588 research outputs found

    Serotonin attenuates feedback excitation onto O-LM interneurons

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    The serotonergic system is a subcortical neuromodulatory center that controls cortical information processing in a state-dependent manner. In the hippocampus, serotonin (5-HT) is released by ascending serotonergic fibers from the midbrain raphe nuclei, thereby mediating numerous modulatory functions on various neuronal subtypes. Here, we focus on the neuromodulatory effects of 5-HT on GABAergic inhibitory oriens lacunosum-moleculare (O-LM) cells in the hippocampal area CA1 of the rat. These interneurons are thought to receive primarily local excitatory input and are, via their axonal projections to stratum lacunosum-moleculare, ideally suited to control entorhinal cortex input. We show that 5-HT reduces excitatory glutamatergic transmission onto O-LM interneurons. By means of paired recordings from synaptically connected CA1 pyramidal cells and O-LM interneurons we reveal that this synapse is modulated by 5-HT. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reduction of glutamatergic transmission by serotonin is likely to be mediated via a decrease of calcium influx into presynaptic terminals of CA1 pyramidal cells. This modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission onto O-LM interneurons by 5-HT might be a mechanism to vary the activation of O-LM interneurons during ongoing network activity and serve as a brain state-dependent switch gating the efficiency of entorhinal cortex input to CA1 pyramidal neurons

    Pushing nanoparticles with light - A femtonewton resolved measurement of optical scattering forces

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    Optomechanical manipulation of plasmonic nanoparticles is an area of current interest, both fundamental and applied. However, no experimental method is available to determine the forward-directed scattering force that dominates for incident light of a wavelength close to the plasmon resonance. Here, we demonstrate how the scattering force acting on a single gold nanoparticle in solution can be measured. An optically trapped 80 nm particle was repetitively pushed from the side with laser light resonant to the particle plasmon frequency. A lock-in analysis of the particle movement provides a measured value for the scattering force. We obtain a resolution of less than 3 femtonewtons which is an order of magnitude smaller than any measurement of switchable forces performed on nanoparticles in solution with single beam optical tweezers to date. We compared the results of the force measurement with Mie simulations of the optical scattering force on a gold nanoparticle and found good agreement between experiment and theory within a few fN. (C) 2016 Author(s)

    Seismic stratigraphy of the Ontong Java Plateau

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    The Ontong Java Plateau, a large, deep-water carbonate plateau in the western equatorial Pacific, is an ideal location for studying responses of carbonate sedimentation to the effects of changing paleoceanographic conditions. These carbonate responses are often reflected in the physical properties of the sediment, which in turn control the appearance of seismic reflection profiles. Seismic stratigraphy analyses, correlating eight reflector horizons to each drill site, have been conducted in an attempt to map stratigraphic data. Accurate correlation of seismic stratigraphic data to drilling results requires conversion of traveltime to depth in meters. Synthetic seismogram models, using shipboard physical properties data, have been generated in an attempt to provide this correlation. Physical properties, including laboratory-measured and well-log data, were collected from sites drilled during Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 30 and 89, and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 130, on the top and flank of the Ontong Java Plateau. Laboratory-measured density is corrected to in-situ conditions by accounting for porosity rebound resulting from removal of the sediment from its overburden. The correction of laboratory-measured compressional velocity to in situ appears to be largely a function of increases in elastic moduli (especially shear rigidity) with depth of burial, more than a function of changes in temperature, pressure, or density (porosity rebound). Well-log velocity and density data for the ooze intervals were found to be greatly affected by drilling disturbance; hence, they were disregarded and replaced by lab data for these intervals. Velocity and density data were used to produce synthetic seismograms. Correlation of seismic reflection data with synthetic data, and hence with depth below seafloor, at each drill site shows that a single velocity-depth function exists for sediments on the top and flank of the Ontong Java Plateau. A polynomial fit of this function provides an equation for domain conversion: Depth (mbsf) = 44.49 + 0.800(traveltime[ms]) + 3.308 × 10 4 (traveltime[ms]2 ) Traveltime (ms) = -35.18 + 1.118(depth[mbsf]) - 1.969 × KT* (depth[mbsf]2 ) Seismic reflection profiles down the flank of the plateau undergo three significant changes: (1) a drastic thinning of the sediment column with depth, (2) changes in the echo-character of the profile (development of seismic facies), and (3) loss of continuous, coherent reflections. Sediments on the plateau top were largely deposited by pelagic processes, with little significant postdepositional or syndepositional modification. Sediments on the flank of the plateau are also pelagic, but they have been modified by faulting, erosion, and mass movement. These processes result in disrupted and incoherent reflectors, development of seismic facies, and redistribution of sediment on the flank of the plateau. Seismic stratigraphic analyses have shown that the sediment section decreases in thickness by as much as 65% between water depths of 2000 m water depth (at the top of the plateau) and 4000 m (near the base of the plateau). Thinning is attributed to increasing carbonate dissolution with depth. If this assumption is correct, then changes in the relative thicknesses of seismostratigraphic units at each drill site are indicative of changes in the position of the lysocline and the dissolution gradient between the lysocline and the carbonate compensation depth. We think that a shallow lysocline in the early Miocene caused sediment thinning. A deepening of the lysocline in the late-early Miocene caused relative thickening at each site. Within the middle Miocene, a sharp rise in lysoclinal depth occurs, concurrent with a steepening of the dissolution gradient. These events result in sediment thinning at all four sites. The thicker sections in the late Miocene likely correspond to a deepening of the lysocline, and a subsequent rise in the lysocline again hinders accumulation of sediment in the very late Miocene and Pliocene

