199 research outputs found

    Analysis of in situ stress and fault reactivation potential for a major candidate storage aquifer

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    Within the Moray Firth, the Lower Cretaceous Captain Sandstone has been proposed as a prospective storage reservoir, with storage potential in depleting hydrocarbon fields, and more significantly, within the greater saline aquifer. Previous simulation studies of CO2 injection into the Captain Sandstone aquifer suggest storage capacities in the range 358 to 2495 Mt over a range of sensitivity scenarios. Storage at this scale will introduce the risk of fault reactivation as a consequence of elevated reservoir pressures. The transmissibility of previously stable faults may be enhanced due to reactivation, increasing the risk of CO2 migration from the storage reservoir. By studying both the geometry of faults and the contemporary stress field affecting the basin, it is possible to resolve the shear and normal stresses acting on faults which cut the reservoir formation and extend into the overburden towards the seabed, and to determine which faults (or parts of faults) are most susceptible to becoming reactivated under elevated pressure conditions. In order to do so, detailed knowledge of the pore pressure conditions at depth and the magnitude and orientations of the principal stresses are required, as are the properties of the faults themselves. Such an analysis is presented here at the basin-scale, focusing on the Captain Sandstone of the Inner Moray Firth Basin

    Defining in-situ stress magnitude and the responses of geology to stress anisotropy in heterogeneous lithologies for the United Kingdom

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    Newly calculated in-situ stress magnitude data has improved the UK database of this important data, vital for understanding how rocks may behave under hydraulic fracturing or "fracking." As this process is controversial in the UK, all new data adds to our understanding of the potential risks of this process. The mode of deformation that rocks experience are highly dependent upon their detailed geology. New data from the highly variable UK Coal Measures Group highlights the degree of lithological control on these processes

    Use of borehole imaging to improve understanding of the in-situ stress orientation of Central and Northern England and its implications for unconventional hydrocarbon resources.

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    New interest in the potential for shale gas in the United Kingdom (UK) has led to renewed exploration for hydrocarbons in the Carboniferous age Bowland–Hodder shales under Central and Northern England. Following an incidence of induced seismicity from hydraulic fracturing during 2010 at Preese Hall, Lancashire, the publically available databases quantifying the in-situ stress orientation of the United Kingdom have shown to be inadequate for safe planning and regulation of hydraulic fracturing. This paper therefore reappraises the in-situ stress orientation for central and northern England based wholly on new interpretations of high-resolution borehole imaging for stress indicators including borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures. These analyses confirm the expected north northwest – south southeast orientation of maximum horizontal in-situ stress identified from previous studies (e.g. Evans and Brereton, 1990). The dual-caliper data generated by Evans and Brereton (1990) yields a mean SHmax orientation of 149.87° with a circular standard deviation of 66.9°. However the use of borehole imaging without incorporation of results from older dual-caliper logging tools very significantly decreases the associated uncertainty with a mean SHmax orientation of 150.9° with a circular standard deviation of 13.1°. The use of high-resolution borehole imaging is thus shown to produce a more reliable assessment of in-situ stress orientation. The authors therefore recommend that the higher resolution of such imaging tools should therefore be treated as a de-facto standard for assessment of in-situ stress orientation prior to rock testing. Use of borehole imaging should be formally instituted into best practice or future regulations for assessment of in-situ stress orientation prior to any hydraulic fracturing operations in the UK

    Carbon dioxide storage in the Captain Sandstone aquifer: determination of in situ stresses and fault-stability analysis

