211 research outputs found

    Notes of Epistemology of the Images

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    This article has as its subject of analysis the images as they are perceived by the observer. As a heuristic symphony this work is a paradigmatic crossover of the phenomenology, the genetic epistemology and the hermeneutics, amalgamated by semiotics. In the first paragraph, a phenomenological reflection of the images is carried out, reaching a division between internal images and external images and between objective images and sign images. In the second paragraph, a genetic analysis of a thought in images is carried out, reaching a division of the sign images in signal images, index images, icon images, symbol images and sign images with its correspondingly levels of abstraction and societal. Finally, in the third paragraph, hermeneutics of the object images as a cultural unit or culturema is carried out. It ends by framing the present study in visual studies and highlighting their relevance in the context of visual culture

    Sfumato De Las Imágenes De Mundo En Su Dinámica Actual. Contribuciones Humanísticas Para Una Suturación Narrativizante De La Coexistencia

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    This article presents an eidetic investigation that aimed at the production of a narrativizing sense of the coexistence which is presented as a humanistic contribution to the suturing of the conjunctural emptiness of it For this six eidetic dimensions were brought to the front that are part of the shared objective world and therefore are repetitive structures that make up the underlying continuity of the interruption of coexistence aspecting the latter Such dimensions in the mode of eidetic succession-tension between Apollo-Dionysus rational thought-magic thought paranoid schizoid position-depressive position polis-urbs death-birth and leisure-weariness are made up of various eidetic conjunctions-disjunctions developed in the text and they emerge from the continuity-dispute between images of the technical and psychic-cultural world with its correlative mass society and urban tribal society In turn the possibility of observing the historic dynamics of world images as continuity-dispute was made possible by the acquisition of the tense and distended perspectives of time respectively characteristic of the metaphysical world imag

    Modelling heatwaves in central France:a case-study in extremal dependence

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    Heatwaves are phenomena that have large social and economic consequences. Understanding and estimating the frequency of such events are of great importance to climate scientists and decision makers. Heatwaves are a type of extreme event which are by definition rare and as such there are few data in the historical record to help planners. Extreme value theory is a general framework from which inference can be drawn from extreme events. When modelling heatwaves it is important to take into account the intensity and duration of events above a critical level as well as the interaction between both factors. Most previous methods assume that the duration distribution is independent of the critical level that is used to define a heatwave: a shortcoming that can lead to incorrect inferences. The paper characterizes a novel method for analysing the temporal dependence of heatwaves with reference to observed temperatures from Orleans in central France. This method enables estimation of the probabilities for heatwave events irrespectively of whether the duration distribution is independent of the critical level. The methods are demonstrated by estimating the probability of an event more severe than the 2003 European heatwave or an event that causes a specified increase in mortality

    Modelling the effect of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on extreme spatial temperature events over Australia

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    When assessing the risk posed by high temperatures, it is necessary to consider not only the temperature at separate sites but also how many sites are expected to be hot at the same time. Hot events that cover a large area have the potential to put a great strain on health services and cause devastation to agriculture, leading to high death tolls and much economic damage. South-eastern Australia experienced a severe heatwave in early 2009; 374 people died in the state of Victoria and Melbourne recorded its highest temperature since records began in 1859 (Nairn and Fawcett, 2013). One area of particular interest in climate science is the effect of large scale climatic phenomena, such as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), on extreme temperatures. Here, we develop a framework based upon extreme value theory to estimate the effect of ENSO on extreme temperatures across Australia. This approach permits us to estimate the change in temperatures with ENSO at important sites, such as Melbourne, and also whether we are more likely to observe hot temperatures over a larger spatial extent during a particular phase of ENSO. To this end, we design a set of measures that can be used to effectively summarise many important spatial aspects of an extreme temperature event. These measures are estimated using our extreme value framework and we validate whether we can accurately replicate the 2009 Australian heatwave, before using the model to estimate the probability of having a more severe event than has been observed

