379 research outputs found

    New record of Novocrania (Brachiopoda, Craniida) from Madeira, with notes on Recent brachiopod occurrences in the Macaronesian archipelagos

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    The inarticulated brachiopod Novocrania anomala (Müller) is recorded for the first time from Madeira Island, bringing the total of living species for that area to six. Updated comparisons of Recent brachiopod diversities between the Macaronesian archipelagos show similar values for Madeira, the Cape Verde Islands and the Azores but higher values for the Canary Islands. Comparisons are also made between shallow-water cave and crevice communities in Madeira, the Canary Islands and the Cape Verde Islands, where dense populations of one or two brachiopod species are thriving in cryptic habitats where competition for space and resources is presumably reduced. No such occurrences have yet been found in the Azores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modular System for Shelves and Coasts (MOSSCO v1.0) - a flexible and multi-component framework for coupled coastal ocean ecosystem modelling

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    Shelf and coastal sea processes extend from the atmosphere through the water column and into the sea bed. These processes are driven by physical, chemical, and biological interactions at local scales, and they are influenced by transport and cross strong spatial gradients. The linkages between domains and many different processes are not adequately described in current model systems. Their limited integration level in part reflects lacking modularity and flexibility; this shortcoming hinders the exchange of data and model components and has historically imposed supremacy of specific physical driver models. We here present the Modular System for Shelves and Coasts (MOSSCO, http://www.mossco.de), a novel domain and process coupling system tailored---but not limited--- to the coupling challenges of and applications in the coastal ocean. MOSSCO builds on the existing coupling technology Earth System Modeling Framework and on the Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models, thereby creating a unique level of modularity in both domain and process coupling; the new framework adds rich metadata, flexible scheduling, configurations that allow several tens of models to be coupled, and tested setups for coastal coupled applications. That way, MOSSCO addresses the technology needs of a growing marine coastal Earth System community that encompasses very different disciplines, numerical tools, and research questions.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Geoscientific Model Development Discussion

    Anwedungen und Techniken zur Analyse großer Datenbestände : Tagungsband zur AKWI-Fachtagung am 11. bis 12.09.2008 an der Hochschule Niederrhein

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    Mit dem Vorliegen großer Datenbestände steigen natürlich auch die Wünsche und Anforderungen zur Analyse dieser Daten. Aus diesen Gründen widmet sich die AKWI Tagung 2008 mit den hier dokumentierten Beiträgen und Diskussionen diesem Thema unter dem Titel: Herausforderungen an die Wirtschaftsinformatik: Anwendungen und Techniken zur Analyse großer Datenbestände. Mit dem analytischen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) wird von Frick und Iversen das Ziel verfolgt, die Analyse der verfügbaren Informationen für die Kundenbedürfnisse einzusetzen. Das kann beträchtlich die Qualität der Kundenbeziehungen verbessern. Es erfordert aber auch eine Weiterqualifizierung aller Beteiligten. Das Supply Chain Management (SCM) dient zur Unternehmensübergreifenden Betrachtung und Modifikation der Geschäftsprozesse. Die ständige Weiterentwicklung der Geschäftsprozesse in den Unternehmen erfordert auch permanent Anpassung bei den davon in der Supply Chain betroffenen Unternehmen. Die Erweiterung der klassischen Sichtweise der Kostenfunktion im Rahmen der Produktionsplanung um die Einfuhrzollproblematik wird von Szymanski mit einem Ansatz zur Optimierung der Supply Chain mit mathematischen Optimierungsmodellen aufgezeigt. Die Gründe dafür liegen in den immer globaleren Gegebenheiten der Beschaffungs-, Produktions- und Distributionslogistik. Für die umfangreichen Aufgaben im Umgang mit den Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) Systemen und deren Implementierung werden heute entsprechende Tools benötigt. Von SAP wird dafür der SAP Solution Manager angeboten. Von Frick und Lankes wird der SAP Solution Manager als ein Projektmanagement Werkzeug eingesetzt. Unternehmen jeder Größenordnung sehen sich zunehmend mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, die betrieblichen Daten für die unterschiedlichsten Zielsetzungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Neben den betrieblichen Anforderungen rücken hier aber auch die Änderung der Abgabenordnung (AO) und damit der Datenzugriff durch die Finanzbehörden, die Einhaltung von Compliance Richtlinien und damit das Erkennen von Unterschlagungshandlungen als auch die Bestätigung der Ordnungsmäßigkeit des Jahresabschlusses durch die Wirtschaftsprüfer immer stärker in den Fokus der digitalen Aufbereitung von Unternehmensdaten. Wirtschaftsprüfer, Interne Revisoren und Betriebsprüfer der Finanzverwaltung haben die gleichen Probleme zu bewältigen, indem sie sich mit einer gewachsenen, heterogenen und durch Firmenzukäufe und Ausgliederungen stetig ändernden IT Infrastruktur auseinander zu setzen haben. Von Herde wird ein Ansatz zur Extraktion betrieblicher Massendaten in ein analysefähiges Format, unabhängig von operativen Systemen, kostengünstig realisiert. Der Umgang mit großen Mengen von Daten, auch aus unterschiedlichen Unternehmensbereichen, einer großen Anzahl von Benutzern erfordert heute ein Data Warehouse mit konsolidierten Daten. Ohne eine ausreichende Konsolidierung, d. h. ohne eine einheitliche Darstellung der Daten, kann keine sinnvolle Auswertung erfolgen. Erst mit einem Data Warehouse können die Mitarbeiter auch erkennen, was das Unternehmen zu speziellen Fragen eigentlich alles weiß. Von Stegemerten wird aufgezeigt, wie aus einer bestehenden Unternehmensstrategie eine Strategie zum Aufbau eines Data Warehouses abgeleitet werden kann und eine Organisationsstruktur beschrieben, die diese Umsetzung gewährleistet. Die Bedeutung des Controllings wird in dem Beitrag von Frank Weymerich mit der Entwicklung eines entsprechenden Cockpits deutlich. Hier werden die für das Controlling nützlichen Informationen in einem individuell bedienbaren Cockpit für die betrieblichen Entscheider sinnvoll zusammengestellt. In allen Beiträgen werden unterschiedliche spezielle Aspekte der Analyse und Organisation großer Datenbestände aus der Sicht der Wirtschaftsinformatik mit dem ihr eigenen Blick auf die Gesamtheit aller Einflussgrößen aufgezeigt