    Plasma leptin, but not adiponectin, is associated with cognitive impairment in older adults

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    BACKGROUND: Leptin and adiponectin are adipose-tissue derived hormones primarily involved in glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. Both adipokines may cross the blood-brain barrier but evidence on their roles in cognitive impairment is limited and conflicting. Here, we determined associations of plasma adipokine concentration with cognitive impairment in older adults. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from 669 participants aged ≥65 years of the Biomarker Development for Postoperative Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly (BioCog) study were recruited 2014–2017 at study sites in Berlin, Germany and Utrecht, the Netherlands. Cognitive impairment was defined as the lowest tertile of a cognitive summary score derived from six neuropsychological tests. RESULTS: After adjustment for age, sex, fasting, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, and coronary heart disease, higher leptin concentrations and a higher leptin/adiponectin ratio (LAR) were associated with a higher odds of cognitive impairment (OR per 1 SD higher leptin concentration, 1.33; 95 % CI 1.05, 1.69; p = 0.02; OR per 1 SD higher LAR, 1.26; 95 % CI 1.01, 1.57; p = 0.04). Sensitivity analyses determined that these findings were driven by the non-obese group (BMI < 30 kg/m2), whereas leptin and LAR were not associated with cognitive impairment in the obese group (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). Soluble leptin receptor, leptin/soluble leptin receptor ratio, total adiponectin and high-molecular weight adiponectin concentrations were each not associated with impairment. CONCLUSIONS: With leptin as a known promoter of atherosclerosis and inflammation, our findings point to a pathogenic role of leptin in age-related cognitive impairment that may be limited to non-obese individuals and warrants further investigation

    Functional diversity of subicular principal cells during hippocampal ripples

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    Cortical and hippocampal oscillations play a crucial role in the encoding, consolidation, and retrieval of memory. Sharp-wave associated ripples have been shown to be necessary for the consolidation of memory. During consolidation, information is transferred from the hippocampus to the neocortex. One of the structures at the interface between hippocampus and neocortex is the subiculum. It is therefore well suited to mediate the transfer and distribution of information from the hippocampus to other areas. By juxtacellular and whole-cell-recordings in awake mice, we show here that in the subiculum a subset of pyramidal cells is activated, whereas another subset is inhibited during ripples. We demonstrate that these functionally different subgroups are predetermined by their cell subtype. Bursting cells are selectively used to transmit information during ripples, whereas the firing probability in regular firing cells is reduced. With multiple patch-clamp recordings in vitro, we show that the cell subtype-specific differences extend into the local network topology. This is reflected in an asymmetric wiring scheme where bursting cells and regular firing cells are recurrently connected among themselves but connections between subtypes exclusively exist from regular to bursting cells. Furthermore, inhibitory connections are more numerous onto regular firing cells than onto bursting cells. We conclude that the network topology contributes to the observed functional diversity of subicular pyramidal cells during sharp-wave associated ripples

    Associations of the metabolic syndrome and its components with cognitive impairment in older adults

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    BACKGROUND: The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is an established cardiovascular risk factor. Here, we investigated its role in cognitive impairment. METHODS: Baseline data from 202 participants (aged 65 to 87 years) of the BioCog study were used. All were free of clinical dementia (MMSE≥24/30). Cognitive impairment was defined as the lowest tertile of a cognitive summary score. Multiple logistic regression analyses examined associations of body mass index (BMI), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C), glucose and glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels with the odds of cognitive impairment. MetS was defined as ≥3 of its 5 components obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2), elevated TG (TG ≥1.7 mmol/L), reduced HDL-C (males:  0.05). Results for HDL-C were similar when HDL-C, glucose, BMI and TG were entered into a single model (OR 2.56 per 1 mmol/L reduction, 95% CI 1.09, 5.88, p = 0.031) and when cerebrovascular disease and coronary heart disease were additionally controlled for (OR 2.56 per 1 mmol/L reduction, 95% CI 1.06, 6.25, p = 0.036). Among the 5 MetS components, participants with elevated TG were at 2-fold increased odds of impairment (OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.08, 4.05, p = 0.028) including when the remaining 4 MetS components were entered (OR 2.23, 95% CI 1.07, 4.65, p = 0.033), but the finding was no longer statistically significant when cerebrovascular disease and coronary heart disease were additionally controlled for (p = 0.11). Presence of MetS and of obesity, reduced HDL-C, elevated glucose or elevated blood pressure were not significantly associated with impairment (all p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings support low HDL-C as an independent risk marker of cognitive impairment in older age. The need for research into mediatory and confounding factors, and re-evaluation of traditional cut-off points is highlighted. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered on 15th October 2014 at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02265263)

