30 research outputs found

    Potential Seed Source for the Preservation of Bitti (Vitex cofassus) in the Community Forest of Burau District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Bitti (Vitex cofassus) is one of the most important tree species in Sulawesi, or in some areas, it is also known as gofasa. Bitti wood is also widely used for other uses, such as building timber and carpentry wood. This study aimed to determine the potential source of beetroot (Vitex cofassus) seeds in the Community Forest of Burau Village. This study used the exploratory method by making plots using purposive sampling on a 100m x 100m plot with 38 sampling plots.. Data analysis of potential beetroot seed sources includes measuring diameter, tree height, tillering potential, and determining scoring based on the presence of seeds to determine the possibility of Bitti tree seeds. The results of this study showed that the phenotypic characteristics of the 18 plots that had been selected were a total diameter of 524.44, an entire tree height of 272 m, and a branch-free height of 50.5 m of the 18 parent trees that have been identified, then selected with the criteria of having fruit and saplings. Bitti trees have the most significant tillering potential, found in plot 21 with 0.005% of tillers and 0.0097% of the fruit. Other results obtained the highest value in the parent tree with a score of 73 with a potential class of 5. Genetic and environmental factors can affect plant growth, so the selection of seed source trees to get Bitti mother plants with good phenotypic quality will produce quality seeds.

    Soil Carbon in The Bone Bay Mangrove Ecosystem, Palopo City

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    The mangrove ecosystem is one of the many ecosystems found along tropical beaches that have a function as a buffer area between land and sea and produce organic matter. There are several factors that influence the spread of mangrove plants, namely the physical factor of the soil. This study aimed to determine the soil carbon content in the mangrove ecosystem in the village of Temmalebba, South Sulawesi. The data collected in the form of bulk density (BD), organic matter (BO) and percent C for analysis of carbon content was obtained from the analysis of soil samples taken from 10 points with 3 replications for composite samples. The sampling point was determined based on the growth and density of mangroves. Furthermore, the data was analyzed using the organic C equation and carbon content. The results showed that the highest bulk density was found at a depth of 60–100 cm with a value of 1.28 g/cm3. The highest percent of organic matter content found at a depth of 0-30 cm with a value of 9.18%. The highest soil carbon content found at a depth of 60–100 cm with a value of 225.38 (MgC ha-1). Soil carbon content in the mangrove ecosystem of Bone Bay, Temmalebba village is strongly influenced by several factors, including soil depth, bulk density, organic matter, and soil texture.

    Biomass Estimation Model in Revegetation Area of Nickel Post-Mining

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    Deforestation and forest degradation are one of the most crucial issues in the forestry sector. The impact of deforestation and forest degradation due to the opening of forest areas for mining activities that causes damage to sustainable forest ecology. This condition requires companies as miners to carry out revegetation activities in post-mining areas to restore forest existence. PT. Vale of Indonesia (PTVI) is a nickel mining company located in Sorowako, South Sulawesi Province, which has carried out revegetation activities and is considered quite successful. This assessment has not included biomass as an indicator of forest productivity. Biomass is one of the determinants of forest productivity in post-mining areas needs to be further investigated to maximized revegation management. The objective of this study was to measure and construct a model for estimating biomass in the revegetation of the post-mining area in PTVI. The results of this study obtained a regression model of the rank as a biomass estimator in the revegetation of the post-mining area in PTVI. The form of the selected model equation is Y= 2,59505E-13 X1 2,489  X2 3,645. The independent variable is X1 = DVI (vegetation index) and X2 = C% (percentage of canopy). The regression model chosen has a determination coefficient of 70,60% and a standard deviation of -0,33528. Keywords: biomass, post-mining, regression model, revegetation


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    Kebon Kopi protected forest  is located in the area of Nupabomba village, Tanantovea district, Donggala regency, Central Sulawesi Province with total area is 546.78 ha.  From those lands, there is a significant change of land function. So that the broad of its lands have been changed. It can be proven by the plenty of land use on it. Protected forest is a conservation forest which has a main function as protection of life support systems like water, prevent flooding, control erotion and maintain soil fertility.  This research was aimed to identify the use of land at Kebon Kopi protected forest Nupabomba Village, Tanantovea district, Donggala regency. This research was conducted area at Kebon Kopi protected forest in Nupabomba Village, Donggala regency. The method used in this research was Classification Supervised. Classification Supervised is a process of clarificating or grouping the pixels based on the examples of land  which its of type object and spectral value are known on the image by using Citra Alos year 2009 as its materials and Arc.Gis 10.0 as its operational tool. The research was conducted at Nupabomba village, Tanantovea district, Donggala regency. The result of the research shows that the total forest area is 546.78 ha, which consists of primary forest which has a more dominant region with the area is ​​467.1 ha (85.42%) and secondary forest is ​​68.63 ha (12.55%). Furthermore, the closure of land for plantations covering 8.26 ha (1.51%), the settlement has is 1.55 ha (0.28%), and shrubs covering 0.64 ha (0.11%). And water body area is 0.6 ha (0.10%).   Keywords: Identification, Land Use, Citra Alos year 2009, Kebon Kopi Protected Forest.

