8,089 research outputs found

    Coleman-Weinberg Mechanism and Interaction of D3-Branes in Type 0 String Theory

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    The low-energy theory on the world volume of parallel static D3-branes of type 0 strings is the Yang-Mills theory with six scalar fields in the adjoint representation. One-loop corrections in this theory induce Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, which can be interpreted as an interaction energy of D3-branes. The potential is repulsive at short distances and attractive at large ones. In the equilibrium, a large number of D3-branes forms a spherical shell with the radius proportional to the characteristic energy scale of the world-volume theory.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex, 1 figure; v2: Discussion of the interaction potential between D3-branes at short distances is modified, version to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Holographic Renormalisation and the Electroweak Precision Parameters

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    We study the effects of holographic renormalisation on an AdS/QCD inspired description of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. Our model is a 5D slice of AdS_5 geometry containing a bulk scalar and SU(2) times SU(2) gauge fields. The scalar field obtains a VEV which represents a condensate that triggers electroweak symmetry breaking. Fermion fields are constrained to live on the UV brane and do not propagate in the bulk. The two-point functions are holographically renormalised through the addition of boundary counterterms. Measurable quantities are then expressed in terms of well defined physical parameters, free from any spurious dependence on the UV cut-off. A complete study of the precision parameters is carried out and bounds on physical quantities derived. The large-N scaling of results is discussed

    Viscosity of gauge theory plasma with a chemical potential from AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We compute the strong coupling limit of the shear viscosity for the N=4 super-Yang-Mill theory with a chemical potential. We use the five-dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-deSitter black hole, so the chemical potential is the one for the R-charges U(1)_R^3. We compute the quasinormal frequencies of the gravitational and electromagnetic vector perturbations in the background numerically. This enables one to explicitly locate the diffusion pole for the shear viscosity. The ratio of the shear viscosity eta to the entropy density s is eta/s=1/(4pi) within numerical errors, which is the same result as the one without chemical potential.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, ReVTeX4; v2: minor improvements; v3: explanations added and improved; v4: version to appear in PR

    On the Problems with Background Independence in String Theory

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    The problems with background independence are discussed in the example of open string theory. Based on the recent proposal by Witten I calculate the String Field Theory action in conformal perturbation theory to second order and demonstrate that the proper treatment of contact terms leads to nontrivial equations of motion. I conjecture the form of the field theory action to all orders.Comment: 15p., Preprint IASSNS-HEP-93/6

    Distortion of Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter black holes to black strings

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    Motivated by the existence of black holes with various topologies in four-dimensional spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant, we study axisymmetric static solutions describing any large distortions of Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter black holes parametrized by the mass mm. Under the approximation such that mm is much larger than the anti-de Sitter radius, it is found that a cylindrically symmetric black string is obtained as a special limit of distorted spherical black holes. Such a prolonged distortion of the event horizon connecting a Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter black hole to a black string is allowed without violating both the usual black hole thermodynamics and the hoop conjecture for the horizon circumference.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Holography and Rotating AdS Black Holes

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    We probe the AdS/CFT correspondence by comparing the thermodynamics of a rotating black hole in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space with that of a conformal field theory on S3S^3, whose parameters come from the boundary of spacetime. In the high temperature limit, we find agreement between gauge theory and gravity in all thermodynamic quantities upto the same factor of 4/3 that appears for nonrotating holes.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Heavy Quark Potential from Gauge/Gravity Duality: A Large D Analysis

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    The heavy-quark potential is calculated in the framework of gauge/gravity duality using the large-D approximation, where D is the number of dimensions transverse to the flux tube connecting a quark and an antiquark in a flat D+2-dimensional spacetime. We find that in the large-D limit the leading correction to the ground-state energy, as given by an effective Nambu-Goto string, arises not from the heavy modes but from the behavior of the massless modes in the vicinity of the quark and the antiquark. We estimate this correction and find that it should be visible in the near-future lattice QCD calculations of the heavy-quark potential.Comment: 22 pages, 5 Figures. v2: references added, typos corrected and, Sec. 4 rewritten with an expanded non-perturbative discussion of the corrections to the Arvis potential arising from the massless modes near the boundary of the qcd strin

    A Superstring Theory in Four Curved Space-Time Dimensions

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    Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond type heterotic and type-II superstrings in four dimensional curved space-time are constructed as exact N=1N=1 superconformal theories. The tachyon is eliminated with a GSO projection. The theory is based on the N=1 superconformal gauged WZW model for the anti-de Sitter coset SO(3,2)/SO(3,1)SO(3,2)/SO(3,1) with integer central extension k=5k=5. The model has dynamical duality properties in its space-time metric that are similar to the large-small (R→1/RR\rightarrow 1/R) duality of tori. To first order in a 1/k1/k expansion we give expressions for the metric, the dilaton, the Ricci tensor and their dual generalizations. The curvature scalar has several singularities at various locations in the 4-dimensional manifold. This provides a new singular solution to Einstein's equations in the presence of matter in four dimensions. A non-trivial path integral measure which we conjectured in previous work for gauged WZW models is verified.Comment: 12 page

    MQCD, ('Barely') G_2 Manifolds and (Orientifold of) a Compact Calabi-Yau

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    We begin with a discussion on two apparently disconnected topics - one related to nonperturbative superpotential generated from wrapping an M2-brane around a supersymmetric three cycle embedded in a G_2-manifold evaluated by the path-integral inside a path-integral approach of [1], and the other centered around the compact Calabi-Yau CY_3(3,243) expressed as a blow-up of a degree-24 Fermat hypersurface in WCP^4[1,1,2,8,12]. For the former, we compare the results with the ones of Witten on heterotic world-sheet instantons [2]. The subtopics covered in the latter include an N=1 triality between Heterotic, M- and F-theories, evaluation of RP^2-instanton superpotential, Picard-Fuchs equation for the mirror Landau-Ginsburg model corresponding to CY_3(3,243), D=11 supergravity corresponding to M-theory compactified on a `barely' G_2 manifold involving CY_3(3,243) and a conjecture related to the action of antiholomorphic involution on period integrals. We then show an indirect connection between the two topics by showing a connection between each one of the two and Witten's MQCD [3]. As an aside, we show that in the limit of vanishing "\zeta", a complex constant that appears in the Riemann surfaces relevant to definining the boundary conditions for the domain wall in MQCD, the infinite series of [4] used to represent a suitable embedding of a supersymmetric 3-cycle in a G_2-mannifold, can be summed.Comment: 37 pages, LaTex; PARTLY based on talks given at ``Seventh Workshop on QCD" [session on "Strings, Branes and (De-)Construction"], Jan 6-10, 2003, La Cittadelle, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France; Fourth Workshop on ``Gauge Fields and Strings", Feb 25-Mar 1, 2003, Jena, Germany; ``XII Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Strings", July 17-20, 2003, Oporto, Portugal; "SQS03" - International Workshop on "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries', July 24-29, 2003, JINR, Dubna, Russia; poster presented at ``XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics", July 28-Aug 2, 2003, Lisbon, Portuga
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