2,402 research outputs found

    Analysis of CO<sub>2</sub> leakage through "low-permeability" faults from natural reservoirs in the Colorado Plateau, southern Utah

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    The numerous CO2 reservoirs in the Colorado Plateau region of the United States are natural analogues for potential geologic CO2 sequestration repositories. To better understand the risk of leakage from reservoirs used for long-term underground CO2 storage, we examine evidence for CO2 migration along two normal faults from a reservoir in east-central Utah. CO2 -charged springs, geysers, and a hydrocarbon seep are localised along these faults. These include natural springs that have been active for long periods of time, and springs that were induced by recent drilling. The CO2 -charged spring waters have deposited travertine mounds and carbonate veins. The faults cut siltstones, shales, and sandstones and the fault rocks are fine-grained, clay-rich gouge, generally thought to be barriers to fluid flow. The geologic and geochemical data are consistent with these faults being conduits for CO2 to the surface. Consequently, the injection of CO2 into faulted geologic reservoirs, including faults with clay gouge, must be carefully designed and monitored to avoid slow seepage or fast rupture to the biosphere

    Corpus Analysis of Engagement Discourse Strategies in Academic Presentations

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    Text analysis informed by Genre Theory (Hyon 1996) and methods in Corpus Linguistics provide the opportunity to describe language patterns that exist not only at the individual level but also in discourse communities. In this study, we investigate the discourse strategies used by novice and expert members of the academic United States (US) Spanishspeaking community to engage their audience, construct interpersonal meaning, and position themselves as expert speakers. We analyze two corpora: a specialized corpus of 32 conference presentations delivered by professors and doctoral students of Hispanic Studies, and a learner corpus of 24 in-class presentations to describe discourse patterning of social engagement expressed in text organization during presentation openings. Results indicate variation in engagement strategies between novice and expert presenters, with professors being the ones who make more use of interpersonal and interactive features to engage their audience. Our findings inform genre-based pedagogies by describing the language functions used to construct the different stages in which openings are organized. As oral presentations have been insufficiently studied (Robles Garrote 2016), this study contributes to the growing knowledge of academic oral Spanish in the United States

    Probing orographic controls in the Himalayas during the monsoon using satellite imagery

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    The linkages between the space-time variability of observed clouds, rainfall, large-circulation patterns and topography in northern India and the Himalayas were investigated using remote sensing data. The research purpose was to test the hypothesis that cloudiness patterns are dynamic tracers of rainstorms, and therefore their temporal and spatial evolution can be used as a proxy of the spatial and temporal organization of precipitation and precipitation processes in the Himalayan range during the monsoon. The results suggest that the space-time distribution of precipitation, the spatial variability of the diurnal cycle of convective activity, and the terrain (landform and altitudinal gradients) are intertwined at spatial scales ranging from the order of a few kms (1–5km) up to the continental-scale. Furthermore, this relationship is equally strong in the time domain with respect to the onset and intra-seasonal variability of the monsoon. Infrared and microwave imagery of cloud fields were analyzed to characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of mesoscale convective weather systems and short-lived convection in Northern India, the Himalayan range, and in the Tibetan Plateau during three monsoon seasons (1999, 2000 and 2001). The life cycle of convective systems suggests landform and orographic controls consistent with a convergence zone constrained to the valley of the Ganges and the Himalayan range, bounded in the west by the Aravalli range and the Garhwal mountains and in the East by the Khasi Hills and the Bay of Bengal, which we call the Northern India Convergence Zone (NICZ). The NICZ exhibits strong night-time activity along the south-facing slopes of the Himalayan range, which is characterized by the development of short-lived convection (1–3h) aligned with protruding ridges between 1:00 and 3:00 AM. The intra-annual and inter-annual variability of convective activity in the NICZ were assessed with respect to large-scale synoptic conditions, monsoon activity in the Bay of Bengal, and the modulating role of orography. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and canonical correlation (CC) analysis suggest that joint modes of variability of monsoon weather and topography, which we call orographic land-atmosphere interactions, modulate the space-time variability of cloudiness in the region. Finally, scaling analysis of cloudiness suggests three different scaling regimes of orographic land-atmosphere interactions: 1) a synoptic-scale regime (≥70-80km); 2) an orographic meso–β regime (30–70km) associated with the succession of wide valleys and bulky terrain features; and 3) an orographic meso–α regime (≤30km) associated with the complex succession of protruding south-facing ridges and narrow valleys that characterize the Himalayan foothills between altitudes of 3000 and 5000m elevations

    Characterising the within-field scale spatial variation of nitrogen in a grassland soil to inform the efficient design of in-situ nitrogen sensor networks for precision agriculture

