66 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan data dari Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, terdapat 24 (dua puluh empat) balita stunting di wilayah Kelurahan Jagakarsa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tim pengabdian masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II mengadakan pemberdayaan keluarga tentang pentingnya imunisasi dasar lengkap bagi anak dan pencegahan penyakit kecacingan. Metode yang digunakan adalah edukasi dan kunjungan ke rumah keluarga balita stunting. Pembukaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di RPTRA Matoa Kelurahan Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan pada bulan Agustus 2002. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan imunisasi dan pencegahan penyakit kecacingan di rumah-rumah keluarga balita stunting berjalan dengan lancar. Penyuluhan diikuti oleh peserta dari kelompok ibu balita yang didampingi oleh kader, petugas puskesmas dan mahasiswa. Dari hasil pemberian kuesioner sebagai bahan evaluasi pengetahuan ibu balita tentang pentingnya imunisasi dasar lengkap dan pengetahuan kejadian kecacingan diperoleh hasil sebelum pemberian penyuluhan rata-rata tingkat pengetahuan ibu balita sebesar 61,3% dan setelah diberikan penyuluhan mengalami peningkatan yaitu rata-rata 75%


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    Traffic congestion is part of the transportation problems which are always resolved using indicators and transportation modeling without considering the spatial or land use development sectors. Land use affects the development and attract the use of urban road network and, thereby, increases the traffic volume. Besides the traffic circulation will create traffic conflicts, congestion, delay, and reduce the traffic speed. Transportation problems can be anticipated by implementing an integrated transportation management system, using a computer program that is able to detect the problem as early as possible. Dynamic modeling can be used to model complex problems of urban transportation. The results of this study indicate that the dynamic systemmodeling can be used as a tool to estimate the space requirement, with modeling variables must be first determined, making it clear what to be assessed and how the data to be structured.Keywords: traffic congestion, transportation management, dynamic modellin


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    Traffic congestion is part of the transportation problems which are always resolved using indicators and transportation modeling without considering the spatial or land use development sectors. Land use affects the development and attract the use of urban road network and, thereby, increases the traffic volume. Besides the traffic circulation will create traffic conflicts, congestion, delay, and reduce the traffic speed. Transportation problems can be anticipated by implementing an integrated transportation management system, using a computer program that is able to detect the problem as early as possible. Dynamic modeling can be used to model complex problems of urban transportation. The results of this study indicate that the dynamic systemmodeling can be used as a tool to estimate the space requirement, with modeling variables must be first determined, making it clear what to be assessed and how the data to be structured.Keywords: traffic congestion, transportation management, dynamic modellin

    Suplementasi Makanan Tambahan Tinggi Protein Hewani, Kalsium Dan Zinc Pada Anak Umur 6-24 Bulan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Panjang Badan Anak

