219 research outputs found

    Perceptions about prenatal care: views of urban vulnerable groups

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    BACKGROUND: In the United States, infant mortality rates remain more than twice as high for African Americans as compared to other racial groups. Lack of adherence to prenatal care schedules in vulnerable, hard to reach, urban, poor women is associated with high infant mortality, particularly for women who abuse substances, are homeless, or live in communities having high poverty and high infant mortality. This issue is of concern to the women, their partners, and members of their communities. Because they are not part of the system, these womens' views are often not included in other studies. METHODS: This qualitative study used focus groups with four distinct categories of people, to collect observations about prenatal care from various perspectives. The 169 subjects included homeless women; women with current or history of substance abuse; significant others of homeless women; and residents of a community with high infant mortality and poverty indices, and low incidence of adequate prenatal care. A process of coding and recoding using Ethnograph and counting ensured reliability and validity of the process of theme identification. RESULTS: Barriers and motivators to prenatal care were identified in focus groups. Pervasive issues identified were drug lifestyle, negative attitudes of health care providers and staff, and non-inclusion of male partners in the prenatal experience. CONCLUSIONS: Designing prenatal care relevant to vulnerable women in urban communities takes creativity, thoughtfulness, and sensitivity. System changes recommended include increased attention to substance abuse treatment/prenatal care interaction, focus on provider/staff attitudes, and commitment to inclusion of male partners

    Erythritol and xylitol differentially impact brain networks involved in appetite regulation in healthy volunteers

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    Background: There is a growing consensus that sugar consumption should be reduced and the naturally occurring, low-calorie sweeteners xylitol and erythritol are gaining popularity as substitutes, but their effect on brain circuitry regulating appetite is unknown. Aim: The study’s objective was to examine the effects of the two sweeteners on cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and resting functional connectivity in brain networks involved in appetite regulation, and test whether these effects are related to gut hormone release. Methods: The study was performed as a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. Twenty volunteers received intragastric (ig) loads of 50g xylitol, 75g erythritol, 75g glucose dissolved in 300mL tap water or 300mL tap water. Resting perfusion and blood oxygenation level-dependent data were acquired to assess rCBF and functional connectivity. Blood samples were collected for determination of CCK, PYY, insulin and glucose. Results: We found: (i) xylitol, but not erythritol, increased rCBF in the hypothalamus, whereas glucose had the opposite effect; (ii) graph analysis of resting functional connectivity revealed a complex pattern of similarities and differences in brain network properties following xylitol, erythritol, and glucose; (iii) erythritol and xylitol induced a rise in CCK and PYY, (iv) erythritol had no and xylitol only minimal effects on glucose and insulin. Conclusion: Xylitol and erythritol have a unique combination of properties: no calories, virtually no effect on glucose and insulin while promoting the release of gut hormones, and impacting appetite-regulating neurocircuitry consisting of both similarities and differences with glucose

    Adapting Evidence-Based Strategies to Increase Physical Activity Among African Americans, Hispanics, Hmong, and Native Hawaiians: A Social Marketing Approach

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    IntroductionUsing a social marketing approach, we studied how best to adapt proven, evidence-based strategies to increase physical activity for use with underserved racial or ethnic groups.MethodsWe conducted focus groups with low-income Hispanic women in Texas, Hmong parents and their children in California, low-income African American women and men in the Mississippi Delta, and Native Hawaiian college students in Hawaii. We also interviewed key leaders of these communities. Topics of discussion were participants' perceptions about 1) the benefits of engaging in physical activity, 2) the proposed evidence-based strategies for increasing each community's level of physical activity, and 3) the benefits and barriers to following the proposed interventions for increasing physical activity. A total of 292 individuals participated in the study.ResultsAll groups considered that being physically active was part of their culture, and participants found culturally relevant suggestions for physical activities appealing. Overwhelmingly, strategies that aimed to create or improve social support and increase access to physical activity venues received the most positive feedback from all groups. Barriers to physical activity were not culturally specific; they are common to all underserved people (lack of time, transportation, access, neighborhood safety, or economic resources).ConclusionResults indicate that evidence-based strategies to increase physical activity need to be adapted for cultural relevance for each racial or ethnic group. Our research shows that members of four underserved populations are likely to respond to strategies that increase social support for physical activity and improve access to venues where they can be physically active. Further research is needed to test how to implement such strategies in ways that are embraced by community members