    Characterising the changing behaviour of heatwaves with climate change

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    Understanding the impact of future heatwaves and the development of effective adaptation strategies requires knowledge of both the changes in heatwave temperatures and their durations. We develop a framework, utilising extreme value theory, which allows for the effect of a covariate on both the marginal quantiles and the temporal dependence structure of daily maximum temperatures enabling the changes in heatwave temperatures (marginal effects) to be identified separately from duration changes (dependence effects). To characterise future heatwave changes we use global mean temperature anomalies as a covariate to provide the metric for climate change. Future daily maximum temperatures and global mean temperature changes are provided by 13 general circulation models (GCMs) from the CMIP5 archive forced with predicted future emissions of radiative forcing agents from the RCP8.5 scenario. For Orleans, central France, we find that for all GCMs temporal dependence is unaffected by greenhouse gas induced climate change indicating that durations of heatwaves that exceed time varying high thresholds (i.e., the 1 year level) will not change in the future. However, all GCMs project significant changes in the temperature margins with events similar to the 2003 European heatwave increasing by 1.3C to 2.7C and (8.0C to 18.7C) for a 1C (5C) increase in global temperature. Collectively our results indicate there could be a significant increase in heatwave risk as the world warms with heatwaves increasing in temperature significantly faster than the global mean and local average temperatures

    Extreme value modelling of heatwaves

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    Since the turn of the century record temperatures have been observed in at least 20 different countries across Europe. Isolated hot days are not often an issue; most devastation occurs when hot temperatures persist over many days. For example, the 2003 heatwave over Europe caused 40,000 deaths over a four week period at a cost of e 13.1 million to the agriculture sector. It is clear that accurate models for the risks associated with heatwaves are important to decision makers and planners who wish to reduce the number of people affected by these extreme events. Extreme value theory provides a statistical framework for modelling extreme events. Extreme value models for temperature data tend to focus solely on the intensity, overlooking how long periods of hot weather will last and what the spatial extent of the event will be. For heatwaves, it is vital to explicitly model extremal dependence in time and space. An aim of this thesis is to develop extreme value methods that can accurately capture the temporal evolution of heatwaves. Specifically, this is the first to use a broad class of asymptotically motivated dependence structures that can provide accurate inferences for different types of extremal dependence and over different orders of lagged dependence. This flexibility ensures that these models are less likely to dramatically under or over-estimate the risks of heatwave events. Climate change is now widely regarded as a driving force behind increased global temperatures. Extending the extreme value heatwave models to include covariate structure permits answers to critical questions such as: How will a 1°C warming in the global temperature increase the chance of a 2003 style event? The 2009 heatwave over Australia highlighted issues posed when multiple cities are affected simultaneously. Both Adelaide and Melbourne observed record temperatures during the same event which led to 374 deaths and 2000 people being treated for heat related illness. It is not enough for heatwave models to account for temporal dependence, they also need to explicitly model spatial dependence. Large-scale climatic phenomena such as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation are known to affect the temperatures across Australia. This thesis develops new spatial extreme value methods that account for covariates, which are shown to model the 2009 event well. A novel suite of spatial and temporal risk measures is designed to better understand whether these covariates have an effect on the spatial extent and duration of heatwaves. This provides important information for decision makers that is not available using current methodology

    Homogeneous Heat Transfer During Freeze-Drying Using Cyclic Olefin Polymer Vials

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    In pharmaceutical freeze-drying processes, batch homogeneity is an important quality attribute. In this context, the edge-vial-effect is a challenging phenomenon. Shortly, this effect describes that vials at the edges of the shelf dry faster and at a higher temperature compared to vials in the middle of the shelf. Studies by Ehlers et al. revealed that this effect mainly origins from the number of neighbor vials cooling each other, which is reduced for vials in corners and edges compared to vials in the middle. Due to the reduced heat transfer in cyclic olefin polymer (COP) vials, the adverse edge-vial-effect should be greatly reduced allowing a better batch uniformity. In this focused study, glass and COP vials are compared regarding this effect on a fully loaded shelf. A reference experiment with vials placed at distance using a specially designed frame is presented as well