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    The Lower Cretaceous Captain Sandstone Member of the Inner Moray Firth has significant potential for the injection and storage of anthropogenic CO2 in saline aquifer parts of the formation. Pre-existing faults constitute a potential risk to storage security owing to the elevated pore pressures likely to result from large-scale fluid injection. Determination of the regional in situ stresses permits mapping of the stress tensor affecting these faults. Either normal or strike-slip faulting conditions are suggested to be prevalent, with the maximum horizontal stress orientated 33°–213°. Slip-tendency analysis indicates that some fault segments are close to being critically stressed under strike-slip stress conditions, with small pore-pressure perturbations of approximately 1.5 MPa potentially causing reactivation of those faults. Greater pore-pressure increases of approximately 5 MPa would be required to reactivate optimally orientated faults under normal faulting or transitional normal/strike-slip faulting conditions at average reservoir depths. The results provide a useful indication of the fault geometries most susceptible to reactivation under current stress conditions. To account for uncertainty in principal stress magnitudes, high differential stresses have been assumed, providing conservative fault-stability estimates. Detailed geological models and data pertaining to pore pressure, rock mechanics and stress will be required to more accurately investigate fault stability. Large-scale deployment of CO2 storage as a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions will rely on the integrity of sealing strata overlying the storage reservoirs to ensure that the captured CO2 is permanently isolated from the atmosphere (IPCC 2005; Chadwick et al. 2009a; Holloway 2009). The existence of pre-existing fault systems of varying dimensions is a common feature throughout the subsurface, and the efficacy of seals may potentially be compromised by any enhanced transmissibility associated with fault zones. Within the Moray Firth, the Lower Cretaceous Captain Sandstone Member of the Wick Sandstone Formation has been proposed as a suitable storage reservoir candidate (SCCS 2011; Shell 2011a; Akhurst et al. 2015). Storage potential exists within depleting hydrocarbon fields (Marshall et al. 2016), while significant additional capacity is available in the surrounding saline aquifer volume. Regional top seals include the Cretaceous Rodby, Carrack and Valhall formations. Simulation studies of CO2 injection identified the storage capacity of the Captain Sandstone to be between 358 and 2495 Mt (Jin et al. 2012). As the injection of CO2 is reliant on the displacement of existing pore fluids, large-scale injection results in increased pore-fluid pressure, the effects of which will be felt across large areas in well-connected aquifer systems (Chadwick et al. 2009b; Jin et al. 2012; Noy et al. 2012). It is well documented that some faults are transmissible to fluid flow, while others act as effective capillary seals (Caine et al. 1996; Aydin 2000; Faulkner et al. 2010). Whether cross-fault flow occurs depends on the juxtaposition of lithologies in the footwall and hanging-wall blocks, as well as the composition of the fault zone and any differential pressure across the fault. In addition, reactivation of previously stable faults caused by increasing pressure, and therefore a reduction in the effective stress, could allow faults to become transmissive to buoyant fluids, such as supercritical CO2, due to the opening of flow pathways during failure (Streit & Hillis 2004). It is this aspect of fault stability that forms the focus of this study, with respect to the Captain Sandstone of the Inner Moray Firth, and utilizing an adaptation of the geological model presented by Jin et al. (2012). Analysis of the geomechanical stability of faults offsetting the Captain Sandstone requires the contemporary stress field affecting the basin to be characterized, in order to resolve the shear and normal stresses acting on mapped faults and to determine which faults, or segments of faults, are most susceptible to becoming reactivated if pore-fluid pressures in the basin are increased as a result of CO2 injection. In order to do so, detailed knowledge of the pore-pressure conditions at depth, the magnitude and orientations of the principal stresses, and the properties of the faults is required

