88 research outputs found

    Laser spectroscopy of hyperfine structure in highly-charged ions: a test of QED at high fields

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    An overview is presented of laser spectroscopy experiments with cold, trapped, highly-charged ions, which will be performed at the HITRAP facility at GSI in Darmstadt (Germany). These high-resolution measurements of ground state hyperfine splittings will be three orders of magnitude more precise than previous measurements. Moreover, from a comparison of measurements of the hyperfine splittings in hydrogen- and lithium-like ions of the same isotope, QED effects at high electromagnetic fields can be determined within a few percent. Several candidate ions suited for these laser spectroscopy studies are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. accepted for Canadian Journal of Physics (2006

    Plans for laser spectroscopy of trapped cold hydrogen-like HCI

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    Laser spectroscopy studies are being prepared to measure the 1s ground state hyperfine splitting in trapped cold highly charged ions. The purpose of such experiments is to test quantum electrodynamics in the strong electric field regime. These experiments form part of the HITRAP project at GSI. A brief review of the planned experiments is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication (NIMB

    Plans for laser spectroscopy of trapped cold hydrogen-like HCI

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    Laser spectroscopy studies are being prepared to measure the 1s ground state hyperfine splitting in trapped cold highly charged ions. The purpose of such experiments is to test quantum electrodynamics in the strong electric field regime. These experiments form part of the HITRAP project at GSI. A brief review of the planned experiments is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication (NIMB

    Plans for laser spectroscopy of trapped cold hydrogen-like HCI

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    Laser spectroscopy studies are being prepared to measure the 1s ground state hyperfine splitting in trapped cold highly charged ions. The purpose of such experiments is to test quantum electrodynamics in the strong electric field regime. These experiments form part of the HITRAP project at GSI. A brief review of the planned experiments is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication (NIMB

    Dissociable cognitive impairments in two strains of transgenic Alzheimer\u27s disease mice revealed by a battery of object-based tests

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    Object recognition tasks detect cognitive deficits in transgenic Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) mouse models. Object recognition, however, is not a unitary process, and there are many uncharacterized facets of object processing with relevance to AD. We therefore systematically evaluated object processing in 5xFAD and 3xTG AD mice to clarify the nature of object recognition-related deficits. Twelve-month-old male and female 5xFAD and 3xTG mice were assessed on tasks for object identity recognition, spatial recognition, and multisensory object perception. Memory and multisensory perceptual impairments were observed, with interesting dissociations between transgenic AD strains and sex that paralleled neuropathological changes. Overreliance on the widespread object recognition task threatens to slow discovery of potentially significant and clinically relevant behavioural effects related to this multifaceted cognitive function. The current results support the use of carefully designed object-based test batteries to clarify the relationship between object recognition impairments and specific aspects of AD pathology in rodent models


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    We present X-ray, optical, near-infrared (IR), and radio observations of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) 110709B and 111215A, as well as optical and near-IR observations of their host galaxies. The combination of X-ray detections and deep optical/near-IR limits establish both bursts as "dark." Sub-arcsecond positions enabled by radio detections lead to robust host galaxy associations, with optical detections that indicate z ≾ 4 (110709B) and z ≈ 1.8-2.9 (111215A). We therefore conclude that both bursts are dark due to substantial rest-frame extinction. Using the radio and X-ray data for each burst we find that GRB 110709B requires A_V^(host) ≳ 5.3 mag and GRB 111215A requires A_V^(host) ≳ 8.5 mag (assuming z = 2). These are among the largest extinction values inferred for dark bursts to date. The two bursts also exhibit large neutral hydrogen column densities of N H, int ≳ 10^(22) cm^(–2) (z = 2) as inferred from their X-ray spectra, in agreement with the trend for dark GRBs. Moreover, the inferred values are in agreement with the Galactic A_V -N_H relation, unlike the bulk of the GRB population. Finally, we find that for both bursts the afterglow emission is best explained by a collimated outflow with a total beaming-corrected energy of E_γ + E_K ≈ (7-9) × 10^(51) erg (z = 2) expanding into a wind medium with a high density, Ṁ ≈ (6-20) x 10^(-5) M_☉ yr^(–1) (n ≈ 100-350 cm^(–3) at ≈ 10^(17) cm). While the energy release is typical of long GRBs, the inferred density may be indicative of larger mass-loss rates for GRB progenitors in dusty (and hence metal rich) environments. This study establishes the critical role of radio observations in demonstrating the origin and properties of dark GRBs. Observations with the JVLA and ALMA will provide a sample with sub-arcsecond positions and robust host associations that will help to shed light on obscured star formation and the role of metallicity in GRB progenitors

