36 research outputs found


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    The aimed of this study is to determine the dynamics of income inequality in Aceh and the role of the fisheries, agriculture and forestry sector (FAF) in reducing income inequality in Aceh. The method used to find income inequality using the Williamson index, while to find the role of the FAF sector in reducing income inequality is to compare the Williamson index by including the FAF sector and without including the FAF sector. The results of the analysis show that there has been a dynamic of regional income inequality in Aceh which is decreasing. After the analysis, it is seen that income inequality will increase if the GDP of the FAF sector is excluded from the count. These results are reinforced by the results of the analysis of a strong negative correlation between GRDP of the FAF sector and the Inequality Index, which means that an increase in the contribution of the FAF sector will reduce the income inequality that occurs. The two-mean paired test also strengthens the evidence that the Inequality Index by including the FAF sector GRDP in the calculation is smaller than the Inequality Index without including the FAF sector GRDP

    Analysis of Creative Industries Development in Indonesia

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    This study aims to identify the relative strengths of the creative industry subsector in Indonesia and analyze the determinants that affect the GDP of the creative industry sector in Indonesia. The analysis period from 2010 to 2016 used Klassen's typological analysis and panel data regression. The data used in this study from 2010 to 2016 (time series) and 16 sub-sectors of the creative industry sector. Based on typology Klassen creative industry sub-sector craft, fashion and culinary is a sub-sector that has a relative advantage over other subsectors, thus contributing more to the GDP of the creative industry. The panel data regression results show that the variable of the creative industry workforce, creative industry employee wages, and patents were able to increase the GDP of the creative industry. The vocational creative industry sector which is a proxy for education and creative industry sector policies can make the GDP value of Indonesia's creative industries in the future be higher. Some industrial sub-sectors such as photography, publishing, architecture, advertising, interior design, and fine arts need government support to catch up with other subsectors to make a better contribution to the GDP of creative industries. the promotion of patents and policies for small businesses must be improved, especially administrative and technical requirements to make it easier

    Impact Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) on Indonesian Tuna Exports to Major Destination Countries

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    Currently, International trade is hampered in both tariff and non-tariff measures. Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) are likely applied by some major trading countries. The NTM policy mostly applies Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT). Tuna commodity is one of Indonesian potential exports facing NTM barriers. Indonesia has exported its tuna to a number of major destinations including China, Japan, Thailand, United States, South Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam. This study aims to analyze the export performance and NTMs impact on the Indonesian tuna export commodity. The methods used included descriptive analysis through inventory approach (coverage ratio and frequency index) and regression analysis of gravity model panel data from the period of 2009 – 2013 with the cross sectional data of the six major destination countries. The results show that United States as a country imposing the highest NTMs and frozen tuna is the most affected commodity group by NTM effects. The gravity model estimation results show that SPS and TBT affect tuna fish exports with positive coefficients of 0.011 and 0.015 respectively

    Konvergensi Harga Pangan Pokok Antar Wilayah di Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, the increase in food prices usually results in the rise in the inflation rate. To cope with this problem, a better food distribution among regionsis absolutely required. This study aimed to describe the dynamics of food prices, to test the convergence level of food prices and to analyze the factors that influence the changes in food prices between regions in Indonesia. The data used were obtained from the Central Agency of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture from 2002 to 2010. The method used was analysis of dynamic panel data (First Difference-Generalized Methode Moment/FD-GMM). The results of the study showed that all commodities of food prices were convergent, sugar at the highest level and rice at the lowest, while the factors that influence changes in food prices were production rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population

    Perkembangan dan Karakterisasi Desa-desa Pegunungan Jawa Tengah: Development and Characterization of Mountain Villages in Central Java

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    The characteristics of mountain villages are very different from valley villages and plain villages, but socio-economically and environmentally related to each other. This study aims to analyze the level of development of physical facilities in mountain villages, analyze the village development index based on the dimensions of village development, and analyze the components of socio-economic, environmental, and developmental characteristics of mountainous villages in Central Java. Analysis of the level of development of mountainous village physical facilities used skalogram based on PODES 2018 data, village development index based on the dimensions of village development used the Village Index (ID) calculation formula, and analysis of the characteristics of the socio-economic, environmental, and developmental components of mountain villages used Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results of the analysis of the level of development of the physical facilities of the mountainous villages show that 413 villages (67.81%) of the mountains are in the third hierarchical class (less developed). The category of village development based on the dimensions of development shows that mountain villages are included in the category of developing villages with an average value of ID 54.17. The components that best characterize the characteristics of mountainous villages are the potential for the danger of 21.9%, the availability of secondary school education facilities, health facilities, and the village development level of 16%, the component of trade facilities 5.8. %, the component of the availability of the micro-industry is 13.25%, and the component of the availability of health facilities are 8.8%

