. This paper indicates that in the past centuries Poles were open to Italian intellectual currents, academic trips to the Italian Peninsula, and education at local universities. Polish textbooks about the history of education were popular (in the 20th c.) and still are an important source of knowledge about the history of Italian education. For the purposes of this paper, the contents of the most representative and popular textbooks have been analysed.This paper describes the popularization of the Italian pedagogical thought in Polish textbooks about the history of education in general. It has shown that the authors of the textbooks gave a lot of information about the Italian school system and education and presented profiles of outstanding Italian educationalists, e.g. St John Bosco or Maria Montessori. This paper indicates that in the past centuries Poles were open to Italian intellectual currents, academic trips to the Italian Peninsula, and education at local universities. Polish textbooks about the history of education were popular (in the 20th c.) and still are an important source of knowledge about the history of Italian education. For the purposes of this paper, the contents of the most representative and popular textbooks have been analysed.This paper describes the popularization of the Italian pedagogical thought in Polish textbooks about the history of education in general. It has shown that the authors of the textbooks gave a lot of information about the Italian school system and education and presented profiles of outstanding Italian educationalists, e.g. St John Bosco or Maria Montessori. This paper indicates that in the past centuries Poles were open to Italian intellectual currents, academic trips to the Italian Peninsula, and education at local universities. Polish textbooks about the history of education were popular (in the 20th c.) and still are an important source of knowledge about the history of Italian education. For the purposes of this paper, the contents of the most representative and popular textbooks have been analysed

    Problemy lecznictwa w Turcji i Persji w świetle korespondencji emigranta Władysława Jabłonowskiego

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    The problems of health care in Turkey and Persia in the correspondence of the emigrant Władysław JabłonowskiThe article is devoted to the letters written by doctor Władysław Jabłonowski from Turkey and Persia to Polish medical journals. This Polish doctor, who spent many years in exile following the January Uprising, carried out painstaking work to reach various areas of Turkey, contributing to the halting of the spread of cholera and plague epidemics. His letters sent to Polish periodicals e.g. Przegląd Lekarski, Medycyna dealt primarily with healthcare in Turkey and Persia “An epidemiology of the East”, “Sanitary sketches from Persia”, “The plague and cholera in the East”, “Health care in the Turkish army”, and not only made for an interesting reading about countries that were exotic to many, but also constituted a source of information about some diseases rarely encountered in Poland and about specific conditionsin which health services functioned. For modern historians of medicine, too, Jabłonowski’s articles, written in the second half of the 19th century, can provide a solid source base for writing about the medical art in the past.Translated by Anna KijakПроблемы лечения в Турции и Персии в свете переписки Владислава ЯблоновскогоСтатья посвящена переписке врача Владислава Яблоновского из Турции и Персии с польскими медицинскими журналами. Этот польский врач, проведший много лет в эмиграции, в которую ушел после Январского восстания, выполнял кропотливую работу, добираясь в разные наиболее удаленные места турецкого государства, способствуя ограничению распространения эпидемии холеры и чумы. Его письма, отправленные в польские периодические журналы например, „Przegląd L ekarski”, „Medycyna”, были посвя- щены, в частности, здравоохранению в Турции и Персии Дополнение к эпидемиологии Востока, Санитарные очерки из Персии, Чума и холера на Востоке, Здравоохранение в турецкой армии и они были не только интересной литературой, рассказом об экзоти- ческих для многих странах, но и источником о некоторых редко встречаемых на полькой земле болезнях, специфических условиях, в каких действовали медицинские службы. Также для современных историков медицины статьи Яблоновского, написанные во второй половине XIX в., могут быть прочным основанием для работ по истории врачебного искусства.Перевел Ежи РоссеникThe problems of health care in Turkey and Persia in the correspondence of the emigrant Władysław JabłonowskiThe article is devoted to the letters written by doctor Władysław Jabłonowski from Turkey and Persia to Polish medical journals. This Polish doctor, who spent many years in exile following the January Uprising, carried out painstaking work to reach various areas of Turkey, contributing to the halting of the spread of cholera and plague epidemics. His letters sent to Polish periodicals e.g. Przegląd Lekarski, Medycyna dealt primarily with healthcare in Turkey and Persia “An epidemiology of the East”, “Sanitary sketches from Persia”, “The plague and cholera in the East”, “Health care in the Turkish army”, and not only made for an interesting reading about countries that were exotic to many, but also constituted a source of information about some diseases rarely encountered in Poland and about specific conditionsin which health services functioned. For modern historians of medicine, too, Jabłonowski’s articles, written in the second half of the 19th century, can provide a solid source base for writing about the medical art in the past.Translated by Anna KijakПроблемы лечения в Турции и Персии в свете переписки Владислава ЯблоновскогоСтатья посвящена переписке врача Владислава Яблоновского из Турции и Персии с польскими медицинскими журналами. Этот польский врач, проведший много лет в эмиграции, в которую ушел после Январского восстания, выполнял кропотливую работу, добираясь в разные наиболее удаленные места турецкого государства, способствуя ограничению распространения эпидемии холеры и чумы. Его письма, отправленные в польские периодические журналы например, „Przegląd L ekarski”, „Medycyna”, были посвя- щены, в частности, здравоохранению в Турции и Персии Дополнение к эпидемиологии Востока, Санитарные очерки из Персии, Чума и холера на Востоке, Здравоохранение в турецкой армии и они были не только интересной литературой, рассказом об экзоти- ческих для многих странах, но и источником о некоторых редко встречаемых на полькой земле болезнях, специфических условиях, в каких действовали медицинские службы. Также для современных историков медицины статьи Яблоновского, написанные во второй половине XIX в., могут быть прочным основанием для работ по истории врачебного искусства.Перевел Ежи Россени