    Leading Developmental Peer Observation of Teaching in Higher Education: Perspectives from Australia and England

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    Whilst peer observation of teaching is well established as a practice that can enhance teaching quality, the challenge to fully embed this practice in universities remains unresolved. This article analyses the perspectives of 18 university leaders (nine Australian and nine English) drawn from a range of school-based leaders to senior leaders of learning and teaching. Our study indicates that some of the challenges associated with leading such schemes can be mitigated through approaches to educational leadership that enact a respectful and collegiate ethos. This we suggest can support developmental academic engagement in peer observation for positive and lasting change

    Characterization of Membrane Potential Dependency of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake by an Improved Biophysical Model of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uniporter

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    Mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter is the primary influx pathway for Ca2+ into respiring mitochondria, and hence plays a key role in mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis. Though the mechanism of extra-matrix Ca2+ dependency of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake has been well characterized both experimentally and mathematically, the mechanism of membrane potential (ΔΨ) dependency of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake has not been completely characterized. In this paper, we perform a quantitative reevaluation of a previous biophysical model of mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter that characterized the possible mechanism of ΔΨ dependency of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Based on a model simulation analysis, we show that model predictions with a variant assumption (Case 2: external and internal Ca2+ binding constants for the uniporter are distinct), that provides the best possible description of the ΔΨ dependency, are highly sensitive to variation in matrix [Ca2+], indicating limitations in the variant assumption (Case 2) in providing physiologically plausible description of the observed ΔΨ dependency. This sensitivity is attributed to negative estimate of a biophysical parameter that characterizes binding of internal Ca2+ to the uniporter. Reparameterization of the model with additional nonnengativity constraints on the biophysical parameters showed that the two variant assumptions (Case 1 and Case 2) are indistinguishable, indicating that the external and internal Ca2+ binding constants for the uniporter may be equal (Case 1). The model predictions in this case are insensitive to variation in matrix [Ca2+] but do not match the ΔΨ dependent data in the domain ΔΨ≤120 mV. To effectively characterize this ΔΨ dependency, we reformulate the ΔΨ dependencies of the rate constants of Ca2+ translocation via the uniporter by exclusively redefining the biophysical parameters associated with the free-energy barrier of Ca2+ translocation based on a generalized, non-linear Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz formulation. This alternate uniporter model has all the characteristics of the previous uniporter model and is also able to characterize the possible mechanisms of both the extra-matrix Ca2+ and ΔΨ dependencies of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. In addition, the model is insensitive to variation in matrix [Ca2+], predicting relatively stable physiological operation. The model is critical in developing mechanistic, integrated models of mitochondrial bioenergetics and Ca2+ handling

