3,391 research outputs found

    In My Dream Of The U. S. A.

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    Suppression of intrinsic neutron background in the Multi-Grid detector

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    One of the key requirements for neutron scattering instruments is the Signal-to-Background ratio (SBR). This is as well a design driving requirement for many instruments at the European Spallation Source (ESS), which aspires to be the brightest neutron source of the world. The SBR can be effectively improved with background reduction. The Multi-Grid, a large-area thermal neutron detector with a solid boron carbide converter, is a novel solution for chopper spectrometers. This detector will be installed for the three prospective chopper spectrometers at the ESS. As the Multi-Grid detector is a large area detector with a complex structure, its intrinsic background and its suppression via advanced shielding design should be investigated in its complexity, as it cannot be naively calculated. The intrinsic scattered neutron background and its effect on the SBR is determined via a detailed Monte Carlo simulation for the Multi-Grid detector module, designed for the CSPEC instrument at the ESS. The impact of the detector vessel and the neutron entrance window on scattering is determined, revealing the importance of an optimised internal detector shielding. The background-reducing capacity of common shielding geometries, like side-shielding and end-shielding is determined by using perfect absorber as shielding material, and common shielding materials, like B4_{4}C and Cd are also tested. On the basis of the comparison of the effectiveness of the different shielding topologies and materials, recommendations are given for a combined shielding of the Multi-Grid detector module, optimised for increased SBR.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, revise

    Scaffold searching: automated identification of similar ring systems for the design of combinatorial libraries

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    Rigid ring systems can be used to position receptor-binding functional groups in 3D space and they thus play an increasingly important role in the design of combinatorial libraries. This paper discusses the use of shape-similarity methods to identify ring systems that are structurally similar to, and aligned with, a user-defined target ring system. These systems can be used as alternative scaffolds for the construction of a combinatorial library

    Study of leakage currents in pCVD diamonds as function of the magnetic field

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    pCVD diamond sensors are regularly used as beam loss monitors in accelerators by measuring the ionization of the lost particles. In the past these beam loss monitors showed sudden increases in the dark leakage current without beam losses and these erratic leakage currents were found to decrease, if magnetic fields were present. Here we report on a systematic study of leakage currents inside a magnetic field. The decrease of erratic currents in a magnetic field was confirmed. On the contrary, diamonds without erratic currents showed an increase of the leakage current in a magnetic field perpendicular to the electric field for fields up to 0.6T, for higher fields it decreases. A preliminary model is introduced to explain the observations.Comment: 6 pages, 16 figures, poster at Hasselt Diamond Workshop, Mar 2009, accepted version for publicatio

    Exact harmonic coefficients for a magnetic ring head

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    ©1999 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.The magnetic field of a ring head has been analyzed by Westmijze [1953], using a conformal mapping, and by Fan [1961], using Fourier techniques. Here these methods are reexamined and combined to give, for the first time, an explicit analytic expression for the harmonic coefficients in the Fan solution

    Charge Transfer Properties Through Graphene Layers in Gas Detectors

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    Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice with remarkable mechanical, electrical and optical properties. For the first time graphene layers suspended on copper meshes were installed into a gas detector equipped with a gaseous electron multiplier. Measurements of low energy electron and ion transfer through graphene were conducted. In this paper we describe the sample preparation for suspended graphene layers, the testing procedures and we discuss the preliminary results followed by a prospect of further applications.Comment: 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference with the 21st Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors, 4 pages, 8 figure

    Single exon skipping can address a multi-exon duplication in the dystrophin gene

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe muscle wasting disease typically caused by protein-truncating mutations that preclude synthesis of a functional dystrophin. Exonic deletions are the most common type of DMD lesion, however, whole exon duplications account for between 10–15% of all reported mutations. Here, we describe in vitro evaluation of antisense oligonucleotide-induced splice switching strategies to re-frame the transcript disrupted by a multi-exon duplication within the DMD gene. Phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers and phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers coupled to a cell penetrating peptide were evaluated in a Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient cell strain carrying an exon 14–17 duplication. Two strategies were employed; the conventional approach was to remove both copies of exon 17 in addition to exon 18, and the second strategy was to remove only the first copy of exon 17. Both approaches result in a larger than normal but in-frame DMD transcript, but surprisingly, the removal of only the first exon 17 appeared to be more efficient in restoring dystrophin, as determined using western blotting. The emergence of a normal sized DMD mRNA transcript that was not apparent in untreated samples may have arisen from back splicing and could also account for some of the dystrophin protein being produced
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