    CO2 Storage Potential of the Eocene Tay Sandstone, Central North Sea

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    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is crucial for low-carbon industry, climate mitigation and a sustainable energy future. The offshore capacity of the UK is substantial and has been estimated at 78 Gt of CO2 in saline aquifers and hydrocarbon fields. The early-mid Eocene Tay Sandstone Member of the Central North Sea (CNS) is a submarine-fan system and potential storage reservoir with a theoretical capacity of 123 Mt of CO2. The Tay Sandstone comprises of 4 sequences, amalgamating into a fan complex 125km long and 40 km at a minimum of 1500 m depth striking NW-SE, hosting several hydrocarbon fields including Gannett A, B, D and Pict. In order to better understand the storage potential and characteristics, the Tay Sandstone over Quadrant 21 has been interpreted using log correlation and 3D seismic. Understanding the internal and external geometry of the sandstone as well as the lateral extent of the unit is essential when considering CO2 vertical and horizontal fluid flow pathways and storage security. 3D seismic mapping of a clear mounded feature has revealed the youngest sequence of the Tay complex; a homogenous sand-rich channel 12 km long, 1.5 km wide and on average 100 m thick. The sandstone has porosity >35%, permeability >5 D and a net to gross of 0.8, giving a total pore volume of "927×" 〖"10" 〗^"6" m3. The remaining three sequences are a series of stacked channels and interbedded mudstones which are more quiescent on the seismic, however, well logs indicate each subsequent sequence reduce in net to gross with age as mud has a greater influence in the early fan system. Nevertheless, the sandstone properties remain relatively consistent and are far more laterally extensive than the youngest sequence. The Tay Sandstone spatially overlaps several other potential storage sites including the older Tertiary sandstones of the Cromarty, Forties and Mey Members and deeper Jurassic reservoirs. This favours the Tay Sandstone to be considered in a secondary or multiple stacked storage scenario. Principal risks include injection-induced pressure-increase limiting injectivity, caused by limited connectivity between sand-rich sequences, up-dip migration to sandstone shelf-facies of the overlying Mousa Formation, or to hydraulically-connected underlying Tertiary sandstones such as the Forties Member which may in places be in hydraulic communication

    Assessing carbon dioxide storage integrity of an extensive saline aquifer formation: East Irish Sea Basin, UK

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    Accurately determining the contemporary pore pressure and in situ stress conditions is critical to the safe planning and development of subsurface operations such as CO2 storage. According to the UK storage capacity atlas, CO2STORED (Bentham et al. 2014), the East Irish Sea Basin (EISB) has a significant storage capacity of nearly 4 Gt (P50) within saline aquifer parts of the Triassic-aged Ormskirk Sandstone Formation (OSF). The OSF is present over a significant part of the EISB, and where buried deeply enough to be considered for CO2 storage is overlain by the Mercia Mudstone Group (MMG), a thick sequence comprising up to 3200 m of interbedded mudstones, siltstones and evaporites. As a result of Tertiary inversion, the Jurassic and younger succession is absent over most of the basin, and so the MMG represents the vast majority of the overburden succession. The presence of numerous gas accumulations, including the Morecambe South Gas Field with its ~400 m gas column, is testament to the sealing capacity of the MMG. Where halite formations within the MMG directly overly the OSF, the sealing capacity of the MMG is significantly increased

    Pressure control for managing and optimizing adjacent subsurface operations in large scale CCS

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    Injecting CO2 in to the subsurface for safe storage of CO2 the pressure propagates far away from the injection point and this can be a potential problem if the overpressure extents to neighbouring subsurface activities or potential leakage pathways. For structural closure trap configurations the CO2 plume is captured within the local structural closure but the pressure footprint is on a more regional scale. This rise the question on, how large the storage complex needs to be for any individual storage operations and how large an area monitoring activities have to cover. The EC CCS guidance document addresses the issues with statements on competitions between subsurface operations but returns no absolute values. Pressure modelling of CO2 injection process with state of the art reservoir simulation tools is challenges by use of realistic model boundary conditions in order to model a realistic pressure level. Combined use of models on a site scale and on a regional scale can instruct how boundary conditions are set-up for a site scale model. Pressure management through pressure release wells could be an option to mitigate undesirable over-pressure developments. For local structural closures the pressure release wells can be placed outside the closure hereby mitigate the overpressure without introducing a potential leakage by drilling inside the trap. The paper addresses the issue of selecting model boundary conditions and modelling mitigation of pressure development by use of a large regional model with local structural traps in the Bunter Sandstone Formation in the UK Southern North Sea

