8 research outputs found

    C9ORF72 knockdown triggers FTD-like symptoms and cell pathology in mice

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    The GGGGCC intronic repeat expansion within C9ORF72 is the most common genetic cause of ALS and FTD. This mutation results in toxic gain of function through accumulation of expanded RNA foci and aggregation of abnormally translated dipeptide repeat proteins, as well as loss of function due to impaired transcription of C9ORF72. A number of in vivo and in vitro models of gain and loss of function effects have suggested that both mechanisms synergize to cause the disease. However, the contribution of the loss of function mechanism remains poorly understood. We have generated C9ORF72 knockdown mice to mimic C9-FTD/ALS patients haploinsufficiency and investigate the role of this loss of function in the pathogenesis. We found that decreasing C9ORF72 leads to anomalies of the autophagy/lysosomal pathway, cytoplasmic accumulation of TDP-43 and decreased synaptic density in the cortex. Knockdown mice also developed FTD-like behavioral deficits and mild motor phenotypes at a later stage. These findings show that C9ORF72 partial loss of function contributes to the damaging events leading to C9-FTD/ALS

    Analysis of neuronal dysfunctions in a murine model of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia

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    Les ParaplĂ©gies Spastiques HĂ©rĂ©ditaires sont un groupe de maladies du motoneurone caractĂ©risĂ©es par une dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence de l’axe corticospinal menant Ă  la spasticitĂ© et une paralysie progressive des membres parfois associĂ©s Ă  des troubles cognitifs. Des mutations dans le gĂšne SPG11 codant pour la Spatacsine sont la majeure cause de ces formes complexes de HSP. Pour mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes responsables de la pathologie liĂ©e Ă  SPG11, notre Ă©quipe a gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© un modĂšle de souris Knock-out pour ce gĂšne, mimant les dĂ©ficits cognitifs et moteurs observĂ©s chez les patients, corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  des altĂ©rations histologiques (J.Branchu & al. ; 2017). Etant donnĂ© que les troubles moteurs apparaissent avant les premiĂšres pertes neuronales, nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse qu’il existait des dysfonctions neuronales prĂ©cĂ©dant la mort des neurones et mesurables par des techniques d’électrophysiologie. Des enregistrements EEG in vivo du cortex moteur des souris Spg11-/- nous ont permis d’observer l’émergence de dĂ©charges pointe-onde (DPO), survenant avant la mort des neurones corticaux NeuN+. Ces signaux sont semblables Ă  ceux observĂ©s dans une forme particuliĂšre d’épilepsie : l’épilepsie d’absence et suggĂ©rent une perturbation de l’excitabilitĂ© corticale. Ces signaux ne semblent pas se propager dans le thalamus mais ces DPO rĂ©pondent de maniĂšre dose dĂ©pendante Ă  des drogues pro et anti Epilepsie d’Absence. Aucune diffĂ©rence significative n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans le nombre d’interneurones GABAergiques, suggĂ©rant que l’inhibition corticale mĂ©diĂ©e par ces derniers n’est pas atteinte. Nous n’avons pas rĂ©ussi Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence de modification de l’expression de gĂšnes liĂ©s Ă  l’épilepsie d’absence. Cependant, des expĂ©riences de Patch clamp sur des neurones corticaux embryonnaires ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une perturbation de la densitĂ© du courant sodique et d’excitabilitĂ© dans les neurones Spg11-/-. Des enregistrements ex vivo de l’hippocampe des souris Spg11-/- rĂ©vĂšlent une perte de potentialisation Ă  long et Ă  court terme, corrĂ©lĂ©s avec une perte de mĂ©moire spatiale, suggĂ©rant une atteinte d’un ou plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments synaptiques. Ces pertes de plasticitĂ© hippocampiques ne sont pas observĂ©es durant le dĂ©veloppement malgrĂ© ce qui semble ĂȘtre un dĂ©faut de synaptogĂ©nĂšse dans les collatĂ©rales de Schaffer. A terme, ces rĂ©sultats vont Ă©toffer nos connaissances sur les rĂŽles de l’absence de Spatacsine dans la pathogĂ©nĂšse de l’HSP et des maladies du motoneurone et nous fourniront une mesure intĂ©ressante et non invasive (EEG) pour l’évaluation de l’efficacitĂ© de futur d’essais thĂ©rapeutiques.Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia is a group of Motor Neuron Disease characterized by the degeneration of cortico-spinal tract leading to a progressive spasticity and paralysis of lower limbs sometimes associated with cognitive deficits. Mutations in SPG11 gene coding for Spatacsin are a major cause of these complex forms. For a better understanding of SPG11-related HSP mechanisms, our team generated a Knock-Out mouse model (spg11-/-) mimicking the cognitive and motor deficits correlated with histological alterations (J.Branchu & al.; 2017). As motor impairments precede the first neuronal losses, we hypothesized that there may exist some neuronal dysfunctions primary to neuronal death observable with electrophysiological methods. In Vivo EEG recordings of spg11-/- motor cortex highlighted the emergence of spike and wave discharges events (SWD), occurring before the cortical NeuN+ cells loss and suggesting a disturbance of excitability of cortical networks. No propagation to thalamus was found, but these SWLD seems to response in a dose dependent manner to pro and anti-Absence Epilepsy drugs. With our IHC experiments, we didn’t observe any change in GABAergic interneurons number, suggesting no change in cortical inhibition mediated by interneurons. Ex vivo Electrophysiological recordings of adult spg11-/- hippocampi displayed reduced short and long-term potentiation, correlated with a loss of spatial and fear-related memories, suggesting an impairment in synaptic elements. We did not observe those alterations during development although there seem to be a shift from mature to immature dendritic spines. mRNA quantification couldn’t highlight any modification in epilepsy-related gene expression. However, in vitro intracellular recordings of embryonic cortical neurons revealed impairments in sodic current density and excitability in Spg11-/- neurons. Altogether, the results of these experiments will decipher the roles of Spatacsin in the pathogenesis of Motorneurons Diseases and give us a useful and non-invasive read-out for the evaluation of therapeutical assays

