832 research outputs found

    A pilot study of medical student attitudes to, and use of, commercial movies that address public health issues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An innovative approach to learning public health by using feature-length commercial movies was piloted in the fourth year of a medical degree. We aimed to explore how students responded to this approach and the relative effectiveness of two promotional strategies. Firstly we placed DVDs of 15 movies (with public health-related content) in the medical school library. Then alternating groups of students (total n = 82 students) were exposed to either a brief promotional intervention or a more intensive intervention involving a class presentation. The response rates were 99% at baseline and 85% at follow-up.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The level and strength of support for using movies in public health training increased after exposure to the public health module with significantly more students "strongly agreeing". Student behaviour, in terms of movies viewed or accessed from the library, also suggested student interest. While there were no statistically significant differences in median viewing or library access rates between the two intervention groups, the distribution of viewing patterns was shifted favourably. Those exposed to the more intensive intervention (class presentation) were significantly more likely to have reported watching at least one movie (97% vs. 81%; p = 0.033) or to having accessed at least one movie from the library (100% vs. 70%, p = 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This pilot study found that the students had very positive attitudes towards viewing public health-related commercial movies. Movie access rates from the library were also favourable.</p

    Transcriptional analysis of temporal gene expression in germinating Clostridium difficile 630 endospores.

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    Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of hospital acquired diarrhoea in industrialised countries. Under conditions that are not favourable for growth, the pathogen produces metabolically dormant endospores via asymmetric cell division. These are extremely resistant to both chemical and physical stress and provide the mechanism by which C. difficile can evade the potentially fatal consequences of exposure to heat, oxygen, alcohol, and certain disinfectants. Spores are the primary infective agent and must germinate to allow for vegetative cell growth and toxin production. While spore germination in Bacillus is well understood, little is known about C. difficile germination and outgrowth. Here we use genome-wide transcriptional analysis to elucidate the temporal gene expression patterns in C. difficile 630 endospore germination. We have optimized methods for large scale production and purification of spores. The germination characteristics of purified spores have been characterized and RNA extraction protocols have been optimized. Gene expression was highly dynamic during germination and outgrowth, and was found to involve a large number of genes. Using this genome-wide, microarray approach we have identified 511 genes that are significantly up- or down-regulated during C. difficile germination (p≤0.01). A number of functional groups of genes appeared to be co-regulated. These included transport, protein synthesis and secretion, motility and chemotaxis as well as cell wall biogenesis. These data give insight into how C. difficile re-establishes its metabolism, re-builds the basic structures of the vegetative cell and resumes growth

    The role of charged residues in the transmembrane helices of monocarboxylate transporter 1 and its ancillary protein basigin in determining plasma membrane expression and catalytic activity

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    Monocarboxylate transporters MCT1-MCT4 require basigin (CD147) or embigin (gp70), ancillary proteins with a glutamate residue in their single transmembrane (TM) domain, for plasma membrane (PM) expression and activity. Here we use site-directed mutagenesis and expression in COS cells or Xenopus oocytes to investigate whether this glutamate (Glu218 in basigin) may charge-pair with a positively charged TM-residue of MCT1. Such residues were predicted using a new molecular model of MCT1 based upon the published structure of the E. coli glycerol-3-phosphate transporter. No evidence was obtained for Arg306 (TM 8) of MCT1 and Glu218 of basigin forming a charge-pair; indeed E218Q-basigin could replace WT-basigin, although E218R-basigin was inactive. No PM expression of R306E-MCT1 or D302R-MCT1 was observed but D302R/R306D-MCT1 reached the PM, as did R306K-MCT1. However, both were catalytically inactive suggesting that Arg306 and Asp302 form a charge-pair in either orientation, but their precise geometry is essential for catalytic activity. Mutation of Arg86 to Glu or Gln within TM3 of MCT1 had no effect on plasma membrane expression or activity of MCT1. However, unlike WT-MCT1, these mutants enabled expression of E218R-basigin at the plasma membrane of COS cells. We propose that TM3 of MCT1 lies alongside the TM of basigin with Arg86 adjacent to Glu218 of basigin. Only when both these residues are positively charged (E218R-basigin with WT-MCT1) is this interaction prevented; all other residue pairings at these positions may be accommodated by charge-pairing or stabilization of unionized residues through hydrogen bonding or local distortion of the helical structure

    The narrative self, distributed memory, and evocative objects

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    In this article, I outline various ways in which artifacts are interwoven with autobiographical memory systems and conceptualize what this implies for the self. I first sketch the narrative approach to the self, arguing that who we are as persons is essentially our (unfolding) life story, which, in turn, determines our present beliefs and desires, but also directs our future goals and actions. I then argue that our autobiographical memory is partly anchored in our embodied interactions with an ecology of artifacts in our environment. Lifelogs, photos, videos, journals, diaries, souvenirs, jewelry, books, works of art, and many other meaningful objects trigger and sometimes constitute emotionally-laden autobiographical memories. Autobiographical memory is thus distributed across embodied agents and various environmental structures. To defend this claim, I draw on and integrate distributed cognition theory and empirical research in human-technology interaction. Based on this, I conclude that the self is neither defined by psychological states realized by the brain nor by biological states realized by the organism, but should be seen as a distributed and relational construct

    Psychomotor control in a virtual laparoscopic surgery training environment: gaze control parameters differentiate novices from experts

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    Background: Surgical simulation is increasingly used to facilitate the adoption of technical skills during surgical training. This study sought to determine if gaze control parameters could differentiate between the visual control of experienced and novice operators performing an eye-hand coordination task on a virtual reality laparoscopic surgical simulator (LAP Mentor™). Typically adopted hand movement metrics reflect only one half of the eye-hand coordination relationship; therefore, little is known about how hand movements are guided and controlled by vision. Methods: A total of 14 right-handed surgeons were categorised as being either experienced (having led more than 70 laparoscopic procedures) or novice (having performed fewer than 10 procedures) operators. The eight experienced and six novice surgeons completed the eye-hand coordination task from the LAP Mentor basic skills package while wearing a gaze registration system. A variety of performance, movement, and gaze parameters were recorded and compared between groups. Results: The experienced surgeons completed the task significantly more quickly than the novices, but only the economy of movement of the left tool differentiated skill level from the LAP Mentor parameters. Gaze analyses revealed that experienced surgeons spent significantly more time fixating the target locations than novices, who split their time between focusing on the targets and tracking the tools. Conclusion: The findings of the study provide support for the utility of assessing strategic gaze behaviour to better understand the way in which surgeons utilise visual information to plan and control tool movements in a virtual reality laparoscopic environment. It is hoped that by better understanding the limitations of the psychomotor system, effective gaze training programs may be developed. © 2010 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 01 Dec 201

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Ascochyta rabiei from the western Iranian Ilam and Kermanshah provinces using MAT and SSR markers

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    Knowledge of genetic diversity in A. rabiei provides different levels of information that are important in the management of crop germplasm resources. Gene flow on a regional level indicates a significant potential risk for the regional spread of novel alleles that might contribute to fungicide resistance or the breakdown of resistance genes. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and mating type (MAT) markers were used to determine the genetic structure, and estimate genetic diversity and the prevalence of mating types in 103 Ascochyta rabiei isolates from seven counties in the Ilam and Kermanshah provinces of western Iran (Ilam, Aseman abad, Holaylan, Chardavol, Dareh shahr, Gilangharb, and Sarpul). A set of 3 microsatellite primer pairs revealed a total of 75 alleles; the number of alleles varied from 15 to 34 for each marker. A high level of genetic variability was observed among A. rabiei isolates in the region. Genetic diversity was high (He = 0.788) within populations with corresponding high average gene flow and low genetic distances between populations. The smallest genetic distance was observed between isolates from Ilam and Chardavol. Both mating types were present in all populations, with the majority of the isolates belonging to Mat1-1 (64%), but within populations the proportions of each mating type were not significantly different from 50%. Results from this study will be useful in breeding for Ascochyta blight-resistant cultivars and developing necessary control measures

    Neurocranial osteology and neuroanatomy of a late Cretaceous Titanosaurian Sauropod from Spain (Ampelosaurus sp.)

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    Titanosaurians were a flourishing group of sauropod dinosaurs during Cretaceous times. Fossils of titanosaurians have been found on all continents and their remains are abundant in a number of Late Cretaceous sites. Nonetheless, the cranial anatomy of titanosaurians is still very poorly known. The Spanish latest Cretaceous locality of "Lo Hueco" yielded a relatively well preserved, titanosaurian braincase, which shares a number of phylogenetically restricted characters with Ampelosaurus atacis from France such as a flat occipital region. However, it appears to differ from A. atacis in some traits such as the greater degree of dorsoventral compression and the presence of proatlas facets. The specimen is, therefore, provisionally identified as Ampelosaurus sp. It was CT scanned, and 3D renderings of the cranial endocast and inner-ear system were generated. Our investigation highlights that, although titanosaurs were derived sauropods with a successful evolutionary history, they present a remarkably modest level of paleoneurological organization. Compared with the condition in the basal titanosauriform Giraffatitan brancai, the labyrinth of Ampelosaurus sp. shows a reduced morphology. The latter feature is possibly related to a restricted range of head-turning movementsThis is a contribution to the research project CGL2009-12143 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid), of which FK, who is currently supported by the Ramón y Cajal Program, is Principal Investigator. LMW and RCR acknowledge funding support from the United States National Science Foundation (IBN-9601174, IBN-0343744, IOB-0517257, IOS-1050154) and the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. The Ohio Supercomputing Center also provided suppor

    Effect of low tidal volume ventilation on lung function and inflammation in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A large number of studies have investigated the effects of high tidal volume ventilation in mouse models. In contrast data on very short term effects of low tidal volume ventilation are sparse. Therefore we investigated the functional and structural effects of low tidal volume ventilation in mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>38 Male C57/Bl6 mice were ventilated with different tidal volumes (Vt 5, 7, and 10 ml/kg) without or with application of PEEP (2 cm H<sub>2</sub>O). Four spontaneously breathing animals served as controls. Oxygen saturation and pulse rate were monitored. Lung function was measured every 5 min for at least 30 min. Afterwards lungs were removed and histological sections were stained for measurement of infiltration with polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Moreover, mRNA expression of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α in the lungs was quantified using real time PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Oxygen saturation did not change significantly over time of ventilation in all groups (P > 0.05). Pulse rate dropped in all groups without PEEP during mechanical ventilation. In contrast, in the groups with PEEP pulse rate increased over time. These effects were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Tissue damping (G) and tissue elastance (H) were significantly increased in all groups after 30 min of ventilation (P < 0.05). Only the group with a Vt of 10 ml/kg and PEEP did not show a significant increase in H (P > 0.05). Mechanical ventilation significantly increased infiltration of the lungs with PMN (P < 0.05). Expression of MIP-2 was significantly induced by mechanical ventilation in all groups (P < 0.05). MIP-2 mRNA expression was lowest in the group with a Vt of 10 ml/kg + PEEP.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data show that very short term mechanical ventilation with lower tidal volumes than 10 ml/kg did not reduce inflammation additionally. Formation of atelectasis and inadequate oxygenation with very low tidal volumes may be important factors. Application of PEEP attenuated inflammation.</p


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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena belum optimalnya regulasi diri remaja di SMA sehingga menimbulkan perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan norma dan etika. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji keefektivan konseling naratif untuk mengembangkan regulasi diri siswa SMA. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan explanatory mixed methode dengan desain quasi-eksperimen. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelas XI SMA Kota Bandarlampung Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 794 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) konseling naratif secara empirik terbukti efektif untuk mengembangkan regulasi diri siswa kelas XI SMA Kota Bandarlampung baik pada analisis total, aspek, maupun pada analisis indikator, (2) setelah mengikuti konseling naratif profil regulasi diri siswa kelas XI SMAN Kota Bandarlampung tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang berada pada kategori sedang dan tinggi semakin bertambah banyak sedangkan pada kategori rendah semakin berkurang, (3) tidak ada perbedaan perkembangan regulasi diri antara siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan Kelas XI SMA Kota Bandarlampung setelah konseling naratif, (4) ada perbedaan perkembangan regulasi diri antara siswa sekolah lower dengan siswa sekolah favorit setelah mengikuti konseling naratif. Siswa sekolah lower secara empirik terbukti memiliki regulasi diri lebih tinggi dibanding siswa sekolah favorit, dan (5) tidak ada perbedaan perkembangan regulasi diri antara siswa IPA dengan IPS Kelas XI SMA Kota Bandarlampung setelah mengikuti konseling naratif. Hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan kepada guru Bimbingan dan Konseling/ Konselor, yakni implementasi konseling naratif dalam setting kelompok mengikuti tahapan: membentuk kelompok, ekternalisasi masalah kelompok, mengembangkan cerita, membentuk karakter konseli agar terpisah dengan masalah, membangun cerita, idetifikasi diri konseli, penguatan, menemukan cerita alternatif, dan perayaan. Bagi penelitian selanjutnya adalah melakukan penelitian konseling naratif untuk mengembangkan regulasi diri siswa dengan setting individual baik bagi siswa SMA, SMK, SMP, MTs, SD maupun MI. ;---The Study is based on the phenomenon where self regulation on adolescent hasn’t been optimal in Senior High School so it causes the inappropriate behavior towards norm and ethic. This study aim the effectiveness of narrative counseling to develop self regulation of Senior High School student. This study use explanatory mix methode approach with Quation Experimental Design. Population of this study is the student of Senior High School grade XI in Bandarlampung City on Academic Year 2016/2017 with 794 students as study’s sample. The Result of this study shows that (1) narrative counseling has been proven effectively to develop self regulation of the student of Senior High School grade XI in Bandarlampung City, whether on total analysis, aspect, or analysis indicator (2) after participating in the narrative counseling profile of the student of Senior High School grade XI in Bandarlampung City on Academic Year 2016/2017 on middle and high category become much more, while the low category decrease, (3) there is no difference on the development between male student and female student of Senior High School grade XI in Bandarlampung City after narrative counseling. (4) there is difference of the self regulation development between student of lower school with student of favourite school, and (5) there is no difference of the self regulation development between Science Student with Social Student of Senior High School grade XI in Bandarlampung City after participating in narrative counseling. The Result of this study is recommended to the teacher of Guidance and Counseling/Counselor, specifically the implementation of narrative counseling in group setting following the steps: forming the group, externalization of group problem, building the story, self-identification of counselee, strengthening, finding alternative story, and celebration. The upcoming study is about conducting narrative counseling experiment to develop student’s self regulation with individual setting whether for Senior High School, Vocational High School, Midle High School, MTs, Elementary School or MI