1,330 research outputs found

    Editorial : writers and their education

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    Breakfast and exercise contingently affect postprandial metabolism and energy balance in physically active males

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    The present study examined the impact of breakfast and exercise on postprandial metabolism, appetite and macronutrient balance. A sample of twelve (blood variables n 11) physically active males completed four trials in a randomised, crossover design comprising a continued overnight fast followed by: (1) rest without breakfast (FR); (2) exercise without breakfast (FE); (3) breakfast consumption(1859 kJ) followed by rest (BR); (4) breakfast consumption followed by exercise (BE). Exercise was continuous, moderate-intensity running (expending approximately 2·9MJ of energy). The equivalent time was spent sitting during resting trials. A test drink (1500 kJ) was ingested on all trials followed 90 min later by an ad libitum lunch. The difference between the BR and FR trials in blood glucose time-averaged AUC following test drink consumption approached significance (BR: 4·33 (SEM 0·14) v. FR: 4·75 (SEM 0·16) mmol/l; P¼0·08); but it was not different between FR and FE (FE: 4·77 (SEM 0·14) mmol/l; P¼0·65); and was greater in BE (BE: 4·97 (SEM 0·13) mmol/l) v. BR(P¼0·012). Appetite following the test drink was reduced in BR v. FR (P¼0·006) and in BE v. FE (P¼0·029). Following lunch, the most positive energy balance was observed in BR and least positive in FE. Regardless of breakfast, acute exercise produced a less positive energy balance following ad libitum lunch consumption. Energy and fat balance is further reduced with breakfast omission. Breakfast improved the overall appetite responses to foods consumed later in the day, but abrogated the appetite suppressive effect of exercise

    Little genomic support for Cyclophilin A-matrix metalloproteinase-9 pathway as a therapeutic target for cognitive impairment in APOE4 carriers

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    Therapeutic targets for halting the progression of Alzheimer’s disease pathology are lacking. Recent evidence suggests that APOE4, but not APOE3, activates the Cyclophilin-A matrix metalloproteinase-9 (CypA-MMP9) pathway, leading to an accelerated breakdown of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and thereby causing neuronal and synaptic dysfunction. Furthermore, blockade of the CypA-MMP9 pathway in APOE4 knock-in mice restores BBB integrity and subsequently normalizes neuronal and synaptic function. Thus, CypA has been suggested as a potential target for treating APOE4 mediated neurovascular injury and the resulting neuronal dysfunction and degeneration. The odds of drug targets passing through clinical trials are greatly increased if they are supported by genomic evidence. We found little evidence to suggest that CypA or MMP9 affects the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive impairment using two-sample Mendelian randomization and polygenic risk score analysis in humans. This casts doubt on whether they are likely to represent effective drug targets for cognitive impairment in human APOE4 carriers

    Bradykinesia Is Driven by Cumulative Beta Power During Continuous Movement and Alleviated by Gabaergic Modulation in Parkinson's Disease

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    Spontaneous and "event-related" motor cortex oscillations in the beta (15-30 Hz) frequency range are well-established phenomena. However, the precise functional significance of these features is uncertain. An understanding of the specific function is of importance for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD), where attenuation of augmented beta throughout the motor network coincides with functional improvement. Previous research using a discrete movement task identified normalization of elevated spontaneous beta and postmovement beta rebound following GABAergic modulation. Here, we explore the effects of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A modulator, zolpidem, on beta power during the performance of serial movement in 17 (15M, 2F; mean age, 66 ± 6.3 years) PD patients, using a repeated-measures, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-control design. Motor symptoms were monitored before and after treatment, using time-based Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale measurements and beta oscillations in primary motor cortex (M1) were measured during a serial-movement task, using magnetoencephalography. We demonstrate that a cumulative increase in M1 beta power during a 10-s tapping trial is reduced following zolpidem, but not placebo, which is accompanied by an improvement in movement speed and efficacy. This work provides a clear mechanism for the generation of abnormally elevated beta power in PD and demonstrates that perimovement beta accumulation drives the slowing, and impaired initiation, of movement. These findings further indicate a role for GABAergic modulation in bradykinesia in PD, which merits further exploration as a therapeutic target.Peer reviewe

    High levels of childhood obesity observed among 3- to 7-year-old New Zealand Pacific children is a public health concern.

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    This cross-sectional, community-based survey was designed to assess attained growth and body composition of 3- to 7-y-old Pacific children (n = 21 boys and 20 girls) living in Dunedin, New Zealand, and to examine nondietary factors associated with the percentage of body fat. Fat mass, lean tissue mass and the percentage of body fat were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. One trained anthropometrist also measured height, weight, skinfolds (triceps, subscapular) and circumferences (mid-upper arm, chest, waist, calf). Compared with the National Center for Health Statistics and National Health and Examination Surveys I and II reference data, these Pacific children were tall and heavy for their age with high arm-muscle-area-for-height. Median (quartiles) Z-scores for height and BMI-for-age and arm-muscle-area-for-height were 1.33 (0.60, 2.15), 1.20 (0.74, 4.43) and 1.09 (0.63, 1.85), respectively. Their median (quartile) percentage of body fat was 21.8% (15.0, 35.5) of which 38.5% was located in the trunk. The estimated percentage of children classified as obese ranged from 34 to 49% depending on the criterion used. Over 60% of the children had levels of trunk fat above 1 SD of reported age- and sex-specific Z-scores for New Zealand children. The nondietary factors examined (hours of television viewing and hours playing organized sports, as reported by parents) were not associated with variations in the percentage of body fat, after adjusting for age, sex and birth weight. These extremely high levels of obesity and truncal fat among very young New Zealand children will have major public health implications as these children age

