423 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic work from operational principles

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    In recent years we have witnessed a concentrated effort to make sense of thermodynamics for small-scale systems. One of the main difficulties is to capture a suitable notion of work that models realistically the purpose of quantum machines, in an analogous way to the role played, for macroscopic machines, by the energy stored in the idealisation of a lifted weight. Despite of several attempts to resolve this issue by putting forward specific models, these are far from capturing realistically the transitions that a quantum machine is expected to perform. In this work, we adopt a novel strategy by considering arbitrary kinds of systems that one can attach to a quantum thermal machine and seeking for work quantifiers. These are functions that measure the value of a transition and generalise the concept of work beyond the model of a lifted weight. We do so by imposing simple operational axioms that any reasonable work quantifier must fulfil and by deriving from them stringent mathematical condition with a clear physical interpretation. Our approach allows us to derive much of the structure of the theory of thermodynamics without taking as a primitive the definition of work. We can derive, for any work quantifier, a quantitative second law in the sense of bounding the work that can be performed using some non-equilibrium resource by the work that is needed to create it. We also discuss in detail the role of reversibility and correlations in connection with the second law. Furthermore, we recover the usual identification of work with energy in degrees of freedom with vanishing entropy as a particular case of our formalism. Our mathematical results can be formulated abstractly and are general enough to carry over to other resource theories than quantum thermodynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, axioms significantly simplified, more comprehensive discussion of relationship to previous approache

    Statistical ensembles without typicality

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    Maximum-entropy ensembles are key primitives in statistical mechanics from which thermodynamic properties can be derived. Over the decades, several approaches have been put forward in order to justify from minimal assumptions the use of these ensembles in statistical descriptions. However, there is still no full consensus on the precise reasoning justifying the use of such ensembles. In this work, we provide a new approach to derive maximum-entropy ensembles taking a strictly operational perspective. We investigate the set of possible transitions that a system can undergo together with an environment, when one only has partial information about both the system and its environment. The set of all these allowed transitions encodes thermodynamic laws and limitations on thermodynamic tasks as particular cases. Our main result is that the set of allowed transitions coincides with the one possible if both system and environment were assigned the maximum entropy state compatible with the partial information. This justifies the overwhelming success of such ensembles and provides a derivation without relying on considerations of typicality or information-theoretic measures.Comment: 9+9 pages, 3 figure

    Correlations in typicality and an affirmative solution to the exact catalytic entropy conjecture

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    It is well known that if a (finite-dimensional) density matrix ρ has smaller entropy than ρ0, then the tensor product of sufficiently many copies of ρ majorizes a quantum state arbitrarily close to the tensor product of correspondingly many copies of ρ0. In this short note I show that if additionally rank(ρ) ≤ rank(ρ0), then n copies of ρ also majorize a state where all single-body marginals are exactly identical to ρ0 but arbitrary correlations are allowed (for some sufficiently large n). An immediate application of this is an affirmative solution of the exact catalytic entropy conjecture introduced by Boes et al. [PRL 122, 210402 (2019)]: If H(ρ) < H(ρ0) and rank(ρ) ≤ rank(ρ0) there exists a finite dimensional density matrix σ and a unitary U such that Uρ⊗ σU has marginals ρ0 and σ exactly. All the results transfer to the classical setting of probability distributions over finite alphabets with unitaries replaced by permutations

    Single-shot holographic compression from the area law

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    The area law conjecture states that the entanglement entropy of a region of space in the ground state of a gapped, local Hamiltonian only grows like the surface area of the region. We show that, for any state that fulfills an area law, the reduced quantum state of a region of space can be unitarily compressed into a thickened boundary of the region. If the interior of the region is lost after this compression, the full quantum state can be recovered to high precision by a quantum channel only acting on the thickened boundary. The thickness of the boundary scales inversely proportional to the error for arbitrary spin systems and logarithmically with the error for quasifree bosonic systems. Our results can be interpreted as a single-shot operational interpretation of the area law. The result for spin systems follows from a simple inequality showing that any probability distribution with entropy S can be approximated to error ϵ by a distribution with support of size exp(S/ϵ), which we believe to be of independent interest. We also discuss an emergent approximate correspondence between bulk and boundary operators and the relation of our results to tensor network states

    On HIRA, Chromosome 22q11 and CATCH22

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    Work and entropy production in generalised Gibbs ensembles

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    Recent years have seen an enormously revived interest in the study of thermodynamic notions in the quantum regime. This applies both to the study of notions of work extraction in thermal machines in the quantum regime, as well as to questions of equilibration and thermalisation of interacting quantum many-body systems as such. In this work we bring together these two lines of research by studying work extraction in a closed system that undergoes a sequence of quenches and equilibration steps concomitant with free evolutions. In this way, we incorporate an important insight from the study of the dynamics of quantum many body systems: the evolution of closed systems is expected to be well described, for relevant observables and most times, by a suitable equilibrium state. We will consider three kinds of equilibration, namely to (i) the time averaged state, (ii) the Gibbs ensemble and (iii) the generalised Gibbs ensemble (GGE), reflecting further constants of motion in integrable models. For each effective description, we investigate notions of entropy production, the validity of the minimal work principle and properties of optimal work extraction protocols. While we keep the discussion general, much room is dedicated to the discussion of paradigmatic non-interacting fermionic quantum many-body systems, for which we identify significant differences with respect to the role of the minimal work principle. Our work not only has implications for experiments with cold atoms, but also can be viewed as suggesting a mindset for quantum thermodynamics where the role of the external heat baths is instead played by the system itself, with its internal degrees of freedom bringing coarse-grained observables to equilibrium.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, improvements in presentatio