    Anisotropic Strain Induced Soliton Movement Changes Stacking Order and Bandstructure of Graphene Multilayers

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    The crystal structure of solid-state matter greatly affects its electronic properties. For example in multilayer graphene, precise knowledge of the lateral layer arrangement is crucial, since the most stable configurations, Bernal and rhombohedral stacking, exhibit very different electronic properties. Nevertheless, both stacking orders can coexist within one flake, separated by a strain soliton that can host topologically protected states. Clearly, accessing the transport properties of the two stackings and the soliton is of high interest. However, the stacking orders can transform into one another and therefore, the seemingly trivial question how reliable electrical contact can be made to either stacking order can a priori not be answered easily. Here, we show that manufacturing metal contacts to multilayer graphene can move solitons by several μ\mum, unidirectionally enlarging Bernal domains due to arising mechanical strain. Furthermore, we also find that during dry transfer of multilayer graphene onto hexagonal Boron Nitride, such a transformation can happen. Using density functional theory modeling, we corroborate that anisotropic deformations of the multilayer graphene lattice decrease the rhombohedral stacking stability. Finally, we have devised systematics to avoid soliton movement, and how to reliably realize contacts to both stacking configurations

    Frontal and temporal dysfunction of auditory stimulus processing in schizophrenia

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    Attentiondeficits have been consistently described in schizophrenia. Functional neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies have focused on anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) dysfunction as a possible mediator. However, recent basic research has suggested that the effect of attention is also observed as a relative amplification of activity in modality-associated cortical areas. In the present study, the question was addressed whether an amplification deficit is seen in the auditory cortex of schizophrenic patients during an attention-requiring choice reaction task. Twenty-one drug-free schizophrenic patients and 21 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were studied (32-channel EEG). The underlying generators of the event-related N1 component were separated in neuroanatomic space using a minimum-norm (LORETA) and a multiple dipole (BESA) approach. Both methods revealed activation in the primary auditory cortex (peak latency ≈ 100 ms) and in the area of the ACC (peak latency ≈ 130 ms). In addition, the adapted multiple dipole model also showed a temporal-radial source activation in nonprimary auditory areas (peak latency ≈ 140 ms). In schizophrenic patients, significant activation deficits were found in the ACC as well as in the left nonprimary auditory areas that differentially correlated with negative and positive symptoms. The results suggest that (1) the source in the nonprimary auditory cortex is detected only with a multiple dipole approach and (2) that the N1 generators in the ACC and in the nonprimary auditory cortex are dysfunctional in schizophrenia. This would be in line with the notion that attention deficits in schizophrenia involve an extended cortical network

    Preoperative medication use and development of postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction

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    Postoperative delirium (POD) and postoperative (neuro-)cognitive disorder (POCD) are frequent and serious complications after operations. We aim to investigate the association between pre-operative polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications and the development of POD/POCD in elderly patients. This investigation is part of the European BioCog project (www.biocog.eu), a prospective multicenter observational study with elderly surgical patients. Patients with a Mini-Mental State Examination score less than or equal to 23 points were excluded. POD was assessed up to 7 days after surgery using the Nursing Delirium Screening Scale, Confusion Assessment Method (for the intensive care unit [ICU]), and a patient chart review. POCD was assessed 3 months after surgery with a neuropsychological test battery. Pre-operative long-term medication was evaluated in terms of polypharmacy (≥5 agents) and potentially inappropriate medication (defined by the PRISCUS and European list of potentially inappropriate medications [EU(7)-PIM] lists), and associations with POD and POCD were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Eight hundred thirty-seven participants were included for analysis of POD and 562 participants for POCD. Of these, 165 patients (19.7%) fulfilled the criteria of POD and 60 (10.7%) for POCD. After adjusting for confounders, pre-operative polypharmacy and intake of potentially inappropriate medications could not be shown to be associated with the development of POD nor POCD. We found no associations between pre-operative polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications and development of POD and POCD. Future studies should focus on the evaluation of drug interactions to determine whether patients benefit from a pre-operative adjustment

    Cell-type-specific modulation of feedback inhibition by serotonin in the hippocampus

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    Midbrain raphe nuclei provide strong serotonergic projections to the hippocampus, in which serotonin (5-HT) exerts differential effects mediated by multiple 5-HT receptor subtypes. The functional relevance of this diversity of information processing is poorly understood. Here we show that serotonin via 5-HT(1B) heteroreceptors substantially reduces synaptic excitation of cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons in area CA1 of the rat hippocampus, in contrast to parvalbumin-expressing basket cells. The reduction is input specific, affecting only glutamatergic synaptic transmission originating from CA1 pyramidal cells. As a result, serotonin selectively decreases feedback inhibition via 5-HT(1B) receptor activation and subsequently increases the integration time window for spike generation in CA1 pyramidal cells. Our data imply an important role for serotonergic modulation of GABAergic action in subcortical control of hippocampal output
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