49 research outputs found

    Messung der isometrischen Dorsalextensions- und Plantarflexions- Kraft in den Sprunggelenken

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    Dieser Artikel beschreibt ein Messgerät zur Bestimmung der isometrischen Kraft in den Sprunggelenken in Dorsalextension und Plantarflexion. Durch die Kombination der Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung der freiwilligen isometrischen Maximalkraft in den Sprunggelenken, des Elektromyogrammes und der genauen Positionskontrolle des zumessenden Beines ist es z.B. möglich, einen objektiven Vergleich der Unterschiede der Muskulatur zwischen dem linken und rechten Bein, wie auch während der Rehabilitation nach einer Operation oder Verletzung zu bekommen. This article describes an easy to use test equipment for measuring the isometric force in the ankle joints in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The combination of the test equipment for measuring the voluntary maximal isometric muscle force in the ankle joint, the surface electromyograms and the motion analysis of the measured leg allow an objective comparison of the strength of the muscular force between the left and right leg. It might be also used as a control setup during rehabilitation after surgical treatment or injurie

    A Continuous Lipase-Catalyzed Acylation Process for the Large-Scale Production of Vitamin A Precursors

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    A continuous enzyme-catalyzed acylation process for the selective preparation of monoacylated Vitamin A precursors starting from a 1,6-diol on a large scale is reported. Screenings led to the selection of the commercially available immobilized lipase Chirazyme L2-C2 (lipase B from Candida antarctica) as the biocatalyst, different vinyl acylates as the acylating agents, and acetone as the co-solvent. Using a mixture of 70% (v/v) acetone and acylating agent allowed to increase the substrate concentration from 10 to 30% (w/w). Using a small fixed-bed reactor, this continuous process produced monoacylated product with >99% yield and >97% selectivity for the primary hydroxy group. The robustness of this system under different conditions was investigated. Consequently, the stability of the biocatalyst could be greatly improved by adding a protective pre-column and by adding small amounts of organic base and antioxidant to the substrate solution. This optimized laboratory process was used to selectively prepare monoacylated compounds in kilogram scales over one hundred days with only a minor decrease in conversion efficiency. The process was also implemented in an up-scaled mini plant for the continuous production on a kilogram-per-day scale, reproducing the results previously obtained on smaller laboratory scales

    Use of isothermal microcalorimetry to monitor microbial activities

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    Isothermal calorimetry measures the heat flow of biological processes, which is proportional to the rate at which a given chemical or physical process takes place. Modern isothermal microcalorimeters make measurements of less than a microwatt of heat flow possible. As a result, as few as 10 000-100 000 active bacterial cells in culture are sufficient to produce a real-time signal dynamically related to the number of cells present and their activity. Specimens containing bacteria need little preparation, and isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) is a nondestructive method. After IMC measurements, the undisturbed samples can be evaluated by any other means desired. In this review, we present a basic description of microcalorimetry and examples of microbiological applications of IMC for medical and environmental microbiology. In both fields, IMC has been used to quantify microbial activity over periods of hours or even days. Finally, the recent development of highly parallel instruments (up to 48 channels) and the constantly decreasing costs of equipment have made IMC increasingly attractive for microbiology. Miniaturization of isothermal calorimeters provides an even wider range of possibilitie

    Synthesis and Metabolism of Drugs by Means of Enzyme-Catalysed Reactions

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    The usefulness of enzyme catalysed-reactions is exemplified by recent results from research at Roche.Sequences of enzyme reactions, well organised in metabolic pathways of selected microorganisms, lead to secondary metabolites with innovative chemical structures. An example is the pancreas-lipase inhibitor lipstatin produced by Streptomyces toxytricini. Hydrogenation of lipstatin yields tetrahydrolipstatin, the active substance of the anti-obesity drug Xenical™. The biosynthetic pathway has been elucidated and an improved fermentation process for the production of lipstatin has been developed.Intermediates of the primary metabolism can be valuable building blocks for the chemical synthesis of drugs. Examples are quinic acid and shikimic acid, which are both suitable starting materials for the synthesis of the neuraminidase inhibitor GS 4104. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli with the goal to overproduce these two substances is briefly described.Microorganisms or enzymes derived thereof are used in drug synthesis to catalyse single, highly specific reaction steps (biotransformations). Three examples yielding chiral precursors of a protein-kinase inhibitor, a collagenase inhibitor, and an antifungal compound are discussed.Recombinant Escherichia coli strains expressing human drug-metabolising enzymes are suited to mimic drug metabolism and to produce intermediates of human drug metabolism. The desired hydroxylated drug derivatives could be obtained after incubation of drug substances with strains coexpressing one specific human cytochrome P450 isozyme together with human reductase