    User-centered development of a Virtual Research Environment to support collaborative research events

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    This paper discusses the user-centred development process within the Collaborative Research Events on the Web (CREW) project, funded under the JISC Virtual Research Environments (VRE) programme. After presenting the project, its aims and the functionality of the CREW VRE, we focus on the user engagement approach, grounded in the method of co-realisation. We describe the different research settings and requirements of our three embedded user groups and the respective activities conducted so far. Finally we elaborate on the main challenges of our user engagement approach and end with the project’s next steps

    Screening asymptomatic men for prostate cancer::a comparison of international guidelines on prostate-specific antigen testing

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    OBJECTIVE: To summarise and compare the key recommendations on prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer, and so highlight where more evidence is required to facilitate consistent recommendations. METHODS: The Medline database and websites of 18 national screening organisations and professional associations were searched between January 2010 and November 2020 to identify screening guidelines published in English, considering recent clinical trials. RESULTS: Population-based PSA testing of asymptomatic men is not widely recommended. Guidelines emphasize shared patient-clinician decision making. For ‘average-risk’ men choosing to be screened, the recommended age varies from 50–55 to 70 years, alongside consideration of life expectancy (ranging from 7–15 years). Screening intervals, when specified, are biennial (most common), annual, or determined from baseline PSA. The earliest age for screening high-risk men (frequently defined as of African descent or with a family history of prostate cancer) is 40 years, but recommendations often defer to clinical judgement. CONCLUSIONS: Population screening of asymptomatic men is not widely recommended. Instead, balancing the potential harms and benefits of PSA testing is endorsed. Variation between guidelines stems from differing interpretations of key trials and could lead to clinician-dependent screening views. The development of clinical decision aids and international consensus on guidelines may help reduce national and international variation on how men are counselled

    Emergency Water Station Final Design Report

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    The following objectives were presented to the Emergency Water Station Group to create a station to aid South Texas Human Rights Center volunteers in providing water for dehydrated refugees: The system must sustain power to controllers, an LED, and a phone charger continuously The system should monitor GPS coordinates and the number of water jugs present in the station and upload this data to a website automatically The system should include a base to house the electronics and medical supplies, and also support a 27.5-ft flagpole while keeping all compartments watertight through common weather conditions This report outlines the logistics of the created system as well as the tests conducted to evaluate its effectiveness. The waterproofing tests concluded that seals on the electrical drawer, USB cover, and load cells successfully impeded water from entering any electrical compartments. The flagpole tests also proved successful because there was no plastic deformation, no base tipping, and no base roof shearing. Phone charger tests proved that the charger could successfully power three different phone brands. Weight sensor tests showed low drifting with temperature variations from 15 to 45 degrees Celsius and extended amounts of time. Similarly, the power system tests verified that the entire system was self sustaining for three days. Current tests showed little variation; however, there was significant noise present in the battery voltage readings. The communication system successfully transmitted the barrel weight and location of the station to the website over a full system test of three days. It is recommended to improve the voltage reader to ensure more reliability and accuracy. There was drifting in the time readings for the Real Time Clock (RTC), which could be prevented using the Adafruit DS3231 RTC. It is also recommended that the satellite data sensing be optimized using an algorithm. Ideally, with further testing and research the entire system could operate without the need for a master Raspberry Pi, as it currently works as a middle-man for the communications system to collect data from all stations

    Antibacterial and antibiofilm potency of XF drugs, impact of photodynamic activation and synergy with antibiotics.

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    With increasing incidence of antimicrobial resistance, there is an urgent need for novel and effective antibacterials. Destiny Pharma plc have developed a series of porphyrin-based XF drugs, some with dual mechanisms of antibacterial action. An innate mechanism acts through binding to the outer bacterial membrane and a separate, light-activated, photodynamic (PD) mechanism, acts via the generation of reactive oxygen species. This study aimed to assess the innate and PD associated antibacterial activity of XF drugs against planktonic bacteria, their biofilms and combinational effects with conventional antibiotics. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined for 3 XF drugs against 114 bacterial isolates. MICs for XF-73 and XF-70 were determined (± PD). DPD-207 was designed to not exhibit PD action due to its structure. XF-drugs (± PD) were further assessed for synergy with conventional antibiotics (using a checkerboard assay) and antibiofilm activity against susceptible strains. XF drugs were innately active against all tested Gram-positive isolates. PD action significantly increased bacterial susceptibility to XF-73 and XF-70 for all Gram-positive isolates. Generally, the XF drugs exhibited higher MICs against Gram-negative isolates, however PD significantly enhanced potency, particularly for XF-70. XF-73 and XF-70 exhibited synergy with ertapenem against a methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain (± PD) and XF-73 with polymyxin B (± PD) against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. No antagonism was seen between the XF drugs and any of the 5 antibiotics tested. The antibiofilm effect of XF drugs was also observed for all Staphylococcus isolates tested. Generally, PD did not enhance activity for other bacterial isolates tested with the exception of XF-73 against Acinetobacter baumannii biofilms. XF drugs exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, with PD enhancement of bacterial susceptibility. Additionally, XF drugs displayed synergy with conventional antibiotics and demonstrated antibiofilm effects