    Estudio de la identidad cultural mediante una construcción epistémica del concepto identidad cultural regional

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    The following article presents the formulation of the concept of regional cultural identity, based on a selection of the mental aspect of culture, which resulted in a narrative discursive definition. For this, metaphysical, linguistic and historical foundations are presented, and a contextualization composed of definitions of cultural identity, Latin American cultural identity and regional cultural identity. Regarding the latter, applications to the study of the Cultural Identity of the Region de los Rios are presented, due to the characteristics of this territory as a new region. The resulting concept describes the phenomenon as a sense of the regional being present in the cultural semiosphere, forming part of the collective memory and imaginary, manifested in the way of the thematic unity of a coherent and ordered historical narrative, progressively more complex and heterogeneous, which combines the linear progression of the subthemes and the constant theme of regional cultural identity.El siguiente artículo presenta la formulación del concepto identidad cultural regional, a partir de una selección del aspecto mental de la cultura, lo que dio como resultado una definición discursiva narrativa de identidad cultural regional. Para esto se presentan fundamentos metafísicos, lingüísticos e históricos, y una contextualización compuesta de definiciones de identidad cultural, identidad cultural latinoamericana e identidad cultural regional. Respecto de esta última, se presentan aplicaciones al estudio de la Identidad Cultural de la Región de los Ríos, debido a las características de este territorio como nueva región. El concepto resultante describe el fenómeno como un sentido del ser regional presente en la semiosfera cultural, formando parte de la memoria y del imaginario colectivo, manifestado en el modo de la unidad temática de una narración histórica coherente y ordenada, progresivamente más compleja y heterogénea, que combina la progresión lineal de los subtemas y el tema constante de la identidad cultural regional

    Cultural politics and discourse construction of regional identity

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    Este artículo aborda la relación entre la institucionalidad cultural chilena y la construcción de identidad cultural en la Región de los Ríos. En este contexto, se identificó la problemática de la tensión existente entre la autoconstrucción de la Política Cultural 2011-2016 (en adelante PC) como una política de Estado ajena a las ideologías de los gobiernos de turno y la posición de diversos autores quienes argumentan que la PC estaría informada por una ideología neoliberal con la que promovería ciertas identidades culturales en desmedro de otras. Tomando como caso de estudio la Política Cultural de la Región de los Ríos 2011-2016 (en adelante PCRR) y utilizando como enfoque teórico el construccionismo social y metodológico la psicología discursiva, el objetivo fue analizar la elaboración discursiva de la PCRR e interpretar su función de subjetivación de las subjetividades culturales que constituyen la identidad cultural de la Región de los Ríos. El análisis de los resultados corroboró que la PCRR estaría promoviendo inequitativamente identidades culturales mediante el refuerzo de subjetividades foráneas y la socavación de subjetividades locales. Se concluye que la institucionalidad cultural estaría informada por una ideología neoliberal, gestionando discursivamente lugares inequitativos de enunciación entre los individuos y grupos investidos con las diversas subjetividades culturales que constituyen las identidades culturales regionales y nacionalesThis article discusses the relationship between Chilean cultural institutions and the construction of Rivers Region cultural identity. In this context, it was identified the problem of the tension between the self-construction of the Cultural Policy 2011-2016 (hereinafter PC) as a state policy foreign to the ideologies of the successive governments and the position of various authors who argue that the PC it would be informed by a neoliberal ideology which promote certain cultural identities at the expense of others. Taking as a case study the Cultural Policy of the Rivers Region 2011 - 2016 (hereinafter PCRR) and using as a theoretical approach the social constructionism and methodological discursive psychology, the objective was to analyse the discursive elaboration of PCRR and interpret their function of subjectivation of the many cultural subjectivities that constitute the cultural identity of the Rivers Region. The analysis of the results confirmed that the PCRR would inequitably promoting cultural identities through strengthening foreign subjectivities and undermining local subjectivities. It concludes that the cultural institutions would discursively managing inequivalent sites of enunciation between individuals and groups invested with the diverse cultural subjectivities that constitute the regional and national cultural identities