    Stress magnitudes across UK regions: new analysis and legacy data across potentially prospective unconventional resource areas

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    Stress magnitude data across the UK is limited spatially and stratigraphically with information available for only 21 sites in the latest release of the World Stress Map. This information is largely derived from geothermal resource exploration and radioactive waste storage site assessment. Active exploration of unconventional resources in the UK has highlighted a lack of information to adequately characterise the stress field, in particular in regions underlain by potentially prospective shale formations. Understanding the in-situ stress conditions is critical to the planning of sub surface operations and the potential extraction of unconventional resources. Legacy stress magnitude data from 75 sites is combined with new analysis of wireline data to re-characterise the stress field across two regions which are underlain by the Bowland Shale Formation which has resource potential for unconventional hydrocarbons. These regions are: East Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire, and Cheshire and Lancashire. Vertical stress gradients vary between 23 and 26 MPakm−1 for the regions studied. Pore pressure is similar for both regions and is hydrostatic with a gradient of 10.19 MPakm−1. Lower bounds for the minimum horizontal stress have been estimated from the available data and show that the magnitude of the minimum horizontal stress is 2.6 MPakm−1 higher to the east of the Pennines. The compiled legacy data show that the Maximum Horizontal Stress is consistently greater than the vertical stress, which in turn is greater than the minimum horizontal stress, indicating that at depth within the two regions, the faulting regime is predominantly strike-slip

    Effect of sedimentary heterogeneities in the sealing formation on predictive analysis of geological CO<sub>2</sub> storage

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    Numerical models of geologic carbon sequestration (GCS) in saline aquifers use multiphase fluid flow-characteristic curves (relative permeability and capillary pressure) to represent the interactions of the non-wetting CO2 and the wetting brine. Relative permeability data for many sedimentary formations is very scarce, resulting in the utilisation of mathematical correlations to generate the fluid flow characteristics in these formations. The flow models are essential for the prediction of CO2 storage capacity and trapping mechanisms in the geological media. The observation of pressure dissipation across the storage and sealing formations is relevant for storage capacity and geomechanical analysis during CO2 injection. This paper evaluates the relevance of representing relative permeability variations in the sealing formation when modelling geological CO2 sequestration processes. Here we concentrate on gradational changes in the lower part of the caprock, particularly how they affect pressure evolution within the entire sealing formation when duly represented by relative permeability functions. The results demonstrate the importance of accounting for pore size variations in the mathematical model adopted to generate the characteristic curves for GCS analysis. Gradational changes at the base of the caprock influence the magnitude of pressure that propagates vertically into the caprock from the aquifer, especially at the critical zone (i.e. the region overlying the CO2 plume accumulating at the reservoir-seal interface). A higher degree of overpressure and CO2 storage capacity was observed at the base of caprocks that showed gradation. These results illustrate the need to obtain reliable relative permeability functions for GCS, beyond just permeability and porosity data. The study provides a formative principle for geomechanical simulations that study the possibility of pressure-induced caprock failure during CO2 sequestration

    Multiethnic meta-analysis identifies ancestry-specific and cross-ancestry loci for pulmonary function

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    Nearly 100 loci have been identified for pulmonary function, almost exclusively in studies of European ancestry populations. We extend previous research by meta-analyzing genome-wide association studies of 1000 Genomes imputed variants in relation to pulmonary function in a multiethnic population of 90,715 individuals of European (N = 60,552), African (N = 8429), Asian (N = 9959), and Hispanic/Latino (N = 11,775) ethnicities. We identify over 50 additional loci at genome-wide significance in ancestry-specific or multiethnic meta-analyses. Using recent fine-mapping methods incorporating functional annotation, gene expression, and differences in linkage disequilibrium between ethnicities, we further shed light on potential causal variants and genes at known and newly identified loci. Several of the novel genes encode proteins with predicted or established drug targets, including KCNK2 and CDK12. Our study highlights the utility of multiethnic and integrative genomics approaches to extend existing knowledge of the genetics of l
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