    Simulation of guiding of multiply charged projectiles through insulating capillaries

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated that highly charged ions can be guided through insulating nanocapillaries along the direction of the capillary axis for a surprisingly wide range of injection angles. Even more surprisingly, the transmitted particles remain predominantly in their initial charge state, thus opening the pathway to the construction of novel ion-optical elements without electric feedthroughs. We present a theoretical treatment of this self-organized guiding process. We develop a classical trajectory transport theory that relates the microscopic charge-up with macroscopic material properties. Transmission coefficients, angular spread of transmitted particles, and discharge characteristics of the target are investigated. Partial agreement with experiment is found

    On the Impact of Smartification Strategies for the State Estimation of Low Voltage Grids

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    The decarbonization of for example the energy or heat sector leads to the transformation of distribution grids. The expansion of decentralized energy resources and the integration of new consumers due to sector coupling (e.g. heat pumps or electric vehicles) into low voltage grids increases the need for grid expansion and usage of flexibilities in the grid. A high observability of the current grid status is needed to perform these tasks efficiently and effectively. Therefore, there is a need to increase the observability of low voltage grids by installing measurement technologies (e.g. smart meters). Multiple different measurement technologies are available for low voltage grids which can vary in their benefit to observation quality and their installation costs. Therefore, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH and E.DIS AG in cooperation with E-Bridge Consulting GmbH and the Institute for High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Energy Economics (IAEW) investigated the effectiveness of different strategies for the smartification of low voltage grids. This paper presents the methodology used for the investigation and exemplary results focusing on the impact of intelligent cable distribution cabinets and smart meters on the quality of the state estimation.Comment: In proceedings of the 13th "Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung" (IEWT2023), February 15-17, 2023, Vienna, Austri

    Health facility and skilled birth deliveries among poor women with Jamkesmas health insurance in Indonesia: a mixed-methods study

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    BACKGROUND: The growing momentum for quality and affordable health care for all has given rise to the recent global universal health coverage (UHC) movement. As part of Indonesia’s strategy to achieve the goal of UHC, large investments have been made to increase health access for the poor, resulting in the implementation of various health insurance schemes targeted towards the poor and near-poor, including the Jamkesmas program. In the backdrop of Indonesia’s aspiration to reach UHC is the high rate of maternal mortality that disproportionally affects poor women. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of health facility and skilled birth deliveries among poor women with and without Jamkesmas and explore perceived barriers to health insurance membership and maternal health service utilization. METHODS: We used a mixed-methods design. Utilizing data from the 2012 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (n = 45,607), secondary analysis using propensity score matching was performed on key outcomes of interest: health facility delivery (HFD) and skilled birth delivery (SBD). In-depth interviews (n = 51) were conducted in the provinces of Jakarta and Banten among poor women, midwives, and government representatives. Thematic framework analysis was performed on qualitative data to explore perceived barriers. RESULTS: In 2012, 63.0% of women did not have health insurance; 19.1% had Jamkesmas. Poor women with Jamkesmas were 19% (OR = 1.19 [1.03–1.37]) more likely to have HFD and 17% (OR = 1.17 [1.01–1.35]) more likely to have SBD compared to poor women without insurance. Qualitative interviews highlighted key issues, including: lack of proper documentation for health insurance registration; the preference of pregnant women to deliver in their parents’ village; the use of traditional birth attendants; distance to health facilities; shortage of qualified health providers; overcrowded health facilities; and lack of health facility accreditation. CONCLUSION: Poor women with Jamkesmas membership had a modest increase in HFD and SBD. These findings are consistent with economic theory that health insurance coverage can reduce financial barriers to care and increase service uptake. However, factors such as socio-cultural beliefs, accessibility, and quality of care are important elements that need to be addressed as part of the national UHC agenda to improve maternal health services in Indonesia

