54 research outputs found

    New principle for large-scale preparation of purified human pancreas islets

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    Because successful human islet transplantation requires large quantities of viable islets that must be separated from the highly immunogenic exocrine tissue and because handpicking is too time-consuming and laborious to be clinically relevant, a new approach for solving this problem has been established in rat models. It is based on the principle that magnetic microspheres (MMSs) coupled to lectins with binding specificity for the exocrine tissue portion are trapped in an electromagnetic field, thus providing effluent islets of a high degree of purity. In this study our aim was to adapt this princip'le to human islet preparations. In this context our prime interest was focused on a lectin suitable for human pancreatic tissue. Of 19 different lectins tested, only 1, Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA), is suitable, as shown by immunofluorescence, MMS-Iectin binding, and magnetic separatio

    Интенсификация возделывания картофеля

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    В статье описаны требования к качеству посадочного материала. Проведен анализ существующих технологий посадки картофеля. Предложена модернизированная конструкция посадочной машины и соответственно усовершенствованная технология посадки картофеля.The article describes the requirements for the quality of planting material. The analysis of existing potato planting technologies is carried out. A modernized planting machine design and, correspondingly, an improved technology for planting potatoes are proposed

    Blood testing at the single cell level using quantitative phase and amplitude microscopy

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    It has recently been shown that quantitative phase imaging methods can provide clinically relevant parameters for red blood cell analysis with unprecedented detail and sensitivity. Since the quantitative phase information is dependent on both the thickness and refractive index, a major limitation to clinical translation has been a simple and practical approach to measure both simultaneously. Here we demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that, by combining quantitative phase with a single absorption measurement, it is possible to measure both quantities at the single cell level. We validate this approach by comparing our results to those acquired using a clinical blood analyzer. This approach to decouple the thickness and refractive index for red blood cells may be used with any quantitative phase imaging method that can operate in tandem with bright field microscopy at the Soret-band wavelength

    Совершенствование системы нормирования труда рабочих

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    Объект исследования - ЗАО "СИБУР-Транс". Предмет исследования – система нормирования труда на предприятия. Цель ВКР ? совершенствование системы нормирования труда на предприятии для активизации трудового потенциала на повышение производительности труда работников.The object of study - CJSC "SIBUR-TRANS". Subject of research - the system of regulation of labor in the enterprise. The purpose of WRC-improving the system of regulation of labor in the enterprise to enhance the labor potential to increase productivity of workers