    Analyses des dysfonctions neuronales d’un modĂšle murin de ParaplĂ©gie Spastique HĂ©rĂ©ditaire

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    Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia is a group of Motor Neuron Disease characterized by the degeneration of cortico-spinal tract leading to a progressive spasticity and paralysis of lower limbs sometimes associated with cognitive deficits. Mutations in SPG11 gene coding for Spatacsin are a major cause of these complex forms. For a better understanding of SPG11-related HSP mechanisms, our team generated a Knock-Out mouse model (spg11-/-) mimicking the cognitive and motor deficits correlated with histological alterations (J.Branchu & al.; 2017). As motor impairments precede the first neuronal losses, we hypothesized that there may exist some neuronal dysfunctions primary to neuronal death observable with electrophysiological methods. In Vivo EEG recordings of spg11-/- motor cortex highlighted the emergence of spike and wave discharges events (SWD), occurring before the cortical NeuN+ cells loss and suggesting a disturbance of excitability of cortical networks. No propagation to thalamus was found, but these SWLD seems to response in a dose dependent manner to pro and anti-Absence Epilepsy drugs. With our IHC experiments, we didn’t observe any change in GABAergic interneurons number, suggesting no change in cortical inhibition mediated by interneurons. Ex vivo Electrophysiological recordings of adult spg11-/- hippocampi displayed reduced short and long-term potentiation, correlated with a loss of spatial and fear-related memories, suggesting an impairment in synaptic elements. We did not observe those alterations during development although there seem to be a shift from mature to immature dendritic spines. mRNA quantification couldn’t highlight any modification in epilepsy-related gene expression. However, in vitro intracellular recordings of embryonic cortical neurons revealed impairments in sodic current density and excitability in Spg11-/- neurons. Altogether, the results of these experiments will decipher the roles of Spatacsin in the pathogenesis of Motorneurons Diseases and give us a useful and non-invasive read-out for the evaluation of therapeutical assays.Les ParaplĂ©gies Spastiques HĂ©rĂ©ditaires sont un groupe de maladies du motoneurone caractĂ©risĂ©es par une dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence de l’axe corticospinal menant Ă  la spasticitĂ© et une paralysie progressive des membres parfois associĂ©s Ă  des troubles cognitifs. Des mutations dans le gĂšne SPG11 codant pour la Spatacsine sont la majeure cause de ces formes complexes de HSP. Pour mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes responsables de la pathologie liĂ©e Ă  SPG11, notre Ă©quipe a gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© un modĂšle de souris Knock-out pour ce gĂšne, mimant les dĂ©ficits cognitifs et moteurs observĂ©s chez les patients, corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  des altĂ©rations histologiques (J.Branchu & al. ; 2017). Etant donnĂ© que les troubles moteurs apparaissent avant les premiĂšres pertes neuronales, nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse qu’il existait des dysfonctions neuronales prĂ©cĂ©dant la mort des neurones et mesurables par des techniques d’électrophysiologie. Des enregistrements EEG in vivo du cortex moteur des souris Spg11-/- nous ont permis d’observer l’émergence de dĂ©charges pointe-onde (DPO), survenant avant la mort des neurones corticaux NeuN+. Ces signaux sont semblables Ă  ceux observĂ©s dans une forme particuliĂšre d’épilepsie : l’épilepsie d’absence et suggĂ©rent une perturbation