    A FIB-SEM Based Correlative Methodology for X-Ray Nanotomography and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: An Application Example in Lithium Batteries Research

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    Correlative microscopy approaches are attracting considerable interest in several research fields such as materials and battery research. Recent developments regarding X-ray computer tomography have made this technique available in a compact module for scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). Nano-computed tomography (nanoCT) allows morphological analysis of samples in a nondestructive way and to generate 2D and 3D overviews. However, morphological analysis alone is not sufficient for advanced studies, and to draw conclusions beyond morphology, chemical analysis is needed. While conventional SEM-based chemical analysis techniques such as energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) are adequate in many cases, they are not well suited for the analysis of trace elements and low-Z elements such as hydrogen or lithium. Furthermore, the large information depth in typical SEM-EDS imaging conditions limits the lateral resolution to micrometer length scales. In contrast, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) can perform elemental mapping with good surface sensitivity, nanoscale lateral resolution, and the possibility to analyze even low-Z elements and isotopes. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility and compatibility of a novel FIB-SEM-based correlative nanoCT-SIMS imaging approach to correlate morphological and chemical data of the exact same sample volume, using a cathode material of a commercial lithium battery as an example

    Successful Resection of a Re-Occurred Pulmonary Myosarcoma in a Patient with Turner Syndrome Mosaic

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    We describe a patient who underwent thoracic radiation therapy for biopsy-proven pulmonary spindle cell sarcoma in the left lower lobe, 15 months after birth. At the age of 37 she developed shoulder pain, fatigue, and progressive exertion dyspnoea. Chest X-ray revealed a pulmonary mass in the left lower lobe due to a cytology-proven malignant tumour.The patient underwent left pneumonectomy. Histology revealed a myosarcoma of the lung, similar to the previous sarcoma. Furthermore, the patient was diagnosed to have Turner syndrome mosaic and chromosomal analysis revealed a translocation t(1;13) in 3/50 metaphases. However a germline mutation of the p53 tumour suppressor gene was excluded. After 2 years of follow-up the patient is stable and there are no signs of recurrence of the tumour.We conclude a re-occurrence of this very rare malignant disorder of the lung after a 36-year interval in a patient with Turner syndrome mosaic. Following initial curative radiation therapy, with a remission over 36 years, lung resection was now successfully performed

    Quantitative nanoscale imaging using transmission He ion channelling contrast: Proof-of-concept and application to study isolated crystalline defects

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    A newly developed microscope prototype, namely npSCOPE, consisting of a Gas Field Ion Source (GFIS) column and a position sensitive Delay-line Detector (DLD) was used to perform Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy (STIM) using keV He+ ions. One experiment used 25 keV ions and a second experiment used 30 keV ions. STIM imaging of a 50 nm thick free-standing gold membrane exhibited excellent contrast due to ion channelling and revealed rich microstructural features including isolated nanoscale twin bands which matched well with the contrast in the conventional ion-induced Secondary Electron (SE) imaging mode. Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) and Backscattered Electron (BSE) imaging were performed on the same areas to correlate and confirm the microstructural features observed in STIM. Monte Carlo simulations of the ion and electron trajectories were performed with parameters similar to the experimental conditions to derive insights related to beam broadening and its effect in the degradation of transmission image resolution. For the experimental conditions used, STIM imaging showed a lateral resolution close to30 nm. Dark twin bands in bright grains as well as bright twin bands in dark grains were observed in STIM. Some of the twin bands were invisible in STIM. For the specific experimental conditions used, the ion transmission efficiency across a particular twin band was found to decrease by a factor of 2.8. Surprisingly, some grains showed contrast reversal when the Field of View (FOV) was changed indicating the sensitivity of the channelling contrast to even small changes in illumination conditions. These observations are discussed using ion channelling conditions and crystallographic orientations of the grains and twin bands. This study demonstrates for the first time the potential of STIM imaging using keV He+ ions to quantitatively investigate channelling in nanoscale structures including isolated crystalline defects