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    The results of the 2021 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia that stunting prevalence in five-year-old children is 24.4%. Children who are stunted until the age of 5 years will be difficult to overcome so it will continue into adulthood and can increase the risk of offspring with low birth weight. Stunting will cause long-term impacts, namely impaired physical, mental, intellectual, and cognitive development. This research method used an experimental design by providing food in the form of 50,0 g of nuggets every day for 6 weeks as high supplements in animal protein, calcium,and zinc. The subjects of this research were children aged 6-24 months, the subjects were randomly assigned. The number of samples based on the calculation of the sample size was 30 children. The results showed that before the intervention was given to the treatment subjects, the average height was 79,6 ± 4,8 cm and after the treatment was given, the average height was 80,01±4,9 cm. Based on the results of the paired t-test there was a significant difference in height of 0,41 ± 0,26 cm (p = 0,000). For initial body weight or before being given treatment to the treatment subjects, there was an average body weight of 10,1 ± 1,5 kg and after being given treatment, the average body weight was 10,3±1,5 kg, there was no difference (p = 0,082) of body weight after being given supplementation. As a suggestion, it is necessary to develop a more varied form of food so that all age groups of infants and children can consume high supplements in animal protein, calcium and zinc.   &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT The research area is situated 40 kilometers north of Boyolali at Kendeng antiklinorium folding mountain. Physiographically, it lies on a thrust-fold belt, Western Kendeng Zone, Northernpart of East Java Basin. Litologic varian composing the research area consists of silisiclastic rocks, such as sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and layer of bentonite. Sedimentary character and stacking pattern showed that the sedimen was deposited by turbidit current mechanism. Wrench fault and anticline are the major structures. Shear joints and drags are occasionally found on silisiclastic sedimentary rocks layer. Antiklinorium axis is EastNortheast-WestSouthwest according to the layer position itself where is vertical. Wrench fault is Northwesat-Southeast. Bentonite was originated from material that composed of pyroclastic fall deposit which was altered. The main process was devitrivication of volcanic glasses. The other process was the solution of primary minerals and lithic fragments. The volcanic glasses consisted mostly of vitric tuff are unstable, and easy to alter in alkaline environment forming liquid which contains Si+4 cation. Meanwhile, solution of primary minerals and Ethic fragments formed liquid containing cations of Ti+4, A1+3, Ca+2, Na+, K+, Fe+3, and Mg+2. All of the liquid made from those processes were mixed to form a silicate liquid. When it crystalized, this liquid formed secondary minerals such as montmorilonite. Dip of layer of bentonit is vertical and EastNortheast-WestSouthwest oriented the same as the layer of the surounding area. The properties of ceramic products consisting of 44-45% Mayong feldspar, 44-45% kaolin, and 10-12% bentonite, were as follows : idealized dry shrinkage 4.68-5.25% (idealized burn shrinkage 5.50-5.62%), porosity of idealized dry and burn shrinkage 35.042-39.473%, the modulus of rupture 237.712-401.887 N/cm2, and water plasticity 41.19-44.81%. The increase of bentonite content improved the properties of the products. Keywords: bentonite, vitric tuff, devitrivication, ceramic

    Peluang dan tantangan sarjana teknik (engineer) dalam pemgembangan Sumatera dan Semenanjung Malaysia

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    The integration of potential economic areas was absolutely necessary to speed up the economic movement through the availability of infrastructures. One of the most important economic areas which should be developed is Sumatera Island which is expected to accelerate the economic growth by connecting it to Java Island as well as to Malaysia Peninsular. So that Sumatera, Kepulauan Riau & Bangka Belitung region should be prepared are 1) Integrated Multimode – Intermodal Transportation System 2) Integrated Electric Power Plant System 3) Roll on roll off Ferry Ports Domestic & International Flight Development Seaports and Airports 4) Industrial Zone/ Specific economic zone (Export Processing Zone Domestic-imported Processing Zone). All of the potential infrastructure that describe above are opportunity the engineer. Meanwhile competency development by market driven and networking are the treat that be prepared

    Muarareja Fishermen Perceptions on The Prohibition of Arad and Environmentally Friendly Fishing Tool Assistance Programs

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    Arad has been prohibited because of its damages to the environment. However, fishers in Muarareja continue to operate the gear even though environmentally friendly fishing gear (traps) have been granted as a substitution. The reason behind the rejection of substitute fishing gear is interesting to be investigated. Therefore, the study aim to 1) analyze fishers' perceptions of arad prohibition, traps, and environmentally friendly fishing gear program; 2) evaluate fishers' perception on policies concerning arad prohibition and fishing gear substitution; and 3) formulate the recommendations. This study involved 35 arad fishers in Muarareja Village who has been granted with traps as substitute fishing gear. Variables in this study are fishers' perceptions on arad and trap, the policy of arad prohibition, and fishers' perception on the environmentally friendly fishing gear program. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by scoring respondents' answers based on provided statements. The results showed that fishers did not agree that arad is not environmentally friendly, while the trap is. Fishers are also against arad prohibition and refuse to use traps as a replacement. Furthermore, fishers who received traps are still very dependent on arad and use traps only for alternative fishing gear. Recommendations for the policy of arad prohibition are arad should be allowed with special regulation, and further education is required for fishers to understand the correlation between unselective fishing gear and environmental damages. Recommendations for the environmentally friendly fishing gear program are that the provision of traps should be continued with several adjustments following fishermen's preferences.Keywords: Prohibition of arad, environmentally-friendly fishing gear, traps