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    The use of in-situ sensors capable of real-time monitoring of soil nitrogen (N) may facilitate improvements in agricultural N-use efficiency (NUE) through better fertiliser management. The optimal design of such sensor networks, consisting of clusters of sensors each attached to a data logger, depends upon the spatial variation of soil N and the relative cost of the data loggers and sensors. The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate how in-situ networks of N sensors could be optimally designed to enable the cost-efficient monitoring of soil N within a grassland field (1.9 ha). In the summer of 2014, two nested sampling campaigns (June & July) were undertaken to assess spatial variation in soil amino acids, ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3−) at a range of scales that represented the within (less than 2 m) and between (greater than 2 m) data logger/sensor cluster variability. Variance at short range (less than 2 m) was found to be dominant for all N forms. Variation at larger scales (greater than 2 m) was not as large but was still considered an important spatial component for all N forms, especially NO3−. The variance components derived from the nested sampling were used to inform the efficient design of theoretical in-situ networks of NH4+ and NO3− sensors based on the costs of a commercially available data logger and ion-selective electrodes (ISEs). Based on the spatial variance observed in the June nested sampling, and given a budget of £5000, the NO3− field mean could be estimated with a 95% confidence interval width of 1.70 μg N g−1 using 2 randomly positioned data loggers each with 5 sensors. Further investigation into “aggregate-scale” (less than 1 cm) spatial variance revealed further large variation at the sub 1-cm scale for all N forms. Sensors, for which the measurement represents an integration over a sensor-soil contact area of diameter less than 1 cm, would be subject to this aggregate-scale variability. As such, local replication at scales less than 1 cm would be needed to maintain the precision of the resulting field mean estimation. Adoption of in-situ sensor networks will depend upon the development of suitable low‐cost sensors, demonstration of the cost-benefit and the construction of a decision support system that utilises the generated data to improve the NUE of fertiliser N management

    Mid-Miocene cooling and the extinction of tundra in continental Antarctica

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    A major obstacle in understanding the evolution of Cenozoic climate has been the lack of well dated terrestrial evidence from high-latitude, glaciated regions. Here, we report the discovery of exceptionally well preserved fossils of lacustrine and terrestrial organisms from the McMurdo Dry Valleys sector of the Transantarctic Mountains for which we have established a precise radiometric chronology. The fossils, which include diatoms, palynomorphs, mosses, ostracodes, and insects, represent the last vestige of a tundra community that inhabited the mountains before stepped cooling that first brought a full polar climate to Antarctica. Paleoecological analyses, 40Ar/39Ar analyses of associated ash fall, and climate inferences from glaciological modeling together suggest that mean summer temperatures in the region cooled by at least 8°C between 14.07 ± 0.05 Ma and 13.85 ± 0.03 Ma. These results provide novel constraints for the timing and amplitude of middle-Miocene cooling in Antarctica and reveal the ecological legacy of this global climate transition

    Wearable device to assist independent living.

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    Older people increasingly want to remain living independently in their own homes. The aim of the ENABLE project is to develop a wearable device that can be used both within and outside of the home to support older people in their daily lives and which can monitor their health status, detect potential problems, provide activity reminders and offer communication and alarm services. In order to determine the specifications and functionality required for development of the device user surveys and focus groups were undertaken and use case analysis and scenario modeling carried out. The project has resulted in the development of a wrist worn device and mobile phone combination that can support and assist older and vulnerable wearers with a range of activities and services both inside and outside of their homes. The device is currently undergoing pilot trials in five European countries. The aim of this paper is to describe the ENABLE device, its features and services, and the infrastructure within which it operates

    Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme - ERAMMP Technical Annex 1: Soil nutrient management for improved land. Sustainable Farming Scheme. Evidence Review.

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    The Brief: Establish intervention logic for Soil Nutrient Management (SNM) plans across all improved agricultural land. Establish the environmental benefits including GHG emissions reduction, biodiversity, water quality and air quality which will be secured through the universal uptake of SNM plans. Identify the contribution that better SNM will make to the economic resilience and sustainability of Welsh agriculture

    Exploiting topology-directed nanoparticle disassembly for triggered drug delivery

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    YesThe physical properties of cyclic and linear polymers are markedly different; however, there are few examples which exploit these differences in clinical applications. In this study, we demonstrate that self-assemblies comprised of cyclic-linear graft copolymers are significantly more stable than the equivalent linear-linear graft copolymer assemblies. This difference in stability can be exploited to allow for triggered disassembly by cleavage of just a single bond within the cyclic polymer backbone, via disulfide reduction, in the presence of intracellular levels of l-glutathione. This topological effect was exploited to demonstrate the first example of topology-controlled particle disassembly for the controlled release of an anti-cancer drug in vitro. This approach represents a markedly different strategy for controlled release from polymer nanoparticles and highlights for the first time that a change in polymer topology can be used as a trigger in the design of delivery vehicles. We propose such constructs, which demonstrate disassembly behavior upon a change in polymer topology, could find application in the targeted delivery of therapeutic agents.ERC are acknowledged for support to M.C.A., A.P.D. (grant number: 681559) and R.O.R. (grant number: 615142)