    An optimized protocol for microarray validation by quantitative PCR using amplified amino allyl labeled RNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Validation of microarrays data by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is often limited by the low amount of available RNA. This raised the possibility to perform validation experiments on the amplified amino allyl labeled RNA (AA-aRNA) leftover from microarrays. To test this possibility, we used an ongoing study of our laboratory aiming at identifying new biomarkers of graft rejection by the transcriptomic analysis of blood cells from brain-dead organ donors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>qPCR for ACTB performed on AA-aRNA from 15 donors provided Cq values 8 cycles higher than when original RNA was used (P < 0.001), suggesting a strong inhibition of qPCR performed on AA-aRNA. When expression levels of 5 other genes were measured in AA-aRNA generated from a universal reference RNA, qPCR sensitivity and efficiency were decreased. This prevented the quantification of one low-abundant gene, which was readily quantified in un-amplified and un-labeled RNA. To overcome this limitation, we modified the reverse transcription (RT) protocol that generates cDNA from AA-aRNA as follows: addition of a denaturation step and 2-min incubation at room temperature to improve random primers annealing, a transcription initiation step to improve RT, and a final treatment with RNase H to degrade remaining RNA. Tested on universal reference AA-aRNA, these modifications provided a gain of 3.4 Cq (average from 5 genes, P < 0.001) and an increase of qPCR efficiency (from -1.96 to -2.88; P = 0.02). They also allowed for the detection of a low-abundant gene that was previously undetectable. Tested on AA-aRNA from 15 brain-dead organ donors, RT optimization provided a gain of 2.7 cycles (average from 7 genes, P = 0.004). Finally, qPCR results significantly correlated with microarrays.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We present here an optimized RT protocol for validation of microarrays by qPCR from AA-aRNA. This is particularly valuable in experiments where limited amount of RNA is available.</p

    Comparison of plasma endothelin levels between osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal subjects

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    BACKGROUND: It has been demonstrated that endothelins (ET) have significant roles in bone remodeling, metabolism and physiopathology of several bone diseases. We aimed to investigate if there was any difference between the plasma ET levels of osteoporotic patients and normals. METHODS: 86 patients (70 women and 16 men) with a mean age of 62.6 (ranges: 51–90) years were included in this study. Patients were divided into groups of osteoporosis, osteopenia and normal regarding reported T scores of DEXA evaluation according to the suggestions of World Health Organization. According to these criteria 19, 43 and 24 were normal, osteopenic and osteoporotic respectively. Then total plasma level of ET was measured in all patients with monoclonal antibody based sandwich immunoassay (EIA) method. One-way analysis of variance test was used to compare endothelin values between normals, osteopenics and osteoporotics. RESULTS: Endothelin total plasma level in patients was a mean of 98.36 ± 63.96, 100.92 ± 47.2 and 99.56 ± 56.6 pg/ml in osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal groups respectively. The difference between groups was not significant (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: No significant differences in plasma ET levels among three groups of study participants could be detected in this study

    A Unified Model of the GABA(A) Receptor Comprising Agonist and Benzodiazepine Binding Sites

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    We present a full-length α(1)β(2)γ(2) GABA receptor model optimized for agonists and benzodiazepine (BZD) allosteric modulators. We propose binding hypotheses for the agonists GABA, muscimol and THIP and for the allosteric modulator diazepam (DZP). The receptor model is primarily based on the glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) from C. elegans and includes additional structural information from the prokaryotic ligand-gated ion channel ELIC in a few regions. Available mutational data of the binding sites are well explained by the model and the proposed ligand binding poses. We suggest a GABA binding mode similar to the binding mode of glutamate in the GluCl X-ray structure. Key interactions are predicted with residues α(1)R66, β(2)T202, α(1)T129, β(2)E155, β(2)Y205 and the backbone of β(2)S156. Muscimol is predicted to bind similarly, however, with minor differences rationalized with quantum mechanical energy calculations. Muscimol key interactions are predicted to be α(1)R66, β(2)T202, α(1)T129, β(2)E155, β(2)Y205 and β(2)F200. Furthermore, we argue that a water molecule could mediate further interactions between muscimol and the backbone of β(2)S156 and β(2)Y157. DZP is predicted to bind with interactions comparable to those of the agonists in the orthosteric site. The carbonyl group of DZP is predicted to interact with two threonines α(1)T206 and γ(2)T142, similar to the acidic moiety of GABA. The chlorine atom of DZP is placed near the important α(1)H101 and the N-methyl group near α(1)Y159, α(1)T206, and α(1)Y209. We present a binding mode of DZP in which the pending phenyl moiety of DZP is buried in the binding pocket and thus shielded from solvent exposure. Our full length GABA(A) receptor is made available as Model S1