1,449 research outputs found

    Indigenous Knowledge of Hydrologic Change in the Yukon River Basin: A Case Study of Ruby, Alaska

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    In the Arctic and Subarctic, the contribution of Indigenous knowledge to understanding environmental change has been established over the last several decades. This paper explores the role of Indigenous knowledge of water in understanding hydrologic change within complex social-ecological systems. Observations of hydrology in the Yukon River Basin, contributed by 20 community experts from Ruby Village, Alaska, in semi-structured interviews, are compared with findings from scientific literature to illustrate the commonalities and differences. Research findings reveal the contribution of Indigenous knowledge to understandings of hydrologic change in the Yukon River and its tributaries, which includes insights regarding alterations in sediment and river ice regimes. Recommendations for future research that incorporates Indigenous knowledge of water to gain insight into hydrologic changes in the watershed include combining multiple case studies that are distributed geographically. Our findings suggest 1) that using participatory research approaches to research will help ensure that it benefits the communities whose livelihoods are affected by hydrologic changes, and 2) that a multidisciplinary approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods from the social and biophysical sciences would be most effective to help us understand and respond to hydrologic changes.Dans l’Arctique et la région subarctique, l’apport des connaissances indigènes à l’égard de la compréhension de l’altération de l’environnement a été mis au clair au cours des dernières décennies. Cette communication explore le rôle des connaissances indigènes relativement à l’eau dans la compréhension des changements hydrologiques touchant les systèmes socioécologiques complexes. Les observations hydrologiques dans le bassin du fleuve Yukon, émanant de 20 experts communautaires de Ruby Village, en Alaska et prélevées dans le cadre d’entrevues semi-structurées, sont comparées aux constatations publiées dans des documents scientifiques pour illustrer les points communs et les différences. Les résultats de recherche révèlent l’apport des connaissances indigènes en matière de compréhension des changements hydrologiques caractérisant le fleuve Yukon et ses affluents, ce qui comprend un aperçu de l’altération des sédiments et des régimes de glaces fluviales. Les recommandations de recherches futures faisant appel aux connaissances indigènes de l’eau afin de mieux comprendre les changements hydrologiques du bassin hydrographique préconisent le fait de combiner de nombreuses études de cas géographiquement réparties. Nos constatations suggèrent 1) que le recours à des méthodes de recherche participative aidera à faire en sorte que les collectivités dont le mode de vie est touché par les changements hydrologiques bénéficient des travaux de recherche, et 2) qu’une approche multidisciplinaire dans les domaines des sciences sociales et biophysiques faisant appel à la fois à des méthodes qualitatives et à des méthodes quantitatives s’avérerait plus efficace, et nous aiderait à comprendre les changements hydrologiques puis à y réagir

    Quality of life after traumatic brain injury: Finnish experience of the QOLIBRI in residential rehabilitation

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    Objective: To evaluate health-related quality of life of traumatic brain injury patients who have received intensive multidisciplinary residential rehabilitation. To examine the psychometric characteristics of the Finnish Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) questionnaire. Subjects: A total of 157 adults with TBI, up to 15 years post-injury, who had been treated in the Käpylä Rehabilitation Centre, Helsinki, Finland. Methods: Functional status was assessed using the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale. Emotional state was evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Health-related quality of life was measured using a generic measure (Short Form-36) and the QOLIBRI. Results: Quality of life was related to depression, amount of help needed, anxiety, education level and age at injury. Quality of life was not associated with time since injury, but a paradoxical relationship was found with injury severity. Internal consistency (alpha = 0.79-0.95) and test-retest reliability (rtt = 0.75-0.87) of the Finnish QOLIBRI met standard psychometric criteria. Conclusion: Quality of life remained relatively stable in the long term. Milder injuries were associated with lower life satisfaction, and careful follow-up is recommended to target patients in special need. This study confirms the reliability and validity of the Finnish QOLIBRI

    Targeted Sorting of Single Virus-Infected Cells of the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi

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    Discriminating infected from healthy cells is the first step to understanding the mechanisms and ecological implications of viral infection. We have developed a method for detecting, sorting, and performing molecular analysis of individual, infected cells of the important microalga Emiliania huxleyi, based on known physiological responses to viral infection. Of three fluorescent dyes tested, FM 1-43 (for detecting membrane blebbing) gave the most unequivocal and earliest separation of cells. Furthermore, we were able to amplify the genomes of single infected cells using Multiple Displacement Amplification. This novel method to reliably discriminate infected from healthy cells in cultures will allow researchers to answer numerous questions regarding the mechanisms and implications of viral infection of E. huxleyi. The method may be transferable to other virus-host systems

    Selective oxidation of allylic alcohols over highly ordered Pd/meso-Al2 O3 catalysts

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    Highly ordered mesoporous alumina was prepared via evaporation induced self assembly and was impregnated to afford a family of Pd/meso-Al2O3 catalysts for the aerobic selective oxidation (selox) of allylic alcohols under mild reaction conditions. CO chemisorption and XPS identify the presence of highly dispersed (0.9–2 nm) nanoparticles comprising heavily oxidised PdO surfaces, evidencing a strong palladium-alumina interaction. Surface PdO is confirmed as the catalytically active phase responsible for allylic alcohol selox, with initial rates for Pd/meso-Al2O3 far exceeding those achievable for palladium over either amorphous alumina or mesoporous silica supports. Pd/meso-Al2O3 is exceptionally active for the atom efficient selox of diverse allylic alcohols, with activity inversely proportional to alcohol mass

