227 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk merancang sistem informasi manufaktur pada CV.MEKA JAYA Palembang sehingga mempermudah, mempercepat dan mengurangi tingkat kesalahan dalam produksi, pembelian bahan baku,pemesanan barang, dan persediaan bahan baku.Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode pengumpulan data, studi kelayakan, studi kepustakaan dan wawancara. Serta metodologi perancangan yang menggambarkan diagram alir data(DFD), diagram hubungan entitas (ERD), dan rancangan masukan dan keluaran menggunakan bahasa pemrograman visual basic dan Microsoft sql server 2005 untuk perancangan sistem. Hasil aplikasi sistem informasi manufaktur pada bidang konveksi ini diharapkan dapat diteruskan ketahap implementasi sehingga sistem ini dapat diaplikasikan bagi keperluan sistem informasi manufaktur pada CV.MEKA JAYA Palembang. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah yang ada dalam proses manufaktur yang dialami oleh CV.MEKA JAYA Palembang

    Method Analysis For The Purification of Heavy Metal Ions From Water

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    This study investigates a review of the analysis of methods for removing metal ions from water to make the water fulfill drinking standards. The paper assesses physical and chemical separation methods and includes an overview, advantages, and limitations. The comparative analysis concludes that a combination of sedimentation and chemical precipitation can provide the best result due to its effectiveness and applicability for public use

    Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia: would it be better?

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    The New Order regime under Soeharto, after the abortive communist coup on 30 September 1965, promoted anti-Chinese politics in which minority ethnic Chinese were not given opportunities for political-expression. They were only allowed to be active in the business sector, so they became an exclusive group segregated from indigenous Indonesians. They were coerced into a situation similar to what they experienced in the Dutch Colonial era. The New Order implemented a policy akin to that in the Dutch Colonial era, which policy divided all persons living in Indonesia into one of the three groups, namely (i) Europeans; (ii) the Foreign Orientals, particularly, the ethnic Chinese; and (iii) Indigenous Indonesians. The laws and regulations introduced by the New Order curtailing the civil and political rights of the ethnic Chinese were not only in the form of presidential instructions but also circulated in letters from the Cabinet and ministerial decrees.For more than three decades, the New Order created antagonism and conflict between indigenous (pribumi) and non-indigenous people (non-pribumi). The ethnic Chinese connection with the power elite even made it worse, and caused anger among indigenous businessman who did not enjoy those benefits. Finally, linked to the economic downturn resulting from the 1997 currency crisis, the conflict culminated and burst into the holocaust of the May 1998 riots, in which more than 1,200 people were reported killed and more than 160 women were gang-raped. Regardless of their mistakes, if any, in dominating the economythe conglomerates created extremely high social envy among indigenous Indonesiansthe minority ethnic Chinese did not deserve to be slaughtered and gang-raped. Furthermore, the violation of the right to life, right to property and right to liberty is a serious violation of very basic human rights. The May 1998 riots were inhuman and disrespectful of the human rights of those ethnic Chinese. The protection of a citizens life is basically the responsibility of the state, and a right guaranteed in the Indonesian 1945 Constitution. According to the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, the state is obliged to protect every citizen, regardless of his ethnicity, socio-economic strata, religious back-ground and political stance. However, as frequently debated, the 1945 Constitution is not sufficient to protect and uphold human rights, particularly, those of the minority ethnic Chinese. Not to mention that the 1945 Constitution itself stipulates that the president of the Republic of Indonesia must be an indigenous Indonesian. In this paper I will try to discuss how the Indonesian 1945 Constitution promotes and encourages respect for human rights visavis constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms of the Indonesian ethnic minority, particularly ethnic Chinese. Is the recent Second Amendment to the 1945 Constitution, which adds new Chapter XA on Human Rights, sufficient to cover those human rights protection and fundamental freedoms? Do the discriminative laws and regulations still exist in the amended 1945.This conference was supported by the generosity of the Japan Foundation Asia Centre, AusAID, the Daiwa Foundation for Asia and Oceania, the Myer Foundation and The Australian National University's National Institute for Asia and the Pacific and the Humanities Research Centre


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    In this study, the author aims to design  build a support system for decision-making on hotel selection in Tanjungpinang City and  Bintan Island. The method I use is the Simple Additive Weighing (SAW) method. The authors use five criteria. That is, hotel room rental prices, hotel location, hotel cleanliness, hotel comfort, hotel services. The use of the Decision Support System (DSS) is expected to help in making the decision to choose the best hotel in Tanjungpinang City and Bintan Island, given that no specific hotel selection method has been used so far so that sometimes decisions can be made. are considered less objective than targeted. During this study, a case will be assigned, that is, looking for the best alternative based on pre-determined criteria using the Simple Supplement Weighting (GDP) method. The survey was conducted by searching for the value of weight for each feature, followed by a ranking process that would determine the optimal alternative, namely the best hotels in Tanjungpinang City and Bintan Island. The results obtained are hotel selection Decision Support System which are able to assist visitors to choose hotels among the numerous numbers of hotels in Tanjungpinang City and Bintan Island

    Penerapan Algoritma Dynamic Programing pada Pergerakan Lawan dalam Permainan Police and Thief

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    Games have the basic meaning of games, games in this case refer to the notion of intellectual agility. In its application, a Game certainly requires an AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the AI used in the construction of this police and thief game is the dynamic programming algorithm. This algorithm is a search algorithm to find the shortest route with the minimum cost, algorithm dynamic programming searches for the shortest route by adding the actual distance to the approximate distance so that it makes it optimum and complete. Police and thief is a game about a character who will try to run from police. The genre of this game is arcade, built with microsoft visual studio 2008, the AI used is the Dynamic Programming algorithm which is used to search the path to attack players. The results of this test are police in this game managed to find the closest path determined by the Dynamic Programming algorithm to attack player

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Rumah Makan Bromo Asri Terhadap Kepuasan

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    Rumah makan Bromo Asri yang berlokasi di Probolinggo sangat populer di kalangan wisatawan yang melakukan perjalanan dari dan ke Bali. Namun, dalam industri restoran yang sangat kompetitif saat ini, Bromo Asri harus menjaga tingkat kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini diadakan untuk mengukur tingkat kualitas layanan Bromo Asri terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Ada 100 responden yang berkontribusi dalam penelitian ini. Kriteria responden adalah berusia di atas 17 tahun dan sudah datang ke Bromo Asri dua kali dalam 6 bulan terakhir. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa semua dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan