363 research outputs found

    Deficient calcium, zinc, and iron intake on absorption of cadmium from diet

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    Background/Aim: In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that deficient calcium, zinc, and iron dietary intake upregulates metal ion transporters to increase intestinal absorption. However, these gut transporters are not specific and bind to other metals, including cadmium. Few human studies have investigated whether deficient calcium, zinc, and iron intake increases intestinal absorption of dietary cadmium. Methods: We used enrollment data (2010-2012) from the Study of Environment, Lifestyle & Fibroids, a cohort of 1693 African American women ages 23-35 who reside in the Detroit, Michigan area. Whole blood cadmium concentrations (proxy for cadmium absorption) were measured in 1548 participants. Dietary and supplemental calcium, zinc, and iron intake was estimated using Block 2005 Food Frequency Questionnaire data; deficient intake was defined as <80% of the recommended daily allowance. Daily dietary intake of total grains was used as the proxy for dietary cadmium intake as grains are a major source of cadmium exposure in U.S. diet. We estimated the percent difference in blood cadmium concentrations per median daily intake of total grains (4.55 ounce equivalents) using multivariable linear regression, stratified by deficient and sufficient calcium, zinc, and/or iron intake. We restricted the analyses to never smokers with plausible values for total energy intake (>400 and <5000 kcal/day) (n=1087). We adjusted for age at enrollment, total energy intake, body mass index, height, education, and natural log-transformed blood lead concentrations. Results: The observed percent difference in blood cadmium concentrations in relation to intake of total grains was stronger among those with deficient intake of calcium, zinc, and/or iron (28%, 95% CI; 6, 53%) than among those with sufficient intake of all 3 essential nutrients (5%, 95% CI: -7, 19%). Conclusions: Our preliminary findings suggest that women with deficient calcium, zinc, and/or iron intake have increased absorption of cadmium from the diet

    Categorical Dimensions of Human Odor Descriptor Space Revealed by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

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    In contrast to most other sensory modalities, the basic perceptual dimensions of olfaction remain unclear. Here, we use non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) – a dimensionality reduction technique – to uncover structure in a panel of odor profiles, with each odor defined as a point in multi-dimensional descriptor space. The properties of NMF are favorable for the analysis of such lexical and perceptual data, and lead to a high-dimensional account of odor space. We further provide evidence that odor dimensions apply categorically. That is, odor space is not occupied homogenously, but rather in a discrete and intrinsically clustered manner. We discuss the potential implications of these results for the neural coding of odors, as well as for developing classifiers on larger datasets that may be useful for predicting perceptual qualities from chemical structures

    Sensory Measurements: Coordination and Standardization

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    Do sensory measurements deserve the label of “measurement”? We argue that they do. They fit with an epistemological view of measurement held in current philosophy of science, and they face the same kinds of epistemological challenges as physical measurements do: the problem of coordination and the problem of standardization. These problems are addressed through the process of “epistemic iteration,” for all measurements. We also argue for distinguishing the problem of standardization from the problem of coordination. To exemplify our claims, we draw on olfactory performance tests, especially studies linking olfactory decline to neurodegenerative disorders

    Serum adiponectin is positively associated with lung function in young adults, independent of obesity: The CARDIA study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Rationale</p> <p>Adipose tissue produces adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory protein. Adiponectin deficiency in mice is associated with abnormal post-natal alveolar development.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>We hypothesized that lower serum adiponectin concentrations are associated with lower lung function in humans, independent of obesity. We explored mediation of this association by insulin resistance and systemic inflammation.</p> <p>Methods and Measurements</p> <p>Spirometry testing was conducted at years 10 and 20 follow-up evaluation visits in 2,056 eligible young adult participants in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study. Body mass index, serum adiponectin, serum C-reactive protein (a marker of systemic inflammation), and insulin resistance were assessed at year 15.</p> <p>Main Results</p> <p>After controlling for body mass index, years 10 and 20 forced vital capacity (FVC) were 81 ml and 82 ml lower respectively (p = 0.004 and 0.01 respectively) in the lowest <it>vs</it>. highest adiponectin quartiles. Similarly, years 10 and 20 forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV<sub>1</sub>) were 50 ml and 38 ml lower (p = 0.01 and 0.09, respectively) in the lowest <it>vs</it>. highest adiponectin quartiles. These associations were no longer significant after adjustment for insulin resistance and C-reactive protein. Serum adiponectin was not associated with FEV<sub>1</sub>/FVC or peak FEV<sub>1</sub>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Independent of obesity, lower serum adiponectin concentrations are associated with lower lung function. The attenuation of this association after adjustment for insulin resistance and systemic inflammation suggests that these covariates are on a causal pathway linking adiponectin and lung function.</p