    Antidepressants and inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: A number of studies have suggested a link between the patient's psyche and the course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although pharmacotherapy with antidepressants has not been widely explored, some investigators have proposed that treating psychological co-morbidities with antidepressants may help to control disease activity. To date a systematic analysis of the available studies assessing the efficacy of antidepressants for the control of somatic symptoms in IBD patients has not been performed. METHODS: We searched electronic databases, without any language restriction. All relevant papers issued after 1990 were examined. RESULTS: 12 relevant publications were identified. All of them referred to non-randomised studies. Antidepressants reported in these publications included paroxetine, bupropion, amitriptyline, phenelzine, and mirtazapine. In 10 articles, paroxetine, bupropion, and phenelzine were suggested to be effective for treating both psychological and somatic symptoms in patients suffering from IBD. Amitriptyline was found ineffective for treating somatic symptoms of IBD. Mirtazapine was not recommended for IBD patients. CONCLUSION: Although most of reviewed papers suggest a beneficial effect of treatment with antidepressants in patients with IBD, due to the lack of reliable data, it is impossible to judge the efficacy of antidepressants in IBD. Properly designed trials are justified and needed based upon the available uncontrolled data

    Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation with Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation

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    How well do pre-school delay of gratification and life-course measures of self-regulation predict mid-life capital formation? We surveyed 113 participants of the 1967–1973 Bing pre-school studies on delay of gratification when they were in their late 40’s. They reported 11 mid-life capital formation outcomes, including net worth, permanent income, absence of high-interest debt, forward-looking behaviors, and educational attainment. To address multiple hypothesis testing and our small sample, we pre-registered an analysis plan of well–powered tests. As predicted, a newly constructed and pre-registered measure derived from preschool delay of gratification does not predict the 11 capital formation variables (i.e., the sign-adjusted average correlation was 0.02). A pre-registered composite self-regulation index, combining preschool delay of gratification with survey measures of self-regulation collected at ages 17, 27, and 37, does predict 10 of the 11 capital formation variables in the expected direction, with an average correlation of 0.19. The inclusion of the preschool delay of gratification measure in this composite index does not affect the index\u27s predictive power. We tested several hypothesized reasons that preschool delay of gratification does not have predictive power for our mid-life capital formation variables

    Measuring nonuse damages using contingent valuation

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    This second edition of Measuring Nonuse Damages Using Conjoint Valuation is essentially a reprint of a 1992 monograph that has been in steady demand since its original appearance. The RTI Press edition, which is intended to meet continued inquiries and requests for the monograph, contains a Foreword and a Preface to the second edition that put the original work into historical perspective. These studies of ways to value stated preferences, as applied then to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, continue to be a timely and still-rigorous examination of such methods; even with the passage of time and statistical advances from the past two decades, the conclusions and insights as to whether and how these techniques might still be employed in valuing use or nonuse losses from similar events remain valid.Publishe

    From “trust” to “trustworthiness”: Retheorizing dynamics of trust, distrust, and water security in North America

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    Assumptions of trust in water systems are widespread in higher-income countries, often linked to expectations of “modern water.” The current literature on water and trust also tends to reinforce a technoscientific approach, emphasizing the importance of aligning water user perceptions with expert assessments. Although such approaches can be useful to document instances of distrust, they often fail to explain why patterns differ over time, and across contexts and populations. Addressing these shortcomings, we offer a relational approach focused on the trustworthiness of hydro-social systems to contextualize water-trust dynamics in relation to broader practices and contexts. In doing so, we investigate three high-profile water crises in North America where examples of distrust are prevalent: Flint, Michigan; Kashechewan First Nation; and the Navajo Nation. Through our theoretical and empirical examination, we offer insights on these dynamics and find that distrust may at times be a warranted and understandable response to experiences of water insecurity and injustice. We examine the interconnected experiences of marginality and inequity, ontological and epistemological injustice, unequal governance and politics, and histories of water insecurity and harm as potential contributors to untrustworthiness in hydro-social systems. We close with recommendations for future directions to better understand water-trust dynamics and address water insecurity

    Neogenin recruitment of the WAVE regulatory complex maintains adherens junction stability and tension

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    To maintain tissue integrity during epithelial morphogenesis, adherens junctions (AJs) must resist the mechanical stresses exerted by dynamic tissue movements. Junctional stability is dependent on actomyosin contractility within the actin ring. Here we describe a novel function for the axon guidance receptor, Neogenin, as a key component of the actin nucleation machinery governing junctional stability. Loss of Neogenin perturbs AJs and attenuates junctional tension. Neogenin promotes actin nucleation at AJs by recruiting the Wave regulatory complex (WRC) and Arp2/3. A direct interaction between the Neogenin WIRS domain and the WRC is crucial for the spatially restricted recruitment of the WRC to the junction. Thus, we provide the first example of a functional WIRS-WRC interaction in epithelia. We further show that Neogenin regulates cadherin recycling at the AJ. In summary, we identify Neogenin as a pivotal component of the AJ, where it influences both cadherin dynamics and junctional tension
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