1,437 research outputs found
Analisis Perbandingan Rencana Anggaran Biaya Struktur Pelat Lantai Konvensional Dengan Sistem Floor Deck
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk perbandingan dari struktur pelat lantai konvensional dan sistem floor deck. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang mudah, kinerja dan produktifitas tenaga kerja dan alat
yang tinggi, efektivitas waktu yang lebih cepat dan biaya yang murah dari kedua metode tersebut. Obyek penelitian pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (DEKRANASDA) dan Pramuka (DESPRA) Jawa Tengah, Semarang. Studi perbandingan ini meliputi analisis pelaksanaan pekerjaan, analisis kinerja dan produktifitas tenaga kerja dan alat, analisis waktu pelaksanaan, analisis biaya dengan metode pengamata n dilapangan dan SNI yang
menggunakan harga material, upah pekerja, dan sewa alat yang berlaku di kota Semarang tahun 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pelaksanaan pekerjaan struktur pelat lantai sistem floor deck lebih effektif dan efisien baik dari tingk at kesulitan maupun waktu yang dibutuhkan dibandingkan pelat lantai konvensional. Produktifitas tenaga kerja dan alat lebih tinggi struktur pelat lantai sistem floor deck dibandingkan dengan struktur pelat lantai konvensional. Sedangkan kinerja struktur pelat lantai sistem floor deck lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan struktur
pelat lantai konvensional. Waktu pelaksanaan struktur pelat lantai sistem floor deck lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan struktur pelat lantai konvensional dengan selisih 6,92 hari. Biaya yang dibutuhkan pada pekerjaan struktur pelat lantai sistem floor deck lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan struktur pelat lantai konvensional dengan selisih 8,105%
Inovasi Model Kelembagaan Kawasan Industri Prakarsa Pemerintah
Industrial estates have experienced rapid development in the last 10 years, where there are around 132 industrial estates that have been operating throughout Indonesia. However, the industrial institutional model has not changed much since the first industrial estate was established in the 1970s, which is limited to the management carried out by business entities either by BUMN/BUMD, Cooperatives and Limited Company. In this regard, this study was conducted in order to innovate the development and management of industrial estates, especially those initiated by the government through the Public Private Partnership scheme. The method used is a qualitative method with a desk study approach and Focus Group Discussion. The results of this study recommend the Government to establish a technical agency unit in the form of the National Industrial Estate Development Agency in the form of PK BLU to carry out the main tasks and functions in building and managing competitive industrial estates so that it is expected to accelerate the spread of industrial estate development throughout Indonesia
Inovasi Teknologi Budidaya Padi Sawah yang Telah dan Sedang Dikembangkan di Sumatera Barat dalam Rangka Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi
To achieve self-sufficiency in rice once a surplus of 10 million tons in 2014, one way could be reached by the application of technology. This review describes the rice cultivation technologies that have been and are being developed in West Sumatra by different institutions. Integrated Crop Management (ICM) is a technology recommendation of the Ministry of Agriculture. ICM in West Sumatra began in 2001. ICM technology is the integration of technological components, such as: young seedlings, seed quality, planting less than 3 plants per hill, new high yielding varieties, improved soil aeration with intermittent irrigation, the use of organic fertilizer, site-specific nutrient management through fertilizer N efficiency use LCC, as well as the use of P and K fertilizers based on soil nutrient status. Rice result achievement by ICM technology of various locations in West Sumatra is 5.30 to 7.25 t/ha. ICM has been implemented in the form of ICM-Field School in accelerating the deployment of technological innovation. SRI (The System of Rice Intensification) technology in pioneered by the Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University since 2004. Four main components in the SRI are: the use of young seedlings, one seedling per planting point, plant spacing rare, and no stagnant water throughout the season. Increased productivity by SRI technolgy is mainly due to the increased number of productive tillers significantly, ie 40-80 plants per hill. Rice productivity achieved about 7.8 t/ha versus conventional farming productivity about 4.5 t/ha. Padi Tanam Sabatang/PTS (One-stem Planting Rice), is a rice-planting movement are programmed by the Agricultural Service of West Sumatra Province with District/City Agricultural Service all of West Sumatra. PTS that recommended since 2006 is actually a modification of the SRI technology. Component technologies that are emphasized include: the use of organic fertilizer, planting young seedlings one plant per hill, plant spacing of 30 x 30 cm or more, and the setting limited puddle during growth. Result achievement of rice with PTS technology about 7.0 t/ha. PTS has been applied to the level of Farmers Group or farmers through PTS-Field School. Keywords: lowland rice, crop cultivation, site-specific innovations, and West Sumatra
Menyoal Independensi Dan Profesionalitas Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilu Kepala Daerah
Elections of local heads are often characterized by anomalies in the local democratic practices. One of its triggers for the anomalies is dealing with independence and professionalism of the Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (Local General Election Commission). In order to hold a honest and fair general election, a high and serious commitment is needed, though the commission under the version of the 22 law in the year of 2007 on the Implementation of General Election has a stronger and more independent position than the previous commission
Perencanaan Sistem Pengolahan Air Limbah Di Taman Nasional Gunung Palung
Taman nasional memiliki kawasan yang menjadi objek wisata yang akan menarik pengunjung dan harus tetap menjaga kondisi lingkungan, salah satu cara yang harus di terapkan dengan memiliki sarana toilet yang memadai dengan sistem pengolahan air limbah. Tujuan dari perencanaan ini ialah merencanakan sistem pengolahan air limbah di Taman Nasional Gunung Palung, merencanakan penampungan air bersih, toilet portabel, dan unit pengelolaan air limbah menggunakan teknologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan di taman nasional dan mengutamakan kemudahan mobilitas dan perakitan, merencanakan Rancangan Anggaran Biaya sistem pengolahan air limbah dilokasi taman nasional. Perencanaan ini dilakukan pada Taman Nasional Gunung Palung di kawasan Objek Daya Tarik Wisata Laman Besolek. Perencanaan diawali dengan penentuan debit air bersih dan air limbah dilanjutkan dengan perencanaan bangunan toilet dan alat saniter menurut asosiasi toilet Indonesia, dan tangki septik dengan pengolahan lanjutan upflow filter sesuai SNI 2398:2017 . Dimensi rencana digambar dan dilakukan analisis perhitungan rencana anggaran biaya. Hasil perencanaan didapat dua bilik toilet dengan satu bilik wastafel, dan tangki septik dengan pengolahan lanjutan upflow filter dengan dimensi Panjang 3,09 m Lebar 1,10 m Tinggi 3,34 m. Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk perencanaan ini adalah Rp 24.664.000,00. Jika perencanaan ini direalisasikan dapat mengurangi pencemaran di kawasan wisata taman nasional
Opportunity for the Implementation of Conservation Farming for Cropping Gambier in West Sumatra
Gambier is one of the leading commodity from West Sumatra of plantation subsector. Total area gambier cultivation in West Sumatra, currently covers 18,204 ha with a production of 10,114 tons/year. Gambier planting areas are concentrated in two regions, namely District of Limapuluh Kota and District of Pesisir Selatan. Gambier is generally cultivated by traditional farmers in the forest, both protected forest and community forest. Areas with steep slopes are usually not intended as an area of cultivation. Classes of land capability in this area range from Class V to Class VIII. The low ability of farmers, whether in farming or the economic causing of gambier cultivation technology will be potluck. Such circumstances likely causing land degradation on gambier plantation. Conservation farming with agroforestry practices have an opportunity to be developped because of low cost potentially increase income and welfare. The conservation farming has been practiced by some gambier farme
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