53 research outputs found

    Oberflächliche Quantenkontrolle – Resonanz an einzelnen Spins realisiert in einem Rastertunnelmikroskop erlaubt einen neuen Zugang zu deren Quanteneigenschaften

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    Die Spinresonanz kommt in Kernspintomografen und in Analysegeräten in der Physik, Chemie und Biologie, sowohl in Forschung als auch Industrie zum Einsatz. Eine neue Methode erlaubt Elektronenspinresonanz an einzelnen Atomen und Molekülen in einem Rastertunnelmikroskop und liefert Einblicke in die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Atomen, in die Dynamik ihrer magnetischen Zustände und in die Eigenschaften einzelner Kernspins. Elektronenspins legen den Grundstein für verschiedene magnetische Phänomene und bilden in unterschiedlichen Quantenarchitekturen die Basis für hochsensitive Sensoren oder auch für Quantenbits. Die hier vorgestellte neue Methode gestattet es, einzelne Spins auf atomarer Skala zu messen und zu steuern. Dieser Zugang zu atomaren Quantenzuständen eröffnet auch neue Ansätze in der die Quanteninformationsverarbeitung

    Enhanced quantum coherence in exchange coupled spins via singlet-triplet transitions

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    Manipulation of spin states at the single-atom scale underlies spin-based quantum information processing and spintronic devices. Such applications require protection of the spin states against quantum decoherence due to interactions with the environment. While a single spin is easily disrupted, a coupled-spin system can resist decoherence by employing a subspace of states that is immune to magnetic field fluctuations. Here, we engineered the magnetic interactions between the electron spins of two spin-1/2 atoms to create a clock transition and thus enhance their spin coherence. To construct and electrically access the desired spin structures, we use atom manipulation combined with electron spin resonance (ESR) in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). We show that a two-level system composed of a singlet state and a triplet state is insensitive to local and global magnetic field noise, resulting in much longer spin coherence times compared with individual atoms. Moreover, the spin decoherence resulting from the interaction with tunneling electrons is markedly reduced by a homodyne readout of ESR. These results demonstrate that atomically-precise spin structures can be designed and assembled to yield enhanced quantum coherence

    Magnetotransport on the nano scale

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    Transport experiments in strong magnetic fields show a variety of fascinating phenomena like the quantum Hall effect, weak localization or the giant magnetoresistance. Often they originate from the atomic-scale structure inaccessible to macroscopic magnetotransport experiments. To connect spatial information with transport properties, various advanced scanning probe methods have been developed. Capable of ultimate spatial resolution, scanning tunnelling potentiometry has been used to determine the resistance of atomic-scale defects such as steps and interfaces. Here we combine this technique with magnetic fields and thus transfer magnetotransport experiments to the atomic scale. Monitoring the local voltage drop in epitaxial graphene, we show how the magnetic field controls the electric field components. We find that scattering processes at localized defects are independent of the strong magnetic field while monolayer and bilayer graphene sheets show a locally varying conductivity and charge carrier concentration differing from the macroscopic average

    Substrate induced nanoscale resistance variation in epitaxial graphene

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    Graphene, the first true two-dimensional material, still reveals the most remarkable transport properties among the growing class of two-dimensional materials. Although many studies have investigated fundamental scattering processes, the surprisingly large variation in the experimentally determined resistances is still an open issue. Here, we quantitatively investigate local transport properties of graphene prepared by polymer assisted sublimation growth using scanning tunneling potentiometry. These samples exhibit a spatially homogeneous current density, which allows to analyze variations in the local electrochemical potential with high precision. We utilize this possibility by examining the local sheet resistance finding a significant variation of up to 270% at low temperatures. We identify a correlation of the sheet resistance with the stacking sequence of the 6H silicon carbide substrate and with the distance between the graphene and the substrate. Our results experimentally quantify the impact of the graphene-substrate interaction on the local transport properties of graphene

    Probing quantum coherence in single-atom electron spin resonance

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    Spin resonance of individual spin centers allows applications ranging from quantum information technology to atomic-scale magnetometry. To protect the quantum properties of a spin, control over its local environment, including energy relaxation and decoherence processes, is crucial. However, in most existing architectures, the environment remains fixed by the crystal structure and electrical contacts. Recently, spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), in combination with electron spin resonance (ESR), allowed the study of single adatoms and inter-atomic coupling with an unprecedented combination of spatial and energy resolution. We elucidate and control the interplay of an Fe single spin with its atomic-scale environment by precisely tuning the phase coherence time T2 using the STM tip as a variable electrode. We find that the decoherence rate is the sum of two main contributions. The first scales linearly with tunnel current and shows that, on average, every tunneling electron causes one dephasing event. The second, effective even without current, arises from thermally activated spin-flip processes of tip spins. Understanding these interactions allows us to maximize T2 and improve the energy resolution. It also allows us to maximize the amplitude of the ESR signal, which supports measurements even at elevated temperatures as high as 4 K. Thus, ESR-STM allows control of quantum coherence in individual, electrically accessible spins

    Engineering the Eigenstates of Coupled Spin-1/2 Atoms on a Surface

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    Quantum spin networks having engineered geometries and interactions are eagerly pursued for quantum simulation and access to emergent quantum phenomena such as spin liquids. Spin-1=2 centers are particularly desirable, because they readily manifest coherent quantum fluctuations. Here we introduce a controllable spin-1=2 architecture consisting of titanium atoms on a magnesium oxide surface. We tailor the spin interactions by atomic-precision positioning using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and subsequently perform electron spin resonance on individual atoms to drive transitions into and out of quantum eigenstates of the coupled-spin system. Interactions between the atoms are mapped over a range of distances extending from highly anisotropic dipole coupling to strong exchange coupling. The local magnetic field of the magnetic STM tip serves to precisely tune the superposition states of a pair of spins. The precise control of the spin-spin interactions and ability to probe the states of the coupled-spin network by addressing individual spins will enable the exploration of quantum many-body systems based on networks of spin-1=2 atoms on surfaces. © 2017 American Physical Society3
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