6 research outputs found

    AndroDialysis: Analysis of Android Intent Effectiveness in Malware Detection

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd The wide popularity of Android systems has been accompanied by increase in the number of malware targeting these systems. This is largely due to the open nature of the Android framework that facilitates the incorporation of third-party applications running on top of any Android device. Inter-process communication is one of the most notable features of the Android framework as it allows the reuse of components across process boundaries. This mechanism is used as gateway to access different sensitive services in the Android framework. In the Android platform, this communication system is usually driven by a late runtime binding messaging object known as Intent. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of Android Intents (explicit and implicit) as a distinguishing feature for identifying malicious applications. We show that Intents are semantically rich features that are able to encode the intentions of malware when compared to other well-studied features such as permissions. We also argue that this type of feature is not the ultimate solution. It should be used in conjunction with other known features. We conducted experiments using a dataset containing 7406 applications that comprise 1846 clean and 5560 infected applications. The results show detection rate of 91% using Android Intent against 83% using Android permission. Additionally, experiment on combination of both features results in detection rate of 95.5%

    Dieta frugívora e potencial de dispersão de sementes de Tapirus terrestris (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) em um mosaico de floresta

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    Even though there are a number of studies of the tapir´s diet (Tapirus terrestris) and its importance for seed dispersal in the area of rainforests, information is lacking about open or less dense woody vegetation also found throughout the neotropics. We studied the frugivory in the tapir’s diet and discuss their potential as seed dispersers by identifying the plant species that germinated in the fecal samples. The study was conducted at Viruá National Park, in the south of the state of Roraima, in the Brazilian Amazon. This region is covered by a mosaic of “campinarana” formations in several successional stages and by several distinct types of dense forests. A total of 111 fecal samples from T. terrestris were collected in four distinct vegetation types: “campinarana”, dense forest, flooded forest and Mauritia palm wetland. Each fecal sample was put in a separate soil tray and kept over a period of 16 months in a greenhouse. These were checked for germinated seedlings and viable seeds. Germinated seeds and established seedlings were also found in 94 fecal samples (84.7%). All seedling morphotypes were identified to species level, genus or family, and classified by type of fruit and plant habitat, and possible type of ingestion (intentional or accidental) by T. terrestris. A total of 77 plant species were found in the fecal samples; from these, 75 species were identified by seedlings and two by seed/fruit remains. Forty eight of these species are new records for the tapir’s diet. Melastomataceae was the family with largest number of morphotypes germinating from the fecal samples (n=19). The most frequent species were Tococa spp., Bellucia grossularioides, Couma utilis e Aciotis indecora. 37.7% of the species were herbs (Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Eriocaulaceae and Acanthaceae), whose seeds were probably accidentally ingested during grazing. The high number of species that survived ingestion and passage through the digestive tract, combined with the displacement over long distances and among distinct vegetation types, indicate that tapirs probably have an important ecological role in the vegetation structure in the Viruá region.Embora existam vários estudos sobre a dieta da anta (Tapirus terrestris) e sobre a sua importância na dispersão das sementes em regiões de floresta tropical, as informações disponíveis a este respeito em áreas de vegetação aberta ainda são escassas. Estudamos os componentes frugívoros da dieta das antas e seu potencial como dispersoras de sementes por meio da identificação das espécies vegetais que germinaram em suas amostras fecais, para a região do Parque Nacional do Viruá, sul do estado de Roraima, na Amazônia brasileira. A região é coberta por um mosaico de formações de campinarana em diferentes estágios sucessionais e por diferentes tipos de floresta ombrófila. Um total de 111 amostras fecais de T. terrestris foi coletado em quatro fitofisionomias distintas: campinarana, floresta ombrófila, floresta de igapó e buritizal. As amostras fecais foram colocadas em bandejas individuais e mantidas por 16 meses em casa de vegetação, para germinação das sementes viáveis. Foram encontradas sementes germinando e plântulas estabelecidas em 94 amostras fecais (84,7%). Os diferentes morfotipos de plântulas foram identificados em nível de espécie, gênero ou família e classificados quanto ao tipo de fruto, hábito da planta e provável modo de ingestão (intencional ou acidental) por T. terrestris. Um total de 77 espécies de plantas foi encontrado nas amostras fecais, das quais 75 foram identificados através de suas plântulas e duas por suas sementes e/ou vestígios de frutos característicos. Das espécies que germinaram, pelo menos 48 são novos registros para dieta da anta. Melastomataceae foi a família com maior número de morfotipos germinando nas amostras fecais (n = 19). As espécies mais frequentes foram Tococa spp., Bellucia grossularioides, Couma utilis e Aciotis indecora. 37,7% das espécies eram herbáceas (ciperáceas, gramíneas, eriocauláceas e acantáceas) cujas sementes foram ingeridas acidentalmente durante o pastoreio. O elevado número de espécies que sobreviveram à mastigação e à passagem pelo trato digestório combinado com o deslocamento a longas distâncias e entre fitofisionomias distintas, indicam que as antas provavelmente cumprem um importante papel ecológico na estruturação da vegetação na região do Viruá