    Analisis Perwilayahan Usaha Ternak Domba di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan wilayah dengan populasi domba terbesar di Indonesia. Analisis perwilayahan ternak domba di Jawa Barat diperlukan untuk memunculkan keunggulan komparatif wilayah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis wilayah basis dan karakteristik penyebaran usaha ternak domba di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis location quotient (LQ), localization index (LI), dan specialization index (SI). Data yang digunakan adalah data statistik peternakan yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan. Hasil dari penelitan ini menyatakan bahwa wilayah basis usaha ternak domba di Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu di Kabupaten Purwakarta, Kabupaten Garut, Kabupaten Majalengka, dan Kabupaten Cirebon. Usaha ternak domba di Provinsi Jawa Barat tidak terpusat pada satu wilayah kabupaten, dan tidak ada wilayah kabupaten yang mengkhususkan pada usaha ternak domba. Makalah ini juga menyajikan peta wilayah basis dan penjelasan karakteristik peternak domba di Jawa Barat

    Competitiveness and Factors Affecting Indonesian Food Industry’s Export to Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

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    Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is regional cooperation between ASEAN, Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand. The vast potential of the RCEP provides an opportunity for the improvement of the Indonesian economy. This study aims to analyze the comparative advantages and dynamics export of Indonesia’s food industry as well as the factors affecting exports. The methods used Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), and panel data. The results indicate that food industry generally has strong competitiveness in the RCEP market except in Australia, Cambodia, Japan, Korea and Laos. Meanwhile, the dynamics position of food industry exports is rising star in ten countries, and the rest are in the position of falling star and retreat. Factors that influence food exports are economic distance, real GDP per capita of the destination country, the population of the destination country, price export, trade openness and tariff.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v17i2.723

    Competitiveness and Determinants of Indonesian Frozen Shrimp Exports to Non-Traditional Markets

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    Shrimp is an Indonesian fishery commodity with a high selling value in domestic and international markets. Frozen shrimp, as a type of shrimp exported from fishery products, has enormous potential to be developed as one of the mainstay commodities in the fisheries sector. However, Indonesia's frozen shrimp exports in the last five years have fluctuated and are still unable to compete with competing countries in exporting to main destination countries. Expanding the export market by looking at non-traditional markets as new destination markets to increase its exports again is necessary. This study analyses the competitiveness and determinants of Indonesian frozen shrimp exports to non-traditional markets. The research methods used are Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), X-Model to analyze the competitiveness and panel data regression to analyze determinants of Indonesian frozen shrimp exports to non-traditional markets. The results showed that Indonesian frozen shrimp are competitive in several non-traditional market destination countries. The estimation results in panel data regression show that the variables of real GDP per capita of the destination country, economic distance, export prices, actual exchange rates, population growth, and Logistic Performance Index (LPI) Indonesian and country of destination have a significant influence on Indonesia's frozen shrimp exports to non-markets traditional. Keywords: EPD, frozen shrimp, non-traditional market, panel data regresion, RCA, X-Mode

    Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Aglomerasi Industri Unggulan Daerah dan Hubungannya dengan Daya Saing Industri Daerah

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    The manufacturing industry sector is a major driver of economic growth in Indonesia with the largest contribution to the components of Gross Domestic Product is 25.60 % in 2012. But the globalization and liberalization of International trade requires industries to be more competitive. Improving the competitiveness of the industry can be done through the development of regional-based industrial sector main industry that area. The purpose of this study was to analyze the competitiveness and industrial agglomeration, the causality relationship between competitiveness and agglomeration industry and the factors that influence agglomeration of province main industries. This study was using large and medium scale industry raw data. The data analysis using Location Quotient, Hoover Balassa Index, Granger Causality method and panel data method with Fixed Effect Model. The result of panel data regression shows factors that influence the agglomeration of province main industries are firm size, value added, the diversity of industry, industry competition index, competitiveness index, wages and road infastructure

    Convergence and Determinants of Health Development in North Sumatera Province

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    Health contributes to increasing productivity in generating quality human resources. Health development aims to attain the highest public health degree fairly and equally. Convergence reduces the gap between regions and makes development more equitable. One of the booming health development indicators is life expectancy. The government must collaborate across sectors, namely the social and economic sectors, to accelerate the convergence process. This study aims to identify convergence and analyze the determinants of health development in North Sumatera Province. To this purpose, panel data of 33 districts/cities in North Sumatera Province over 2012-2019 is investigated using the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) as dynamic panel data analysis. The results showed that convergence in health development measured by life expectancy occurred in North Sumatera Province. The most influential variables in health development were socio-economic variables.How to Cite:Hastuti, I. M., Rindayati, W., & Asmara, A. (2022). Convergence and Determinants of Health Development in North Sumatera Province. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 11(1), 161-174. https://doi.org/10.15408/sjie.v11i1.20576