    Polish religious books (1918-1939) in the assessment of the criticism of the time

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    The article shows how reviewers assessed religious books during the Second Polish Republic. Reviews were placed in a number of professional journals such as „Ateneum Kapłańskie” (“Sacerdotal Athenaeum”), „Kwartalnik Teologiczny Wileński” (“Vilnius Theological Quarterly”), „Miesięcznik Katechetyczny i Wychowawczy”(“Catechetical and Educational Magazine”), „Mysterium Chrysti”, „Polski Przegląd Tomistyczny”(“Polish Thomist Review”), „Przegląd Biblijny”(“Bible Review”), „Przegląd Homiletyczny” (“Homiletic Review”), „Przegląd Teologiczny” (“Theological Review”). A lot of these reviews were written by experts on religious issues. The majority of reviews were laudatory ones, praising Polish religious literature and encouraging to further work and theological studies.

    Th e scientifi c criticism of Polish medical books at the turn of the 20th century Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego

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    Artykuł ukazuje niektóre problemy związane z krytyką naukową polskich książek medycznych na przełomie XIX i XX w. W prasie medycznej z tego okresu znajdują się liczne recenzje nowości wydawniczych. Recenzenci nie ograniczali się wyłącznie do streszczenia zawartości recenzowanego dzieła, ale i także mniej lub bardziej szczegółowo oceniali jego treść. Zawracali uwagę m.in. na nowatorskość podejmowanej problematyki oraz wkład w rozwój wiedzy o poszczególnych chorobach. Recenzowano wówczas przede wszystkim książki z neurologii i kardiologii, chorób układy trawiennego, chorób zakaźnych, laryngologii, okulistyki i medycyny weterynaryjnej.Th e article presents some of the issues related to the scientifi c criticism of Polish medical books at the turn of the 20th century. Th ere are numerous reviews of the latest publications in the medical papers of that time. Th e reviewers did not limit themselves to summarizing only the content of the reviewed works, but they also assessed their content in less or more detail. Th ey focused, for example, on the innovativeness of the discussed issue and contribution to the development of knowledge about specifi c diseases. Mainly books on neurology and cardiology, diseases of the digestive system, infectious diseases, laryngology, ophthalmology and veterinary medicine were then reviewed

    Polish Interest in the Organization of Medical Education and Functioning of Medical Care in Austria in the Second Half of the 19 th Century

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    Druga połowa XIX wieku zaznaczyła się wzrostem zainteresowania ze strony Polaków osiągnięciami austriackiej medycyny. Wówczas to na kartach specjalistycznych czasopism ukazało się kilkadziesiąt artykułów przedstawiających, jak w monarchii austriackiej rozwija się edukacja przyszłych lekarzy, funkcjonuje szpitalnictwo. Osobne publikacje poświęcono farmacji, konferencjom, wystawom, weterynarii. Dowodziły one, że austriaccy przedstawiciele świata nauki rozumieją potrzebę pogłębiania wiedzy medycznej, roztaczania opieki zdrowotnej nad potrzebującymi. Znaczna część autorów mogła przekonać się naocznie, jak funkcjonuje austriacka służba zdrowia. Studiowali oni bowiem w Wiedniu lub brali udział w konferencjach urządzanych w tym mieście.The second half of the 19th century manifested itself with the increase of Poles’ interest in the achievements of the Austrian medicine. It was then that a few dozens of specialist articles described how the future doctors’ education developed and how the hospitals functioned in the Austrian monarchy. Several separate publications were devoted to pharmacy, conferences, fairs and veterinary medicine. All publications demonstrated that Austrian representatives o f the scientific world understood the need for deepening medical knowledge or providing health care for those in need. A considerable number of authors could see with their own eyes how the Austrian health care worked because they either studied in Vienna or participated in the conferences organized in this city