de l’excitabilitĂ© corticale. Ces signaux ne semblent pas se propager dans le thalamus mais ces DPO rĂ©pondent de maniĂšre dose dĂ©pendante Ă  des drogues pro et anti Epilepsie d’Absence. Aucune diffĂ©rence significative n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans le nombre d’interneurones GABAergiques, suggĂ©rant que l’inhibition corticale mĂ©diĂ©e par ces derniers n’est pas atteinte. Nous n’avons pas rĂ©ussi Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence de modification de l’expression de gĂšnes liĂ©s Ă  l’épilepsie d’absence. Cependant, des expĂ©riences de Patch clamp sur des neurones corticaux embryonnaires ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une perturbation de la densitĂ© du courant sodique et d’excitabilitĂ© dans les neurones Spg11-/-. Des enregistrements ex vivo de l’hippocampe des souris Spg11-/- rĂ©vĂšlent une perte de potentialisation Ă  long et Ă  court terme, corrĂ©lĂ©s avec une perte de mĂ©moire spatiale, suggĂ©rant une atteinte d’un ou plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments synaptiques. Ces pertes de plasticitĂ© hippocampiques ne sont pas observĂ©es durant le dĂ©veloppement malgrĂ© ce qui semble ĂȘtre un dĂ©faut de synaptogĂ©nĂšse dans les collatĂ©rales de Schaffer. A terme, ces rĂ©sultats vont Ă©toffer nos connaissances sur les rĂŽles de l’absence de Spatacsine dans la pathogĂ©nĂšse de l’HSP et des maladies du motoneurone et nous fourniront une mesure intĂ©ressante et non invasive (EEG) pour l’évaluation de l’efficacitĂ© de futur d’essais thĂ©rapeutiques

    Etudes de fibres de carbone activées et de charbons actifs

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    La morphologie de surface, les caractéristiques du réseau poreux, et la chimie de surface des matériaux carbonés poreux sont autant de facteurs qui gouvernent leur niveau de performance. Il est ainsi intéressant de pouvoir estimer au mieux ces différentes propriétés physico-chimiques par des méthodes analytiques adaptées. La microporosité de différents matériaux carbonés a été évaluée par les techniques classiques de la calorimétrie d'immersion et des isothermes d'adsorption gravimétriques, ainsi que par chromatographie gazeuse inverse. La morphologie de surface a été étudiée par microscopie électronique, AFM et STM, alors que la chimie de surface a été caractérisée par calorimétrie d'immersion dans des sondes spécifiques, par thermodésorption programmée, et par des analyses XPS et RMN. Enfin, les possibilités de caractérisation par RMN des matériaux carbonés poreux et des interactions adsorbat-adsorbant mises en jeu ont été examinées.The improvement of porous carbon properties and their use for specific applications requires the identification of the physico-chemical parameters responsible for their efficiency. Indeed, the shape and size of pores, the surface chemistry of these adsorbent materials control their properties. Therefore the study of these physico-chemical parameters using relevant analytical techniques is interesting. The microporosity of different porous carbon samples has been measured using immersion calorimetry and gravimetric adsorption isotherms, but also using inverse gas chromatography at finite concentration. SEM, AFM and STM have been used to estimate the surface topography of the samples. The surface chemistry has been studied by TPD, XPS, immersion calorimetry with specific probes, plus solid state NMR. Interactions between adsorbed molecules and carbon surfaces have also been characterized by NMR.MULHOUSE-SCD Sciences (682242102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Wording the trajectory of the three-year COVID-19 epidemic in a general population – Belgium