    From D-Dbar Pairs to Branes in Motion

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    We investigate various supersymmetric brane intersections. Motivated by the recent results on supertubes, we investigate general constraints in which parallel brane-antibrane configurations are supersymmetric. Dual descriptions of these configurations involve systems of branes in relative motion. In particular, we find new supersymmetric configurations which are not related to a static brane intersection by a boost. In these new configurations, the intersection point moves at the speed of light. These systems provide interesting time dependent backgrounds for open strings.Comment: 28+1 pages, 8 figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    A scenario of pulsed ecrh wall conditioning in hydrogen for the Wendelstein 7-X helias

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    A new wall conditioning scenario in hydrogen atmosphere for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator-helias (W7-X) has been proposed and tested in part. Feasibility of the proposed scenario has been demonstrated on W7-X at OP1.2b experimental campaign during investigation of a chain of ultra-short pulsed electron cyclotron resonance heating plasma discharges.Був запропонований і випробуваний новий сценарій кондиціонування стінки в атмосфері водню для стеларатора-хеліаса Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). Застосовано принцип кондиціонування стінок камери атомарним воднем, виробленим в плазмі, який хімічно взаємодіє з домішками, адсорбованими на поверхні камери, зверненої до плазми. Можливість реалізації запропонованого сценарію було підтверджено на W7-X під час експериментальної кампанії OP1.2b при дослідженні ланцюжка ультракоротких імпульсів з нагріванням за допомогою електронного циклотронного резонансу.Был предложен и испытан новый сценарий кондиционирования стенки в атмосфере водорода для стелларатора-хелиаса Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). Использован принцип кондиционирования стенок камеры атомарным водородом, производимым в плазме, который химически взаимодействует с примесями, адсорбированными на поверхности камеры, обращенной к плазме. Возможность реализации предложенного сценария была подтверждена на W7-X во время экспериментальной кампании OP1.2b при изучении цепочки ультракоротких импульсов в плазме с нагревом в условиях электронного циклотронного резонанса

    DeltaScan for the Assessment of Acute Encephalopathy and Delirium in ICU and non-ICU Patients, a Prospective Cross-Sectional Multicenter Validation Study

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    Objectives: To measure the diagnostic accuracy of DeltaScan: a portable real-time brain state monitor for identifying delirium, a manifestation of acute encephalopathy (AE) detectable by polymorphic delta activity (PDA) in single-channel electroencephalograms (EEGs). Design: Prospective cross-sectional study. Setting: Six Intensive Care Units (ICU's) and 17 non-ICU departments, including a psychiatric department across 10 Dutch hospitals. Participants: 494 patients, median age 75 (IQR:64-87), 53% male, 46% in ICUs, 29% delirious. Measurements: DeltaScan recorded 4-minute EEGs, using an algorithm to select the first 96 seconds of artifact-free data for PDA detection. This algorithm was trained and calibrated on two independent datasets. Methods: Initial validation of the algorithm for AE involved comparing its output with an expert EEG panel's visual inspection. The primary objective was to assess DeltaScan's accuracy in identifying delirium against a delirium expert panel's consensus. Results: DeltaScan had a 99% success rate, rejecting 6 of the 494 EEG's due to artifacts. Performance showed and an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC) of 0.86 (95% CI: 0.83-0.90) for AE (sensitivity: 0.75, 95%CI=0.68-0.81, specificity: 0.87 95%CI=0.83-0.91. The AUC was 0.71 for delirium (95%CI=0.66-0.75, sensitivity: 0.61 95%CI=0.52-0.69, specificity: 72, 95%CI=0.67-0.77). Our validation aim was an NPV for delirium above 0.80 which proved to be 0.82 (95%CI: 0.77-0.86). Among 84 non-delirious psychiatric patients, DeltaScan differentiated delirium from other disorders with a 94% (95%CI: 87-98%) specificity. Conclusions: DeltaScan can diagnose AE at bedside and shows a clear relationship with clinical delirium. Further research is required to explore its role in predicting delirium-related outcomes.</p