7 research outputs found
Dampak Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) Terhadap Pemustaka Dalam Mencari Informasi di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah
A library is an organizational unit aimed at collecting, storing, managing, and organizing a structured collection of library materials to be utilized by users as a source of information and as an enjoyable learning facility. Users who frequently use artificial intelligence will become dependent on it, but artificial intelligence can also assist them in easily finding the information they seek. This research employs a literature review method by searching for materials in terms of literature through journals, books, and magazines by exploring the internet and utilizing the existing artificial intelligence in the library of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. This study is conducted to ascertain the impact of artificial intelligence on both the library and users wherever they seek information. Thus, the aim of this research is to investigate the extent of the impact of artificial intelligence on library users at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The use of artificial intelligence greatly aids library users in seeking information, and time efficiency in finding what they desire is a primary factor in using artificial intelligence in the library. The relevance of information provided by artificial intelligence becomes a distinct preference for library users in searching for information, and the advancement of technology in current developments is an attraction for libraries in facilitating librarians in seeking information in the library
Pengaruh Brand Equity Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Menabung Tabungan Marhamah Mudharabah Pada PT. Bank Sumut Syariah Kantor Cabang Pembantu Stabat
This study was conducted to determine the effect of brand equity on customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings at PT. Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Stabat. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used is the distribution of questionnaires. The analytical technique used in this study is validity, reliability, classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing using SPSS version 25. Brand Awareness has a significant and positive relationship with customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudharabah savings. So that if brand awareness increases, customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings will increase, and vice versa. Brand Associations have a significant and positive effect on customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings. So that if brand associations increase, customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings will increase, and vice versa. Brand Loyalty has a significant and positive relationship with customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings. So that if brand loyalty increases, customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings will increase, and vice versa. Perceived Quality has a significant and positive relationship with customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings. So that if perceived quality increases, customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings will increase, and vice versa. Brand awareness, brand associations, brand loyalty, and perceived quality together or simultaneously have a significant effect on customer loyalty in saving marhamah mudaraba savings
Students’ Motivation in Reading English Recount Texts in Junior High School
Reading is one of the important skills in learning English and motivation plays an important role in influencing reading outcomes and experiences. Students' motivation needs to be increased as it affects other skills in learning English. This study aims to determine the level of the students’ motivation in reading English Recount Text. The descriptive quantitative research was carried out in this study in order to collect information or data. The instrument used for data collection was the Reading Motivation Questionnaire (RMQ) developed by Wigfield. Thirty students at one reputable junior high school were participated on filling in 15 statements regarding motivation in reading English Recount Text. The finding indicated that students’ motivation in reading English recount texts was at a high level. The most significant reason comes from extrinsic motivation in reading Recount Text. This study is helpful for teachers to discover factors affecting students' motivation in reading Recount Text
Pengaruh Edukasi Praktik Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Anak di Masa Pandemi
The Ministry of Health swiftly carried out control efforts by releasing Circular No. HK.02.02/I/385 to simultaneously actively participate in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 through the Masks for All movement and the provision of hand washing facilities with soap (CTPS). The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of CTPS education and practice in increasing the knowledge of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin students. The type of research carried out is experimental research with a pre-experimental research design one-group pretest-posttest design. The population of the study was all students of Madrasah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin with a sample of 21 students of class IV Madrasah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin. The sampling technique is total population sampling and data collection techniques are through questionnaires. Data analysis using data processing software using paired t-test. The results of the paired t-test statistic showed a value (p-value is 0.000) less 0.05 so it could be stated that there was a significant difference between the students' knowledge of handwashing with soap before and after the intervention. There was an increase in the level of students' knowledge before and after the intervention and there was an influence of education and practice on students' knowledge of Handwashing with Soap (CTPS) at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin during the Pandemic Period. World Health Organization sejak tanggal 11 Maret 2020 menetapkan Indonesia menjadi pandemi COVID-19. Kementerian Kesehatan dengan sigap melakukan bentuk upaya pengendalian dengan merilis Surat Edaran No.HK.02.02/I/385 supaya serentak secara aktif ikut serta dalam pencegahan penularan COVID-19 melalui gerakan Masker untuk Semua dan penyediaan sarana cuci tangan dengan sabun (CTPS). Tujuan Penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh edukasi dan praktik CTPS dalam peningkatan pengetahuan Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan desain penelitian pra-eksperimental one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi dari penelitian adalah seluruh siswa-siswi Madrasah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin dengan sampel yaitu siswa kelas IV Madrasah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin sebesar 21 siswa. Teknik sampling yaitu total population sampling dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuisioner. Analisis data menggunakan software pengolahan data menggunakan uji paired t-test. Hasil uji statistik paired t-test menunjukkan nilai (p-value sama dengan 0,000) kurang dari 0,05 sehingga dapat dinyatakan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun siswa sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Terdapat peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan siswa sebelum dan setelah intervensi serta terdapat pengaruh edukasi dan praktik terhadap pengetahuan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) siswa di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatul Mubtadin di Masa Pandemi
Histomorphological Studies of the Organs of Malaria Mice Model After Administration Combination of Leaf and Stem Bark Extract of Syzygium cumini with Chloroquine
This study aims to assess the histomorphological finding of the in spleen, brain, kidneys and lungs organ in malaria mice model after administration combination of Leaf and Stem bark extract of Syzygium cumini with chloroquine. Thirty-five male albinomice were randomly assigned into 7 treatment groups. K0: not infected, K1: infected. K2: infected+chloroquine. P1: infected+Syzygium cumini leaf extract. P2 : infected+chloroquine+Syzygium cumini leaf extract. P3: infected +Syzygium cumini stem bark extract. P4: infected +chloroquine+ Syzygium cumini stem bark extract. Therapy was given once a day for 4 days after 24 hours post infection. The 21stday, mice were euthanasia. The organs were taken in order to make histopathology preparations, stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The combination of Syzygium cumini leaf extract and chloroquine in mice infected with P. berghei can reduce cerebrum and cerebellum microglia cell counts, white pulp diameter size, haemorrhages damage, alveolar congestion, edema and thickened alveolar septa of lung, decreased tubular necrosis, and interstitial nephritis of renal
Keywords: chloroquine, histomorphological, mice, P. berghei, Syzygium cumin
Tempat pelaksanaan wirid remaja ini dilakukan dengan cara menepati masjid atau mushalla dengan pembina masing-masing guru yang mengajar disekolah, yang telah ditunjuk oleh kepala sekolah SMA N 01 Koto Salak yaitu ditempat domisili masing-masing siswa. Dengan hal yang demikian tidak semua masjid atau mushallah yang berada didomisili melaksanakannya dengan maksimal, masih banyak lagi yang tidak bisa datang pada kegiatan wirid remaja terutama bagi siswa. Dari semua segi efektifitas, ditemukan banyak sekali para remaja yang tidak mengikuti kegiatan wirid remaja, dikarenakan akibat pergi main berkeliaran dimalam minggu.. Dampak wirid remaja dan relevannya terhadap pembentukkan akhlak siswa SMA N 01 Koto Salak, didapatkan hasinya bahwa wirid remaja ini memberikan hal-hal yang bersifat positif terhadap akhlak peserta bagi remaja, baik itu akhlak kepada Allah Swt maupun kepada sesama manusia, serta juga agar bisa selalu meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan para remaja dan pembina kepada Allah Swt