    Perancangan Aplikasi Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Tepat Waktu Pada Universitas Buddhi Dharma Menggunakan Perbandingan Algoritma C4.5 dan K-NN

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    Koleksi data pada database sistem informasi akademik Perguruan Tinggi sering tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal, padahal dari data tersebut dengan teknik data mining dapat memberikan pengetahuan yang belum diketahui sebelumnya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui cara membentuk model prediksi tingkat kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu pada Universitas Buddhi Dharma Tangerang melalui data kelulusan mahasiswa. Evaluasi kinerja klasifikasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik keakuratan dari suatu model yang terbentuk dengan perbandingan algoritma C4.5 dan K-NN. Pengujian dilakukan dengan Confusion Matrix dan kurva ROC. Hasil akurasi yang diperoleh membuktikan bahwa Algoritma C4.5 menghasilkan persentase akurasi 90%  dan K-NN menghasilkan persentase akurasi 87%. Dengan demikian algoritma C4.5 memiliki nilai akurasi lebih tinggi dibanding K-NN. Algoritma C4.5 ini dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan aplikasi prediksi kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu pada Universitas Buddhi Dharma

    Monitoring Computer Activities with Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM)

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    In a particular division, a supervisor needs to perform monitoring of the activities carried out at his employers to improve the performance of the work of his subordinates. Leaders are often not in place to monitor the activities of his subordinates in carrying out their responsibilities. One solution to overcome these problems is to supervise the use of their computer by means of push notification. By utilizing the technology of Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM), supervisor can monitor computer activities of his employers anywhere. Given this research, is expected to help the supervisor in monitoring his employers despite not being in place. This may indirectly improve performance in a division. For further research can be developed monitoring in a real time

    Composition And Structur Of Vegetaon In The Dere Black Monkey (Macaca maura schienz 1825) In Lejja nature park, Soppeng District

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    This study discusses the composition of the type and structure of vegetation in the habitat of the black dare monkey (Macaca Maura) at the Lejja Nature Tourism Park, Soppeng Regency, which aims to determine the composition of the type and structure of the vegetation and habitat of Macaca Maura in the Lejja Nature Tourism Park. The research is located in the Lejja Nature Tourism Park Conservation forest area, Soppeng Regency. The method used is observation, purposive sampling, literature study, and documentation. At the same time, the Pole level found 12 species with a total of 35 individuals and 12 families. And Sapling found 17 species with a total of 69 individuals with 17 families. At the same time, the Semai level found 20 species with a total of 50 individuals with 20 families. The Angsana tree and the highest LBDS at the tree and pole levels, with a value of 9040.69%, while the lowest is owned by the Campenong tree, with a value of 92.85%. Meanwhile, for the highest sapling level of plant species, the Arungganga tree has an LBDS value of 393, 69%, while the lowest LBDS value is owned by Locong-Locong with a value of 13.19%. 


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    Wildlife trade for consumption needs is found in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is in North Sulawesi Province. This animal trade spreads in traditional markets, including the Beriman Market in Tomohon which is also a domestic and foreign tourist destination, Langowan and Kawangkoan Markets in Kab. Minahasa. Karombassan and Bersehati Market in Manado City. Even the trade in wild animal meat has now entered modern markets in Manado City, which is the capital of North Sulawesi Province. This development of course threatens the preservation of biodiversity, especially endemic species. This study aims to determine the types of wildlife traded in North Sulawesi both in traditional and modern markets, to compare the price of wild animal meat in traditional and modern markets in North Sulawesi, and to determine the conservation status of traded wildlife species. There are 8 types of wild animals traded in traditional markets and 5 species in modern markets. The price of wild animal meat in the modern market is higher than in the traditional market. There was one endemic species that was traded, and 2 species that were listed in Appendix II of CITES


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    The village Kalotok is one of the villages which is located in the District of Sabbang South, North Luwu Regency, with an area of 4,500 ha, of which the majority of its territory is in the mountains and rural, which has a variety of types of vegetation understorey. The understorey has a significant role in the ecosystem; one of the species below is an ornamental plant that has influence directly on human ecology, is used to set the erosion and wind, to give your device a place of recreation and sports as well as for satisfying the human desire on beautiful objects. This study aims to determine the types of plants under potential as ornamental plants in the waterfall Sarambu'alla. Pengamatan is done by using the technique of purposive sampling and laying a plot on the location of widely scattered understorey potential as an ornamental plant. The Plot of the study size is 20 m x 20 m with the consideration of the area of The Waterfall 58.000 m2, so that the intensity of sampling for research by 10% with an area of 5,800 m2, so that the total plot research 15 plots with an area of 6000 m2. Data analysis used is the analysis of the important values to calculate the value of the density, relative density, frequency, and relative frequency. This study found 12 types of plants with an overall total of 1487 individuals. The amount of the highest kind is Paku Rene (Selaginella), while the number of the type has the lowest value, i.e. Sirih Lurik (Scindapsus pictus). The important values in the category of excellent (>160) this value into the potential to increase the income of economic value to the community if appropriately utilised