1,126 research outputs found

    Quality assessment and improvement practices in the U.S. railroad industry

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    This article presents the findings of a comprehensive survey sent to members of the American Society of Transportation and Logistics. The survey investigated various elements of quality improvement programs in use among U.S. rail carriers, including program design and subsequent successes. Perhaps due to the heavy competition within the transportation industry, it was found that the vast majority of U.S. rail respondents did indeed utilize formal quality assessment and improvement programs, makingthisan interesting industry segment to study. The survey findings are summarized in the article

    Synthesis of a [2]rotaxane through first- and second-sphere coordination

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    In an effort to expand the application of a new template from interpenetrated to interlocked molecular species, we report the synthesis of a new [2]rotaxane by means of both first- and second-sphere coordination of a palladium(II) dichloride subunit


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    Most research studies in biomechanics directly measure body segment lengths via anthropometry or digitization of joint markers. There are circumstances in which estimating segment lengths in relation to height is desirable, such as in biomechanical modelling or in the classroom. One commonly used model for this purpose is that by Drillis and Contini (1966; cited in Winter, 2005). One problem with this model is that the initial data was derived from adults, and thus has potentially limited applicability to the study of biomechanics in children. The purpose of the present study was to compare actual selected upper body segment lengths measured via anthropometry to those predicted by Drillis and Contini and also to derive regression equations for those segment lengths based on height and age (separately for males and females)

    Communication With Children and Families About Disaster: Reviewing Multi-disciplinary Literature 2015-2017

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To identify strategies for communicating with youth and children pre- and post-disaster in the context of a broader survey of child participation in disaster risk reduction as well as methods for communication with children. RECENT FINDINGS: Youth and children are capable of peer and community education and activism concerning disaster issues and such participation benefits the young actors. Family and sibling support are important in easing the impact of trauma on children. Contemporary forms of psychological first aid appear to do no harm and in line with current evidence. Generally, more evidence from evaluations is necessary to guide the development of communication strategies. Children are growing up in increasingly urban environments with less contact with nature and greater reliance on techno-social systems. Thus, young people may misunderstand natural hazards. Schools and conscious parenting can play important roles in building understanding and psychological resilience

    Breeders' and technicians 'perception of animals and animal welfare

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    A study was carried out recently to define the breeders’ and technicians’ perception of animals and animal welfare. It showed that although their perception is the same on some points, there are also differences based on the animal species and on the people own background (type of relationship with the animals, professional ethics, perception of the animals’ needs, etc.). Breeders and technicians see their animals in three different ways: “the animal as a machine” when it is seen exclusively in terms of its productions; “the communicating animal”, when there is some communication; or “the feeling animal” when there is emotional involvement. This study opens new avenues to design advisory tools or training programs for technicians and breeders. It can also be used as a basis for professional communication on animal husbandry.Un récent travail de recherche a permis d'appréhender les représentations des éleveurs et des techniciens sur le bien être animal. Il met en évidence un certain nombre d'éléments communs à tous. Ils montrent également la diversité des représentations de l'élevage, des animaux d'élevage et des pratiques, en fonction du type d'animaux et de l'histoire personnelle des individus : degré d'attachement aux animaux, vision éthique de leur métier, perception des besoins des animaux... Les relations des éleveurs et des techniciens vis-à-vis de l'animal s'organisent autour de trois pôles: « l'animal machine », dont le rapproche tout ce qui tend à ne s'occuper que de ses fonctions de production; « l'animal communiquant », développant des relations avec l'homme; « l'animal affectif », pouvant établir une relation affective avec l'homme. Ce projet ouvre des perspectives pour concevoir des outils pour le conseil, ainsi que des formations de techniciens ou d'éleveurs. Ils constituent également une base pour construire une communication professionnelle, sur le métier d'éleveur

    Alcohol Consumption Impairs the Ependymal Cilia Motility in the Brain Ventricles

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    Ependymal cilia protrude into the central canal of the brain ventricles and spinal cord to circulate the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). Ependymal cilia dysfunction can hinder the movement of CSF leading to an abnormal accumulation of CSF within the brain known as hydrocephalus. Although the etiology of hydrocephalus was studied before, the effects of ethanol ingestion on ependymal cilia function have not been investigated in vivo. Here, we report three distinct types of ependymal cilia, type-I, type-II and type-III classified based upon their beating frequency, their beating angle, and their distinct localization within the mouse brain-lateral ventricle. Our studies show for the first time that oral gavage of ethanol decreased the beating frequency of all three types of ependymal cilia in both the third and the lateral rat brain ventricles in vivo. Furthermore, we show for the first time that hydin, a hydrocephalus-inducing gene product whose mutation impairs ciliary motility, and polycystin-2, whose ablation is associated with hydrocephalus are colocalized to the ependymal cilia. Thus, our studies reinforce the presence of three types of ependymal cilia in the brain ventricles and demonstrate the involvement of ethanol as a risk factor for the impairment of ependymal cilia motility in the brain

    Análise ergonômica do trabalho agrícola familiar na produção de leite.

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    Este artigo trata da metodologia utilizada em uma intervenção ergonômica sobre organização do trabalho em Unidades de Produção Agrícola Familiar (UPAF) produtoras de leite de origem bovina, na região oeste da França. Apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada, uma combinação de jornadas de observação e análise do trabalho e jornadas de formação-ação. Discutem-se a Crônica de Ação e o Plano de Utilização das Instalações (PUI), bem como a utilização destes no processo de conscientização do agricultor sobre a complexidade de seu trabalho. Apresenta-se a análise da "supervisão do rebanho", devido ao seu alto grau de complexidade e importância para o desempenho da produção de leite, explorando de que forma certos arranjos espaciais podem favorecer as condições para a realização desta tarefa. Na análise do trabalho agrícola familiar privilegia-se o olhar complexo sobre a situação de trabalho, visando identificar os determinantes, as fontes de variabilidade e as estratégias adotadas