    Swiss Industrial Biocatalysis Consortium (SIBC)

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    Taking up the common challenges in biocatalysis, a group of industrialists decided to react with a bottom-up solution, and created the Swiss Industrial Biocatalysis Consortium (SIBC). The Swiss Industrial Biocatalysis Consortium is a pre-competitive working group to better implement and utilize existing know-how and resources in biocatalysis, and to influence and shape the economic and educational political environment.Recent examples of activities are outlined

    Human FMO2-based microbial whole-cell catalysts for drug metabolite synthesis

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    Background: Getting access to authentic human drug metabolites is an important issue during the drug discovery and development process. Employing recombinant microorganisms as whole-cell biocatalysts constitutes an elegant alternative to organic synthesis to produce these compounds. The present work aimed for the generation of an efficient whole-cell catalyst based on the flavin monooxygenase isoform 2 (FMO2), which is part of the human phase I metabolism. Results: We show for the first time the functional expression of human FMO2 in E. coli. Truncations of the C-terminal membrane anchor region did not result in soluble FMO2 protein, but had a significant effect on levels of recombinant protein. The FMO2 biocatalysts were employed for substrate screening purposes, revealing trifluoperazine and propranolol as FMO2 substrates. Biomass cultivation on the 100 L scale afforded active catalyst for biotransformations on preparative scale. The whole-cell conversion of trifluoperazine resulted in perfectly selective oxidation to 48 mg (46% yield) of the corresponding N1-oxide with a purity >98%. Conclusions: The generated FMO2 whole-cell catalysts are not only useful as screening tool for human metabolites of drug molecules but more importantly also for their chemo- and regioselective preparation on the multi-milligram scale

    Association of kidney function with effectiveness of procalcitonin-guided antibiotic treatment:A patient-level meta-analysis from randomized controlled trials

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    Patients with impaired kidney function have a significantly slower decrease of procalcitonin (PCT) levels during infection. Our aim was to study PCT-guided antibiotic stewardship and clinical outcomes in patients with impairments of kidney function as assessed by creatinine levels measured upon hospital admission. We pooled and analyzed individual data from 15 randomized controlled trials who were randomly assigned to receive antibiotic therapy based on a PCT-algorithms or based on standard of care. We stratified patients on the initial glomerular filtration rate (GFR, ml/min/1.73 m2) in three groups (GFR >90 [chronic kidney disease; CKD 1], GFR 15-89 [CKD 2-4] and GFR0.05). This individual patient data meta-analysis confirms that the use of PCT in patients with impaired kidney function, as assessed by admission creatinine levels, is associated with shorter antibiotic courses and lower mortality rates

    Blockzeiten und Tagesstrukturen am Kindergarten und an der Primarschule. Überlegungen aus der Sicht der Bildungsverwaltung

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    In den Deutschschweizer Kantonen werden in den kommenden Jahren im Kindergarten- und Primarschulbereich Blockzeiten eingeführt und die Angebote für die familienergänzende Betreuung ausgebaut. Beides ist auf die Mitwirkung der Pädagogischen Hochschulen angewiesen, bei der Beratung und Weiterbildung vor Ort ebenso wie bei der Forschung und Entwicklung im Hinblick auf den zu bewältigenden Übergang von den bisherigen zu den neuen Zeitstrukturen und Gestaltungsformen des schulischen Alltags

    Zum Abschluss der Arbeiten am NW EDK-Vorprojekt \u27Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung für die Sekundarstufe\u27

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    Die \u27Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung\u27 haben 1992 (in Heft 2) das Memorandum der Pädagogischen Projektkommission der NW EDK zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung für die Sekundarstufe I abgedruckt und eine Entgegnung darauf von Jürgen Oelkers veröffentlicht. Auf die Kritik von Jürgen Oelkers haben I993 (in Heft 1/93) Rudolf Künzli und Alberto Schneebeli repliziert. nDie folgenden Ausführungen reihen sich nicht in die mit Grundsatzfragen befasste Debatte über das Memorandum ein. Sie wollen lediglich über die Folgearbeiten informieren, die es ausgelöst hat. Berichtet wird über das inzwischen abgeschlossene Vorprojekt, dessen Ergebnisse der NW EDK-Plenarkonferenz als Entscheidungsgrundlage dienen. Die Konferenz wird im kommenden August darüber befinden, ob ein gemeinsames Projekt durchgeführt oder ob darauf verzichtet werden soll