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    The trajectory of COVID-19 epidemic waves in the general population of Belgium was analysed by defining quantitative criteria for epidemic waves from March 2020 to early 2023. Peaks and starting/ending times characterised nine waves numerated I to IX based on the daily reported incidence number (symbol INCID) and three “endemic” interval periods between the first four waves. The SIR compartmental model was applied to the first epidemic wave by fitting the daily prevalence pool (symbol I) calculated as the sum of the daily incidence rate and estimated number of subjects still infectious from the previous days. The basic reproductive number R0 was calculated based on the exponential growth rate during the early phase and on medical literature knowledge of the time of generation of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The first COVID-19 wave was well fitted by an open SIR model. According to this approach, dampened recurrent epidemic waves evolving through an endemic state would have been expected. This was not the case with the subsequent epidemic waves being characterised by new variants of concern (VOC). Evidence-based observations: 1) each epidemic wave affected less than a fifth of the general population; 2) the Vth epidemic wave (VOC Omicron) presented the greatest amplitude. The lack of recurrence of the same VOC during successive epidemic waves strongly suggests that a VOC has a limited persistence, disappearing from the population well before the expected proportion of the theoretical susceptible cohort being maximally infected. Fitting the theoretical SIR model, a limited persistence of VOCs in a population could explain that new VOCs replace old ones, even if the new VOC has a lower transmission rate than the preceding one. In conclusion, acquisition of potential defective mutations in VOC during an epidemic wave is a potential factor explaining the absence of resurgence of a same VOC during successive waves. Such an hypothesis is open to discussion and to rebuttal. A modified SIR model with epidemic waves of variable amplitude related not only to R0 and public health measures but also to acquisition of defective fitting in virus within a population should be tested.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Large Benefit from Simple Things: High-Dose Vitamin A Improves RBP4-Related Retinal Dystrophy

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    Inherited retinal diseases (IRD) are a group of heterogeneous disorders, most of which lead to blindness with limited therapeutic options. Pathogenic variants in RBP4, coding for a major blood carrier of retinol, retinol-binding protein 4, are responsible for a peculiar form of IRD. The aim of this study was to investigate if retinal function of an RBP4-related IRD patient can be improved by retinol administration. Our patient presented a peculiar white-dot retinopathy, reminiscent of vitamin A deficient retinopathy. Using a customized next generation sequencing (NGS) IRD panel we discovered a novel loss-of-function homozygous pathogenic variant in RBP4: c.255G >A, p.(Trp85*). Western blotting revealed the absence of RBP4 protein in the patient’s serum. Blood retinol levels were undetectable. The patient was put on a high-dose oral retinol regimen (50,000 UI twice a week). Subjective symptoms and retinal function markedly and sustainably improved at 5-months and 1-year follow-up. Here we show that this novel IRD case can be treated by oral retinol administration

    Mice Lacking Gpr179 with Complete Congenital Stationary Night Blindness Are a Good Model for Myopia

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    International audienceMutations in GPR179 are one of the most common causes of autosomal recessive complete congenital stationary night blindness (cCSNB). This retinal disease is characterized in patients by impaired dim and night vision, associated with other ocular symptoms, including high myopia. cCSNB is caused by a complete loss of signal transmission from photoreceptors to ON-bipolar cells. In this study, we hypothesized that the lack of Gpr179 and the subsequent impaired ONpathway could lead to myopic features in a mouse model of cCSNB. Using ultra performance liquid chromatography, we show that adult Gpr179 −/− mice have a significant decrease in both retinal dopamine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, compared to Gpr179 +/+ mice. This alteration of the dopaminergic system is thought to be correlated with an increased susceptibility to lens-induced myopia but does not affect the natural refractive development. Altogether, our data added a novel myopia model, which could be used to identify therapeutic interventions