    Hemispheric Asymmetries in Speech Perception: Sense, Nonsense and Modulations

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    Background: The well-established left hemisphere specialisation for language processing has long been claimed to be based on a low-level auditory specialization for specific acoustic features in speech, particularly regarding 'rapid temporal processing'.Methodology: A novel analysis/synthesis technique was used to construct a variety of sounds based on simple sentences which could be manipulated in spectro-temporal complexity, and whether they were intelligible or not. All sounds consisted of two noise-excited spectral prominences (based on the lower two formants in the original speech) which could be static or varying in frequency and/or amplitude independently. Dynamically varying both acoustic features based on the same sentence led to intelligible speech but when either or both acoustic features were static, the stimuli were not intelligible. Using the frequency dynamics from one sentence with the amplitude dynamics of another led to unintelligible sounds of comparable spectro-temporal complexity to the intelligible ones. Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to compare which brain regions were active when participants listened to the different sounds.Conclusions: Neural activity to spectral and amplitude modulations sufficient to support speech intelligibility (without actually being intelligible) was seen bilaterally, with a right temporal lobe dominance. A left dominant response was seen only to intelligible sounds. It thus appears that the left hemisphere specialisation for speech is based on the linguistic properties of utterances, not on particular acoustic features

    Infant mortality trends in a region of Belarus, 1980–2000

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    BACKGROUND: The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and the breakup of the former Soviet Union (FSU) in 1991 challenged the public health infrastructure in the former Soviet republic of Belarus. Because infant mortality is regarded as a sensitive measure of the overall health of a population, patterns of neonatal and postneonatal deaths were examined within the Mogilev region of Belarus between 1980 and 2000. METHODS: Employing administrative death files, this study utilized a regional cohort design that included all infant deaths occurring among persons residing within the Mogilev oblast of Belarus between 1980 and 2000. Patterns of death and death rates were examined across 3 intervals: 1980–1985 (pre-Chernobyl), 1986–1991 (post-Chernobyl & pre-FSU breakup), and 1992–2000 (post-Chernobyl & post-FSU breakup). RESULTS: Annual infant mortality rates declined during the 1980s, increased during the early 1990s, and have remained stable thereafter. While infant mortality rates in Mogilev have decreased since the period 1980–1985 among both males and females, this decrement appears due to decreases in postneonatal mortality. Rates of postneonatal mortality in Mogilev have decreased since the period 1980–1985 among both males and females. Analyses of trends for infant mortality and neonatal mortality demonstrated continuous decreases between 1990, followed by a bell-shaped excess in the 1990's. Compared to rates of infant mortality for other countries, rates in the Mogilev region are generally higher than rates for the United States, but lower than rates in Russia. During the 1990s, rates for both neonatal and postneonatal mortality in Mogilev were two times the comparable rates for East and West Germany. CONCLUSIONS: While neonatal mortality rates in Mogilev have remained stable, rates for postneonatal mortality have decreased among both males and females during the period examined. Infant mortality rates in the Mogilev region of Belarus remain elevated compared to rates for other western countries, but lower than rates in Russia. The public health infrastructure might attempt to assure that prenatal, maternal, and postnatal care is maximized

    Outcome measures in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): strengths and limitations

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    Current methods for assessing clinical outcomes in COPD mainly rely on physiological tests combined with the use of questionnaires. The present review considers commonly used outcome measures such as lung function, health status, exercise capacity and physical activity, dyspnoea, exacerbations, the multi-dimensional BODE score, and mortality. Based on current published data, we provide a concise overview of the principles, strengths and weaknesses, and discuss open questions related to each methodology. Reviewed is the current set of markers for measuring clinically relevant outcomes with particular emphasis on their limitations and opportunities that should be recognized when assessing and interpreting their use in clinical trials of COPD

    Mapping Brain Response to Pain in Fibromyalgia Patients Using Temporal Analysis of fMRI

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    Background: Nociceptive stimuli may evoke brain responses longer than the stimulus duration often partially detected by conventional neuroimaging. Fibromyalgia patients typically complain of severe pain from gentle stimuli. We aimed to characterize brain response to painful pressure in fibromyalgia patients by generating activation maps adjusted for the duration of brain responses. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty-seven women (mean age: 47.8 years) were assessed with fMRI. The sample included nine fibromyalgia patients and nine healthy subjects who received 4 kg/cm2 of pressure on the thumb. Nine additional control subjects received 6.8 kg/cm2 to match the patients for the severity of perceived pain. Independent Component Analysis characterized the temporal dynamics of the actual brain response to pressure. Statistical parametric maps were estimated using the obtained time courses. Brain response to pressure (18 seconds) consistently exceeded the stimulus application (9 seconds) in somatosensory regions in all groups. fMRI maps following such temporal dynamics showed a complete pain network response (sensory-motor cortices, operculo-insula, cingulate cortex, and basal ganglia) to 4 kg/cm2 of pressure in fibromyalgia patients. In healthy subjects, response to this low intensity pressure involved mainly somatosensory cortices. When matched for perceived pain (6.8 kg/cm2), control subjects showed also comprehensive activation of pain-related regions, but fibromyalgia patients showed significantly larger activation in the anterior insula-basal ganglia complex and the cingulate cortex. Conclusions/Significance: The results suggest that data-driven fMRI assessments may complement conventional neuroimaging for characterizing pain responses and that enhancement of brain activation in fibromyalgia patients may be particularly relevant in emotion-related regions