    Stimulation of Children Growth as a Result of Tsunami Impact South Sunda Pandeglang Banten

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    The cause of malnutrition is not only caused by lack of food intake but also because of infection. Another factor that is estimated to influence nutritional status is parenting. This study aims to find out the effect of mother class programs and child preschool toward mother's knowledge, parenting, children's nutritional intake, and children nutritional status. The hypothesis of this study is the intervention of the mother class program and pre-school plays better than the intervention of the mother class only or toward the mother's knowledge and nutritional status of the child. The chosen sample was children aged 2-6 years the inclusion and exclusion criterias. This study uses a quasi-experimental design. The sample was divided into 3 groups, mother group class, pre-school and mother and child play class. The results showed 73.3% of female research subjects, an average age of 55.84 months, 13.3% diarrhea, 2.2% ARI, 66.7%, coughs, 86.7% colds/flu, and 55.6% of children were permissively care. At the end of the treatment an in body weight increase, height of the child, the greatest nutritional status occurred in pre- school. At the end of the treatment the intake of nutrients in energy, protein, the fast is greatest fast is pre school group for the greatest intake of carbohydrates in the maternal class group. Health and nutrition education needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis to maintain the spirit of the mother to carry out health care for children and other families. It is necessary to find a form of playing patterns that can make a child enthusiasm for learning

    Preferensi Pengguna Ruko Dalam Melakukan Pemilihan Terhadap Lokasi Ruko Di Kota Pekanbaru: Shophouse User Preferences in conducting the Election Shophouse Locations in Pekanbaru City

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    [ID] Pembangunan ruko di Kota Pekanbaru berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Pengguna dan  pengembang ruko merupakan pihak yang terlibat langsung dengan fenomena ini. Pihak pengguna dan pengembang ruko mempunyai pertimbangan dalam melakukan pemilihan terhadap lokasi ruko. Pertimbangan tersebut merupakan faktor-faktor penting yang dianggap sangat menentukan dalam memilih lokasi ruko. Oleh karena itu, peneliti ingin mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi preferensi bagi pengguna ruko. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan deduktif dengan metode analisis kuantitatif . Penelitian ini dimulai dari teori-teori yang sudah ada kemudian meneliti kondisi di lokasi studi. Untuk pengguna ruko, sampel  ditetapkan terlebih dahulu dan dipilih secara random. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap pengguna ruko di tujuh (7) kecamatan yang mempunyai jumlah ruko paling dominan dikota Pekanbaru selama lima tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa semua faktor yang terkandung dalam teori, memang merupakan faktor-faktor yang dianggap menentukan oleh pengguna dalam melakukan pemilihan terhadap lokasi ruko. namun tidak semua sub faktor tersebut merupakan  faktor-faktor yang dianggap menentukan oleh pengguna ruko. Dalam menilai faktor-faktor pemilihan lokasi ruko tersebut,secara garis besar terjadi persamaan preferensi diantara pengguna ruko. Faktor yang sangat menentukan yaitu tersediannya jaringan listrik, sangatlah penting karena merupakan salah satu pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup yang dimanfaatkan untuk sumber energi dalam menunjang berbagai macam aktivitas manusia. [EN] The development of ruko (house and shop in the same building) has been very rapid in all cities in Indonesia. The users and investors of ruko were the parties involved directly in the phenomena. In deciding the location of ruko to be built, the users and investors had important factors they took into their consideration including very determinant factors. The researcher wish to discover the preference of the factors to the users. In this research, deductive method was employed using quantitavive analysis. The research reviewed the existing theories and then compared them with the reality. For ruko users, samples were determinded and chosen randomly. The research was also conducted to the ruko users in 7 district that had the highest number of ruko ini Pekanbaru for five years .The result of researc h showed that all factors determining the location of ruko which  were proposed in the theories were considered the determinant factors by users, but not all sub factors were considered.  In assesing factors, users have the similar preference. Very determinant factor according to users is the availability of the power grid, it is important because it is one of subsistence which is used for energy resources in supporting a wide range of human activities
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