230 research outputs found

    Catch them ... if you can

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    An important part of forensic science is dedicated to the evaluation of physical traces left at the crime scene like fingerprints, bullets, toolmarks etc. These traces are compared with traces from a suspect. The evaluation of physical traces can be interpreted as the comparison of two noisy signals. We introduce an evaluation of the matching of two noisy signals at diverse scales and localisations in space. In a multi-resolution way a "probability" of matching is computed. Furthermore, a description is given to evaluate the complexity of a shoemark. A likelihood ratio approach is used for comparing two shoemark traces

    Neural Correlates of Dynamically Evolving Interpersonal Ties Predict Prosocial Behavior

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    There is a growing interest for the determinants of human choice behavior in social settings. Upon initial contact, investment choices in social settings can be inherently risky, as the degree to which the other person will reciprocate is unknown. Nevertheless, people have been shown to exhibit prosocial behavior even in one-shot laboratory settings where all interaction has been taken away. A logical step has been to link such behavior to trait empathy-related neurobiological networks. However, as a social interaction unfolds, the degree of uncertainty with respect to the expected payoff of choice behavior may change as a function of the interaction. Here we attempt to capture this factor. We show that the interpersonal tie one develops with another person during interaction – rather than trait empathy – motivates investment in a public good that is shared with an anonymous interaction partner. We examined how individual differences in trait empathy and interpersonal ties modulate neural responses to imposed monetary sharing. After, but not before interaction in a public good game, sharing prompted activation of neural systems associated with reward (striatum), empathy (anterior insular cortex and anterior cingulate cortex) as well as altruism, and social significance [posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS)]. Although these activations could be linked to both empathy and interpersonal ties, only tie-related pSTS activation predicted prosocial behavior during subsequent interaction, suggesting a neural substrate for keeping track of social relevance

    A probabilistic approach to the interpretation of milk antibody results for diagnosis of Johne’s disease in dairy cattle

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    Johne’s disease is a serious wasting disease of ruminants that is of high economic importance for the dairy sector in particular. The chronic nature of the disease, the fluctuations in antibody levels and the limited ability of diagnostic tests to identify cows at early stages of infection are huge challenges for the control of the disease. In the United Kingdom, the latter is commonly based on repeated milk ELISA testing of lactating cows, followed by selected culling and improved management practices around calving. In this paper, the dataset built through a large quarterly screening programme conducted in the United Kingdom since 2010 is used to investigate the use of milk ELISA testing for Johne’s disease management. Over the study period, 13,509 out of 281,558 cows were identified as high-risk of being infected and shedding mycobacteria in the faeces, based on a case definition of at least two consecutive positive milk ELISA results. Around a third of them were kept in the dairy herd a year or more after being classified as high-risk. However, 16% of these cows did not have any further positive test, suggesting that they might be uninfected animals. The mean specificity and sensitivity of the milk ELISA test were estimated at 99.5% and 61.8%, respectively. The cows in the dataset are categorised in different result groups according to the number of positive test results and whether they are classified as high-risk according to the programme’s case definition. The posterior probability of infection is calculated after each test in order to investigate the impact of repeated testing on the belief in a cow’s infection status. The interpretation of the results show that most cows classified as high-risk are very likely to be infected, while some other groups that do not match the case definition could reasonably be considered as infected too. Our results show that there is considerable potential for more targeted use of serological testing, including adjusting the testing frequency and implementing the posterior probability approach

    Hoe zien de alinea’s van onze leerlingen eruit?: Over de kenmerken van alinea’s in e-mails en betogende teksten van havoleerlingen

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    Secondary school teachers expect students to write comprehensible paragraphs in their texts. However, an explicit way of teaching to write a paragraph doesn’t exist. This article describes a text analytic study of compliance with language norms in paragraphs in two genres: e-mails with a request and persuasive texts. It addresses the question to what extent the paragraphs of thirteen- and seventeen-year-old students comply with the paragraph norms constructed on the basis of Dutch professional advisory books. Our findings indicate that students in Dutch secondary school have difficulty writing adequate paragraphs. Our results additionally suggest that students’ paragraph skills increase over time and vary across genres.Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    Effect of tuberculin skin testing on serological results against Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP): Evidence of distinct effects in MAP-infected and noninfected cows

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    Johne's disease and bovine tuberculosis are diseases of economic, public health, and animal welfare importance. The single intradermal cervical comparative tuberculin (SICCT) test, which is used to determine bovine tuberculosis status as part of eradication schemes in the United Kingdom and some other countries, has been reported to interfere with the results of the widely used ELISA to detect antibodies against Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in milk. Better understanding of the relationship between SICCT and MAP tests can improve management and control of Johne's disease. The aim of this study was to characterize the relationship between SICCT testing and milk ELISA performance and to assess whether the immunological response to the SICCT test is different for MAP-infected cows and noninfected cows. We used repeated MAP milk ELISA test results of a cohort of 805,561 cows in the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2018 that had milk ELISA tests within 90 d of SICCT testing to identify cows likely to be infected. We then assessed, separately, for cows deemed to be MAP-infected and noninfected, the association between MAP test results and proximity to SICCT testing by means of survival analysis and generalized additive mixed models. The results were used to quantify the effect SICCT testing may have on performance of milk ELISA tests conducted soon after SICCT testing. At high prevalence levels (20%) of MAP in the infected herd, overall accuracy of the milk ELISA is not reduced when testing occurs within 14 d from SICCT testing. Milk ELISA values of cows deemed to be infected were highest when MAP testing was closer in time to SICCT testing, suggesting the SICCT test enhances antibody response for MAP in infected cows. This corresponds to higher sensitivity of the MAP milk ELISA when testing within 30 d of the SICCT test. For cows deemed to be noninfected, the effect of previous SICCT testing was delayed compared with infected cows, with MAP milk ELISA values peaking at around 15 d post-SICCT testing. For both, MAP-infected and noninfected cows, interference from SICCT test diminished 30 d after SICCT testing, suggesting post 30 d to be the most appropriate time for evaluating the milk ELISA for MAP after SICCT testing. Our results provide strong evidence that the effect of the SICCT test on serological response against MAP is different for MAP-infected versus noninfected cows and that, as a result of this distinct effect, it is possible to improve interpretation of MAP milk ELISA test results (higher accuracy) by taking into consideration time since SICCT testing

    Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis infection of calves – The impact of dam infection status

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    Johne’s disease, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), is a chronic condition of dairy cattle, and is endemic in the UK. Lack of understanding of the relative importance of different transmission routes reduces the impact of control scheme recommendations. The long incubation period for Johne’s disease makes evaluation of control schemes difficult, and so this long-term cohort study offers a rare and valuable insight into the disease epidemiology. A longitudinal study was carried out following a cohort of 440 UK dairy cows in 6 herds recruited in 2012-2013. Individuals entering the milking herd were routinely monitored for the presence of MAP using quarterly milk ELISA testing. Using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model the relationship between time until first detection of infection and dam MAP status was investigated. We then compared the magnitude of the effect of dam status with that of other risk factors in order to understand its relative importance. Dam status was found to be the only observed factor that was significantly associated with time to an individual testing MAP-positive (p = 0.012). When compared to negative dams, we found a marginally significant effect of having a positive dam at time of calving, that increased the hazard of an individual testing positive by a factor of 2.6 (95% confidence interval: 0.89–7.79, p = 0.081). Further positive associations were found with dams becoming positive after the birth of the subject; a dam seroconverting within 12 months post parturition being associated with a 3.6 fold increase in hazard (95% confidence interval: 1.32–9.77, p = 0.013), and dams seroconverting more than a year after calving increased the hazard by a factor of 2.8 (95% confidence interval: 1.39–5.76, p = 0.004). These results suggest that cows may be transmitting MAP to their offspring at an earlier stage than had previously been thought, and so raise important questions about how this transmission may be occurring. The results of the study may have important practical implications for the management on-farm of the offspring of MAP-positive animals, with the potential to vastly reduce the time required to eliminate this chronic disease

    An analytic and systematic framework for estimating metabolic flux ratios from 13C tracer experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic fluxes provide invaluable insight on the integrated response of a cell to environmental stimuli or genetic modifications. Current computational methods for estimating the metabolic fluxes from <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer measurement data rely either on manual derivation of analytic equations constraining the fluxes or on the numerical solution of a highly nonlinear system of isotopomer balance equations. In the first approach, analytic equations have to be tediously derived for each organism, substrate or labelling pattern, while in the second approach, the global nature of an optimum solution is difficult to prove and comprehensive measurements of external fluxes to augment the <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer data are typically needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a novel analytic framework for estimating metabolic flux ratios in the cell from <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer measurement data. In the presented framework, equation systems constraining the fluxes are derived automatically from the model of the metabolism of an organism. The framework is designed to be applicable with all metabolic network topologies, <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer measurement techniques, substrates and substrate labelling patterns.</p> <p>By analyzing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) measurement data obtained from the experiments on glucose with the model micro-organisms <it>Bacillus subtilis </it>and <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>we show that our framework is able to automatically produce the flux ratios discovered so far by the domain experts with tedious manual analysis. Furthermore, we show by <it>in silico </it>calculability analysis that our framework can rapidly produce flux ratio equations – as well as predict when the flux ratios are unobtainable by linear means – also for substrates not related to glucose.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The core of <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>metabolic flux analysis framework introduced in this article constitutes of flow and independence analysis of metabolic fragments and techniques for manipulating isotopomer measurements with vector space techniques. These methods facilitate efficient, analytic computation of the ratios between the fluxes of pathways that converge to a common junction metabolite. The framework can been seen as a generalization and formalization of existing tradition for computing metabolic flux ratios where equations constraining flux ratios are manually derived, usually without explicitly showing the formal proofs of the validity of the equations.</p

    Cytosolic NADPH balancing in Penicillium chrysogenum cultivated on mixtures of glucose and ethanol

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    The in vivo flux through the oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway (oxPPP) in Penicillium chrysogenum was determined during growth in glucose/ethanol carbon-limited chemostat cultures, at the same growth rate. Non-stationary 13C flux analysis was used to measure the oxPPP flux. A nearly constant oxPPP flux was found for all glucose/ethanol ratios studied. This indicates that the cytosolic NADPH supply is independent of the amount of assimilated ethanol. The cofactor assignment in the model of van Gulik et al. (Biotechnol Bioeng 68(6):602–618, 2000) was supported using the published genome annotation of P. chrysogenum. Metabolic flux analysis showed that NADPH requirements in the cytosol remain nearly the same in these experiments due to constant biomass growth. Based on the cytosolic NADPH balance, it is known that the cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase in P. chrysogenum is NAD +  dependent. Metabolic modeling shows that changing the NAD + -aldehyde dehydrogenase to NADP + -aldehyde dehydrogenase can increase the penicillin yield on substrate