2,348 research outputs found

    Exploring transmission Kikuchi diffraction using a Timepix detector

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    Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a well-established scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based technique [1]. It allows the non-destructive mapping of the crystal structure, texture, crystal phase and strain with a spatial resolution of tens of nanometers. Conventionally this is performed by placing an electron sensitive screen, typically consisting of a phosphor screen combined with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera, in front of a specimen, usually tilted 70° to the normal of the exciting electron beam. Recently, a number of authors have shown that a significant increase in spatial resolution is achievable when Kikuchi diffraction patterns are acquired in transmission geometry; that is when diffraction patterns are generated by electrons transmitted through an electron-transparent, usually thinned, specimen. The resolution of this technique, called transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), has been demonstrated to be better than 10 nm [2,3]. We have recently demonstrated the advantages of a direct electron detector, Timepix [4,5], for the acquisition of standard EBSD patterns [5]. In this article we will discuss the advantages of Timepix to perform TKD and for acquiring spot diffraction patterns and more generally for acquiring scanning transmission electron microscopy micrographs in the SEM. Particularly relevant for TKD, is its very compact size, which allows much more flexibility in the positioning of the detector in the SEM chamber. We will furthermore show recent results using Timepix as a virtual forward scatter detector, and will illustrate the information derivable on producing images through processing of data acquired from different areas of the detector. We will show results from samples ranging from gold nanoparticles to nitride semiconductor nanorods

    Niobium-based superconducting nano-devices fabrication using all-metal suspended masks

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    We report a novel method for the fabrication of superconducting nanodevices based on niobium. The well-known difficulties of lithographic patterning of high-quality niobium are overcome by replacing the usual organic resist mask by a metallic one. The quality of the fabrication procedure is demonstrated by the realization and characterization of long and narrow superconducting lines and niobium-gold-niobium proximity SQUIDs

    Columnar structures of soft spheres::Metastability and hysteresis

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    Previously we reported on the stable (i.e. minimal enthalpy) structures of soft monodisperse spheres in a long cylindrical channel. Here, we present further simulations, which significantly extend the original phase diagram up to D/d = 2.714 (ratio of cylinder and sphere diameters), where the nature of densest sphere packing changes. However, macroscopic systems of this kind are not confined to the ideal equilibrium states of this diagram. Consequently, we explore some of the structural transitions to be expected as experimental conditions are varied; these are in general hysteretic. We represent these transitions in a stability diagram for a representative case. Illustrative videos are included in the supplemental material.Comment: Published in Phys Rev E 98, 043303 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.04330

    MACHe3, a prototype for non-baryonic dark matter search: KeV event detection and multicell correlation

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    Superfluid He3 at ultra-low temperatures (100 microKelvins) is a sensitive medium for the bolometric detection of particles. MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of Helium 3) is a project for non-baryonic dark matter search using He3 as a sensitive medium. Simulations made on a high granularity detector show a very good rejection to background signals. A multicell prototype including 3 bolometers has been developed to allow correlations between the cells for background event discrimination. One of the cells contains a low activity Co57 source providing conversion electrons of 7.3 and 13.6 keV to confirm the detection of low energy events. First results on the multicell prototype are presented. A detection threshold of 1 keV has been achieved. The detection of low energy conversion electrons coming from the Co57 source is highlighted as well as the cosmic muon spectrum measurement. The possibility to reject background events by using the correlation among the cells is demonstrated from the simultaneous detection of muons in different cells

    Diffractive triangulation of radiative point sources

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    We describe a general method to determine the location of a point source of waves relative to a twodimensional single-crystalline active pixel detector. Based on the inherent structural sensitivity of crystalline sensor materials, characteristic detector diffraction patterns can be used to triangulate the location of a wave emitter. The principle described here can be applied to various types of waves, provided that the detector elements are suitably structured. As a prototypical practical application of the general detection principle, a digital hybrid pixel detector is used to localize a source of electrons for Kikuchi diffraction pattern measurements in the scanning electron microscope. This approach provides a promising alternative method to calibrate Kikuchi patterns for accurate measurements of microstructural crystal orientations, strains, and phase distributions

    Modeling Antarctic tides in response to ice shelf thinning and retreat

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    Tides play an important role in ice sheet dynamics by modulating ice stream velocity, fracturing, and moving ice shelves and mixing water beneath them. Any changes in ice shelf extent or thickness will alter the tidal dynamics through modification of water column thickness and coastal topography but these will in turn feed back onto the overall ice shelf stability. Here, we show that removal or reduction in extent and/or thickness of the Ross and Ronne-Filchner ice shelves would have a significant impact on the tides around Antarctica. The Ronne-Filchner appears particularly vulnerable, with an increase in M2 amplitude of over 0.5 m beneath much of the ice shelf potentially leading to tidally induced feedbacks on ice shelf/sheet dynamics. These results highlight the importance of understanding tidal feedbacks on ice shelves/streams due to their influence on ice sheet dynamics

    Tutorial: Crystal orientations and EBSD - Or which way is up?

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    Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is an automated technique that can measure the orientation of crystals in a sample very rapidly. There are many sophisticated software packages that present measured data. Unfortunately, due to crystal symmetry and differences in the set-up of microscope and EBSD software, there may be accuracy issues when linking the crystal orientation to a particular microstructural feature. In this paper we outline a series of conventions used to describe crystal orientations and coordinate systems. These conventions have been used to successfully demonstrate that a consistent frame of reference is used in the sample, unit cell, pole figure and diffraction pattern frames of reference. We establish a coordinate system rooted in measurement of the diffraction pattern and subsequently link this to all other coordinate systems. A fundamental outcome of this analysis is to note that the beamshift coordinate system needs to be precisely defined for consistent 3D microstructure analysis. This is supported through a series of case studies examining particular features of the microscope settings and/or unambiguous crystallographic features. These case studies can be generated easily in most laboratories and represent an opportunity to demonstrate confidence in use of recorded orientation data. Finally, we include a simple software tool, written in both MATLAB® and Python, which the reader can use to compare consistency with their own microscope set-up and which may act as a springboard for further offline analysis.The authors would like to thank a range of funders that underpin this collaborative work: T.B. Britton has a fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering. J. Jiang is funded by AVIC BIAM. T.B. Britton and A.J. Wilkinson have project funding from EPSRC through the HexMat programme grant (www.imperial.ac.uk/hexmat EP/K034332/1). DW, A.J. Wilkinson and L. Hanson have project funding from NERC through NE/M000966/1. A.J. Wilkinson and A. Vilalta-Clemente have project funding from EPSRC through EP/J016098/1
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