116 research outputs found

    Modelling and measurement in synthetic biology

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    Synthetic biology applies engineering principles to make progress in the study of complex biological phenomena. The aim is to develop understanding through the praxis of construction and design. The computational branch of this endeavour explicitly brings the tools of abstraction and modularity to bear. This thesis pursues two distinct lines of inquiry concerning the application of computational tools in the setting of synthetic biology. One thread traces a narrative through multi-paradigm computational simulations, interpretation of results, and quantification of biological order. The other develops computational infrastructure for describing, simulating and discovering, synthetic genetic circuits. The emergence of structure in biological organisms, morphogenesis, is critically important for understanding both normal and pathological development of tissues. Here, we focus on epithelial tissues because models of two dimensional cellular monolayers are computationally tractable. We use a vertex model that consists of a potential energy minimisation process interwoven with topological changes in the graph structure of the tissue. To make this interweaving precise, we define a language for propagators from which an unambiguous description of the simulation methodology can be constructed. The vertex model is then used to reproduce laboratory results of patterning in engineered mammalian cells. The assertion that the claim of reproduction is justified is based on a novel measure of structure on coloured graphs which we call path entropy. This measure is then extended to the setting of continuous regions and used to quantify the development of structure in house mouse (Mus musculus) embryos using three dimensional segmented anatomical models. While it is recognised that DNA can be considered a powerful computational environment, it is far from obvious how to program with nucleic acids. Using rule-based modelling of modular biological parts, we develop a method for discovering synthetic genetic programs that meet a specification provided by the user. This method rests on the concept of annotation as applied to rule-based programs. We begin with annotating rules and proceed to generating entire rule-based programs from annotations themselves. Building on those tools we describe an evolutionary algorithm for discovering genetic circuits from specifications provided in terms of probability distributions. This strategy provides a dual benefit: using stochastic simulation captures circuit behaviour at low copy numbers as well as complex properties such as oscillations, and using standard biological parts produces results that are implementable in the laboratory

    Report on Storm Babet in Granton Harbour

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    In 2012, before I became involved with Granton Harbour, there was a strong Easterly storm that is still talked about. It washed a number of boats on swinging moorings in the West Harbour onto the shore. Many were badly damaged, some sunk. It was said to be a “30 year storm”. In November 2021, the named storm Arwen put at least two boats on the breakwater and damaged many others. It also finally sunk the yacht Runagate, originally owned by the author Nevil Shute and in very poor repair, in the West harbour

    Testing, tracing and isolation in compartmental models

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    Existing compartmental mathematical modelling methods for epidemics, such as SEIR models, cannot accurately represent effects of contact tracing. This makes them inappropriate for evaluating testing and contact tracing strategies to contain an outbreak. An alternative used in practice is the application of agent- or individual-based models (ABM). However ABMs are complex, less well-understood and much more computationally expensive. This paper presents a new method for accurately including the effects of Testing, contact-Tracing and Isolation (TTI) strategies in standard compartmental models. We derive our method using a careful probabilistic argument to show how contact tracing at the individual level is reflected in aggregate on the population level. We show that the resultant SEIR-TTI model accurately approximates the behaviour of a mechanistic agent-based model at far less computational cost. The computational efficiency is such that it can be easily and cheaply used for exploratory modelling to quantify the required levels of testing and tracing, alone and with other interventions, to assist adaptive planning for managing disease outbreaks

    Emergence of structure in mouse embryos : structural entropy morphometry applied to digital models of embryonic anatomy

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    We apply an information-theoretic measure to anatomical models of the Edinburgh Mouse Atlas Project. Our goal is to quantify the anatomical complexity of the embryo and to understand how this quantity changes as the organism develops through time. Our measure, Structural Entropy, takes into account the geometrical character of the intermingling of tissue types in the embryo. It does this by a mathematical process that effectively imagines a point-like explorer that starts at an arbitrary place in the 3D structure of the embryo and takes a random path through the embryo, recording the sequence of tissues through which it passes. Consideration of a large number of such paths yields a probability distribution of paths making connections between specific tissue types, and Structural Entropy is calculated from this (mathematical details are given in the main text). We find that Structural Entropy generally decreases (order increases) almost linearly throughout developmental time (4–18 days). There is one `blip’ of increased Structural Entropy across days 7–8: this corresponds to gastrulation. Our results highlight the potential for mathematical techniques to provide insight into the development of anatomical structure, and also the need for further sources of accurate 3D anatomical data to support analyses of this kind

    Relative Fitness of Fluoroquinolone-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Fluoroquinolone resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae is primarily mediated by point mutations in the quinolone resistance–determining regions of gyrA and parC. Antimicrobial resistance mutations in housekeeping genes often decrease fitness of microorganisms. To investigate the fitness of quinolone-resistant S. pneumoniae (QRSP), the relative growth efficiencies of 2 isogenic QRSP double mutants were compared with that of their fluoroquinolone-susceptible parent, EF3030, by using murine nasopharyngeal colonization and pneumonia models. Strains containing the GyrA: Ser81Phe, ParC: Ser79Phe double mutations, which are frequently seen in clinical QRSP, competed poorly with EF3030 in competitive colonization or competitive lung infections. However, they efficiently produced lung infection even in the absence of EF3030. The strain containing the GyrA: Ser81Phe, ParC: Ser79Tyr double mutations, which is seen more frequently in laboratory-derived QRSP than in clinical QRSP, demonstrated reduced nasal colonization in competitive or noncompetitive lung infections. However, the strain was equally able to cause competitive or noncompetitive lung infections as well as EF3030

    A Genetic Circuit Compiler: Generating Combinatorial Genetic Circuits with Web Semantics and Inference

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    A central strategy of synthetic biology is to understand the basic processes of living creatures through engineering organisms using the same building blocks. Biological machines described in terms of parts can be studied by computer simulation in any of several languages or robotically assembled in vitro. In this paper we present a language, the Genetic Circuit Description Language (GCDL) and a compiler, the Genetic Circuit Compiler (GCC). This language describes genetic circuits at a level of granularity appropriate both for automated assembly in the laboratory and deriving simulation code. The GCDL follows Semantic Web practice and the compiler makes novel use of the logical inference facilities that are therefore available. We present the GCDL and compiler structure as a study of a tool for generating κ-language simulations from semantic descriptions of genetic circuits

    A genetic circuit compiler : generating combinatorial genetic circuits with web semantics and inference

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    A central strategy of synthetic biology is to understand the basic processes of living creatures through engineering organisms using the same building blocks. Biological machines described in terms of parts can be studied by computer simulation in any of several languages or robotically assembled in vitro. In this paper we present a language, the Genetic Circuit Description Language (GCDL) and a compiler, the Genetic Circuit Compiler (GCC). This language describes genetic circuits at a level of granularity appropriate both for automated assembly in the laboratory and deriving simulation code. The GCDL follows Semantic Web practice, and the compiler makes novel use of the logical inference facilities that are therefore available. We present the GCDL and compiler structure as a study of a tool for generating ?-language simulations from semantic descriptions of genetic circuits